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Monroe County

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Townships in Monroe County




Communities in Monroe County




Post Offices and Post Masters 1860




Jobs of the Past

Diseases of the Past



Lynchings in Monroe County

A large mob of miners in Monroe County on March 22,1893 hanged William Frazier, Hiteman, near the spot where he had killed his wife and injured his daughter.
Source:Paul Walton Black, "Lynchings in Iowa," Iowa Journal of History and Politics 10 (1912), 151-254.



Near Lynchings in Monroe County

November, 1900, Alva Brooker, Albia, Monroe County, Rape, Black,

Alva Brooker, Monroe County, November 24, 1900.—The rape of Mrs. Sarah Hovel of Albia caused the arrest of Alva Brooker (colored), charged with the crime. A large mob attempted to lynch him on November 24, 1900, but Company G of the Iowa National Guards prevented it.
Source:Paul Walton Black, "Lynchings in Iowa," Iowa Journal of History and Politics 10 (1912)



Melrose Bell Newspaper Launched

The Melrose Bell, launched last week at Melrose, by James Duggan, is a neat 7-column, single sheet paper, full of choice local news, and in his announcement the editor says: "It will be the intention of the Bell to confine its efforts almost exclusively to Melrose and her territory. We shall endeavor to cover the whole of creation."

Another column of the same date: The editor of the Melrose Bell is an undertaker. When someone desires a choice bit of delicate news "kept out of the paper," a request so well understood by all editors, it will be proper to say: "Just keep that on the dead, please." The Chariton Leader, Chariton, Iowa