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1856 Pleasant Township

Transcribed and submitted by Pam Shelton:

part 2


Information transcribed for the following columns:

A - Line NumberB - Page Number1 - Number of dwellings houses
2 - Number of families3 - Names of Persons4 - Age
5 - Sex6 - Color7 - Married
8 - Widowed9 - Years resident in the State10 - In what State, or Foreign Country, born
11 - Profession, trade or occupation12 - Native voters13 - Naturalized voters
14 - Aliens15 - Militia16 - Deaf and Dumb
17 - Blind18 - Insane19 - Idiotic
20 - Owners of land21 - Remarks 


AB123-First Name3-Surname456789101112131415161718192021COMMENTS 
1776  AlmaSmith17M 9OHLaborer   1          
2776  Johnson GCoffee14M 1IN               
37762222LewisMiller36M12INFarmer1  1          
4776  Peggy AnnMiller36F12IN               
5776  D MMiller15M 2IN               
6776  R BMiller13M 2IN               
7776  M EMiller10F 2IN               
8776  G FMiller8M 2IN               
9776  R JMiller6F 2IN               
10776  L PMiller1M  IA               
12776  MarthaFaris32F12OH               
13776  MaryFaris12F 2OH               
14776  John WFaris9M 2OH               
15776  LouisaFaris4F 2OH               
167762424MartinMass23M11OHFarmer1  1          
17776  LavinaMass17F12IN               
187762525HenryMiller27M1 INMerchant1  1          
19776  SusanahMiller27F1 IN               
20776  LydiaMiller4F  IN               
21776  Martin RMiller2M  IN               
227762626John ROdell31M11INBlacksmith1  1          
23776  HannahOdell26F11VA               
24776  M Wm LOdell7M 1IN               
25776  J HOdell6M 1IN               
26776  Barbary JOdell1F 1IN               
27776  Wm JBurlington12M  IA               
29776  MarySmith45F12VA               
31776  MaryMcMe*lin47F117PA               
32776  WillsonMcMe*lin18M 17OHLaborer   1          
33776  Mary JaneMcMe*lin14F  IA               
34776  J AMcMe*lin12M  IA               
35776  Elvia EMcMe*lin10F  IA               
367762929A MDonald30M 8OHFarmer1  1          
37776  NancyDonald32F 8PA               
38776  JaneDonald74F 8Ireland               
39776  James RDonald15M 8OH               
1778  WilliamJohnson6M  IA               
2778  GeorgeJohnson1M  IA               
4778  ElizabethMcBride64F18TN               
5778  John WMcBride26M 8INBsmith1  1          
6778  AustinMcBride21M 8INLaborer1  1          
7778  SamuelMcBride20M 8INLaborer   1          
9778  PermeliaBarnett21F 1OH               
10778  NelsonBarnett19M 1OHLaborer   1          
11778  MaryBarnett16F 1OH               
12778  SarahBarnett13F 1OH               
13778  NathanBarnett11M 1IN               
14778  AmandaBarnett8F 1IN               
15778  EasterBarnett6F 1IN               
17778  JohnHumphrey6M  IA               
18778  Charles FHumphrey5M  IA               
19778  PhrosineHumphrey5F  IA               
207783838IsaacTompkins33M1 NYFarmer1  1          
21778  DiannaTompkins24F1 OH               
22778  Martha ATompkins7F  IN             Age could be 4 
23778  Oscar JTompkins1M  OH               
247783939Thomas GHenderson25M111OHFarmer1  1          
25778  IsabelHenderson22F15PA               
26778  Margaretta AHenderson2F  IA               
27778  M AHenderson F  IA               
28778  Hubert MRissick17M 5PALaborer   1          
297784040George DLittle32M16OHFarmer1  1          
30778  JaneLittle33F16OH               
31778  ElizaLittle15F 6OH               
32778  JohnLittle13M 6OH               
33778  MarthaLittle12F 6OH               
34778  GeorgeLittle8M 6IN               
35778  WilliamLittle2M  IA               
37778  ElizabethHenderson69F111PA               
17804646HenryElder36M16IrelandFarmer 1 1          
2780  MarthaElder33F16Ireland               
3780  RosannahElder16F 6PA               
4780  W GElder13M 6OH               
5780  MaryElder10F 6OH               
6780  Sarah GElder8F 6IN               
7780  MarthaElder6F 6IN               
8780  MargaretElder4F  IA               
9780  John A VElder1M  IA               
10780  MathewElder77M16Ireland  1            
117804747JohnLeiter29M12PAFarmer1  1          
12780  PriscillaLeiter27F12OH               
13780  OscarLeiter5M 2OH               
14780  HarrietLeiter2F 2IL               
15780  Oliver ALeiter M  IA               
16780  DorcasKeys65F12PA               
177804848ThomasElder56M14IrelandFarmer  1           
18780  JaneElder56F14Ireland               
19780  JacobElder23M 4IrelandFarmer 1 1          
207804949WilliamGlass31M11INFarmer1  1          
21780  Mary AGlass29F11IN               
22780  Jemima JGlass6F 1IN               
23780  Sarah EGlass4F 1IN               
24780  Mary MGlass3F 1IN               
25780  William RGlass2M 1IN               
26780  Margaret NGlass F  IA               
27780  George KMartin19M 1INLaborer   1          
287805050AnsonColeman44M1 NYFarmer1  1          
29780  DiannaColeman43F1 KY               
30780  James HColeman16M  INLaborer              
31780  William GColeman14M  IN               
32780  Joseph BColeman10M  IL               
33780  Mary MColeman6F  IN               
34780  John GColeman3M  IN               
357805151JosephMoss28M11INFarmer1  1          
36780  MarthaMoss22F11IN               
37780  Sarah EMoss4F 1IN               
38780  Mary JMoss1F 1IN               
17825959SwonSwonsen24M11SwedenLaborer 1 1          
2782  LenaSwonsen18F11Sweden               
37826060EmanuelTeague21M11INLaborer1  1          
4782  Ruth JTeague17F11IN               
57826161E RRockewull28M13NYCarpenter1  1          
6782  NancyRockewull26F13VT               
7782  ElenorRockewull6F 3OH               
8782  Alice MRockewull2F  IA               
9782  EstherRockewull F  IA               
107826262RobertKirkwood31M14PAMerchant1  1          
11782  Hannah EKirkwood31F14MD               
12782  AndrewKirkwood4M 4PA               
13782  JohnKirkwood2M  IA               
14782  WilliamKirkwood M  IA               
157826363CharlesRoberts22M118OHCarpenter1  1          
16782  Elizabeth GRoberts18F17KY               
17782  Edward CRoberts M  IA               
187826464J JOrmsby24M1 MAShoemaker1  1        State could be MD 
19782  MaryOrmsby24F1 IN               
20782  JaneOrmsby2F  IN               
21782  NorrisOrmsby M  IL               
227826565George WBarker22M110OHLawyer1  1          
23782  MarthaBarker18F1 IA               
247826666MiltonKeys42M13OHBrick Layer1  1          
25782  Edna HKeys42F13NY               
26782  Charles WKeys16M 3OHLabourer              
27782  M AmandaKeys14F 3IL               
28782  Alison JKeys12M 3IL               
29782  Ardille AKeys10M 3OH               
30782  Jerome MKeys7M 3OH               
31782  L DKeys3M  IA               
327826767J LCrook48M17KYLabourer1             
33782  Lally GCrook42F17KY               
34782  Ben FCrook16M 7Salt River KYLabourer              
35782  PatsyCrook11F 7KY               
38782  Huldah KCrook8F 7KY               
17847474JamesStanus24M112OHFarmer1  1       1  
2784  Mary EStanus17F115IN               
37847575William CMore30M13OHFarmer1  1       1  
4784  KatharineMore27F13OH               
5784  James CMore5M 3OH               
6784  Mary EMore3F  IA               
77847676John ALutfin24M11INFarmer1  1          
8784  Jane ELutfin18F11IN               
10784  SallyLutfin42F16KY               
11784  Susan MLutfin14F 6IN               
12784  Ann RLutfin6F 6IN               
13784  James GLutfin M  IA               
14784  John HLutfin20M16INFarmer   1          
15784  Electa JLutfin17F11IN               
167847878CharlesWoolverton25M11INFarmer1  1          
17784  Sarah KWoolverton20F11IN               
18784  Annis HWoolverton1F  IA               
19784  EdwinWoolverton22M 1INL1  1          
20784  Hester AnnSmock17F 1IN               
217847979JosephMiller35M12INLabourer1  1          
22784  Mary JMiller31F12IN               
23784  Margaret AMiller11F 2IN               
24784  William BMiller8M 2IN               
25784  Daniel AMiller7M 2IN               
26784  George LMiller5M 2IN               
27784  Gemima EMiller3F 2IN               
28784  Nancy MMiller1F  IA               
30784  JaneSteel44F112OH               
31784  Linthy ASteel12F 12MO               
32784  Louisa JSteel10F  IA               
33784  Sarah ESteel7F  IA               
34784  Lavisa ESteel4F  IA               
357848181AbramMitchel43M15KYLabourer1  1          
36784  Nancy EMitchel42F15KY               
37784  Amanda JMitchel11F 5IN               
38784  James TMitchel5M  IA               
39784  Thomas BMitchel1M  IA               
1786  Israel AbrahamThompson1M  IA             Note says: See p 760 for family 
27868989SolomonRuperd26M11OHLa1  1          
3786  SidneyRuperd25F11OH               
4786  Sarah ERuperd4F 1OH               
5786  HevlaahRuperd2F 1OH               
67869090George HMcGlothlin44M111INFarmer1  1          
7786  ElizabethMcGlothlin41F111IN               
8786  Sarah JMcGlothlin19F 11IN               
9786  Caroline MMcGlothlin15F 11IN               
10786  Francis MMcGlothlin14M 11IN               
11786  George WMcGlothlin12M 11IN               
12786  Muriel EMcGlothlin8F  IA               
13786  Charles LMcGlothlin6M  IA               
14786  Thomas BMcGlothlin5M  IA               
15786  John FMcGlothlin4M  IA               
16786  Barbary E EMcGlothlin2F  IA               
17786  Jasper NMcGlothlin M  IA               
18786  George RMitchel22M15INL1  1          
19786  Mary EMitchel17F111IN               
20786  MarthaCain79F18NC               
217869191ElijahQuilin43M17VAFarmer1  1          
22786  JaneQuilin46F17PA               
23786  Thomas JQuilin6M  IA               
24786  Margaret AQuilin4F  IA               
25786  John WMcReynold23M11IN               
26786  RachelMcReynold17F17IN               
277869292WilliamDetur44M114PAFarmer1  1          
28786  Sarah JDetur35F114OH               
29786  ElizabethDetur14F  IA               
30786  John DDetur12M  IA               
31786  William BDetur10M  IA               
32786  Sarah DDetur8F  IA               
33786  Abigail RDetur5F  IA               
34786  George ADetur3M  IA               
35786  Harriet EDetur1F  IA               
1788  WilliamRichardson7M  IA               
2788  AlbertineRichardson6F  IA               
3788  HounaRichardson4F  IA               
4788  SmithRichardson2F  IA               
5788  George VRichardson M  IA               
6788100100HilasRay35M15OHFarmer1  1          
7788  Lucy MRay32F15OH               
8788  Charles HRay2M  IA               
9788  Ziba NRay M  IA               
10788  James AKell15M 2OH               
11788  Hilas LKell13M 2OH               
12788  Ann MKell11F 2OH               
13788  Ezra CKell9M 2OH               
14788101101L OHasket37M17MAFarmer1  1          
15788  AngelineHasket32F17OH               
16788  MaryHasket15F 7OH               
17788  Ann EHasket13F 7OH               
18788  Casius LHasket6M  IA               
19788  Martin AHasket4M  IA               
20788  Ida AHasket2F  IA               
21788  JohnKell17M 1OHL              
23788102102HenryWeyand29M1 GermanyL 1 1          
24788  MaryWeyand27F1 Germany               
25788  LewisWeyand8M  PA               
26788  CarolineWeyand6F  PA               
27788  GeorgeWeyand5M  PA               
28788  ElizaWeyand2F  PA               
29788  MagdelenaLundlack24F  Germany               
30788  [blank]Henninger28M  Germany  1 1         First name blank
31788103103JamesElder44M12OHFarmer1  1          
32788  JaneElder32F12IN               
33788  Rebecca JElder17F 2OH               
34788  Margaret AElder15F 2IN               
35788  Daniel MElder13M 2IN               
36788  AnnElder7F 2IN               
37788  Sarah GElder2F 2IN               
38788  Louisa MElder F  IA               
1790112112E RHawkins46M1 VAFarmer1             
2790  JaneHawkins44F1 NY               
3790  IraHawkins24M  OHWagon maker1  1          
4790  HarryHawkins23M  OHLabourer1  1          
5790  LouisaHawkins21F  OH               
6790  Mary AHawkins18F  OH               
7790  AdalineHawkins14F  OH               
8790  Harriet JHawkins12F  OH               
9790  Oliver EHawkins8M  OH               
10790  William VHawkins5M  OH               
11790  Alford KHawkins3M  OH               
12790113113WilliamMcCracken30M11IrelandFarmer  1           
13790  MargaretMcCracken30F11Ireland               
14790  Wm JMcCracken3M 1PA               
15790  IsabellMcCracken1F 1PA               
16790114114WilliamMcKisick53M17IrelandFarmer 1            
17790  SarahMcKisick48F17Scotland               
18790  ThomasMcKisick21M 7INFarmer1  1          
19790  JohnMcKisick18M 7INLabourer   1          
20790  Joseph LMcKisick16M 7IN               
21790  Mary MMcKisick14F 7IN               
22790  Nancy MMcKisick12F 7IN               
23790  Wm AMcKisick10M 7IN               
24790  Sarah EMcKisick8F 7IN               
25790  SusannahMcKisick7F 7IN               
26790  JosephMartin26M 16ALLa1  1          
27790  ElizabethMartin20F 7IN               
28790115115JohnMcKisick64M17IrelandFarmer 1            
29790  SarahMcKisick64F17Ireland               
30790116116ConradStarett30M13GermanyFarmer  1           
31790  NancyStarett26F13Ireland               
32790  Henry EStarett3M  IA               
33790  MargaretCanning32F 3Ireland               
34790  Edward ECanning18M 3IrelandTeacher  1           
1792  Daniel EMiller7M 1IN             Note: See p 754 for head of family 
2792  John MFallis9M 1IN               
3792124124JeremiahMiller33M114OHFarmer1  1          
4792  ElizabethMiller25F117OH               
5792  WilliamMiller5M  IA               
6792  Mary CMiller4F  IA               
7792  Eliza EMiller3F  IA               
8792  Joseph AMiller M  IA               
9792125125LotMoss32M11INFarmer1  1          
10792  Margaret AMoss28F11OH               
11792  Reuben EMoss7M 1IN               
12792  WilliamMoss6M 1IN               
13792  Samuel EMoss4M 1OH               
14792  Martin RMoss1M 1OH               
15792126126AbsalomMcCoy31M11TNFarmer1  1          
16792  Elizabeth AMcCoy32F11TN               
17792  William FMcCoy12M 1TN               
18792  Caswell LMcCoy9M 1IN               
19792  John EMcCoy7M 1IN               
20792  Joseph RMcCoy5M 1IN               
21792  Mary MMcCoy2F 1IN               
22792  Rhoda EMcCoy F  IA               
23792127127JosephParker36M12IrelandWagon maker 1 1          
24792  TabithaParker22F14OH               
25792  James AParker15M 2OH               
26792  Benjamin WParker12M 2OH               
27792  HeberParker10M 2OH               
28792  Martha JParker8F 2OH               
29792128128IsaacSheit**36M13IrelandFarmer 1 1        Ink blot on name 
30792  RebeccaSheit**20F13OH               
31792  John GSheit**4M 3OH               
32792  James HSheit**3M  IA               
32792  B LSheit** M  IA               
33792129129BenjaminHernons32M14OHCarpenter1  1          
34792  ReuhannahHernons29F14OH               
35792  John GHernons8M 4OH               
26792  FlorenceHernons4F 4OH               
1794  Mary JHenderson10F  IA               
2794  JosephHenderson8M  IA               
3794  Charles MHenderson6M  IA               
4794  Hale JHenderson3M  IA               
5794  AllisHenderson1F  IA               
6794137137N BMoore24M1 OHFarmer1  1          
7794  Verlinda WMoore22F1 OH               
8794  Emma EMoore3F  OH               
9794  StephenMoore65M1 VA 1             
10794  HesterMoore41F1 OH               
11794  StephenGallon9MB OH               
12794138138Wm RMoss23M11INFarmer1  1          
13794  RachaelMoss19F1 IN               
14794  Lydia EMoss1F  IN               
15794  PollyMoss64F1 VA               
17794  OrinMuller31M 15OHFarmer1  1          
18794  Charles FMuller16M 13MOL              
19794  JuliannMuller14F 13MO               
21794  Mary JSherwa36F11OH               
22794  LucindaSherwa17F 1OH               
23794  Mary MSherwa13F 1OH               
24794  Silvester DSherwa10M 1OH               
25794  Gene ASherwa8F 1OH               
26794  Lerory L D HSherwa6M 1OH               
27794  Alvin LSherwa4M 1OH               
28794  JosephDutton25M 1OHLa1  1          
29794  EthalindeDutton2F 1OH               
30794141141George WHykes42M1 MDCooper1  1          
31794  SarahHykes31F1 OH               
32794  Jesse LHykes17M  OHLa              
33794  Eve MHykes7F  OH               
34794  Orlando GHykes M  IA               
35794  SamuelCarnes21M  OHLa1  1          
36794  KatherineCarnes15F  OH               
37794  Ann RCarnes1F  OH               
1796146146JonathanHart23M13OHFarmer1  1          
2796  CordeliaHart18F13OH               
3796  CharlotteHart F  IA               
4796147147T GTempleton32M115OHFarmer1  1          
5796  Elizabeth ATempleton27F116OH               
6796  LemuelTempleton8M  IA               
7796  Margaret LTempleton5F  IA               
8796  RachaelTempleton3F  IA               
9796  Mary STempleton F  IA               
11796  SarahBudle54F16PA               
12796  ArabelBudle29F 6IN               
13796  SimeonBudle21M 6INL1  1          
14796  MartinBudle17M 6INL              
15796  Martha JBudle14F 6IN               
16796  JamesBudle12M 6IN               
17796149149OliverTuttle41M1 NHFarmer1  1          
18796  Fanny GTuttle39F1 VT               
19796  Orpha GTuttle18F  NH               
20796  Caroline MTuttle13F  NH               
21796  Elizabeth H GTuttle11F  NH               
22796150150NathanielHays42M1 TNClergyman1  1          
23796  Priscilla WHays42F1 TN               
24796  Mary BHays26F  IL               
25796  JamesHays17M  ILL              
26796  IsaacHays13M  IL               
27796  HenryHays11M  IL               
28796  William DHays7M  IL               
29796  ElizabethHays5F  IL               
30796  John LHays3M  IL               
31796  MarthaHays F  IL               
32796151151H KMcKinney26M114OHFarmer1  1          
33796  KatharineMcKinney28F18IN               
34796  William FMcKinney3M  IA               
35796  Nancy AMcKinney2F  MO               
36796  Francis MMcKinney M  IA               
37796  GeorgeLeaper57M 8KYFarmer1             
1798157157WilliamMcMichael46M16IrelandLabourer 1            
2798  JaneMcMichael46F16PA               
3798  MathewMcMichael18M 6OHLabourer              
4798  Mary JaneMcMichael16F 6PA               
5798  ManervaMcMichael12F 6PA               
6798  CharlesMcMichael10M 6PA               
7798158158John BGray47M122VTFarmer1             
8798  Eliza JGray44F122VA               
9798  Mary FGray17F  IA               
10798  John GGray12M  IA               
11798  Eunice EGray9F  IA               
12798  William H FGray7M  IA               
13798  James AGray5M  IA               
14798  W DGray23M113MDFarmer1  1          
15798  Abigail AGray21F1 IA               
16798  John WGray1M  IA               
17798  WilliamBarton25M  INLabourer1  1          
18798  Orison WGray20M  VTLabourer   1          
19798159159AlfordWillson35M113TNFarmer1  1          
20798  MaryannWillson27F113OH               
21798  Sarah JWillson10F  IA               
22798  Margaret LWillson8F  IA               
23798  LemuelWillson5M  IA               
24798  Lydia AWillson2F  IA               
25798  JohnWillson M  IA               
27798  IsabellSteel50F115PA               
28798  James ESteel14M  IA               
29798  ElizabethSteel13F  IA               
30798  IsabellSteel10F  IA               
31798  Margaret LUnderwood25F115OH               
32798  Louisa JUnderwood5F  IA               
33798  Delila SUnderwood3   IA