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1856 Pleasant Township

Transcribed and submitted by Pam Shelton:


Information transcribed for the following columns:

A - Line NumberB - Page Number1 - Number of dwellings houses
2 - Number of families3 - Names of Persons4 - Age
5 - Sex6 - Color7 - Married
8 - Widowed9 - Years resident in the State10 - In what State, or Foreign Country, born
11 - Profession, trade or occupation12 - Native voters13 - Naturalized voters
14 - Aliens15 - Militia16 - Deaf and Dumb
17 - Blind18 - Insane19 - Idiotic
20 - Owners of land21 - Remarks 


AB123-First Name3-Surname456789101112131415161718192021COMMENTS
2748152152AndrewNoe51M110OHFarmer1           Landowner col not visible
3748  Mary JaneNoe34F110KY              
4748  MaryNoe16F 10IN              
5748  NancyNoe14F 10IN              
6748  George WNoe12M 10IN              
7748  Joseph BNoe10M 10IN              
8748  Andrew JNoe8M  IA              
9748  Margaret ANoe4F  IA              
10748  Mariah BNoe2F  IA              
11748  Rachel ENoe F  IA             Age not entered
12748153153J HUyr38M11OH 1  1         
13748  Phebe JUyr29F11OH             Age could be 24
14748  Mary EUyr9F 1OH              
15748  JeremiahUyr7M 1OH              
16748  Edward GUyr5M 1OH              
17748  GeorgeUyr4M 1OH              
18748  Allice AUyr2F 1OH              
19748  Margaret AUyr F  IA              
20748  Mary EFletcher68F11PA              
21748154154ThomasFletcher30M110VAFarmer1  1         
22748  Hannah JFletcher18F15OH              
23748155155DicksonFox25M11IAFarmer1  1        Birthplace listed as Iowa
24748  Sarah AFox25F11IN              
25748  Hannah AFox5F 1IN              
26748  Ezekiel EFox M  IA              
28748  SarahYoung40F11KY              
29748  PerlinaYoung18F 1IN              
30748  WesleyYoung11M 1IN              
31748  IsaacYoung8M 1IN              
32748  EmmaYoung8F 1IN              
33748  JamesYoung5M 1IN              
34748  Amanda JYoung1F  IA              
35748  Joseph EFollowes3M 1IN              
1750142142John GSherad56M14OHFarmer1           Owns land col not visible this page
2750  NancySherad48F14IL              
3750  Thomas WSherad19M 4IL    1         
4750  EmilySherad15F 4IL              
5750  Lydia GSherad14F 4IL              
6750  Ellen MSherad12F 4IL              
7750  Sarah ASherad10F 4IL              
8750  AlvinSherad8M 4IL              
9750  MalissaSherad5F 4IL              
10750  JosephSherad27M14ILBlacksmith1  1         
11750  ElizabethSherad20F14VA              
12750  Tine***Sherad2F  IA              
13750  G**ubbSherad1M  IA              
14750  JamesShields30M14Ireland?? 1 1         
15750143143JosephLuavel43M14VAMiller1  1         
16750  HarrietLuavel31F14VA              
17750  ThomasLuavel18M 4VA??   1         
18750  Robert JLuavel16M 4OH              
19750  Mariah ALuavel11F 4OH              
20750  Rebecca GLuavel9F 4OH              
21750  Margaret BLuavel6F 4OH              
22750  Charles ELuavel4M 4OH              
23750  Benn FLuavel2M  IA              
24750144144A DTempleton36M115OHFarmer1  1         
25750  MaryTempleton36F115MO              
26750  DavidTempleton10M  IA              
27750  JacksonTempleton5M  IA              
28750  Mary DTempleton4F  IA              
29750  Sarah MTempleton1F  IA              
30750145145AbrahamRainsberger42M13OHFarmer1  1         
31750  Hannah WRainsberger38F13NJ              
32750  JohnRainsberger18M 3OH    1         
33750  MaryRainsberger16F 3OH              
34750  ElizabethRainsberger8F 3OH              
35750  EzariahRainsberger6M 3OH              
36750  Sarah JRainsberger5F 3OH              
37750  HallarineRainsberger1F  IA              
1752130130A BParrott26M16OHFarmer1  1        Owns land col not visible this page
2752  AbigailParrott19F18IL              
3752131131WilliamGarland42M110OHFarmer1  1         
4752  LuanyGarland27F110IN              
5752  JoelMcGhee25M14VAFarmer1  1         
6752  MargaretMcGhee17F110IN              
7752  William AMcGhee M  IA              
8752  WinfieldGerard5M  IA              
9752132132ThomasWhite39M13NCCarpenter1  1         
10752  MaryWhite34F13OH              
11752  RebeccaWhite15F 3IN              
12752  John VWhite13M 3IN              
13752  George WWhite11M 3IN              
14752  Margaret JWhite9F 3IN              
15752  Thomas JWhite7M 3IN              
16752  James EWhite5M 3IN              
17752  Benjamin EWhite IA                 
18752133133BenjaminBardeve32M16PAFarmer1  1        Surname could be Bardwe
19752  Louisa AnnBardeve26F16OH              
20752  Martha JBardeve7F 6IN              
21752  Sarah ABardeve5F  IA              
22752  John MBardeve3M  IA              
23752  Emma RBardeve1F  IN             Birthplace listed as Indiana
24752134134JohnFerguson50M15IrelandFarmer 1           
25752  RosanahFerguson48F15PA              
26752  Elizabeth JFerguson10F 5PA              
27752  JohnFerguson8M 5PA              
28752  RobertFerguson6M 5PA              
29752  Sarah LFerguson4F  IA              
30752  Susan MFerguson2F  IA              
31752  HesterBardeve34F 5PA              
32752135135EveretWilliams30M111INFarmer1  1         
33752  AbigailWilliams19F113IN              
34752  Nancy IWilliams F  IA              
35752136136CharlesAnderson40M118KYFarmer1  1         
36752  MatildaAnderson35F118KY              
37752  John WAnderson14M  IA              
38752  ElizaAnderson12F  IA              
1754117117James GCarhartt50M16OHFarmer1           Landownership not visible this page
2754  MaryCarhartt40F16OH              
3754  John CCarhartt15M 6OH              
4754  WmCarhartt13M 6OH              
5754  JamesCarhartt11M 6OH              
6754  MargaretCarhartt5F  IA              
7754118118AHicks39M19PAFarmer1  1         
8754  E AHicks27F19PA              
9754  John AHicks9M 9PA              
10754  Rebecca JHicks7F  IA              
11754  MartinHicks3M  IA              
12754  AngelineHicks1F  IA              
13754  WilliamHicks73M19PASashmaker1            
14754  ElizabethHicks70F19PA              
15754  WilliamHicks32M 9PAFarmer1  1         
16754119119David CCurrie26M16OHFarmer1  1         
17754  Margeret WCurrie22F16OH              
18754  George WCurrie M  IA              
19754120120F MMoss29M14VAFarmer1  1         
20754  NancyMoss29F117OH              
21754  Wm FMoss5M 4IN              
22754  John MMoss4M  IN              
23754  John WMoss25M  IN              
24754121121David GMoss40M12VAFarmer1  1         
25754  ElizabethMoss35F12KY              
26754  Mary JMoss15F 2IN              
27754  WilliamMoss13M 2IN              
28754  James EMoss11M 2IN              
29754  Joshua HMoss9M 2IN              
30754122122AbrahamKinery34M11INFarmer1  1         
31754  MaryKinery22F11IN              
33754  LydiaMiller42F11OH              
34754  EllenMiller20F 1IN              
35754  PhebeMiller18F 1IN              
36754  ElizabethMiller15F 1IN              
37754  PeterMiller15M 1IN              
38754  LydiaMiller13F 1IN             Note says see p 792 for other children
1756104104PhilemonBarber58M111NYFarmer1           Landownership not visible this page
2756  PhebeBarber54F111CT              
3756  * ABarber28M 11OHFarmer1  1        Initial could be G, E, O
4756  M LBarber32M111OHFarmer1  1         
5756  SabinaBarber24F14IN              
6756105105SamuelNickel50M13IrelandFarmer 1           
7756  MaryNickel40F15SC              
8756  WalterSmith25M 2OHL1  1         
9756106106RobertHarbison49M  SCFarmer1            
10756  Margaret AHarbison50F1 SC             Married not marked for husband
11756  Robert GHarbison20M  INL   1         
12756  Mary JHarbison17F  IN              
13756  N BHarbison15M  IN              
15756  James MHarbison13M  IN              
16756  Easter EHarbison11F                 
17756  MathewHarbison23M1 SCL1  1         
18756  Mary LHarbison22F1 IN              
19756107107MathewElder40M16OHFarmer1  1         
20756  JaneElder40F16PA              
21756  ThomasElder14M 6OH              
22756  Martha JElder13F 6OH              
23756  MargaretElder11F 6OH              
24756  JohnElder9M 6OH              
25756  MathewElder7M 6OH              
26756  WilliamElder5M  IA              
27756  SamuelElder3M  IA              
28756108108SamuelGray24M 5IrelandFarmer  1          
29756  AdamGray22M 5IrelandL  1          
30756109109J BFrench30M112NYCarpenter1  1         
31756  MarandaFrench28F17PA              
32756  RosalieFrench3F  IA              
33756  FrankFrench M  IA              
34756110110J CHoward27M17TNFarmer1  1         
35756  SarahHoward25F17IL              
36756  David JHoward3M  IA              
37756  Lucinda JHoward1F  IA              
38756111111ArnoldShippy26M13INFarmer1  1         
39756  Mary EShippy21F13KY              
40756  Sarah JShippy1F  IA              
17589393BenjaminFields40M18INFarmer1  1        Landownership not visible this page
2758  MaryFields38F18IN              
3758  George WFields16M 8ILLa             
4758  Martha JFields14F 8IL              
5758  Isabell OFields10F 8IL              
6758  Augustus CFields7M  IA              
8758  KreslyCain16M 1IN              
9758  MaryannEason32F11IN              
10758  George CEason10M 1OH              
11758  Nevel WEason8M 1VA              
12758  Sarah *Eason3F 1IN              
13758  Mary NEason    IA              
147589595StephenTerhune42M13KYFarmer1  1         
15758  Mary TTerhune43F13KY              
16758  Susan ATerhune13F 3IN              
17758  Martin VTerhune14M 3IN              
18758  JoannaTerhune11F 3IN              
19758  Sarah FTerhune9F 3IN              
20758  James PTerhune4M 3IN             Mid initial could be D
21758  Virginia MTerhune2F  IA              
22758  JosephBill22M18INCarpenter1            
23758  Martha JBill17F13IN              
247589696Samuel JHoward24M17ILFarmer1  1         
25758  Sarah JHoward17F18IL              
26758  ColumbiannaHoward F  IA              
28758  ElizabethRichardson56F12NC              
29758  BenjaminHilyard18M 2ILL   1         
307589898WmHilyard35M12VAFarmer1  1         
31758  Mahala JHilyard33F12OH              
32758  ElizabethHilyard8F 2IL              
33758  MarthaHilyard4F 2IL              
34758  MaryHilyard2F 2IL              
35758  George MHilyard M  IA              
367589999J MRichardson38M19KYFarmer1  1         
37758  Nancy ARichardson39F19OH             Age could be 31
38758  FrancisRichardson14M 9IL              
39758  DallasRichardson10M 9IL              
2760  SamuelStrong16M  INLaborer             
3760  RobertStrong12M  IN              
5760  ElizabethSly46F14KY              
6760  Jacob GSly17M 4IN              
7760  William GSly15M 4IN              
8760  John WSly13M 4IN              
9760  Sarah MSly9F 4IN              
10760  Mary GSly6F 4IN              
11760  Nancy ASly3   IA              
13760  SarahDavis65F114NC              
147608585Jacob HDavis42M118OHFarmer1  1         
15760  Margaret HDavis42F118OH              
16760  Nancy ADavis16F  IA              
17760  Sarah AnnDavis14F  IA              
18760  John GDavis12M  IA              
19760  Charles GDavis9M  IA              
20760  Katharine LDavis7F  IA              
21760  Rachael JDavis4F  IA              
227608686JesseNelson26M13INCarpenter1  1         
23760  Mary ENelson18F15IN              
24760  George RNelson M  IA              
257608787Josh EHolselaw52M1 KYMason1            
26760  TabithaHolselaw50F1 KY              
27760  Sarah EHolselaw24F  KY              
28760  Mary VHolselaw22F  KY              
29760  John JHolselaw20M  KYL   1         
30760  JuleitHolselaw16F  IN             First name spelling checked
31760  Charles VHolselaw15M  IN              
32760  HenriettHolselaw12F  IN              
33760  HenryHolselaw10M  IN              
34760  Susan EHolselaw6F  IN              
35760  Isabel MHolselaw2F  IN              
367608888JonathanThompson44M18OHFarmer1  1         
37760  Martha HThompson30F18OH              
38760  Lucinda JThompson6F  IA              
39760  James AThompson3M  IA             Note here says see page 786
17626868M AKeys33M1 OHJoiner1  1         
2762  Elizabeth AKeys25F1 OH              
3762  Eugene MKeys7M  OH              
4762  SamDynes23M  OHLaborer1  1         
5762  ErwinDynes21M  OHLaborer1  1         
67626969LorenzoRoberts41M117MEMiller1  1         
7762  AnnaRoberts26F115VA              
8762  JohnRoberts6M  IA              
9762  StephenRoberts5M  IA              
10762  Stephen SenRoberts48M 17MESawyer1            
11762  JoshuaParker62M 1NY 1            
12762  MariamDoonigan20F 17OH              
13762  WesleyDoonigan14M  IA              
14762  JacobPearson23M 2SwedenEngineer  1          
15762  SwanNelson23M 2SwedenLaborer  1          
167627070A CKeys30M1 OHCabinet MakER1  1         
17762  Susan RKeys27F1 OH              
18762  Mary EKeys7F  OH              
19762  Gertrude SKeys5F  IN              
20762  F MKeys1M  TN              
217627171BenjaminSulivan34M18TNLaborer1  1         
22762  LavinaSulivan22F18IN              
23762  Sarah ESulivan5F  IA              
24762  Nancy ESulivan4F  IA              
25762  WmSulivan3M  IA              
26762  Joshua WSulivan M  IA              
28762  SarahWillson40F18TN              
29762  JoshuaWillson20M 8INLaborer   1         
30762  SabraWillson20F 8IN              
31762  JohnWillson18M 8INLaborer   1         
32762  Martha ESulivan15F 8IL              
33762  ThomasHyatt18M  INLaborer   1         
34762  John RStevens7M  IA              
357627373JosephRoberts31M117VAMiller1  1         
36762  BillyRoberts3M  IA              
17645252JamesBrink40M12INFarmer1  1       1 
2764  MarandaBrink19F1 MO             Age could be 17
3764  Sarah MBrink11F 2IL              
4764  Sarah ABrink11F  MO              
5764  HowardGeorge22M  KYLaborer1  1       1 
67645353WmHopkins33M112INFarmer1  1       1 
7764  MariamHopkins35F119OH              
8764  ElizabethHopkins10F  IA             Mary was written-crossed out
9764  MaryHopkins9F  IA              
10764  StephenHopkins7M  IA              
11764  LorenzoHopkins5M  IA              
12764  JamesHopkins2M  IA              
137645454DanielWhitset37M12OHLaborer1  1         
14764  Mary VWhitset35F12OH              
15764  Thomas BWhitset15M 2OH              
16764  Hiram DWhitset13M 2OH              
17764  Charles JasperWhitset11M 2OH              
18764  MariahWhitset2F 2OH              
197645555ZacariahSparks45M11KYFarmer1  1         
20764  Rebecca ASparks35F11KY              
21764  Henry MSparks12M 1IN              
22764  Martha ASparks9F 1IN              
23764  Mary ESparks7F 1IN              
24764  RichardSparks2M 1IN              
257645656AbertStevenson26M15INMiller1  1        First name spelling checked
26764  ManervaStevenson24F14KY              
27764  BenjaminStevenson3M  IA              
28764  AndrewStevenson1M  IA              
29764  KereliaKimble28F11KY              
30764  DanielHower5M 1IN              
31764  HarriettaHower3F 1IN              
327645757Wm WKeeling27M13KYLaborer1  1         
33764  Orpha JKeeling24F13IN              
34764  John TKeeling5M 3IN              
35764  Mary EKeeling4F 3IN              
36764  Sarah JKeeling2F  IA              
37764  Jasper NKeeling18M 3INLaborer   1         
387645858DanielMcKay38M12Nova ScotiaB Smith 1 1         
39764  Elizabeth JMcKay19F11NY              
17664242Wm HMcBride42M114NCFarmer1  1       1 
2766  AnnMcBride40F114TN              
3766  Sarah JaneMcBride16F 14IN              
4766  Mary NMcBride15F  IN              
5766  George WMcBride13M  IA              
6766  Eliza MMcBride8F  IA              
7766  John AMcBride4M  IA              
8766  William BMcBride2M  IA              
97664343JeremiahWillson45M112VAFarmer1  1       1 
10766  ElizaWillson40F112OH              
11766  CarolineWillson22F 12OH              
12766  HarrietWillson19F 12IL              
13766  MaryWillson17F 12IL              
14766  CatharineWillson12F  IA              
15766  John BWillson10M  IA              
16766  George MWillson7M  IA              
17766  Leyaia MWillson5F  IA              
18766  ChristopherRobinson19M  OH    1         
19766  Olear JTompkins24M  NY 1  1         
207664444JamesCallen55M14IrelandMason 1           
21766  NancyannCallen23F 4OH              
22766  SarahCallen20F 4OH              
23766  LaviaCallen18F 4OH             First name maybe Savia
24766  JohnCallen16M 4OH              
25766  ThomasCallen14M 4OH              
26766  MaryCallen12F 4OH              
27766  JamesCallen10M 4OH              
287664545M LCarson36M15SCFarmer1  1         
29766  Mary ECarson34F15SC              
30766  Nancy MCarson14F 5IN              
31766  Samuel FCarson11M 5IN              
32766  Jonathan MCarson8M 5IN              
33766  John JCarson6M 5IN              
34766  Elizabeth JCarson3F  IA              
35766  Sarah MCarson1F  IA              
36766  BenjaminGlill62M  PA 1            
2768  RosanahHansel49F11VA              
3768  HannahHansel23F 1IN              
4768  DanielHansel17M 1INLaborer             
5768  Robert AHansel14M 1IN              
6768  JacobEikenbury23M11OHLaborer1  1         
7768  MaryEikenbury20F11IN              
87683030OrinJudson32M113OHFarmer1  1         
9768  AmandaJudson28F 13OH              
10768  W BJudson7M  IA              
11768  Dolly EJudson5F  IA              
12768  Ben FJudson3M  IA              
13768  LJudson1M  IA              
147683131D YBates27M113OHFarmer1  1         
15768  FannyBates23F110OH              
16768  C MBates6M  IA              
17768  Rachel ABates5F  IA              
18768  Harriet BBates3F  IA              
19768  Sarah GBates F  IA              
20768  CharlesBates66M113CTCarpenter1            
22768  HannahLeloye53F11PA              
23768  A MLeloye16M 1VA              
24768  PhebeLeloye14F 1VA              
25768  HarrietLeloye11F 1OH              
26768  SharlotteLeloye4F 1OH              
28768  ChristineBarber41F 4Sweden              
29768  GustavusKinlilade14M 4Sweden              
30768  Samuel HKinlilade8M 4NY              
31768  Charles CKinlilade4M 4CT              
327683434JohnJohnson56M18IrelandFarmer 1           
33768  CatharineJohnson43F18PA              
34768  JamesJohnson17M 8OHLaborer             
35768  SarahJohnson15F 8OH              
36768  JohnJohnson11M 8OH              
37768  FrancisJohnson9M 8OH              
38768  ElizbethJohnson8F  IA              
17701616FernandoHealey36M111VTFarmer1  1       1 
2770  Olivia MHealey22F111OH              
3770  LivonaHealey6F  IA              
4770  Jefferson HHealey5M  IA              
5770  Robert BHealey2M  IA              
67701717PeterKirfman37M11OHFarmer1  1       1 
7770  ElizabethKirfman28F11VA              
8770  MartinKirfman10M 1IN              
9770  RobertKirfman8M 1IN              
10770  W HKirfman4M 1IN              
11770  Sarah JKirfman3F 1IN              
12770  Joseph WKirfman M  IA              
137701818M WFall46M18OHFarmer1          1 
14770  ElizabethFall40F18OH              
15770  Henry RFall22M 8INFarmer1  1       1 
16770  Joel DFall15M 8IN              
17770  Arvile RFall13F 8IN              
18770  Daniel MFall8M 8IL              
19770  Mary EFall6F  IA              
20770  Michael MFall2M  IA              
21770  JohnNichademus24M 1OHLaborer1  1         
227701919JamesNiell65M1 IrelandFarmer 1           
23770  MargaretNiell40F1 Ireland              
24770  HenryNiell24M  Ireland              
25770  ElizaNiell22F  Ireland              
26770  WilliamNiell21M  Ireland              
27770  DyasNiell19M  Ireland              
28770  JamesNiell17M  Ireland              
29770  JohnNiell15M  Ireland              
30770  LetticiaNiell10F  Ireland              
31770  MaryannNiell6F  Ireland              
327702020DoryBell30M14OHLaborer1  1         
33770  LavinaBell28F14OH              
34770  Jane GBell8F 4OH              
357702121John DShafer30M14OHFarmer1  1         
36770  MirahShafer26F14OH              
37770  A WShafer4M  IA              
38770  RubilaShafer1F  IA              
39770  LydiaSmith21M 9OH              
177211W VBudh46M113OHFarmer1          1 
2772  HarrietBudh38F113OH              
3772  David SBudh19M 13INLaborer   1         
4772  Mary EBudh14F 13IN              
5772  LydiaBudh11F  IA              
6772  Minervy ABudh10F  IA              
7772  FreemanBudh7M  IA              
8772  EuniceShields17F  IN              
9772  W NMoon24M 5OHOculist1  1         
1077222ElizabethBudh31F15IN            1 
11772  SilvesterBudh5M  IA              
12772  Minervy JBudh3F  IA              
13772  JaneArcher63F11NJ              
1477233N WBates24M114OHLaborer1  1         
15772  ElizaBates19F18IL              
1677244ThomasGardner32M15IrelandLaborer  1          
17772  Mary JaneGardner23F15Ireland              
18772  AnneGardner1F  IA             First name somewhat obscured
19772  Thomas SenGardner80M15IrelandLaborer             
2077255JohnKirfman42M1 VAFarmer1  1         
21772  JayKirfman33F1 VA              
22772  Wm PeterKirfman12M  IN              
23772  AlbertKirfman9M  IN              
24772  John CKirfman7M  IN              
25772  Henry ClayKirfman5M  IN              
26772  Mary EKirfman4F  IN              
27772  Anny EKirfman1F  IN              
2877266John WWallon26M19EnglandEngineer  1          
29772  CarolineWallon24F13IN              
30772  Clara EWallon3F  IA              
3177277AaronKelly26M112OHLawyer1  1         
32772  Anarice MKelly21F112OH              
33772  Margaret JKelly4F  IA              
34772  Katharine LKelly3F  IA              
35772  Elvina EKelly2F  IA              
36772  George WKelly M  IA              
177488George WPlanson46M1 VALawyer1  1         
2774  MaryPlanson51F1 OH              
3774  HuldahPlanson17F  OH              
4774  W HPlanson16M  OH              
5774  John LPlanson13M  OH              
6774  James BPlanson11M  OH              
7774  Nathan APlanson7M  OH              
8774  Mary JPlanson3F  OH              
977499AlansonWarner23M17OHFarmer1  1         
10774  VirginiaWarner23F13VA              
11774  Charles GWarner    IA              
127741010SamuelHart32M16OHCooper1  1         
13774  AzubaHart28F16OH              
14774  LauraHart4F  IA              
15774  JayHart1F  IA              
16774  JacobFisher44M11VACooper1  1         
17774  Mary AnnFisher12F  OH              
18774  Hannah JFisher11F  OH              
197741111Samuel CHeull44M18OHFarmer1  1         
20774  ElizabethHeull33F18IN              
21774  StaciaKillian9F  IN              
227741212Thomas EJames33M12VACarpenter1  1         
23774  Mary JaneJames24F12VA              
24774  Robert MJames5M 2VA              
257741313Robert JJames37M11VAFarmer1  1         
26774  MaryJames35F11VA              
277741414James MDowel27M1 KYFarmer             
28774  Mary JaneDowel26F1 IN              
29774  EmilyDowel4F  IN              
30774  TwitmanDowel3M  IN              
31774  HesterDowel F                No date of birth
327741515DavidDitinger32M16OHFarmer1  1         
33774  EmmaDitinger22F16IN              
34774  Josiah HDitinger6M  IA              
35774  SapehiahDitinger4F  IA              
36774  Sarah ADitinger    IA              
37774  Francis MSwisher2M 1IA