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Cemeteries of Monroe County



Early laws regarding burial


An Act relative to coroners and their duties.

Sec. 15 That when any coroner shall take an inquest upon the view of the dead body of a stranger, or being called for that purpose shall not think it necessary, on view of such body, that any inquest should be taken, he shall cause the body to be decently buried, and all expenses of the inquisition and burial shall be paid by the county in which such dead body shall be found.
Sec. 16 That in case of the absence of the coroner, any magistrate being notified of any dead body as before mentioned, shall be authorized and required to perform the duty of the coroner as pointed out in this act.
Sec. 17 That the coroner, as soon as the verdict of the jury shall have been renedered, shall take immediate measures to have the body buried, the expense attending the burial to be paid out of the deceased person's estate, if sufficient there be, if not by the county: Provided, however, That if the friends of the deceased shall request to have the body to bury at their own expense, the coroner shall deliver it to them.
Sec. 18 It shall not be lawful for any person to bury or cause to be buried the body of any person whatsoever that may have come to its death by unlawful violence or other suspicious cause without first giving notice to the coroner of his county of such death, or in case the coroner is absent or cannot be had, to some justice of the peace. Every person so offending shall be liable to the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered before any proper tribunal, one half to the use of the county, and the other half to the use of any person who will sue for the same. Approved December 23, 1839


An Act for the Relief of the Poor

Sec. 5 When non-resident, or any other person not coming within the definition of a pauper, shall fall sick, in any county of this territory, not having money or property to pay for his board, nursing and medical aid, it shall be the duty of the county commissioners, on complaint being made, to give or order to be given such assistance to such poor person as they may deem just and necessary; and if said sick person shall die, then the said commissioners shall give or order to be given to such person, a decent burial; and the said commissioners shall make such allowance for board, nursing, medical aid or burial expenses, as they shall deem just and equitable, and order the same to be paid out of the county treasury. Approved January 16, 1840


Pioneer Cemetery

Iowa law defines a Pioneer Cemetery as one in which there have been 12 or fewer burials in the past 50 years (the law was changed from 6 to 12 in 2009). Monroe County Pioneer Cemetery Commission John Goode 6652 165th St. Albia, IA 52531 641-777-9294


Cemetery records are the responsibility of the township trustees. If the cemetery is attached to a church, records should be the responsibilty of the sexton.

County cemeteries sorted alphabetically

County cemeteries sorted by township

County map of cemeteries