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"Wild Team Kills Man; Robert Henderson of Mantua Township is Killed When Team Becomes Unruly." Robert Henderson of Mantua Township, met his death in a most distressing manner last Sunday afternoon. He had driven to the home of Erastus Lewis and after several hours in visiting he went to the barn and hitched up a team of colts for the purpose of driving home. As he led the team out into the year he remarked that he would turn them before getting into the vehicle. As he was going to the heads of the animals Mr. Lewis stepped out to assist him, and the team became frightened. Mr. Lewis was knocked down and the wagon wheels passed over his legs. Mr. Henderson was near the head of the horses and they began plunging toward him. He held to the bits until the team got beyond his control. At a plunge of the team the tongue of the vehicle was thrust through the side of Mr. Henderson and penetrated to such a depth that as the team ran down the highway his body was carried for some distance. Lewis Miller was driving along the road and saw the team coming. He left his own vehicle and there was a collision between the running horses and the buggy and one horse of Mr. Miller. All horses and buggies were piled in a heap. In this Mr. Miller saw the body of Mr. Henderson and extricated it. Mr. Henderson was carried to the Lewis home and died on Monday evening about five o'clock. The accident happened Sunday afternoon and the man was in the greatest pain until the time of his death. As the team plunged toward him the tongue of the vehicle broke one rib and then passed on into his body, causing internal injuries. Mr. Henderson has made his home in Mantua Township for many years and was a man who was greatly respected. He was known all over Monroe County and the sad accident will cause the friends the greatest sorrow.