** Monona County Gazette ** Onawa Weekly Democrat ** The Mapleton Press **

~Monona County -- Newspapers Reported the Community Happenings

~Just in case you were wondering what your Monona County ANCESTORS were doing in 1900.
~Researched & typed by Mike Swenson.
January 1900
T-U-V-W-Z Surnames

Alphabetical Index of Names -- News Excerpts January 1900


Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Castana News Dave Tacey sold a carload of dead hogs in Sioux City last week.

The Mapleton Press 26Jan1900 Mrs. J.H. Talboy returned Tuesday morning from a two weeks' visit with parents and friends at Des Moines. While there she helped celebrate the golden Wedding of her father and mother.
The Mapleton Press 26Jan1900 Dr. Talboy was in Sioux City Thursday evening and Friday morning where he attended the meeting of the Sioux Calley Medical association, at which papers pertaining to medical subjects were read and discussed.

The Mapleton Press 26Jan1900 Al. Tanner of Virdell NE has been visiting with friends here this week.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Castana News Walla Davis and a Mr. Tate of Bancroft NE was in town a few days last week.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Mrs. Taylor and three sons of Hamburg IA are spending the holiday with Mrs. Phinetta Davis north of town.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 17Jan1900 Blencoe in Print J.B. Taylor visited relatives near Des Moines last week.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 The Week In Whiting Charles Taylor of Buffalo MN arrived here Sunday to visit his father, J.T. Smith.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Local News John G. Taylor has a number of sales on hand.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Whiting News The case of Coe versus Taylor was tried last week in the district court at Onawa. The verdict rendered sustained the decision of Justice Morris' court from which it was appealed.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 There will be an auction sale at the farm of C.L. Richards one mile west of town Thursday 1Feb1900. John G. Taylor, Auctioneer.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 It is rumored here that Charles Thomas, formerly of this place and editor of the once Whiting Herald but who has worked in California the past years on the newspaper work, died at Merced CA Friday morning from being shot.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Miss Lizzie Tees returned to Norfolk Thursday where she will again take up her school work after a pleasant week's visit here with relatives. Her sister accompanied her to Eagle NE where she will visit at the home of R. Wilkinson.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Blencoe News Jimmy Tees has been appointed Assessor for Blencoe by the city council.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Blencoe News The Congregational Sunday school last Sunday elected officers and teachers for the new year as follows: Secretary--James McIntyre; Assistant Secretary--Gertrude Mosher; Treasurer--Joe White; Organist--Mamie Carmody; Teachers--Mesdames Doty, Hogue, Carmody, Glassy, and McIntyre and the Misses Jennie Tees and Mannie McIntyre.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 17Jan1900 Blencoe in Print William Tees was in Onawa today.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Blencoe News Jim Tees has gone to Sioux City to work for Howell Warfield and Co.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Blencoe News Reverend Washington and wife, John Gray and wife, Jim Tees, Mr. Heller, Amelia Washington and Miss Conway drove to Onawa Monday evening to attend the concert.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Blencoe News The Ladies' Aid meets Thursday next week with Miss Jennie Tees.

Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Local News ?en Templeton is having a week's vacation from his work in pop factory.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Lincoln News Misses Hulda Johnson, Alyce Templeton and Messrs James Williams and Johnson of Onawa called on Minnie Fletcher Sunday.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 High School Notes In the declamatory contest the last Friday before the holidays, Alyce Templeton of the 12th grade won first prize and Minnie Marr of the 9th grade won the second prize.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Turin News On last Tuesday Andrew Larsen sold his harness shop to A.J. Terry. Mr. Terry expects to make some improvements in it.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Turin News Quackenbush and Terry shipped eight cars of hay to Denison last week.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Turin Dick Terry made a trip up the line Tuesday looking up the hay bales.

Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Whiting News Miss Myrtle Peterson, Miss Ida Rains, Frances Olry, and Mrs. Ellen Thomas have returned to their school work since the holiday vacation.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Mrs. J.H. Thompson who has been visiting her parents at Ticonic during the holidays returned home Monday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Ticonic Mrs. Jack Thompson and baby returned to Blencoe Monday after a week's visit with relatives and friends.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Ticonic Mrs. Carl Thompson and children visited at Castana last week.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Soldier Thoreson and Kesler have built quite a nice ice house in the rear of the store.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Soldier T.S. Thoreson and Co. are selling their stock of winter goods at away down prices.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Soldier Mr. and Mrs. T.S. Thoreson visited today with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson of Willow.
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 T.S. Thoreson and wife to O.H. Foss; lots 6 and 7, block 2 Soldier $89
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 Western Town Lot Co. to T.S. Thoreson and O.H. Foss; lot 6, block 2, Soldier $75
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 Western Town Lot Co. to T.S. Thoreson and O.H. Foss; lot 7, block 2, Soldier $112
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Soldier Miss Ella Thoreson of Spring Valley is visiting with her brother T.S. and family of this place.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 The Week in Whiting Editor Thorp was taking notes in the county seat Saturday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 The Week in Whiting Work was begun on Monday morning by Mr. Whittier in putting a new front in the room occupied by Thorp's furniture store.

Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Local News Ed. Threlkeld, of the city restaurant, is housed up on account of an attack of rheumatism.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Mrs. C.A. Thurston and children of Onawa were guests Friday and Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Mosher.

Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Local News Mrs. S. Tillson will soon occupy the Louis Paine residence recently vacated by Bruce Adams.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Soldier Mr. and Mrs. R. Palmer and Harry Tinker of Ute were visiting our little burg Sunday.

The Mapleton Press 20Jan1900 Fred McCausland and wife to M.L. Tippens, lot 15 north section East Whiting $45.00

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Castana News Mr. Titus of Mapleton is building a house in the north part of town and will soon move his family here.

Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Lincoln News Garfield Todd of Onawa spent a few days with George Ketchum.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Castana News Rev. W.J. Todd returned Saturday evening from a few week's visit with his parents in Toronto, Canada.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Castana News Reverend Todd came back last Saturday from his Christmas visit to his old Canadian home and smilingly takes up his charge to the great pleasure of his flock who have had to feed in strange pastures during the past month.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 17Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Ed Torticil loaded a car of potatoes this week.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Blencoe News Ed. Torticil is loading a car of potatoes to ship to Kansas City.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Rodney Perry Harris who was bound over to the grand jury a short time ago for assault and battery was again arrested and brought to trial on complaint made by Cy Town who alleges that Harris attempted to rob him one night last week while he was returning home from Rodney. As a result of the trial Harris was placed under $500 bonds in default of which he was taken to Onawa to await the action of the grand gury.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Local News Perry Harris of Grant is in the county jail in default of a good $300 bond to keep the peace. He had threatened great bodily injury or something to Mr. E.A. Towne who lives near Rodney, and because he was unable to secure a bondsman for his appearance at the next term of court, which convenes 23Apr1900 next, Justice W.D. Brown requires him to take his regular meals in the public bastile at the county's expense.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Rev. J.B. Trimble presiding elder of this district will conduct quarterly meeting at the M.E. church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Local News There will be regular Second Quarter meeting at the M.E. church Onawa Sunday 14Jan1900. Rev. J.B. Trimble of Sioux City will be present.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 The Week in Whiting Presiding Elder Trimble of Sioux City occupied the M.E. pulpit Sunday evening a gave a very fine sermon.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Moorhead Quarterly meeting services were held at this place last Saturday and Sunday. Presiding Elder J.B. Trimble of Sioux City held quarterly conference Saturday afternoon, and Rev. Mr. Betts of Sioux City preached Saturday evening and held the usual quarterly meeting services Sunday. There was a good congregation for each service.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Albaton News Reverend Mr. True is very ill at his home with erysipelas.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Albaton News Rev. Leslie True is improving now from his recent illness.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Blencoe in Print The Woodmen will install the following officers on Wednesday evening the 17th: W.P., A. Mesecher; W.A., E. Naden, banker, Willis Wymer; escort, Frank Skinner; clerk, W.D. Loomis; watchman, Ray Heller; secretary, Charles Tryon; manager for three years, John Brown.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Blencoe in Print John Tryon went to Omaha Monday morning.


Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 'Advocate 11Jan1900' Mrs. Mary Uhl has recently purchased and had placed at her farm home five miles northwest of town, a five to stock scale.

The Mapleton Press 5Jan1900 Mrs. J.W. Umphrey is reported to be very sick.
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 D.F. Neff of Omaha was an over Sunday visitor at the home of J.W. Umphrey.
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 J.W. Umphrey has disposed of his residence property to S.N. Lewis of Cooper township, who will shortly more to town.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 The Democrat last week failed to notice the addition to C.E. Underhill's residence. It was built at a cost of $500.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Local News Mrs. George Underhill and Miss Pearl went to Sioux City yesterday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Weidner.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Turin News L. Utterback returned from Ute last week where he has been working.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Turin News C. Utterback of Castana stopped overnight Friday with his brother-in-law J.W. Davis. He took the morning train to visit a week with friends at Council Bluffs.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Castana News Charles Utterback is building a small house near the stockyards which we understand will be occupied by his son-in-law.


Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 News at Castana C.C. Brewer has traded his farm to Mr. Valentine for his elevator at this place. Mr. Brewer took possession this week.
The Mapleton Press 5Jan1900 L.A. Valentine has purchased the acetyline gas plant used by Buckio and Watson in their barber shop and is installing it in his residence.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 'Advocate 11Jan1900' L.H. Valentine has traded the elevator at Castana which he purchased a short time ago to C.C. Brewer of that place for his farm.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Ticonic Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jasper VanBuskirk a daughter on Wednesday 8Jan1900. It was reported a few weeks ago that a boy had come to brighten their home but it was a mistake. It's a daughter and just arrived last week. Jasper is very proud of her and wants everyone to know it.

Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Local News Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford of Moorhead were in town Tuesday, remaining over night at the Vandervert home, and leaving Wednesday morning for a short visit with Mr. Ford's parents at Vermillion SD.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Local News C.R. Nixon and family have moved from Castana and will soon be settled at home to their friends in the Bern Vandervert house in the fashionable ? end of town.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Vandevert were in Moorhead Tuesday visiting their daughter Mrs. Fred Ford.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Local News G.W. Cork and C.E. Fich will attend a Holiness convention at Smithland Saturday and Sunday.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Porter VanDusen has sold his restaurant to F.O. Gilbert who will take possession at once. VanDusen will ship his household goods to Salix for the present.

Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Whiting News The Congregational Sunday school elected officers last Sunday for the coming year. The Superintendant and assistant were retained. Lawrence Patterson, Sec; Earl VanVleck, Treas.; Florence Whittier and Zelma Eggleston Librarians; Grace Rains, Organist.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Vincent and daughter of Pierre SD arrived Saturday to spend a few days at the M. Vincent home.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Local News Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vincent and baby of Pierre SD are the guests at the home of M. Vincent and wife.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Local News M. Vincent, wife and daughter Louise are shopping and visiting in Omaha from Friday of last week until Sunday night.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Local News Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vincent left for their home in Pierre SD after a visit with M. Vincent and family.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Local News Mrs. George Vincent is visiting with Mrs. J.C. Vincent this week.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Local News Mrs. Mitchell Vincent went up to Sioux City Tuesday to visit with relatives for a short time.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 High School Notes Florence Vincent, who has been attending school in Cedar Rapids, took up the work of the Onawa High School last Monday morning. She is in the 9th grade.


Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Beverley W. Wade who was raised in Onawa and was for several years assistant electrician at the power house was married on New Years to Miss Madge Austin of Sheridan WY. Mr. Wade is a resident of that city.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Turin News W.S. Wade of Onawa was doing business in town Saturday.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Local News John Wade, formerly of Onawa, is now coal mine engineer away out near Higby WY, where the women folks go to the polls and vote if they want to do so, and receives his little $2.50 a day.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Local News Miss Mabel Greene who has been attending Normal school at Cedar Falls is spending her vacation with her friends Miss Edith Kenyon and Miss Althea Sawyer.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Married WADE-AUSTIN -- 1Jan1900, at the home of the bride's father, Mr. J.W. Austin at Sheridan WY. Mr. B.W. Wade and Miss Madge Austin. Bev Wade grew from childhood to manhood in Onawa, where the family has resided for some 20 years, and has hosts of friends here who will wish him and his the greatest joy. William Wade, his father is an old soldier of the great civil war. The Wades are and have always been held in high esteem by the people of this community and any good fortune which may come to them will be hailed only with pleasure by their great number of friends of so many years.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Miss M.A. Willoughby of Smithland was the guest of her uncle W.S. Wade over Sunday.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 High School Notes Ethel Wade spent the last week of the holidays visiting in Whiting.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Local News Last Friday afternoon Hanscom Post held a public installation of the newly elected officers. The Sons of Veterans camp and the G.A. Ladies Aid were invited to be present. Members of the post from Turin, Blencoe, and Whiting were in attendance. The following officers were installed: Commander, C.G. Perkins; Sr. Vice Commander, James Carmody; Jr. Vice Commander, W.S. Wade; Surgeon, W. Collins; Chaplain, E.L. Stevens; Quarter Master, J.K. McCaskey; Officer of the Day, John Murphy; Officer of the Guard, William Hegwood.

Onawa Weekly Democrat Turin News 11Jan1900 Pliney Rhinehart bought 15 head of calves of Hans Wagner last week.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Turin Mrs. Hans Wagner was in Mapleton Tuesday.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Turin News Hans Wagoner returned Saturday from Mills county where he had been called by the illness of his sister.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 William Walch, who was moving on last Thursday from the reservation to this side of the river while crossing the Missouri river on the ice his team and wagon went through, but luckily at a point where there was but four or five feet of water. The team was gotten out without injury but the wago remained in the water and ice over night.

Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Turin Mrs. Carrie Walcott went to River Sioux Tuesday.

Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Local News Fred Walker is to remain through the remainder of the winter at Onawa, having finished his work for the government on the Missouri River up north.

Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Whiting News The Misses Anna and Mattie Walworth of Lincoln have visited several days with their sister Mrs. Austin at Castana.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 News at Castana Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hoadley gave a family dinner Sunday which was greatly enjoyed by the family of C.W. Dudley, C.L. Watkins, Pres Waples, Mrs. L.C. Hoadley and Miss Bernice.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Castana News Henry Cunningham was over Monday night 8Jan1900 and installed the following officers in the I.O.O.F. lodge here: N.G., W.F. Hawthorn; V.G., P.T. Waples; R. Sec., J.P. Payne; P. Sec., C.W. Norcross; Tres., W.W. Bouslaugh.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Castana News Mr. Herbert Waples and sister Mary attended the masked ball in Hornick Friday night.

Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Local News W.J. Maughlin, after an 8 or 9 weeks' illness at the George M. Warner home, is out again, knocking around and helping himself to regain his usual health as rapidly as the cold weather will permit.
The old gentleman George M. Warner now near 80 years of age has recently experienced an illness from which he has pluckily recovered.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Local News George E. Warner, now of Omaha, and formerly republican county treasurer of Monona County for two terms, came up to Onawa Saturday evening last and spent Sunday and New Year's day with his father, George M. Warner and family, at the old home so full of pleasant memories to those of the family still living.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 News at Castana Rev. Washington of Blencoe will preach in the Congregational church here 7Jan1915.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print John A. Gray and wife ate New Years dinner at the home of Rev. A.G. Washington.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Sam Washington who has been clerking in D.A. Wolfe's store has taken a week's vacation.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Rev. Washington expects to occupy the pulpit in the Castana Congregational church Sunday for Rev. Lewis of that place.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print It is announced that Mrs. A.G. Washington will occupy the pulpit at the Congregational church Sunday morning and evening.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Blencoe News Sam Washington, clerk at the Wolfe store, is taking a lay off for a couple of weeks.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Rev. A.G. Washington of Blencoe was in town Monday on his way home from Castana where he had filled Rev. Lewis' pulpit on Sunday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Rev. Washington spent Sunday with the Castana church supplying for Rev. Lewis.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Castana News Rev. Washington of Blencoe delivered two very able sermons Sunday in the Congregational church which were well received by large audiences.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 17Jan1900 Castana Times Rev. Washington, pastor of the Congregational church at Blencoe, occupied the pulpit at the Congregational church last Sunday morning and evening.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Blencoe News Sam Washington visited with friends at Sioux City Monday and Tuesday.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Blencoe News Reverend Washington and wife, John Gray and wife, Jim Tees, Mr. Heller, Amelia Washington and Miss Conway drove to Onawa Monday evening to attend the concert.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Rev. Washington will give a lecture to the normal class on "Institutions of Bible Times" on next Friday evening.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 News at Castana Mrs. Lot E. Wasser is on the sick list this week.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Castana News Opal Wasser is sick with lung fever this week.

The Mapleton Press 5Jan1900 In remitting for another year's subscription to the Press, B.R. Wasson of Atlantic, sends his regards to all Mapleton friends. He is still with the Green Bay Lumber Company.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 04Jan1900 Mesdames Dudley and Watkins visited in Castana a few days last week.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 News at Castana Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hoadley gave a family dinner Sunday which was greatly enjoyed by the family of C.W. Dudley, C.L. Watkins, Pres Waples, Mrs. L.C. Hoadley and Miss Bernice.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Whiting News Mrs. S.C. Hoadley and Charles Watkins drove over to Tekamah Tuesday to attend the funeral of her little grandchild.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Whiting News Mrs. C.L. Watkins and children left Saturday morning for Castana to spend New Year's day with friends. C.L. drove over Sunday returning the same evening.

Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Whiting News H.M. Watson and wife and son of Sioux City came down Saturday for a few days visit with relatives.
The Mapleton Press 5Jan1900 L.A. Valentine has purchased the acetyline gas plant used by Buckio and Watson in their barber shop and is installing it in his residence.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Whiting News Mrs. Sam Watson and little son left Wednesday evening for Morning Sun to visit her parents B.F. Hohn and wife.

Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Local News S. Wattles of Missouri Valley was in ? Wednesday in the interest of the ?

The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 H.E. Mustard and wife to J.C. Way; lots 15 and 16, block 1 Ute $75

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 The tract of land near Onawa known as the "Weare Ranch" and owned by Charles A. Weare of Chicago as trustee, was sold by Messrs. Bird and Searle of Onawa to David Hamin of The Mapleton Press 20Jan1900 Eltaso IL for $38 per acre. The farm contained 640 acres and the consideration footed up the comfortable sum of $24,320.
John K. McCaskey and wife to C.A. Weare; part nw nw 2-83-45 $1.00
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Local News Mr. Glamon who is the manager of the Weare interests in this part of Iowa was in town over Sunday. The Weare ranch which originally consisted of between two and three thousant acres, has all been sold in parts to Illinois parties, until there remains now only about 600 acres, and Mr. Glamon thinks he will be able to dispose of the remainder by spring.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 04Jan1900 Mrs. G.L. Weaver will entertain her class of Sunday school boys Friday evening.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Whiting On Friday evening Mrs. G.L. Weaver entertained her Sunday School class of boys. The evening was spent in playing progressive Carrom. The first prize was taken by Miss Zelma Eggleston and Clyde Easton.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 News at Castana Miss Webb returned from Onawa on Saturday where she spent the holidays to resume her work in the school room on Monday morning.

The Mapleton Press 26Jan1900 Dave Wedmore is contemplating a trip to Hot Springs for the benefit of his health.

Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Whiting News The public installation of officers of the Odd Fellows Lodge was held Tuesday evening. The installing officer was District Deputy Grand Master H.W. Cunningham of Onawa. The officers were as follows: N.G., A.J. Weeme; V.G., W.R. Barnard; R. Sec., Bert Elliott; F. Sec., Joe Arnold; Treasurer, Taylor Daily. After the installation was over a banquet was served by the lodge which was enjoyed by the Odd Fellow, their wives, and their friends.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Local News Mrs. George Underhill and Miss Pearl went to Sioux City yesterday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Weidner.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Albaton News Henry Weigle left Saturday morning for Central City NE where he will assist his son-in-law in the blacksmith shop.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Rev. Father Hurley held services in the Catholic church Sunday. By a change Father Hurley takes Father Weinhold's place over here having Onawa, Blencoe and Whiting. He will make his headquarters at Onawa.
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 Rev. Weinhold has spent part of this week at Epiphany SD.

Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Mapleton J.R. Welch has spent the last couple of days at Harlan to which place he was subpoenaed as a witness before the grand jury.
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 John R. Welch transacted business at Omaha Tuesday, returning Wednesday.
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 Mr. and Mrs. Jno. R. Welch entertained a party of friends at six o'clock dinner Tuesday evening.
The Mapleton Press 26Jan1900 Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Welch have spent the week in Des Moines with friends and relatives.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Ticonic Fred Reese of Turin and Frank Gid and Miss Jennie Wells spent New Years at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. McDonald of Rodney.
Miss Vennie Wells spent Sunday at home.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Ticonic R.M. Wells and Mr. Christman of Mapleton were over on business Friday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Ticonic Frank Wells was confined to the house last week but is some better this week.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Ticonic Billy McMaster of Sioux City visited at the home of his uncle G.M. Wells a part of last week.
The Mapleton Press 20Jan1900 R.M. Wells spent Monday with his people at Ticonic.
The Mapleton Press 20Jan1900 Alice G. Wells and husband to Ella Outhouse; lot 6 block 11 Mapleton $175.00

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Blencoe in Print A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Welsh on Saturday night.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 17Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Born to Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, a baby boy 6Jan1900.

Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Blencoe News Cora and Rena Wert visited at Mapleton over Sunday.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Ticonic There was a party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Woodward's Friday evening in honor of the little Miss Olivers from Onawa and three of Mr. West's children of Hornick. All had a delightful time pulling taffy.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Castana News Everett West moved his family into Charles Erskine's house Friday.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 News at Castana Fred Weston of St. Paul visited with Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wiley a few days last week.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Ot Stucker of Sioux township has been suffering the past week with rheumatism. Dr. Wheeler has been attending him.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print John Glenn Sr., one of the pioneer settlers of Sherman suffered with a light stroke of paralysis last Tuesday. Dr. Wheeler was called out to the farm and last accounts report Mr. Glenn as getting along nicely.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Dr. Wheeler has replaced his ascetylene plant with a new and improved generator.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Dr. and Mrs. C.W. Wheeler left for Chicago Friday and expects to return home on Tuesday.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Blencoe News Dr. C.H. Wheeler and wife returned Wednesday of this week from a few days visit in Chicago.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 17Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Dr. Wheeler returned Wednesday from Chicago where he has been on a visit for some time.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Ike White received a telegram Thursday night from Peterson IA telling him of the very sudden death of his mother. Mr. White left for that place Friday morning.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Blencoe News The Congregational Sunday school last Sunday elected officers and teachers for the new year as follows: Secretary--James McIntyre; Assistant Secretary--Gertrude Mosher; Treasurer--Joe White; Organist--Mamie Carmody; Teachers--Mesdames Doty, Hogue, Carmody, Glassy, and McIntyre and the Misses Jennie Tees and Mannie McIntyre.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Local News Jim Johnson of Wall Lake and Dorthory Ross of New Castle NE were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.W. White last week Tuesday afternoon, Justice Ross officiating. Mrs. White served a nice supper and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left at 6:39 for Lake City which will be their future home as Jim is fireman on a N.W. train.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Blencoe News Gray and White are building a new corn crib 160 feet in length near James Cook and Son's office west of the track.

In the year 1899, E.E. Whiteman who resides on the 120 northwest of town, known as the old Joe Reynolds farm, has sold nearly $800 worth of hogs. It is said by his neighbors that he has the habit of farming in a business way as other businessmen conduct other business enterprises.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 04Jan1900 E.M. Cassady and W.C. Whiting were in Sioux City Saturday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 04Jan1900 On Wednesday evening, 8Jan1900, occurred at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. C.E. Whiting, the marriage of Miss Woodson Whiting, the youngest daughter of the late C.E. and Mrs. Whiting, to Chalmer S. Cozine, whose former home was at Iowa City but has been at the Whiting homestead for the past year. Miss Woodson is an accomplished lady and numbers a host of our best people as her friends. The groom is a relative of Mrs. Ed. M. Whiting, and is a young man of pure character and endowed with a good education and that energy that counts well in life. The ceremony was performed by Rev. George H. Croker before a large company of relatives and friends whose best wishes follow the young couple for the blessings that should be the joys of married life.
Monona County Gazette Local News 4Jan1900 Mrs. M.B. Pullen, Mrs. Frank Colby, and J.J. Elliott and wife attended the Cozine-Whiting wedding at Woodlawn Wednesday.
Monona County Gazette Whiting News 4Jan1900 Mrs. Will Whiting was in Onawa Friday.
Monona County Gazette Whiting News 4Jan1900 Miss Auta Mitchell came down from Sioux City to attend the Whiting wedding.
Monona County Gazette Whiting News 4Jan1900 Charlie Whiting of Omaha came up Tuesday to be present at the Whiting-Cozine nuptials.
Monona County Gazette Whiting News 4Jan1900 Frank Whiting after a pleasant vacation at home returned to Morningside Monday to resume his studies.
Monona County Gazette Whiting News 4Jan1900 Union services were hold in the Congregational church Sunday evening at which Rev. Frank officiated.
Monona County Gazette Whiting News 4Jan1900 Charlie Robertson and family of Onawa were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Whiting a few days last week returning Saturday.
Monona County Gazette Whiting News 4Jan1900 C.I. Whiting and daughter of Mapleton came over Wednesday morning to attend the wedding and visit with his sister Mrs. Eva. Pike.
Onawa Weekly Democrat Whiting 11Jan1900 Ed. M. Whiting and E.M. Cassady were Onawa visitors Monday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat Whiting 11Jan1900 Mrs. E.M. Whiting left Monday morning for a visit at Iowa City.
Monona County Gazette Whiting News 11Jan1900 Ed. Whiting and Jason Morris went to Onawa the first of the week to serve as grand jurors.
Onawa Weekly Democrat The Week in Whiting 18Jan1900 Mr. and Mrs. Ed M. Whiting returned Friday from Iowa City.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Whiting News Ed. Whiting and wife have returned from Iowa City where they had been visiting Mrs. Whiting's brother, who lives in California, and also other relatives.
The Mapleton Press 20Jan1900 Iowa R.R. Land Co. to Charles I. Whiting; logs 20 and 21, block 12 1st Addition Mapleton $75.00
The Mapleton Press 20Jan1900 T.G. Stuckey and wife to Charles I. Whiting; ne and ne se 35-85-43 $7000.00
Onawa Weekly Democrat The Week In Whiting 25Jan1900 Cassady and Whiting had a car of cattle on the market Monday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat The Week In Whiting 25Jan1900 Mrs. C.E. Whiting has gone to Colfax IA to spend ten days or more hoping to receive some benefit for her rheumatism.
Onawa Weekly Democrat The Week In Whiting 25Jan1900 Ed. M. Whiting has the Bouls saw mill in the Whiting settlement and is sawing up 80,000 feet of cottonwood lumber. This is being sawed from timber planted 35 or 40 years ago.
Onawa Weekly Democrat Local News 25Jan1900 The Mapleton Advocate says that T.G. Stickney has sold his 200-acre farm near that town to Charley Whiting for $7,000.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Whiting News E.M. Whiting was a business visitor at Sioux City Wednesay.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Whiting News The high and grammar school boys are having cadet drill with Willard Whiting as drill master.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Whiting News Mrs. C.E. Whiting is at Colfax Springs for a couple of weeks for the benefit of her health.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Whiting News Mr. Yates was at Sioux City first of the week buying goods for Cassady and Whiting's store.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Whiting News Cassady and Whiting have just finished invoicing at their big store. They had not figured up so could not tell if they made or lost on the winter sales.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Whiting News The Local Advisory Board of the Iowa Children's Home Society at Des Moines met with Mrs. E.M. Cassady last week Thursday. The following officeers were elected: President, Mrs. McDowell; Vice-President, A.A. Konkle; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. E.M. Cassady. The executive committee: W.C. Whiting, J.E. Woods and Mrs. John Sundberg. The president of the board requests any information in regard to children left homeless or of anyone wishing to adopt a child. Mrs. E.M. Cassady, Secretary.

Onawa Weekly Democrat Ticonic 4Jan1900 Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Cleveland and daughter Etta of Rodney Sundayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney.

Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Blencoe News Charles Wilkinson recently sold nearly $1,000 worth of stock cattle to Adams and Whittaker for their large ranch near Little Sioux.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 04Jan1900 Miss Mabel Greene was the guest of the Misses Mary and Edith Whittier a few days last week.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Whiting News The Congregational Sunday school elected officers last Sunday for the coming year. The Superintendant and assistant were retained. Lawrence Patterson, Sec; Earl VanVleck, Treas.; Florence Whittier and Zelma Eggleston Librarians; Grace Rains, Organist.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Whiting Robert Whittier was in Sac City Sunday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Whiting Miss Edith Whittier has returned to Cedar Falls where she will enter the winter and spring term at the Normal school.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Whiting News Robert Whittier was in Sioux City Sunday.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Whiting News Attorney Kindall gave a dinner at his home in Onawa Wednesday in honor of the 81st birthday of Elijah Peake. Mr. and Mrs. G.W. McMillan and family of Onawa and Mrs. D.J. Rockwell of Council Bluffs were participating guests.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Whiting News Miss Edith Whittier and Mabel Greene left Monday morning for Cedar Falls to resume their studies after a two week's visit here.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 The Week in Whiting Work was begun on Monday morning by Mr. Whittier in putting a new front in the room occupied by Thorp's furniture store.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Whiting News Mr. Whittier is having the front of the Thorp furniture store remodeled and the building fixed up in general and when completed and painted will change the appearance of that c?rper immensely.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 17Jan1900 Blencoe in Print J. Whyte Sundayed with friends in Dunlap.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 17Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Gray and Whyte shipped a car of hogs to Omaha Tuesday night.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Blencoe News Joseph Whyte was at Logan Saturday and Sunday on business.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Blencoe News Gray and Whyte shipped a car of hogs to Chicago Tuesday night. Sherman Naden went through with them.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Gray and Whyte are building a large corn crib. Mosher and Son are doing the work.

Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Turin Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Wickersham were doing business in Onawa Saturday.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Soldier Mr. and Mrs. Ed Queen and Mrs. S. Wight went to Moorhead Sunday night to attend church.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 News at Castana Fred Weston of St. Paul visited with Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wiley a few days last week.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 News at Castana Mr. Custer of Dunlap moved his family last week onto the farm he bought of Mr. Wiley.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 News at Castana Mrs. W.L. Frost of Sioux City is visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Wiley this week. Mr. Frost returned to Sioux City Tuesday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Castana News The Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational church meets with Mrs. W.L. Wiley Thursday afternoon to elect officers for the ensuing year.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Castana News William Wiley thinks of going to some springs during the winter for rest and aid in growing stronger. He is much improved in health and feels like taking a strong hold on the near by and by.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Castana News Mrs. Dr. Bowman has purchased the Myron Wiley home and will use it as a starter for a sanitorium. After looking over lots of country she finds no place that fills her idea of a healthy and pleasant place for invalids as the city on the hill and she has made a stake to tie to for the present. If the future justifies she will next move for an enlarged home that will be a credit to her work and a good thing for the neighborhood.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Castana News Mrs. Dr. Bowman bought the Myron Wiley property last week.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Castana News Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wiley will leave soon for Excelsior Springs and other southern points.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Castana News Dr. J.C. Bowman moved into the Myron Wiley place Thursday where she will have more and better room for her many patients. She has several patients from Onawa that attend regularly and are being greatly benefited.
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 M.A. Wiley and wife to Julia Bowman; lot 4 and w half of 5 blk 18, Castana $2000
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 Julia Bowman to Ida Wiley; lot 4 and 75 feet 6 block 22 Castana $225
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Castana News W.L. Wiley shipped two cars cattle to Omaha Monday and went through with them.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Richard Wilkinson and son of Eagle NE are here visiting Mr. Wilkinson's mother for a few days.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Miss Lizzie Tees returned to Norfolk Thursday where she will again take up her school work after a pleasant week's visit here with relatives. Her sister accompanied her to Eagle NE where she will visit at the home of R. Wilkinson.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Blencoe News Robert Wilkinson will teach a term of school in Jordan township.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Blencoe News R. Wilkinnson and son of Eagle NE are visiting relatives and friends this week.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 17Jan1900 Blencoe in Print On Tuesday this week, Samuel Cunningham of the firm of Cunningham and Gray sold his interest in the lumber yard to Munger and Wilkinson of Eagle NE.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Blencoe News For 17 long years the firm of Cunningham and Gray have been in the lumber business and have made a success of the same. The first of this week Mr. Cunningham sold his interest to Wilkinson and Munger of Eagle NE. They will be associated with A.O. Gray the junior member of the former firm.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Blencoe News Charles Wilkinson recently sold nearly $1,000 worth of stock cattle to Adams and Whittaker for their large ranch near Little Sioux.

Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Whiting News County Treasurer Willey was in town Tuesday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Miss Arta Willey visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Hawthorne at Anthon.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Local News Mrs. Dave Hawthorne was down from Anthon last week having some dental work done. She returned home Friday accompanied by Miss Arta Willey who made an over Sunday visit.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Castana News Myron Willey will move into the Nixon house this week and Dr. Bowen will take his place early next week.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 04Jan1900 Elmer Wilt, Roy Potter, Alva Williams, and Clyde Polly left Tuesday for Des Moines where they will attend college.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Lincoln News Misses Hulda Johnson, Alyce Templeton and Messrs James Williams and Johnson of Onawa called on Minnie Fletcher Sunday.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Local News At the Onawa House this week there were the following out of town guests, among others: J.H. Cork of Moorhead; Thomas Peabody of Lincoln; E.H. Williams of Sioux City; John Willmer and William Holdgrafer of Charter Oak; Jasper Bouslaugh of Castana; H.M. Briener and C.A. Smith of Lyons NE; and A.H. Morley of Decatur NE.

Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Local News At the Onawa House this week there were the following out of town guests, among others: J.H. Cork of Moorhead; Thomas Peabody of Lincoln; E.H. Williams of Sioux City; John Willmer and William Holdgrafer of Charter Oak; Jasper Bouslaugh of Castana; H.M. Briener and C.A. Smith of Lyons NE; and A.H. Morley of Decatur NE.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Miss M.A. Willoughby of Smithland was the guest of her uncle W.S. Wade over Sunday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Attorney Chrisman, Lutz, and Cooper of Mapleton are looking after their cases in court.

Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 Local News The following petitions in bankruptcy have been filed and referred to W.D. Brown, referee of Monona County for adjudication: George G. Smith of Castana; total liabilities, $383,392; assets $120 which are exempt. Hugh C. Brown of Castana; total liabilities $690.41; assets, $140 which are exempt. Duke W. Wilsey of Mapleton; total liabilities, $9,968; assets, $250 which are exempt.
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 N.A. Wilsey was down from Luckey Valley Wednesday.
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 Three Monona County farmers have filed petitions in voluntary bankruptcy in the federal court at Sioux City. Hugh C. Brown and George G. Smith are both residents of Castana. Brown says he owes $690.41 and has $140 worth of assets. Smith lists his liabilities at $3,833.92 and his assets at $120. Duke W. Wilsey lives at Mapleton. He says his debts amount to $10,217.06 and he owns $500 worth of property.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Local News The voluntary petitions in bankruptcy now on file with Referee W.D. Brown pending final discharge are as follows: Seba I. Greek of Onawa, liabilities $5,897, assets, none; Silvan B. Greek of Blencoe, liabilities $3,107, assets, none; George G. Smith of Castana, liabilities $3,833.92, assets, $120, exempt; Hugh C. Brown of Kennebec, liabilities $690.41, assets, $140, exempt; Duke W. Wilsey of Mapleton, liabilities $9,968.06, assets $250, exempt.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Whiting News Tuesday, a blind man by the name of De Wilson was arrested for drunkenness and brought before Justice Morris. He plead guilty, was fined and released. the parties who sold him the liquor should be pulled next. More litigation will follow and the end is not yet.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Local News Andrew Wilson of near Moorhead was in town Friday and ordered sale bills for the purpose of disposing of his farm property. He will rent his farm and move to Moorhead.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 04Jan1900 Elmer Wilt, Roy Potter, Alva Williams, and Clyde Polly left Tuesday for Des Moines where they will attend college.

The Mapleton Press 20Jan1900 Marshall Winch and wife to W.J. Newell; part se 13-85-43 $1500.00

Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Blencoe News Sam Gray visited with his uncle Fred Winegar and family of Kennebec last week.

Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Whiting News Born Wednesday morning 3Jan1900 to Mr. and Mrs. Milo Withelm -- a son.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 4Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Sam Washington who has been clerking in D.A. Wolfe's store has taken a week's vacation.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Blencoe News D.A. Wolf visited his family at Turin Friday.
Monona County Gazette 4Jan1900 Blencoe News Sam Washington, clerk at the Wolfe store, is taking a lay off for a couple of weeks.
The Mapleton Press 5Jan1900 Miss Carrie Wolfe and Fred Homan spent Christmas with Turin relatives.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Blencoe in Print Mrs. D.A. Wolfe and children spent Sunday here.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 17Jan1900 Blencoe in Print D.A. Wolf Sundayed at home in Turin.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Local News Fred Wonder visited his grandparents Monday and Tuesday at Mondamin.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Local News Arthur Gordon of Chicago was the guest of his brother-in-law, George Wonder, on Monday and Tuesday.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Local News Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Beaman are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Wonder at Mondamin.

The Mapleton Press 5Jan1900 Mr. N.T. Wood arrived here yesterday from Red Oak on a business mission.
Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 'Advocate 11Jan1900' N.T. Wood, formerly of this place but now of Red Oak, who has spent the past week here with many friends, returned to his home Monday noon.
The Mapleton Press 19Jan1900 Noah T. Wood of Red Oak was in Sac City Tuesday, a guest of his friend and former townman at Mapleton, Rev. E.S. Johnson. Mr. Wood is thinking of changing his residence and is investigating the attractions of several Iowa cities.--Sac Sun.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 The Week In Whiting Jasper Wood shipped a car of stock to market Monday.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 A teachers' meeting will be held at Moorhead on Friday evening and Saturday 26Jan1900 and 27Jan1900. Everybody cordially invited to be present. Piano Solo -- Miss Anna Rude; Address -- "Extracts From my Notebook" -- F.M. Devine Quartette; Round Table -- Conducted by F.E. Lark, County Superintendent; "The Relation of Parent to Pupil to Pupit and Teacher" -- Miss Inez Wood Discussion; "Difficulties That Teachers Meet and How to Meet Them" -- Annie Donnelly Discussion.

Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Whiting News J.E. Woods went to Chicago Monday with two carloads of cattle.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Whiting News The Local Advisory Board of the Iowa Children's Home Society at Des Moines met with Mrs. E.M. Cassady last week Thursday. The following officeers were elected: President, Mrs. McDowell; Vice-President, A.A. Konkle; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. E.M. Cassady. The executive committee: W.C. Whiting, J.E. Woods and Mrs. John Sundberg. The president of the board requests any information in regard to children left homeless or of anyone wishing to adopt a child. Mrs. E.M. Cassady, Secretary.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Ticonic There was a party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Woodward's Friday evening in honor of the little Miss Olivers from Onawa and three of Mr. West's children of Hornick. All had a delightful time pulling taffy.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 Ticonic Elmira Woodward was quite sick last week with scarlet fever but at this writing is somewhat improved.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 Ticonic Mr. Woodward's children are getting better.

Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Whiting News Mrs. Bertha Woolston will leave in a week or so for Colorado where she has accepted a position in a jewelry store.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Lincoln News Harry Woolston went to Missouri Valley Sunday where he will work the remainder of the winter.
Onawa Weekly Democrat 18Jan1900 The Week in Whiting Miss Bertha Woolston expects soon to go to Colorado where she will work in a telephone office.

The Mapleton Press 5Jan1900 George Wooster and George Smith left Tuesday for Texas on a prospecting tour. They will also visit the Mapleton people at Wooster.
Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Blencoe News Levi Wooster's sale of personal property south of town Wednesday was well attended and good prices were realized.
The Mapleton Press 26Jan1900 George Wooster and George Smith returned from their Texas trip yesterday.

Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Whiting News Mrs. Andy Worley and children were here from Decatur Friday visiting relatives and friends.

Onawa Weekly Democrat 11Jan1900 Blencoe in Print The Woodmen will install the following officers on Wednesday evening the 17th: W.P., A. Mesecher; W.A., E. Naden, banker, Willis Wymer; escort, Frank Skinner; clerk, W.D. Loomis; watchman, Ray Heller; secretary, Charles Tryon; manager for three years, John Brown.

Monona County Gazette 18Jan1900 'Advocate 11Jan1900' Mr. and Mrs. Wyrich, who have made an extended visit with the Iddings and other relatives here, returned to their home in Elkhart IN Tuesday evening.


Onawa Weekly Democrat 25Jan1900 The Week In Whiting John Yates was in Sioux City Sunday.
Monona County Gazette 25Jan1900 Whiting News Mr. Yates was at Sioux City first of the week buying goods for Cassady and Whiting's store.

Monona County Gazette 11Jan1900 Lincoln News Dr. Huff called Friday to see Mr. George Zortman who is quite sick.


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