Osage News -- June 13, 1895

Mitchell County, Iowa


[Osage News - June 13, 1895]


  • Last Thursday, as Mrs. E. Jeffries was about to light a fire with kerosene -- the can exploded, burning her face and hands quite badly. This should be a warning to others to leave coal oil out of the question when building a fire.
  • W. P. James of Chicago, is taking his outing on "Prairie View". He expects to remain two months or more.
  • A. J. Robinson is wearing a broad smile just at present over the arrival of a little son one day last week. [NOTE: The child was named Philo Robinson.]
  • Master Theodore Nelson has a little friend visiting him from Forest City.
  • The ice cream and strawberry festival at Mr. Helm’s last Saturday evening was largely attended and Misses Anderson and Ward are to be congratulated on their fine literary and musical program.
  • Many from this district attended the old settlers’ meeting at Spring Park last Friday and report a good time. They pronounce the park an ideal camping ground.
  • The mid-week prayer meeting will be held on Thursday evening in the lecture room of the church. Everybody come and bring your bibles.
  • Miss Effie Bache visited friends in Osage over Saturday and Sunday.
  • Miss Agnes Slawson once more is olbiged to give up her school work on account of erusipelas in her face. Her sister, Miss Mattie will act as supply until she is able to resume work.
  • Several took in the Sunday excursion to Minneapolis.
  • Where are you going to spend the 4th? is the all important question. Answer-Osage, of course.
  • Bert Chase of Osage, was a caller in Rock last week in the interest of a Life Insurance company.
  • Last Sunday there were two services in the new church. The German Methodist holding services in the forenoon, beginning at 10 o’clock and the Baptist using it in the afternoon, services beginning at 3 o’clock.
    This order of services will be observed every Sunday. Invitation for all to come.
  • Monday, Hugh Nichols visited friends in Rock returning "back" to Osage in the afternoon.
  • Sunday evening Mrs. G. C. Boeck received a telegram announcing the death of a sister at Madison, Wisconsin.

    She in company with Mrs. Mackin, left Monday afternoon to attend the funeral.

  • Pontus Benson, of Osage, visited his brother, Fred, over Sunday.

Transcribed in 2009 by M. O'Connor

Webization by K. Kittleson