- 1935 -
2ND LANDMARK IS TORN DOWN Building at St. Ansgar Was in Service 70 Years by Many Owners. ST. ANSGAR, April 29. — A second old landmark in St. Ansgar is being torn down this week, the first being the old dormitory that was built in 1890 at the cost of $6,150, and was used in connection with the St. Ansgar seminary for about 15 years. Later it was used as an apartment house. This week, after 70 years of service, the two story frame building in which the late J. H. Olson conducted a furniture store more than 30 years, and where since the death of Mr. Olsen and the closing out of the furniture, C. G. Gunderson used it for his harness and shoe repair business, was sold to Henry Dahl of Lyle. Workmen are busy tearing down the old landmark. The building was put up in 1865 by E. C. and Henry Lubiens in the town of Newburg about a mile west of St. Ansgar. When the railroad came through St. Ansgar Henry Lubiens moved the building to St. Ansgar and placed it where the old Citizens bank building now stands. E. C. went to Carpenter. Here it was used by the Rudolph Helfrizt drug and grocery store and later the McElwin grocery store. Peter Blakestad used it as a general store. When the bank was built in 1900 it was sold to Chris Miller and then R. C. Lubiens purchased it from him and moved it to its present location. The original building was constructed of lumber grown and sawed here. Mason City Globe-Gazette - Monday, April 29, 1935 |