Mills County, Iowa
Family Reunions


Mills County Tribune
December 5, 1905
Henderson, Dec. 4

An event in which pleasure and pain were mingled was the Wilson reunion at the old home in Anderson township on Thanksgiving day. There were present Mrs. A.E. Wilson and 24 children and grandchildren. The sons Perry, Edd, John, George and Harry, with their families were all present, and one daughter, Mrs. Charles Boles and family. Mesdames Harry Landis and Arthur Rickabaugh were not able to be present. Edna and Arthur Pierce of Oakland were also present. Of course with such notable housewives, the dinner was all that could be wished for.

Mother Wilson added to the pleasure of the occasion by reading several poems of her own composition; one was "Happy Hours in the Old Home"; another, "John's Soliloquy," was addressed to the son who still lives in the old house, but in a few weeks will move to the new one he is building. It was the last gathering in the old home where William B. Wilson and his wife came nearly fifty years ago. He and one daughter, Mrs. Frances Pierce, have "gone home" but those are the only links broken in the family circle. It is a fine family, one that has been a factor for good wherever its influence has been felt, and "Mother Wilson," as she is affectionately known, has every reason to be proud of her flock. In the days when the family were growing up it was a notable gathering place for young people and many still remember the delightful days spent there, and regret its passing away.

Mills County Tribune
June 3, 1910

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles and children went over in their auto yesterday from Glenwood to attend a big family reunion in the Wesley neighborhood north of Hastings. There were sixty present, and the gathering was held in a grove near the John Wilson home. A fine picnic dinner was served. Of course, Mrs. A.E. Wilson was the beloved guest of the occasion, and there were 41 out of 46 of her descendants present. Of these there were 9 children, 24 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. Grandma Wilson is 74 years old, but despite her age entered heartily into the spirit of the occasion. She gave each of her grandchildren a dollar and to her great grandchildren each fifty cents. Others present from a distance were Mrs. Arthur Rickabaugh and children of Albion, Neb., Harry Landis and family of Malvern, and the families of Fred Pierce, Leonard Pierce and John Bentley of Oakland.

Annual Reunion of Well Known Wesley Pioneer Family is Observed; Owing to Visit of Relatives from Michigan
Mills County Tribune
June 10, 1920

Albeit their preparations were needed to be made earlier than contemplated, the Wilson family reunion on the old home farm in Wesley community on Friday, June 4, was an event which will be long held in memory by the participants. These annual events of this well known family have become noted all over the county. Mother Wilson, hale and hearty for one of her age, was there and of course felt the pleasure of greeting the many present.

To add to the pleasure two members of the Wilson family dwelling in Michigan were present. To add to the pleasure two members of the Wilson family dwelling in Michigan were present. They had come to visit and by this gathering were permitted to mingle with their relatives. These visiting relatives were Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilson and their children, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, from Michigan.

Much activity was needed in the Wilson homes to prepare for the day and when one looked on that array of eatables spread at 2 p.m. you would know that the Wilson's can meet all demands. The grove on the now John Wilson farm was a lively place. The younger generation had swings, the older ones had ball and bat and enjoyed some foot racing. One incident will be recalled that will be remembered. It came as a dessert of the dinner. Mrs. George Wilson of Michigan showed her skill as a candy maker and every one knows that she can tickle the palate with sweets hard to surpass. After games were enjoyed an extra ten gallons of ice cream was requisitioned and disappeared. Among those present were Mrs. A.E. Wilson and daughters, Mesdames Boles, Rickabaugh and Candis of Malvern vicinity, and her four sons, Perry, Ed, John and George and families, all of Wesley community. Of the grandchildren there were Fred W. Pierce and family of Oakland, Claude Wilson and wife of Henderson, Carl Wilson and family of Malvern, John M. Wilson of Hastings. Others present were Miss White of Oakland, Mrs. G. Quimby of Hastings, Lois and Doris Kigler of Woodbine, and Rev. L. Hufstader of Wesley.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
August 30, 1928

The Wilson family annual reunion was held Sunday at Oakland, Iowa, not everyone was present because of the weather but those present were: Arthur Pierce and family, Fred Pierce and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce, Leonard Pierce and family, John Bently and family, all of Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. Oris Bently, Mr. and Mrs. Waldon Sowers and son Kenneth from Harlan; Mr. and Mrs. Struther Pleake, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boles and son Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Boles and son, Max and daughter, Dorothy, Mrs. Harry Landis and family all of Malvern; John Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wilson all of Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Boles and family from Glenwood. They report a good time and lots of fried chicken and everything that goes with it, every one departed in a hurry because of the approaching storm. The park where they held the picnic was all torn up by the cyclone later that afternoon.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
September 2, 1929

The annual Wilson family reunion was held at the Glenwood Lake Park Sunday with some 75 members present. The day was ideal and the dinner was complete in every detail even to the ice cream and watermelons. The afternoon hours passed pleasantly with games in which the younger folks indulged while the older members enjoyed visiting. Everyone agreed that these reunions should be continued each year and plans were made to meet again next year. The reunion last year was held at Oakland in the park which was swept by the tornado which practically destroyed it that evening just after the family had departed. Those attending this years reunion were as follows:

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wilson, Edd Wilson, John Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pierson and daughter Joice, all of Wesley Chapel, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierce and daughters of Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. John Bentley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierce and family, Lenard Pierce and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pleak, Mr. and Mrs. Orris Bentley and baby, all of Oakland. Mrs. Landis and family, Carl Wilson and family, Galen and Herbert Boles and families of Malvern, C.W. Boles and family of Glenwood. Also several visitor friends of the family.

Malvern Leader
June 9, 1932

Some ninety descendants of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Wilson assembled at the fair grounds here Sunday for their annual reunion and picnic, such as they have held for more than twenty-five years. Dinner was served cafeteria style in the floral hall. The afternoon was spent in visiting, reminiscing, and pictures of the group were taken. A business session was held and officers elected as follows: president, Leonard Pierce, Oakland; secretary, Inez Landis, Malvern. The family history was read by Perry Wilson.

Those attending the reunion were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and family of Wesley Chapel neighborhood, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas McGrew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson, Mrs. Ray Pierson and daughter, Joyce, of Henderson; Mr. and Mrs. Orris Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vieth, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pierson and daughter, Lorraine, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierce and family, and her brother and wife, Stratton Pleake and daughter, and Mrs. John Bentley and family of Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clay and daughter Francine, of Omaha, Mrs. Charles Boles, Glen Boles, George Boles, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boles and family, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Boles and family, Mrs. Glen Boyer and Mrs. Russell Ridenour of Glenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierce and daughter, Ruth, of Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clem and family of Sidney, Mrs. Henry Lindikugle of Hershey, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Landis, Mrs. Bertha Landis, Miss Inez Landis, and Mr. and Mrs. W.H. May of Malvern.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 4, 1934

Descendants of W.B. Wilson Gathered in Timber Near Wesley Chapel Neighborhood--Bountiful Dinner Enjoyed at Noon. The annual family reunion of the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Wilson, one of Mills county's pioneer families, was held Sunday in the timber on the old home place in the Wesley Chapel neighborhood north of Hastings. There were nearly 100 relatives present and as usual a bountiful dinner was enjoyed in true picnic style, with plenty of ice cream and cake for all. Prayer was offered by Rev. Nesbitt, after which all joined in the singing of old time songs. Letters were read from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson of Brownsville, Ore., and Mrs. C.A. Rickabaugh of Eugene, Ore. An appropriate tribute to that pioneer couple, Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Wilson, was read by Claude Wilson. Surely this worthy couple would feel a well deserved pride in that group of descendants could they but see the group which was assembled on this occasion.

Walter Beckley of Oakland was elected president, and Lois Wilson secretary of the family assoation for the coming year. It was voted to hold the 1935 reunion on the first Sunday in June in the same place. Death entered the ranks of this family this year, claiming only one member, Walton Sowers, whose presence was greatly missed. Four marriages have taken place within the clan during the past year, these being Chas., George and Ruth Rickabaugh of Oregon, also Bernice Wilson of Malvern, and three births this year.

Those present were, from Wesley Chapel: Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wilson, Edd Wilson and son Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson, Mrs. Ray Pierson and daughter Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wilson and children, Rev. and Mrs. Nesbitt and children. From Glenwood: Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Boles, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boles and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ridenour and Janet Marie of Pacific Junction. From Malvern: Mrs. Bertha Landis, Carl Wilson, Galen Boles and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boles and son Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clune and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clay and daughter, Lincoln, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Woodfill, Strahan; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierce and family of Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. Will Bond and son of Silver City. From Oakland were: Mrs. Edith Bentley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pierce and family, Mr. Arthur Pierce and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Pierce and son Charles, Strauther Pleak and little daughter, also his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vieth, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Purcell. The crowd was soon scattered when the welcome rain came, all looking forward to the next reunion.

Malvern Leader
June 6, 1935

The descendants of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Wilson held their annual picnic and reunion Sunday June 2, in the grove on the John Wilson farm. There were more than 70 of the relatives and friends present. At a business session presided over by the president, Walter Bently, Dallas McGrew was elected president for the following year and Mrs. Galen Boles secretary. The youngest person present was the month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boles. The most recently married couple was Mr. and Mrs. John Bently of Oakland who were married May 29. Mrs. Bently was formerly Mary Lou Peterson of Council Bluffs.

Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and family, Ed Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas McGrew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson and Mrs. Ray Pierson and daughter, Joyce, of Wesley Chapel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Boles and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boles and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boles and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ridenour and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Orris Bently and family of Glenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierce and daughter, Mrs. Elsie May and granddaughter, Marline, of Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierce and family, Mrs. Edith Bently and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Bently, Mr. Strauthey Pleake and daughter of Oakland. Other guests were Mrs. Pleake of Oakland, Allen Nesbitt and Marlin Wilkinson. The 1936 reunion is to be held the first Sunday in June at Oakland.

Annual Meeting Held at Oakland; 140 Descendants Present
Malvern Leader
June 11, 1936

Members of the Wilson clan held their annual reunion in Oakland Sunday with 140 members of the family, descendants of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Wilson, present. A picnic dinner was a big feature of the day and officers were named for next year's meeting which will be held in Council Bluffs. Mrs. Etta Boles was named president of the group and Mrs. Genevieve Landis Vieth of Oakland, secretary.

D.N. McGrew gave a brief history of the clan. Coming the longest distance for the reunion were Mrs. Lindekugle and her son and wife of Hershey, Nebr. The oldest person present was Mrs. Perry Wilson and the youngest was the four weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson. There were three deaths the past year, Perry Wilson and the twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Boyer. Seven births, however, had increased the membership and six had come by marriage. This was the 34th meeting or reunion of the family.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 7, 1937

Over 100 Members of Prominent Family Gathered in Bluffs Park. Motion Pictures of Last Years Reunion The annual reunion of the Wilson family was held Sunday, June 6 at Fairmont park in Council Bluffs. Over 100 members of the family were present and enjoyed a wonderful basket dinner and plenty of hot coffee instead of the usual ice cream. At the business meeting, Kenneth Bentley of Oakland, was elected as president for the coming year and Mrs. Carl Vieth, also of Oakland was elected as secretary.

A history of the Wilson family was read and also a letter from an absent family in Oregon. Later all adjourned to a dark room where a moving picture of the last years reunion were shown and which were greatly enjoyed by this years gathering. These pictures were taken and shown by Galen Purcell of Council Bluffs. Two deaths occurrred this year in the Wilson family, those of George Wilson and Mrs. Perry Wilson, both of Wesley Chapel. One wedding was solemnized in this family, when Elva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, became the bride of Eric Nyren. The young couple who were married on May 1, are residing at Wesley Chapel. Two births were reported; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson of Emerson and a grandson to Mr. and Mrs. Art Rickabaugh of Oregon. The reunion for next year will be held the first Sunday in June 1938 at the same place.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
May 23, 1938

The members of the Wilson family gathered on Sunday, May 22nd, 1938, at the Wesley Chapel church for their annual reunion, the family gathering being held early this year because of the presence of Mrs. C.A. Rickabaugh of Eugene, Ore., who has been visiting here in this community for some time. Due to the weather, the meal was held in the basement of the Wesley Chapel church. Following a bountiful dinner a business meeting and program was held. Mrs. Rickabaugh and Claude Wilson favored with a duet; Mrs. Rickabaugh with a solo; a solo on the musical saw by Joyce Pierson and various musical numbers and recitations by the children.

There was one wedding in this family the past year, the marriage of Elva Wilson, daughter of John Wilson. There were no deaths and four births, a son to Mr. and Mrs. George Boles of Glenwood; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yates of Wesley Chapel; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Veith of Oakland, and a son to Mr. and Mrs. George Rickabaugh, who reside in California. The same officers were elected for the coming year: Kenneth Bentley, president; Mrs. Carl Veith, secretary and treasurer. The 1939 reunion will be held the first Sunday in June.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 5, 1939

The annual family reunion of the Wilson families was held Sunday, June 4, 1939 at the park at Oakland, Ia. Over 100 members of the family and descendants were present and spent a most enjoyable day, the feature of which was a bountiful picnic dinner. In the afternoon a short business meeting was held and officers were elected for the coming year. Clarence Boles of Glenwood, was elected president and Leona Bentley of Oakland, was elected secretary. It was boted to hold the next meeting on the firs Sunday in June, 1940, at the Oakland park.

A short program was presented and an interesting letter was read from Mrs. Katherine Rickabaugh of Eugene, Ore. Two deaths have occurred in the Wilson families the past year, that of George Boles, who died at Camp Dodge on August 21st and Howard Jones, son-in-law of Mrs. Rickabaugh, who was accidentally shot by a friend while hunting deer last September. Ten births in the family were reported. After the program in the afternoon, all adjourned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vieth in Oakland, where Galen Purcell of Council Bluffs, cousin of C.W. Boles of Glenwood, delighted all with the presentation of motion pictures taken of the Wilson reunion some three years ago. He also showed pictures of the Golden Spike parade in Omaha.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 3, 1940

The annual family reunion of the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Wilson, prominent pioneer residents of the Wesley Chapel neighborhood north of Hastings, was held in Oakland Sunday. It was a beautiful day and over one hundred gathered at the Oakland park, where a bountiful picnic dinner was enjoyed. Those coming from the farthest distance were a carload of relatives who came from Oregon. These were C.A. Rickabaugh, his daughter, Mrs. Dick Krakes and two children, Jimmie and Jean, also a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Rickabaugh.

Clarence Boles of Glenwood has served as president of the family association for the past year and Leona Bentley of Oakland has served as secretary. During the business meeting it was reported that there had been but two deaths in the family circle this year, Mrs. John Wilson and Frank Shook, both of Hastings. There have been two births, grandchildren of John Wilson of Hastings. There have been but one marriage, that of the son of Leonard Pierce of Oakland. Orville Pierce of Oakland, was elected president for the coming year, and Tacy Wilson of Hastings, is secretary. It was voted to hold next year’s reunion at the lake park in Glenwood on the first Sunday in June.

June 2, 1941

The thirty-ninth annual reunion of the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Wilson, pioneer settlers in the Wesley Chapel neighborhood back in the fifties, was held at the Glenwood Lake Park Sunday, June 1. There were over 100 present, coming from Des Moines, Sioux City, Oakland, Emerson, Hastings, Henderson, Malvern, and Glenwood. All enjoyed a bountiful basket dinner at noon followed by a short business session presided over by Orville Pierce of Oakland, who had served as president the past year. K.C. Wilson of Hastings, who has served as secretary, reported one death within the family circle the past year, that of George Wilson of Malvern. The family circle was enlarged by six births and eight additions by marriage.

Mrs. Clarence Boles of Glenwood, was elected as president for the coming year, and Joyce Pearson of Henderson, was elected secretary. It was decided to hold the reunion next year on the first Sunday in June in Oakland. The young people enjoyed the afternoon hours fishing and swimming while the older people renewed old acquaintances visiting and recounting the experiences of other days.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 10, 1943

The annual Wilson Reunion was held Sunday, June 6, 1943, at the Malvern Community Building it being too rainy to hold the meeting in the timber near Wesley Chapel, as planned. There were 90 present in spite of the rain, and all came with well-filled baskets and plenty of fried chicken and all the trimmings. There had been six births in the family the past year. The youngest baby there was Mary Sue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Boyer of Glenwood, born March 19, 1943. After dinner, the president, Mrs. Frank Clay of Omaha, called the meeting to order with a short business session. The officers for next year are: President, Mrs. Fay Shook of Malvern, Vice President, Mrs. Harold Wilson of Hastings, and Secretary, Joyce Pierson of Henderson. It was decided to hold the next meeting at Malvern on the second Sunday of June 1944. The one coming the longest distance was Edith Louise Rickabaugh, from Eugene, Ore. She is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Rickabaugh, and had been here for 18 years. She gave a talk on her trip last year through Washington and Idaho. She will visit here this week and go next Saturday to Clear Lake for a youth conference of different churches which will last for ten weeks. Older members of the Wilson family present included Ed and John Wilson near Wesley Chapel, Mrs. George Wilson of Malvern, Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Boles of Glenwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wills of Des Moines. A letter was read from Harry Wilson of Oregon.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 15, 1944

The Wilson family reunion was held Sunday at the Community building in Malvern, with 80 or more in attendance. A cooperative dinner was served at noon, after which a program and election of officers. Fred Pierce of Malvern was elected President, Mrs. C.W. Boles of Glenwood, vice president, Dorothy Boles of Malvern Secretary. There are 15 men and boys in the service, with no deaths or weddings, with three births. Mrs. C.A. Rickabaugh of Eugene, Ore. sent a very interesting letter to be read at the reunion.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 7, 1945

The 43rd annual Wilson family reunion was held Sunday, June 3, at the Malvern Community Building. Nearly 100 were present. At the business meeting it was voted to hold next year's reunion at Oakland. Officers elected were: President, Lloyd Landis; Vice President, Tacy Peterson; Secretary, Winona Boles. A short program included a trumpet solo by Roger Landis, exhibition of baton twirling by Winona Boles, Piano solo by Ruth Bowen, Vocal solos by Joyce Ridenour and Barbara Boyer, Reading by Jean Clem and a closing piano number by Nellie Pierce. A history of the Wilson family, read by Winona Boles, gave the information that W.B. Wilson was born in Denton, Lincolnshire, England, in 1819 and came to Mud Creek, Mills County in 1856, where he bought 840 acres of land at $6 per acre. He was postmaster at the Benton settlement for twelve years and his wife taught school in Mills County for a salary of $20 per month. Four of the children of W.B. Wilson attended the reunion, including Ed and John Wilson of Wesley Chapel neighborhood, Mrs. C.W. Boles of Glenwood and Mrs. Bertha Wills of Des Moines. Four births were reported in the family during the past year, and two weddings also were recorded. Fifteen members of the family are in the armed forces.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 10, 1954

The 52nd annual reunion of the Wilson family was held Sunday, June 6, at Red Oak with 115 present. All enjoyed a bountiful basket dinner. The president, Edwin McGrew of Hastings, presided at the business meeting. Letters were read from Claude Wilson of DeKalb, Ill., and Kathryn Rickabaugh of Eugene, Ore. The group voted to hold next year's reunion at Glenwood Lake Park on the first Sunday in June. Officers elected were: President, Wayne Boles of Glenwood; Vice-President, Carl Wilson of Malvern; Secretary, Barbara Boyer of Glenwood. Statistics showed four births and six marriages in the family during the past year. Three deaths recorded were Winona Boles Timmerman on Dec. 14, 1953; Art Rickabaugh of Oregon on March 4, 1954 and Bill Kelso declared dead on March 26, 1954. Lee Boles, who was present from Eugene, Ore., had with him his fiancee, Miss Barbara Bohy of Aurora, Ill., to whom he will be wed June 12. Lee has just been discharged from four years as a fighter pilot in the Naval Air Force, with eight months combat duty in Korea.

Seven other men of the family who are now in the armed services are: Charles W. Pierce at Ft. Knox, Ky.; Don Hoeppner at Ft. Prince, W. Va.; Bob Bond of the Coast Guard stationed at Duluth, Minn.; Gerald Sowers of the Navy at San Diego; Clarence Boles, Jr., on USS Manchester in Southeast Asia; Brysen Teachout in the Air Force and Arthur Bond with the National Guard at Council Bluffs. Other interesting items brought to the attention of the family were: the 92nd birthday of Ed Wilson, celebrated May 4; graduation of Lee Ellen Vieth Hoeppner from Simpson College; internship of Miss Joanne McGrew as dietician at Veterans' Hospital, Hines, Ill.; publication of a book, "Poems of Every Day Living," by Claude Wilson; and trips being presently taken by Mr. and Mrs. Kent Butcher to California and by Miss Edna Pierce who will return soon from two years of teaching in Germany. Present from a great distance were Mr. and Mrs. Galen Boles and Lee and Mrs. Kathryn Rickabaugh of Eugene, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Warriner of Long Beach, Calif.; Miss Barbara Bohy of Aurora, Ill. Others registered from Lincoln, Glenwood, Malvern, Hastings, Emerson, Oakland and Silver City.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 9, 1955

The 53rd annual reunion of the Wilson family was held Sunday, June 5th, at Glenwood. Due to rain it was held at the American Legion Auxiliary clubroom. Those present enjoyed a delicious pot-luck dinner. The president, Wayne Boles, presided at the business meeting. There were approximately 100 present. Letters were read from Mrs. Kathryn Rickabaugh and Mrs. Dora Boles, both of Eugene, Ore.

Statistics showed there were seven births and six marriages during the year. Two deaths recorded were Edith Bentley on June 29, 1954 and Edd Wilson on September 24, 1954. There are nine members of the family in the armed services: Charles W. Pierce at Ft. Knox, Ky.; Floyd W. Landis at Ft. Ord, Monteg, Calif.; Norma Boles at Bambridge, Md.; Clarence Boles, Jr., on USS Manchester in Southeast Asia; Everett McGrew, Don Haeppner at Ft. Prince, W. Va.; Bob Bond at Duluth, Minn.; and Bripen Teachout, Air Force, Odean Loney, Youkuska, Japan. Those attending from the longest distances were: Miss Joyce Ridenour, Washington, D.C.; Miss Connie Landis, Long Beach, Calif.; and Bob Bond from Duluth, Minn. Mrs. Ben Wilson read a poem written by Grandmother Wilson on her 80th birthday, on February 17, 1918.

New officers elected are; President, Mrs. Ben Wilson; vice-president, Dud Conner; secretary and treasurer, Ben Wilson. The group voted to hold next year’s reunion at the Glenwood Lake Park on the first Sunday in June.

Malvern Leader
June 18, 1959

One hundred five members of the W.B. Wilson family met at Viking Lake near Stanton for the 57th annual reunion Sunday, June 14. Acting officers, Edwin McGrew, Marion Wilson and Mrs. Max Henderson, planned the event and in advance, provided forms for a complete family registry. When all forms are completed and in, copies will be made for each family. As members arrived they were given colored name tags designating the Wilson family group to which each belonged. Following a delicious picnic dinner at noon, Mrs. Ralph Pierce led group singing. Julie Clay sang two numbers and then sand an accompaniement while little Maureen Kay Henderson danced. President Edwin McGrew Conducted the business meeting. A Letter was read from Galen and Dora Boles of Eugene, Ore., telling that their daughter Dorothy and her huaband, Rev. Austin Warriner, are sailing Sept. 1 for Tokyo or Kobe, Japan, where they will serve as missionaries. Rev. Warrriner isspending the summer in linguistic study at Toronto, Canada, while Dorothy and the children visit at Galen's.

Two 50th wedding anniversaries were observed in the family; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lindekuge of Sutherland, Neb., on Feb. 3, 1959, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierce of Oakland on June 2, with open house in the Methodist church the Sunday preceding. Attending from the greatest distance was Mrs. Bryaon Teachout (Francine Clay) and children of Denver, Colo. The youngest member present was Roger McGrew, three month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett McGrew. Eldest member attending was Mrs. Etta Boles of Glenwood. Two deaths in the past year were Frank Clay, Jan. 30, 1959 and Lorraine Pierce Standeven, Feb. 2, 1959.

Several boys are in service. Sam Boyer arrived recently in Vicenza, Italy, near Venice, where he will be stationed for two or three years. Jeryl Wilson, staff sergeant in the Marines, was moved from Chicago to Camp Le Jeune, Beulaville, N.C. Lee Boles of the navy air force was transferred from Corpus Christi, Tex., to Monterey, Calif. Marion Ellis is stationed at Presque Island, Me., after returning from overseas. Three marriages took place during the past year: Barbara Nyren to Daniel M. Shaw, June 8, 1958; Lloyd William Landis of Long Beach, Calif., to Lois Jean Laird, Feb. 21, 1959; and Clyde Russel Bond to Sandra Kaye Dragar, June 13, 1959. Additions to the family by birth were as follows:

1958: Laura Marie to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, Eugene, Ore., Oct. 14. Jacqueline Winona to Mr. and Mrs. Jeryl Wilson, Beulaville, N.C., Oct. 24. Michael Lee to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilkinson, Conroe, Tex., Nov. 6. Sandra Lynn to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonda, Nov. 15. Sherry Mae to Mr. and Mrs. Ardith Coleman, Oakland, Ia., Nov. 20.

1959: Michele Kay to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGruder (Connie Wilson), Council Bluffs, Jan. 31. Roger Everett to Mr. and Mrs. Everett McGrew, Emerson, March 14. Darrell Kieth to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Boles, Corpus Christi, Tex., April 25. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Ambrose, Ukiah, Calif., May 9. New officers elected were Fred Pierce of Oakland, president; Mrs. Kenneth Bentley of Minden, vice president; and Mrs. Sherwood Bentley of Macedonia, secretary and treasurer.

Malvern Leader
June 9, 1960

The 58th annual reunion of members of the W.B. Wilson family was held June 5 a the Griswold park. Acting officers, Fred Pierce of Oakland, president; Mrs. Kenneth Bentley of Minden, vice president; and Mrs. Sherwood Bentley of Macedonia, secretary, arrived early to secure tables and have all in readiness. One hundred nine members and guests were present for the bountiful dinner at noon and the business meeting and program following. The eldest member attending was Etta Boles of Glenwood and the youngest was the one month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McGrew. Those driving the farthest distance were Mrs. Hazel Clay, Jim and Julie of Omaha.

A letter was read from Mrs. Mildred Crakes telling of the death of Linda Marie, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Rickabaugh of Palo Alto, Calif. Dick and Mildred Crakes plan a trip to the Far East this fall. A program of songs was given by Jean and Beverly Wilson, Mary and Dorothy Bond, Julie Clay and Lana Bentley.

Mrs. Sherwood Bentley, secretary, reported four deaths during the year; Diane Louise Coleman, four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ardath Coleman, Aug. 31, 1959; Clarence Kunze, Sept. 23, 1959; Mrs. Don Heppner (Lee Ellen Vieth), Feb. 17, 1960; and Linda Marie, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Rickabaugh of Palo Alto, Calif., May 19, 1960. There were two weddings, Art Bond and Jean Allison, Sept. 29, 1959 and Norma Boles to James Webster, April 12, 1960. Births during the past year were: Pamela Sue to Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Taylor, Aug. 13, 1959; Robert Donald to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Daus, Nov. 24, 1959; Joni Jean to Mr. and Mrs. Jon Boles, Feb. 2, 1960; Jackie Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boles, Jr. March 11, 1960; Anthony Lloyd to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Ellis, April 29, 1960; David Edwin to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McGrew, May 4, 1960. New officers elected were Glen Boyer of Glenwood, president; Mrs. Inez Bond of Silver City, vice president; and Joyce Ridenour pf Glenwood, secretary and treasurer.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 8, 1977

The 75th annual W.B. Wilson family reunion brought 86 descendants to Glenwood Lake Park on Sunday. Following dinner the business meeting was held, by President, Clarence Boles and Secretary, Marie Ridenour.

Letters were read by Norma Boles and Hazel Boles from Mrs. Galen Boles of Eugene, Ore., and Mrs. Roy Smith of Eugene, Ore., and Mrs. George Koch of Hershey, Nebr. Mrs. Charles Rickabaugh of Bend, Ore., was given special recognition for coming the longest distance. The oldest member present was Mrs. Carl Wilson of Malvern and the youngest, Gregg Tiebe of Malvern. He is the great-great-great-grandchild of W.B. Wilson. Each was presented with a gift. There were 11 births, four weddings, six high school graduations, two college graduations, and a joyous year with no deaths reported. There were 21 grandchildren 32 great-grandchildren, 22 great-great-grandchildren and 10 great-great-great grandchildren and one guest present. Officers elected for 1978 were: president, Everett McGrew; vice president, Kenneth Sowers; and secretary, Pluma McGrew. The next reunion will be held at Wesley Chapel the first Sunday in June.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 6, 1980

The 78th annual Wilson family reunion was held June 1 at the Malvern Community Building with 64 descendants and one guest present. After a picnic dinner, the business meeting was conducted by Bernice Woodfill, president; Phyllis Benton, vice president and Joyce Lathrop, a secretary-treasurer.

Newly elected officers for 1981 are Norma Boles, president; Patty Matland, vice president; and Jackie Boles, secretary-treasurer. The 1981 reunion will be in Glenwood.

Maude Wilson was the oldest member present. Because Orris Bentley, the oldest living direct descendant, left early, the prize went to Clarence Boles, the next oldest present. Cheri Elaine Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Wilson, was the youngest member present. She is the first Wilson baby born in 22 1/2 years.

Sherwood and Marjorie Bentley were awarded a loving cup for being the champion grandparents of the decade. They have welcomed nine grandchildren in the last 10 years. The prize for coming from the greatest distance went to the visitor, Teafilo Azada, a foreign exchange student from the Phillippines.

Genevieve Vieth showed movies of old family reunions. There have been 11 births, 15 marriages and three deaths in the family in the past year.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 18, 1981

The 79th annual Wilson family reunion was held June 7 at the Glenwood Fire Station; 73 descendants and one guest were present. After a picnic dinner, the business meeting was conducted and the following were elected officers for 1982: Orval Pierce, president; Charles Pierce, vice president; and La Villa Pierce, secretary-treasurer. Maude Wilson, 92, was the oldest member present, and Timothy Riebe, 1-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Riebe, was the youngest. Marion Wilson of Sun City, Ariz., came from the greatest distance.

The 1982 reunion will be held in Oakland.

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