Mills County, Iowa
Family Reunions


Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Austin attended a Parker-Plumb reunion held in Fairmont park in Council Bluffs on Thursday. Following the picnic dinner a business session was held in which the officers of the past year were reelected.

As part of the program which followed Ethel Skerritt Hall of Silver City gave an interesting report of a trip to the eastern and southern parts of the U.S. and gave greetings and news of the families of her brother, Gail Skerritt of New York, and her cousin, Ivan Axtell of Atlanta, Ga.

J.T. Skerritt of Silver City and Mrs. L.D. Austin were the senior members of this gathering of 40 relatives. Five generations were represented.

August 27, 1928

The Parker and Plumb families met in their fourth reunion at Oakland, Ia., Wednesday, August 22. There were present fourteen from Mills county, twenty-one from Shelby county. Besides there were Dal Redman and family from Walnut, Iowa; Robert Plumb and family from Valley, Neb.; Rev. Oscar Plumb and wife from Albany, New York; P.V. Plumb from Colorado Springs, Colo.; and W.A. Axtell of Pass Robles, Calif.; making a total of 105.

The day was spent in true family fellowship. A picnic dinner was an important feature of the day. During the program which followed J.T. Skerritt, P.V. Plumb and G.H. Parker related some of their early recollections of Iowa. A contrast was drawn between the mode of travel in that day in a lumber wagon drawn by ox or horse team and the travel today in the limousine and airplane. Also the difference in farming then and now.

Mrs. Skerritt exhibited a large American flag which was made by the families in 1875 for the occasion of a Sunday School picnic and which has served for many like occasions since.

Rev. Oscar Plumb spoke of conditions in New England where farming is still done in much the same way that it was in Iowa in the sixties. He also gave two humorous readings which caused hearty laughter.

A business meeting followed the program. After a day spent in fellowship together, they separated looking forward to the next reunion when they will meet again

Malvern Leader
August 25, 1932

The Parker and Plumb family reunion was held Thursday, Aug. 18, in Fairmont park in Council Bluffs. There were about eighty-five present from Mills, Pottawattamie and Shelby counties.

Of course the picnic dinner was one important feature of the occasion, with fried chicken and cake galore and enough other things to make a well balanced meal. After an hour or two of visiting a meeting was called for the program and election of officers.

The president, Fred Parker, was unable to be present so the vice president, Arthur Plumb, resided. The meeting opened with singing, "Blest be the Tie." The secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Myrta Miller gave her report, Mrs. Rose Austin read a letter from Mrs. Melicent Brown Quinn of Henderson, Ky., and two poems which she had written. One called "Firelight" was written in honor of the reunion and read as follows:

There's something sweet and homey
'Bout the sound of sayings trite,
Such as, "Oh, don't you remember"
And, "I'll ne'er forget that night."
And to sit there just a'talking
Brings the keenest happiness,
When we're gathered round the fire
Just to dream and reminisce.
A golden veil of memory
Hides all sorrows, great and small
And gilds with mellow sunlight
Everything that we'd recall,
Yes, there's nothing brings folks nearer.
Or knits hearts more close and tight,
Than the words, "Don't you remember?"
And, "I'll ne'er forget that night."

If more of those who are invited to these reunions and cannot go would send some greeting or message it would add to the interest and pleasure of the gathering.

John Skerritt and L.D. Austin told of their early recollections of farm life and told of their experiences in breaking prairie sod and the method of harvesting in those days, far different from the combine of today.

The names of those deceased this year were Ralph Parker, Oakland, William Plumb of Norfolk, Nebr., and Kenneth Parker of Malvern.

Officers were elected as follows: President, Mrs. J.T. Skerritt of Silver City., Vice president, Lloyd Parker of Oakland., Secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Myrta Miller of Oakland., Secretary of Mills county, Mrs. Rose Austin; for Shelby county, Mrs. Mary Peterson.

The oldest member of the group was Valentine Plumb of Harlan, 85 years old. No more ideal day could have been ordered for the occasion. The park was beautiful and we all had a good time. We are to meet at Big Lake near Council Bluffs next year.

Malvern Leader
August 24, 1933

The Parker and Plumb family reunion was held at Big Lake Park, Council Bluffs, Thursday, August 17. There were 126 names registered.

We missed the senior member of the family, Valentine Plumb, of Harlan, now ninety years of age, who did not feel able to attend. Those present from other states were; Mrs. Mary Parker and daughter, Millie, of Harpster, Ohio, Robert Plumb and family of Valley, Nebr., and Dr. Earl Moats and family of Blair, Nebr. Although the day dawned clear and bright by noon clouds had gathered which threatened rain but no rain fell there. We learned on reaching home that there had been a heavy shower of short duration at Malvern.

After dinner the president, Mrs. J.T. Skerritt, called the business meeting. The song “Iowa” was sung. Rev. Grant Parker made a short talk and read an original poem contributed by Mrs. Clara Belle Plumb of Colorado Springs, Colo. Others who were to have part on the program failed to attend. Officers were elected as follows; Lloyd Parker of Oakland, president, G.H. Parker of Henderson, vice president, Mrs. Myrta Miller of Oakland, secretary-treasurer. A song “God Be With You Till We Meet Again,” closed the meeting.

It was decided to meet at the same place next year, the second Thursday in August.

The children then enjoyed playing in the water and their elders watched them and enjoyed visiting together.

The following is the poem sent by Mrs. Plumb; Written for the Parker and Plumb family reunion at Big Lake Park, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Thursday, Aug. 17, 1933, by Clara B. Plumb.

“Hello, all you Parkers and Hello all you Plumbs,
This greeting to you from Colorado comes,
We’d like to be with you at Big Lake today
But the distance and depression keep us away;
We don’t mind the distance itself, but alas,
We can’t travel that far without any gas----
And about all we could furnish for our share of the eats
Would be a snowball or two from the top of Pike’s Peak;
Colorado is blest with beautiful scenes
But they don’t fill you up like sweet corn and beans;
We’d like our full share of your young chicken fries
And some generous slices of your fresh apple pies---
But more than all else we would travel the miles
Just for a glimpse of your welcoming smiles,
So if this NRA program brings good times again
We may come next year in an areoplane;
For the Parkers and Plumbs we’d take any chances
We’re so proud of the fact we belong to both branches,
With half the faith and the courage our forefathers had
We wouldn’t call this depression half bad,
We’d soon have it licked and call it a flop
And with smiles on our faces be sitting on top.
God sends the sunshine and God sends the rain,
But the Parkers and Plumbs help to harvest the grain;
So with faith in our hearts and the work that’s at hand
‘We’ll do our part’ to bring peace to our land.
Goodbye all you Parkers and Goodbye all you Plumbs.
‘We’ll be seein’ you’ soon when Prosperity comes!”
With much love and best wishes for success, happiness, and prosperity to all the Parkers and Plumbs at Big Lake today, and to all their kith and kin everywhere, from the three Colorado Plumbs: Parker V. Plumb, Clara B. Plumb, and Lyde Plumb

Malvern Leader
September 19, 1935

Sons and daughters of the late John Parker enjoyed a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parker in Malvern the past week. On Saturday S.J. Parker who had driven out to Fort Collins, Colo., to visit his sister, Mrs. D.N. Salyers, returned bringing her with him and also brought another sister, Mrs. Cora Tucker, from York, Nebr. Then on Sunday Roy Parker came down from Des Moines, and Mrs. Libbie Salyers came from Red Oak, and all the living brothers and sisters were together for the first time in 18 years. Needless to add it was a most enjoyable occasion for all of them.

Mrs. D.N. Salyers and Mrs. Tucker are remaining for a weeks visit with Mills county relatives.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
August 24, 1936

The annual reunion of the Parker-Plumb families was held in Council Bluffs Thursday in Fairmount Park with eighty members present. Arthur Plumb as president presided over the activities, which included picnic dinner, a business meeting, short program and social hour. Mr. Plumb was reelected president, Mrs. R.R. Miller secretary. The reunion will be held at the same place next year.

Those present from Mills county were: Thomas Parker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Glenn Skeritt and son and Ruth Naylor of Malvern, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mintle and daughters and Mrs. Karl Mintle of Glenwood, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Skerritt, Mrs. Rew Burgoin, Mrs. H.A. Hall and Nancy Alice of Silver City.

Malvern Leader
August 18, 1938

The annual reunion of the J.B. Parker family was held Sunday by having a picnic in the Caudell pasture.

The young folks played kitten ball and other games while older folk enjoyed visiting, playing horseshoe and listening to radio accounts of a ball game. There were over 50 present to enjoy the picnic dinner.

The officers elected were Frank Plumb, president; Roscoe Parker, vice president; Will Van Orsdel, secretary and treasurer.

Those signing the register this year were; Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Parker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Parker and son Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Wearin Bowen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wilhelm and family, Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Parker and family, Silver City; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plumb, Glenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Will Van Orsdel and Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Van Orsdel and Marlene, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blackman and Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parker and Bernard Parker, Malvern; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Parker, Wayne, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sylvanus, Carroll, Neb.; Mrs. C. Waidelich and children, Omaha.

Malvern Leader
August 16, 1945

The 19th annual reunion of the J.B. Parker family was held Sunday at the fair grounds south of Malvern with 53 present. After a picnic dinner the afternoon was spent visiting.

A short business meeting was held and the same officers were elected for another year. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Parker of Columbia, S.C., was read to the group by the secretary.

Sunday was also the 74th birthday of Chas. Parker of Silver City. Mrs. Frank Plumb of Glenwood was the oldest member present and Craig Emerick, son of Pvt. and Mrs. Donald Emerick of Minneapolis, Minn., was the youngest.

An entertainment committee of Gail and Wayne Parker, Lorraine Bowen and Phyllis Wilhelm was appointed by the president to provide a program for the 1946 reunion.

There are 34 members of the Parker family serving in the armed forces and two who have given their lives. Charles Roedell S 2/c was killed in the Port Chicago explosion and Clarence Roedell died in a Japanese prison camp.

Those attending the reunion were Mrs. Frank Plumb, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Parker, Charlotte, Richard and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker, Pfc. Gail Parker, Wayne Parker, Miss Mildred McKee, Miss Madelyn Freeze, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parker, Gary and Mary Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Will Van Orsdel, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wilhelm, Phyllis and Gene, Mrs. Miley Schmidt and Sammie, Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Wardelick, Ruth, Louis and Mike Herzberg, Mr. and Mrs. Weerin Bowen, Lorraine, Jack and Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blackman, Grace, Edith and Billy, Mrs. J.C. Clausen and James, Everett Emerick and Bonnie, Mrs. Donald Emerick, Bruce and Craig, Frank Edie and Gene and David Kidwell.

Malvern Leader
August 15, 1946

The 20th annual reunion of the J.B. Parker family was held Sunday at the Malvern fair grounds. There were 50 members and one visitor present.

After a picnic dinner the afternoon was spent visiting. The president, Will Van Orsdel, called a business short meeting and new officers elected for the coming year were; Leonard Parker, president; Gail Parker, vice president; Helen Parker, secretary and treasurer.

A letter received from Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Parker of Columbia, S.C., was read and enjoyed by all.

There were nine children, 43 grandchildren, 184 great grandchildren and 103 great great grandchildren. George Baty of Swatara, Minn., was the oldest member present and Elaine Nix of Aitkin, Minn., the youngest member present.

Present at this reunion were George Baty, Mrs. Millie McAninch, Swatara, Minn.; Mrs. Stanley Nix, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Nix and Elaine, Aitkin, Minn.; Mrs. Blanch Laird, Miss Garnet Laird, White River, S.D.; Mrs. Frank Plumb, Glenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Parker and Gail Parker, Silver City; Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Parker, Charlotte, Richard and Roger, Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parker, Gary, Mary Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wilhelm, Phyllis and Eugene, Marlene Van Orsdel, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blackman, Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Blackman, Mrs. Miley Schmidt and Sammy, Malvern; Mrs. Wilma Tryon, Rodgers, Ark.; Mrs. W.N. Worcester, Marilyn and Ellen, Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parker, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Weeren Bowen, Jack and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boos, Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. Will Van Orsdel, Mrs. Wm. Kelso, Glenwood.

Malvern Leader
August 14, 1947

The 21st annual reunion of the J.B. Parker family was held Sunday at the Malvern fair grounds with 52 present. There were six direct descendants present. The oldest member present was Mrs. Frank Plumb of Glenwood and the youngest Willa Jean Parker. After the picnic dinner the business meeting was held followed by a program given by various members of the family.

Those attending the reunion were Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Parker, Middletown, S.C.; Mrs. J.C. Clausen and sons, Treynor; Mr. and Mrs. Gail Parker, Griswold; Mr. and Mrs. Nate Worcester and family, Cedar Rapids; E.N. Parker, Ft. Collins, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker, Macedonia; Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Parker, Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Will Van Orsdel and Mrs. Frank Plumb, Glenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boos, Mrs. Geo. Williams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Weerin Bowen and family, Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Parker, Silver City; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blackman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parker and family, Mrs. Miley Schmidt and son and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wilhelm and family, Malvern.

Glenwood Opinion Tribune
August 18, 1955

Sunday afternoon a Parker family reunion was held at the Glenwood Lake Park. It brought together relatives who hadn’t seen each other for 25 to 30 years.

Those present were: Mrs. Leona Gregg, Mrs. Catherine Williams, Mrs. Les Hoobler and Mrs. June Fender, all of California; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parker of Clarinda; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parker of Willow Springs, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Lindsay of Tarkio, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bolin and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bailey and Lemma of Coin, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lyons of Sidney; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fender and family of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fender and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fender, Jr., Jerry Davenport and Jessie Fender of Omaha; Sylvia Bush and Kenneth South of Sioux City, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wetherell and George Parker of Imogene; Mrs. T.S. Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Strong and family of Council Bluffs; Mrs. Addie Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Garold Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Martindale and family, all of Glenwood.

Malvern Leader
August 4, 1960

The descendants of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Parker held their thirty-fourth annual reunion Sunday at the park in Emerson with a picnic dinner at noon.

Mr. and Mrs. William Baty and family came the farthest to attend. Ralph Parker was the oldest member present and James Parker the youngest.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boos, the President and Secretary, conducted the business meeting and it was voted to hold next year's reunion at Emerson. Letters from Mrs. C.L. Parker of Columbia, S.C. and Raymond Parker of Bellingham, Wash., were read. Cards were signed and sent to Mrs. Parker in South Carolina, Mrs. Roscoe Parker, Houston, Mo., Ed and Claude Parker, Ft. Collins, Colo., and Hosmer Parker in Wilder, Ida. Mr. and Mrs. Boos will serve another year as officers.

The forty four attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parker, Gary and Mary Anna, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowen and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wilhelm and Mrs. Neva Bowen, Mrs. George Williams and Marilyn, Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boos, Janie and Jerry, Underwood; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Parker, Bobby, Marsha and Diane, Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Gail Parker, Ross, Julia, Mark and James, Villisca; Mr. and Mrs. William Baty, granddaughters, Karen and Terri Baty, Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Robison, Ricky and Rex, Lincoln, Nebr.; Mrs. J.C. Clausen and Phillip, Treynor; Mrs. Dwight Kelly, Mayrus, Connie and Larry, Emerson; and Joyce Kidwell of Red Oak.

There were no new babies reported over the past year and Mrs. Harold Blackman left the family circle last January.

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