Mills County, Iowa
Family Reunions


Glenwood Opinion Tribune
August 27, 1936

The Lambert-Shepardson family reunion was held Sunday, Aug. 23, in the grove on the J.L. Merritt farm in Lyons township, which is the old homestead where James Lambert and Lydia Shepardson were married and started homemaking in June, 1855, more than 81 years ago. Six of their children, eleven grandchildren and 19 great grand-children, together with numerous other relatives, met on this occasion to visit and renew acquaintance.

The time and place of meeting had been selected before the date of the Elm Grove home coming was announced, so the two gatherings were happily merged. The committee in charge of the home coming kindly set aside one table for the use of those attending the family picnic.

At this table were Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Merritt and daughter Grace, Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Lambert, Calvin Lambert, Mrs. Jeanette Frazier and daughter Jessie, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Mayberry, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Merritt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mayberry and sons, G.A. Merritt and son James, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Buckingham, all from Glenwood.

Also Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lambert and family from Ravenwood, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Lambert and daughter of Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Matthews of Tabor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayberry and son of Knoxville, Mrs. Arthur Adams and sons of Omaha, Mrs. Lewis Frazier and children of Malvern, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Harrington and son of Mayville, N.D.

The time and place of meeting next year is yet to be decided.

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