Malvern Leader
June 8, 1933
The Henderson relatives and friends met at the Malvern cemetery Decoration Day and decorated the graves of friends and relatives. Then all with well filled baskets drove to the Malvern fair grounds and enjoyed a picnic dinner.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Henderson and little daughter, Mongell, Mrs. Fannie Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rose and son, Paul, Mrs. Gussie Dickerson and daughter, Janice, of Omaha; Mrs. Frank Oswald and daughter, Fay, of Irvington, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Henderson and son, Charles, of Glenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson and children, Davie, Edna, and Dorothy; Miss Nellie Henderson of Hastings; Mrs. Ben Martin of Malvern; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crane and little daughter, Joyce, Mrs. Clint Cozard and little son, Jackie, of Red Oak; Mr. and Mrs. Nelo Hansen and children, Billy, Keith, and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Neff and son, Ted, Miss Elsie Nelson of Council Bluffs; Harry Taylor of Sioux City; and Mrs. Cozard of Red Oak.
Malvern Leader
August 5, 1937
More than 30 people attended the Henderson reunion held in the Red Oak park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams and some of their children and grandchildren of near Red Oak were present; Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Latchaw and Evelyn of near Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Adams and Keith of Glenwood, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Henderson and Alva, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henderson, Max and Gerald of near Silver City, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Leu and four children, Rosa and Ella Pontow, Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Henderson, James and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Butterfield, Lois and Shirley and Corwyn Parker of Malvern.
Malvern Leader
October 21, 1939
Children Together for First Time in 45 Years
A reunion of unusual interest and enjoyment was held Sunday when all of the brothers and sisters of the Henderson family was held near Silver City at the home of Roy Henderson.
The four sisters present were Mrs. Marry Miller and two sons, Floyd and Donald, of Arvada, Colo.; Mrs. Jim Adams and husband and two of their sons, Glen and Dean, with their families, all of Red Oak; Mrs. Rosa Adams, her daughter, Mrs. M.H. Latchaw and husband of near Henderson, her son, Ralph Adams, wife and son Kieth of near Hastings; Miss Hettie Henderson and Miss Olson of Omaha. The brothers present were R.K. Henderson, wife and four children, James and Mary, Lester Henderson, wife and son Bobby, Mrs. Fred Alexander, husband and daughter, Edith, J.E. Henderson and wife and their six children with their families, Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Butterfield, Lois and Shirley of near Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henderson and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Lou and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henderson and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stille and son, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Henderson and son; and the youngest brother, Roscoe Henderson, wife and three daughters, Eldora and Mrs. Flossie Campbell and two children of Knobnoster, Mo., and Mrs. Lola Miller, husband and four children of this vicinity. It is of particular significance that all of the brothers and sisters of the family are living and that this was the first reunion of all of them since the death of their mother about 45 years ago.
There were 71 present for the reunion which was a very enjoyable one. The cafeteria dinner included all that could be desired, pictures were taken and a good time spent in general.