Glenwood Opinion Tribune
August 15, 1927
Children, grandchildren and other relatives gladden Mrs. J.W. Brower Sr., on Sunday by their presence at a family picnic dinner at the Glenwood Lake park, which
was in honor of her 70th birthday. It was a joyous time for all, particularly the celebrant who received many remembrances and the well wishes of the half
a hundred and more who were present on this occasion. The Henry Field Seed company sent Mrs. Brower a large bushel basket of gladiolas which was a beautiful bouquet of unusually large proportion.
That picnic dinner encompassed all that is best in the culinary line and those present who enjoyed the dinner and the fellowship of the day were: Mr. and Mrs. George Brower,
Mr. and Mrs. George Brower Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Newman and family, Albert Skaggs and family, Mrs. Chas. Seitz and family, Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Funk
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Connel, Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Butcher, Mr. and Mrs. George Haley and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Butcher, Mrs. J.W. Brower, all of Glenwood; Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Schade of Thurman and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Schade and family, all of Bartlett; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodges and family of Logan, Iowa.
Malvern Leader
August 31, 1933
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Robbins and son, Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Steele, Julia Jean and Claire; Mrs. Frank Robbins, Sr., Clifford Robbing, Robert Robbins,
Miss Marie Riggins, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hurst, Miss Valda Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. Max Benton, George Brower and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kline and daughter, Barbara Jane,
attended the Brower family reunion at Fremont, Nebr. Sunday.