Mills County, Iowa



Photo contributed by Daniel D. West
Source: 1875 Andreas Atlas

Honorable L. W. Tubbs, a prominent citizen and early settler of Mills County, is a native of New York, having been born in Binghamton in that state, in 1826.

His parents removed at an early day to Western Reserve, Ohio, where he resided until 1849, when, upon the breaking out of the gold excitement in California, he crossed the Plains to that state.

There he remained until 1855, took an active part in the organization and admission of California into the Union, and was elected a member of the first State Legislature from Bute County. Returning from that state he settled in Mills County, Iowa. He was elected County Judge in 1859, and held that position for two years.

During the civil war he was a staunch supporter of the Government, and held commissions from the Governor. Since then he has devoted his time to farming and stock raising. He was one of the originators of the Mills County Agricultural Society, in which he takes an active interest.

Judge Tubbs has been reporter to the Patent Office at Washington, for Mills County, for over sixteen years.

He is the owner of some five thousand acres of land in the county, his home farm at Emerson, where he resides, containing thirty-five hundred acres.

Source: Taken from the Andreas Atlas- Bio, page 392 (transcribed by Lois Shaul)

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Page updated on October 8, 2014 by Karyn Techau