September 3, 1857
would respectfully say to the citizens of Mills and adjoining counties that he is in receipt of a large and well selected stock of American, French and English Chemicals, Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs,
Window-Glass, etc. All Patent Medicines now in use kept constantly on hand, only a few of which are herein names, viz: Jayne's, Louden & Co.'s Dr. Easterly's and Grafenburg and Co.'s Family Medicines, Townsend's Hurley's and
Sand's Sarasparilla, Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. For consumption; Ayre's Cherry Pectoral, Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Dr. Rodger's Liverworth and Tar., Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, Louden & Co.'s Expectorant,
Dr. Brant's Indian Pulmonary Balsam. For Feber and Ague; Dr. Osgood's Indian Colagogue, Smith's Tonic Syrup, Sapin's Jayne's and Louden & Co.'s Ague Pills; together with many patent medicines too tedious to mention.
I have also on hand an assortment of Books and Stationery, Jewelry and Notions, such as are generally kept by Druggists. My stock of Tobacco and Cigars needs no recommendation--all purchasers have to do is to call and examine
for themselves--they will find an extra article.
N.B.--Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions carefully compounded.
Thankful for past favors, he hopes his old customers will continue their patronage.
Dr. Jayne's Medicines--J.V. Hinchman, Agent, Glenwood, Iowa, Jayne's Expectorant, Jayne's Alteractive, Jayne's Hair Tonic, Jayne's Carmmitive Balsam, Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge, Jayne's Hair Dye, Jayne's Ague Pills,
Jayne's Sanative Pills.
September 10, 1857
The following item we clip from last weeks "Crescent," published in Iowa City"
B & M. Freight trains on the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad, are now running to Rome on the other side of Skunk River.
We learn that passenger trains will be run as far as Rome in a few days.
The Burlington and Missouri Railroad is being "put through" with amazing rapidity, and will be finished to the Missouri River long before any other road now in progress.
As Pacific City is to be its western terminus, we are sure to be the most benefited by its completion. Hurrah for the B. & M. Railroad and its early advancement to our city.
At a meeting of the Central Committee of the Democratic Party for Mills County, at the Court House, in Glenwood, on the 8th of September, 1857, it was Resolved;
1st. That the following gentlemen be appointed as committees to organize their respective election precincts, to wit:
GLENWOOD--E.C. Bosbyshell, Joel Soloman, J.R. Tyson.
ST MARY--Robert Quigley, H. Mayer, P.E. Shannon.
PACIFIC CITY--George R. Pancoast, W.S. Gillett, D.C. Oakes.
LYONS--James Queen, Richard Hanie, J. Cutler.
WAUBONSA--H.J. Allison, R.C. Estes, S. Endicott.
WHITE CLOUD--James Mudd, S.S. Purcell, James Hughes.
INDIAN CREEK--W. Hudgins, J. Wearin.
MUDD CREEK--John Day, M. Hulick, J. Lookerbill.
INGRAHAM--James McCoy, Joseph Foster, S. Davis.
SILVER CREEK--James Lewis, N. Kearney, J. Chambers.
OAK--E. Dalton, W. Powell, E. Horner.
2nd. That the precinct Committees are earnestly requested to meet at the earliest possible moment, and organize for the approaching fall elections, and that they at once cause delegates to be appointed to a County Convention,
to meet at Glenwood, on Thursday, the 17th of September, at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of appointing delegates to attend the District Convention, to select a Democratic candidate to represent the counties of Mills, Fremont and Montgomery,
in the next Legislature, and that such delegates hold themselves in readiness to attend the District Convention, to be held at Glenwood on the 19th day of September, 1857.
Each election precinct will be entitled to at least one delegate at large to the County Convention, and one additional delegate for every twenty-five votes as polled at the last August election.
By order of the Central Democratic Committee:
W.W. McComas, Chairman
H.H. Campell
F.R. Prentice
H.J. Graham
W. Kempton, Secretary
September 24, 1857
Most important business detained us from the Convention at Glenwood, to select a candidate for delegate from our District. This was our misfortune, and not our party's for we could have added nothing to what has been done.
From every information we can get, we learn that Mr. Dews, the nominee, is an honest, capable man and sound Democrat. This is just what we wanted, and all we wanted, except to elect him. Let every Democrat put his shoulder
to the wheel. The Democrats of our precinct are doing their duty nobly--whether many or few, they are at work.
We Learn that on Thursday last, at Glenwood, Judge Lowe, the Republican candidate for Governor, and Mr. Gillaspy, the Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor, met in a public discussion. We understand that in the language
of the great Protector, Cromwell, in his report of the battle of Dunbar, the Lord gave our candidate "execution of the enemy for nearly two hours," during which time he gave the Judge a decided defeat.