Mills County, Iowa

Newspaper Articles

Pacific City Enterprise
June 1857

June 25, 1857
Terminus of the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad

The proprietors of Pacific City will offer for sale, at Public Auction, on the ground, on Thursday, the 30th day of July 1857, one hundred and twenty-five lots. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock and continue from day to day until the same are sold.

Pacific City is situated in Mills County, Iowa, on a beautiful plateau of ground in the Great Valley of the Missouri, three miles east of the mouth of Platte or Nebraska river, four miles east of Plattsmouth, the Nebraska teruinus of the B. & M.R.R., thirty miles northeast of Nebraska City, twenty-five miles south of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Omaha City in Nebraska. It is adjoining the bluffs of the Missouri River, at the entrance of Pony creek into the bottom. It extends into the bottom two miles and within two miles of the Channel of the Missouri river the bottom gradually descending to the river.

The uncertainty of the river banks for a mile east of the river disapproves of the propriety of building within that distance of the river. The locality is healthy, romantic and a beautiful one, being backed by bluffs two or three hundred feet high, from the top of which may be seen the great Missouri bottom for thirty miles south and twenty miles north. The site has long been looked upon as one of the most beautiful in Western Iowa, for a large and thriving city, and has been held by the first settlers in Western Iowa for that purpose, only waiting the improvement of the country, the demands for such a town and the railroad facilities which are soon to be completed.

A branch of the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad will be built both north and south of this place. The St. Joseph, Council Bluffs and Sioux City Railroad, will undoubtedly run immediately through the town site. Stone of the best quality and most extensive in Western Iowa, lies half a mile south and four miles north of the town; sand of the very best quality and in great abundance can also be had within eighty rods of the town site. Four steam mills within five miles of the town are in successful operation, sawing from three to five thousand feet per day, besides a number of water mills.

Another steam mill is on the way to be put in the town. A newspaper is now published there having a large circulation. A large lumber yard and building warehouse is established in the town. A brick yard is in successful operation, making the very finest brick to be found in Iowa; two million and a half will be burnt this season. The advantages which this place has over all offers in Western Iowa-the Railroad facilities which Pacific City cannot miss having, together with being supplied with the best water in the world, with timber, and the best agricultural counties in Western Iowa and Nebraska lying east and west of it, is a sure indication that long ere the Railroad is completed Pacific City will be the largest city west of Burlington.

Terms of sale will be one-third down; one-third in four, and one-third in eight months. This will be the last and only chance to procure lots of the Company, as the remaining lots after the sale will be divided among the members of the Company, and hence, will become the property of private individuals, and prices, as a matter of course, be advanced. J.W. Coolidge, Wm. Armstrong, Wm. Steele, M.W. Greene, C. Nuckolls, S.H. Moer, D.C. Oakes, and other Propreitors

L. Nuckolls, President
S.H. Moer, Secretary.


Mr. Parise, the Clerk in the Coroner's Office, received information yesterday afternoon that Mr. Douglass P. de L. Reid, a young man 22 years of age, who lived with his parents at No. 610 Sixth avenue, had committed suicide.

The deceased, as appears, was born in England, and a highly accomplished young gentleman, he having received a finished education at Cambridge College, near London. Wishing to visit the New World, he came to this city about a year ago and made strenuous efforts to obtain employment suitable to his taste, but failed in the attempt. No knowing what other steps to pursue toward getting a situation, young Reid became disheartened, and sank into a gloomy and melancholy state of mind, from which it appeared almost impossible to rouse him. He continued in this condition till Wednesday night, when, as would appear, he resolved to die by his own hand.

Accordingly, before going to bed he procured and swallowed a dose of laudanum, but fearing the poison would not have the desired effect, and to make death doubly sure, he fastened his suspenders about his neck so tight as to produce strangulation.

The unfortunate man, as might be expected after resorting to such measures, was found dead in his bed the day following. Coroner Perry was notified, and will hold an inquest on the body of the deceased today. The family of which Mr. Reid was a member is said to be of the highest respectability.

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