Mills County, Iowa

Historical Newspapers

The Malvern Leader
May 28, 1942

Hillsdale Community News

Rev. Fagan will give the church sermon for Memorial Day.

Mrs. Leonard Seeger will host the ladies meeting of the W.S.C.S. on June 4th.

Clifford Sell graduated from the eighth grade at Reasoner school. His teacher was Mrs. Knop.

Mr. and Mrs. George Howard and Mrs. Maurice Mayberry and sons, Gordon and Gail Dean, were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Alexander in Shenandoah.

Ralph Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Davis from Kirkland, Wash. is visiting his parents before leaving for the army.

Orvil Grundle arrived from Roosevelt Field, N.Y. for a 10 day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grundle.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom White were Sunday dinner guests in the Ernest White home.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olsen and children of Glenwood were dinner guests in the home of A. H. Culver. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs.Glen Shambaugh and son, of near Shenandoah and Mrs. Gertie Rist and son Bill of Sidney.

Mr. and Mrs. George Powers and family visited in the Gail Powers home Sunday.

Sunday visitors in the Ira Nuse home were Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Reasoner.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buffington, who are stationed at Ft. Sill at Lawton Ok., are spending their furlough with parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Buffington here.

Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goehring, were Rev. Goodrich, Mrs. Lily Newton, Mrs. May Mershitz of Glenwood and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Goehring.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phelps, Mrs. Ruth Sell and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Davis and son, Mr. and Mrs. Len Sell, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graves and Mrs. Roy Mayberry attended the Memorial Day service at East Liberty.

Sunday callers at the Ernest White home were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Kelly.

Mr. and Mrs. W.A Bower and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hilton were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton near Randolph.

Ill at this time is Mrs. Van Reanan.

Mr. and Mrs. George Williams and baby were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Williams near Hastings.

Mrs. B. F. Buffington honored her husband's birthday with dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Donahue of Kansas City, Mo., George Russel of Washington, D.C., Mr. and Mrs. Britton Knight of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buffington of Ft. Sill, Ok., Miss Marianne Dunn of Denver, Co., Bob Bugffington of Ames, Miss Nancy Cook of Glenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Milledge and son John Michel of Red Oak. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Buffington and daughter Mary and Mrs. Fay McMannigal were callers.

Excerpts from: The Malvern Leader, "Hillsdale Community News" article transcribed by Lois Shaul

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