Mills County, Iowa

Historical Newspapers

The Malvern Leader
May 1891

Personal Column

Will Smith left yesterday for Salt Lake City.

Miss Gerrish whistled at Emerson Tuesday evening

Charlie Barnett is home from Syracuse, Neb., for a few days.

Rev. J.W. Cathcart, of Emerson, was in town briefly Tuesday.

Rev. D.B. Fleming was at Red Oak on business yesterday

Dave Ritchie goes to Salt Lake City today to work at his trade.

Sam Campbell is slowly recovering from an attack of rheumatism.

S. Wainwright and Dr. Smith were at Glenwood on business yesterday.

Mrs. Burr, of Red Oak, came over the latter part of the week to visit with Mrs. J.L. Talbott.

Dr. Carley reports little Charlie Schaffer suffering from a light attack of scarlet fever.

Hon. Smith McPherson, of Red Oak, was looking after professional business in Malvern Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins were at Imogene Monday attending the funeral of Mrs. Kilmartin.

Mr. Sheldon and Rev. Mr. Todd, of Emerson, attended Father Madden’s funeral here Monday.

Dr. Scott and family went to Mt. Pleasant the latter part of the week to visit among relatives and friends.

G.W. Ewing of Strahan, was in town Tuesday the first time in several weeks, having been laid up with the grip

Miss Katie Gwathmey, of Glenwood, visited over Sunday with Mrs. G.C. Boston and Mrs. Frank Wiliknson.

Henry J. Baird was at Sidney Tuesday on business and while there attended the county temperance convention.

Mrs. Dr. Moore, of Silver City, visited Friday evening with her friend, Mrs. I.W. Skadan. She was enroute to Tabor to visit her mother.

Prof. E.H. Hamilton, the very efficient principal of the Tabor public schools, was in town on business Thursday. THE LEADER acknowledges a pleasant visit.

A. B. Hawkins, of Burlington, spent Sunday with Captain and Mrs. Boehner, and on Monday he and L.W. Boehner started for Holt County, Neb., to look after their interests there.

Rev. W.H. Curtis, of Tabor, made THE LEADER a pleasant visit Thursday. Mr. Curtis is pastor of the Tabor Baptist Church and reports the work prospering and the membership increasing.

T.P. Jones and family arrived in Malvern a few days ago from Fremont, Neb., and will make this their future home. They formerly lived at Pacific Junction, Mr. Jones doing the carpenter work on most of the buildings erected there during his residence. His health was very poor while in Nebraska and he returns to Mills County hoping that her bracing atmosphere may recuperate him. He will engage in some kind of business as soon as able.

Johnnie Christopher, accompanied by his mother, returned Friday evening from Iowa City. He was very weak and emaciated, having been sick nearly or quite three months, much of the time suffering intensely. The operation on the knee was, according to present indications, a failure. The limb is still very sore and much swollen and it will be a long time before it fully heals. Dr. Otis has charge of the case at present and Johnnie seems to be getting along nicely. He certainly has had a serious time, approaching very near death's door more than once during his illness, and his numerous friends will unite with THE LEADER in hoping that no permanent ill results may follow.


Miss Laura Graves is dressmaking at Mrs. Will McClure's.

R.T. Barnard returned from Dakota Wednesday on No. 12

Grandfather Madden died at the home of his son John, Sunday morning.

Miss M. Byers, of Omaha, visited with her niece, Mrs. Charles Brooks, last week.

Mrs. A.B. Adams and Miss Laura Graves are spending a few days in Omaha this week.

Miss Ida Utterback returned Tuesday from Nebraska, where she had been spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Allie Davis.

Add Utterback, of Fairview, finished planting fifty acres of corn Saturday. Chet Andrews and a few others will hand up the lister for this season by today, (Thursday.)

Friday night about 7 o'clock Hillsdale was aroused from its slumbers by a runaway team belonging to Al Seeger, hitched to an old wagon belonging to Bob Hughes. It came spinning into town breaking two wheels, leaving the box badly demolished in front of the postoffice and the remaining part of the running gears in front of J.B. Lewis's store. No damage done otherwise.

For some time past Rev. G.T. Notson has had that slow, but sure tormenter, la grip, gaining possession of him physically, and last Wednesday he came to the conclusion that he was in need of medical aid and accordingly went to Glenwood on No. 3, returning on No. 12, since which time he has been bedfast and at times quite low. He is at present troubled with a gathering in his head. However, he is slowly improving.

The Epworth League Convention held at Fairview Sunday was a decided success, although the inclemency of the weather prevented many from being present at the evening session. The evening session was especially interesting, consisting of song service, which was followed by the weekly topic, which brought out many good explanations of various passages of scripture and a fine discussion of the topic by Urban Williams.

While John Barnard and George Rankin were herding cattle Thursday evening George Rankin rode up before Mr. Noel's and commenced conversing with Mr. Noel. Suddenly the pony laid down and while George was getting off, the pony as suddenly rose, leaving George on the ground with one foot in the stirrup and before it could be caught the pony was dragging him over the ground at a fearful rate, kicking at him at nearly every leap and barely missing him with some of the most vicious kicks that one ever witnesses. Those who witnessed it felt as though their blood had been converted into icicles until about a furlong distance had been covered, when the foot was released from the stirrup and he escaped with a sprained ankle.


G.W. Ewing is getting able to be around these days.

Kayton & Eacrett shipped a car of hogs to Omaha Monday.

W.G. Salyers is pretty sick this week. We did not learn the trouble.

Miss Lena Strong, of Omaha, is visiting this week with Miss Lena Akers.

Will DeHart and Bert French, of Hastings, were down attending I O G T lodge Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Gourly went to the Bluffs Monday, where they will make their home for a while at least.


Taylor Davis shipped 5 car loads of cattle to Chicago Saturday.

Mrs. Dick Cox returned from her visit Saturday evening on the train.

Mr. Abbott, of Malvern, was talking "incubator" to Taborites Wednesday.

Mr. Fisk, of Philadelphia, was visiting the family of J.L. Smith over the Sabbath.

The hotel again changes hands this week. Mr. Salyers goes out and Mr. Tuey takes possession.

Rev. C.S. Hamilton moved into the Ladd house Monday as his wife was no longer able to run the restaurant.

Mr. E.E. Harris acted as supply while Principal Hamilton attended the School Master's Round Table meeting at Red Saturday.

J. Weatherhead is heard from three times a day through the whistle at the brick yard. Look to him for the best brick all ye who wish to buy.

Fred Starbuck, of Glenwood, was seen on our streets Wednesday and attended the Young Men's meeting at John Lyman's in the evening. All strangers seem to enjoy these meetings and they are truly blessed gatherings.


George Lord was a Hastings caller Monday.

Rev. W.H. and Mrs. Curtis drive home to Tabor Saturday.

Dr. McMurtrey was in quest of the finny tribe at White Cloud Tuesday.

Miss Bertha Tubbs is home from Tabor spending a few days with relatives and friends.

George Osborn, proprietor of the new furniture store, will have his opening day Friday.

Rev. Mr. Todd and A. Sheldon drove to Malvern Monday to attend the funeral of Mr. Madden.

The funeral of Mrs. Williams, who died last Monday at her home east of Henderson, of heart disease, was held in the ME Church Tuesday p.m. at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Williams was a consistent member of the M.E. Church. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss.


Mr. and Will Hawker spent Sunday in town.

Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Frence drove to Emerson Saturday.

E.B. Woodruff was down from Glenwood Monday.

Will Robbins came in from Nebraska last Thursday.

J.M. Kelley, of Macedonia, was in town a while Saturday.

J.D. Robbins shipped several car loads of hogs to Omaha last week.

Graham & Blackburn are busy arranging their stock of furniture this week.

A number of the Hastings people attended the circus at Emerson Thursday.

Pentacostal services in the tabernacle at Hastings, Sunday, May 17, under the leadership of Rev. R.E. Carter, of Randolph. The meetings will continue through the following week.

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