Mills County, Iowa

Mills County Tribune
August 17, 1916

Emerson Community News

Miss Alma McDowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McDowell of this place, was married last Thursday in Shenandoah to Walter Summers, a nephew of Mrs. Jud Vance. Her many friends here extend congratulations.

Miss Clara Hall of Red Oak is spending this week with Miss Nettie Bass.

Mrs. Etta Lang and children, Faye and Floyd, of Hastings, are spending this week here with relatives and attending Chautauqua.

Born--To Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Parker, a 9 1/2 pound boy, Thursday, August 10.

Mrs. Ernest Draheim, Mrs. Ivy Patterson and Miss Mae O'Donnell went, to Henderson Friday and spent the afternoon visiting in the home of Mrs. Raymond Casebolt.

Miss Doris McDowell returned home Saturday evening from a several days' visit in the home of her sister, Mrs. Lindsay Coons, near Macedonia. Her sister, Sarah, who has been spending the summer there, accompanied her home.

R.M. Shipman and son Myron and Robert Honeyman autoed to Anita Sunday and assisted in organizing a gospel team. They had a splendid meeting and a large gospel team was organized. Rev. Pratt, the evangelist, had just closed a successful revival there two or three weeks before.

Mr. and Mrs. John Evans and children left in their auto Wednesday for a several "weeks" visit in the M.L. Evans cottage at Okoboji. John and Marion Evans Jr. came in Saturday evening to spend several days looking after business interests.

Miss Lulu Cross returned home on Sunday from a month's visit in the Rev. Bettenhousen home in Denver.

Little Dale Swisher of Council Bluffs is here this week visiting in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Swisher. He accompanied his grandfather home from Council Bluffs last Tuesday.

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