Mills County, Iowa

Newspaper Articles
Mills County Tribune
September 26, 1901

City and County News

Dr. and Mrs. C.H. DwWitt left Friday, for Chicago where they will spend some time.

Miss Alta Burger is seriously ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. I. Burger, south of Glenwood, Typhoid fever is her malady.

Messrs J.E. Scott & Co., the Glenwood grocers are closing out their stock of groceries or rather will begin to do so on Oct. 1st. They will offer some exceptional bargains in their line for the next few weeks.

The Latter Day Saints began a series of tent meetings on the W.H. Anderson property on Locust street in Glenwood this week. They look forward to an interesting session.

There was a case of diphtheria developed in the family of Wm. Jones near Benton Thursday. The consequence was the directors decided to close the school in that district for the present week. If no new cases develop the school will be opened again on Monday. It was thought best however to take this precaution of closing to prevent the spread of the disease.

Mr. J.C. Davidson who was appointed commissioner to locate the highway petitioned for east of Silver City went out Saturday to look over the situation over. There were two roads petitioned for, one was the old road and the other an alteration of the old highway. After investigating the matter thoroughly Mr. Davidson finally decided in favor of opening up the old road and this is the highway accordingly which will be established.

Mr. George Dabney one of the Tribune's valued friends from Tabor called at this office, Saturday. While in, Mr. Dabney showed us the largest ear of corn which we think has been raised in Mills County this year. It is 11 inches in length and is 9 1/2 inches in circumference. It is of a white variety and beats all other kinds Mr. Dabney thinks in size. Such corn as this isn't a bit bad to raise in a dry year. Like everybody else Mr. Dabney has a world of peaches this year. He has so many in fact he doesn't know what to do with them.

In conversation with our old friend John Powers of Emerson, he informed us that to his knowledge there had been but one divorce suit in Deer Creek township in the 80 years during which he had been a resident of that township. This one case was the celebrated suit of Wm. Addy vs Melvin Addy. Only one divorce case in 80 years is an excellent record for a township to have and it shows that the people of Deer Creek are exceptionally happy in domestic relation. If the rest of the county was equally well behaved, our friend Starbuck and other well known divorce attorneys would find their income cut about several thousand dollars per year.

Last Friday evening was the birthday of Miss Celia Rounds and a party of about 40 of her friends proceeded to organize a surprise. They marched in a body to her home in Ingraham township and took possession of the premises. The surprise was complete and Miss Rounds could hardly recover sufficiently from her astonishment to bid her unexpected guests welcome. It proved a most delightful occasion and all went home wishing Miss Celia many happy returns of the day.

Rev. R.E. Shaw and J.D. Graves will hold a prohibition meeting in Emerson, Friday evening. Both are speakers of recognized ability and a successful meeting is looked for. The Prohibitionists are getting right to the front these days. We never knew them to be so active and aggressive in Mills County as they are this year. If they keep on they bid fair to cut quite a figure in politics.

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