Mills County, Iowa

Newspaper Article

Hillsdale Herald
June 30, 1899

Community News
Vol. 1, No. 2

Hillsdale made her first shipment of fruit this week. Mr. E.J. Coleman furnished the raspberries and J.D. Graves did the shipping. The Beggs Wagon is second to none and the price is right - J.D. Graves

Profanity is a garment that never fits or becomes any man. It makes a man appear cheap and brands him as extravagant.

The citizens of Hillsdale met at the Odd Fellows Hall, June 23 to make arrangements for the Fourth-of-July celebration. L.B. Stringfield was elected chairman, J.D. Graves secretary. The following committees were appointed. Committee on grounds, E. Kerns, R. Shephard, J. Meitnsh; on programs, E.M. Kelly, Art Thomas, E.F. Jones; on amusements, J.D. Graves, Chas. Shephard, L.B. Stringfield. Pres. of the day, L.B. Stringfield, marshal, E. Kerns.

A sidewalk extending north from the M. E. Church would be a great convenience to all who worship in that Temple as well as the majority of the foot travelers in that part of the city.

When ___eeney comes around peddling cultivators tell him you can do better at home with Graves and I will see that you do not lie about it.

C.R. Buffington mixes the mortar, Bob Sharp carries the brick, and the man on the inside lays up the walls of the furnace around the new boiler in the elevator.

Rev. Preston preached one of his strongest sermons last Sunday night. His theme was Temperance and he hit the saloon some sledge hammer blows.

Mrs. E.F. Jones has returned from Lucas accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Beatty, who will remain with her daughter for some time.

Mr. A. Thomas is quite spry these days, but his wife is still quite poorly.

Mrs. C.M. Shepard is on the sick list this week.

F.C. Thompson has severed his connection with the shops at Tabor and returned to his home in Hillsdale.

Mr. H. Linville enjoyed a visit from his son Frank the past week.

The smut on the faces of J.E. Briggs and N. Pitzenberger indicates that both these gentlemen have all the blacksmithing.

Ella Hyme, Myrtle Thompson, Fern Miller and Grace VanOrsdal are among the number attending institute from this vicinity.

Charley Hyme is spending a few week's vacation in Denver.

Clifford Lewis takes his place here as night man.

Mr. Geo. Curtice is engaged putting in the brick wall for Mr. Hains' barn.

Etta Miller visited over Sunday in Malvern with Nina Pitzer.

The International Epworth League Convention, will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 18, 19 and 20.

J.B. Lewis has sold his grocery store in Tabor.

Wesley Barbee will become a citizen of Hillsdale in the near future.

Uncle Ed. Thomas has a very fine garden this summer.

Dave Breeling Jr., walks between the handles of Geo. Zimmers' cultivator.

Rev. L.A. Fleming met his regular appointment last Sunday at the U.B. church preaching at 3 p.m.

The following are the newly elected officers of the Epworth League. President Geo. Phelps; 1st vice pres., Mrs. I. Andrews; 2nd vice pres., Miss Maggie Pitzer; 4th vice pres., Mrs. Mollie Pitzenberger; Sec., Miss Bertha Robinson; Treas., Miss Fern Miller, Organist, Miss Maggie Pitzer.

Messrs. Frank Stroud and H. Hitchcock have been appointed to fill vacancies in the town council.

Howard Graves is getting quite handy with paper and twine. Practice makes perfect and he gets an abundance of practice.

Bob Jones hauled off the last tongueless cultivator our implement dealer had in stock.

W.H. Pitzer will deliver the oration at our celebration.

Miss Nina Pitzer, of Malvern was visiting friends in this place today.

The Prohibition County convention is hereby called to meet in Glenwood on the 13th day of July 1899, to place in nomination a county ticket, and to transact such other business as may come before the convention. F. J. Stroud, Chairman; Effie Kelly, Secretary.

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