Mills County, Iowa

 Our Military
Mills County,
Source: Report of the Adjutant General of Iowa for the Biennial
Period Ended June 30, 1918
- Published by the State of Iowa, Des Moines
- The office of the Adjutant General has been a very busy
place during the past two years. The United States has been
involved in two wars during this period.
At the beginning of
the year 1917 the Iowa National Guard, with the exception of
the Field Artillery, which was mustered out in December, was in
Federal service and was on duty on the
Mexican Border guarding
the border states from invasion. The organizations were
returned to their homes early in the year and by March 23, 1917
were all out of active service.
- On March 25, 1917 the President again issued a proclamation
calling into active service a part of the National Guard from
each state, preparatory to entering the World War. In Iowa the
First Regiment of Infantry was called into service and placed
on duty guarding bridges and munition plants. By July 15, 1917
all other organizations of National Guard had been called into
- On August 5, 1917 all men who had been mustered into
National Guard service were drafted into U. S. service. This
took the Guard entirely from under the control of the state. By
the latter part of August all Iowa units had left the
- Iowa Guard units sent into the service were all efficient,
but it so happened that only one of them, the Third Iowa
Infantry (168th U.S. Infantry) experienced any battle field
service. This regiment was a part of the 42nd or Rainbow,
division, and was a composite organization, composed of the
third and parts of the First and Second Infantry regiments.
Three-fifths of the enlisted men of the Third, when it left
Iowa, had been for some time in the ranks of this regiment.
Two-fifths were Guardsmen, transferred from the First and
Second Regiments. As a result it was truly a representative
Iowa National Guard unit, and its brilliant achievements on the
battle fields reflects credit upon the National Guard as a
- Fifteen companies, Colonel Ernest R. Bennett, commanding
Headquarters, Des Moines.
- Headquarters Company, Des Moines, Polk County
- Supply Company, Des Moines, Polk County
- Machine Gun Company, Des Moines, Polk County
- Company A, Winterset, Madison County
- Company B, Des Moines, Polk County
- Company C, Creston, Union County
- Company D, Centerville, Appanoose County
- Company E, Shenandoah, Page County
- Company F, Red Oak, Montgomery County
- Company G, Ottumwa, Wapello County
- Company H, Oskaloosa, Mahaska County
- Company I, Glenwood, Mills County
- Company K, Corning, Adams County
- Company L, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County
- Company M, Red Oak, Montgomery County
- Sanitary Detachment, Des Moines, Polk County
Company "I", Mills
- Commissioned Officers
- Dunn, Lloyd C., age 28, res. Glenwood, born in
Pennsylvania, Captain
- Haley, William M., age 27, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa,
2nd Lieutenant
- Logan, Frank D., age 43, res. Glenwood, born in Ohio,
1st Lieutenant
- Non-Commissioned
- Barnett, David N., age 26, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa,
Supply Sgt.
- Baxter, Joe M., age 26, res. Stronghurst, Illinois, born
in Illinois, Cpl.
- Bazel, Cyril W., age 20, res. Burlington, born in Iowa,
- Beatty, Harry H., age 26, res. Fairbault, Minnesota,
born in Arkansas, Cpl.
- Bogart, Wayne A., age 23, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa,
- Briggs, William D., age 25, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa,
- Burdick, Charles D., age 25, res. Ames, born in Dakota,
- Chambers, Harry Eugene, age 20, res. Ames, born in Iowa,
- Coons, Edward W., age 25, res. Glenwood, born in Kansas,
- Craig, Lilburn Raymond, aage 22, res. Glenwood, born in
Missouri, Cpl.
- Fee, Rodney R., age 18, res. Burlington, born in Iowa,
- Gibbs, Wingate H., age 20, res. Glenwood, born in
Colorado, Sgt.
- Hamm, Cecil Thomas, age 19, res. Ames, born in Iowa,
- Hamm, Harry E., age 21, res. Ames, born in Iowa, Cpl.
- Holmes, Harry E., age 21, res. Ames, born in South
Dakota, Cpl.
- Hood, Norman R., age 20, res. Burlington, born in Iowa,
- Hornback, William E., age 23, res. Glenwood, born in
Iowa, Cpl.
- Kemp, Harry, age 21, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa, Sgt.
- Kingsbury, Harold H., age 22, res. Ames, born in Iowa,
- Laird, Clarke G., age 24, res. Tabor, born in Iowa, Cpl.
- Lewis, Maurice A., age 20, res. Glenwood, born in
Nebraska, Cpl.
- Lewis, Shirley D., age 25, res. Glenwood, born in
Nebraska, Sgt.
- Linville, Ralph D., age 23, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa,
- Lugsch, Fred, age 20, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa, Cpl.
- Martin, Edwin J., age 21, res. Burlington, born in Iowa,
- Martin, Samuel E., age 19, res. Ames, born in Montana,
- McDonald, Fred., age 23, res. Ames, born in Indiana,
- McKee, Frank F., age 25, res. Burlington, born in Iowa,
- McMillen, Ray C., age 21, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa,
- Miller, Carl E., age 22, res. Council Bluffs, born in
Kansas, Cpl.
- Osborn, Herbert J, age 22, res. Ames, born in Iowa, Sgt.
- Pierce, Benjamin A., age 26, res. Burlington, born in
Iowa, Sgt.
- Rager, Enis C., age 25, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa,
- Richards, Earl, age 25, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa,
Mess Sgt.
- Ross, Paul Nelson, age 19, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa,
- Shuffler, James C., age 23, res. Glenwood, born in
Nebraska, Cpl.
- Smith, Edgar F., age 20, res. Burlington, born in
- Stephens, Ralph F., age 20, res. Burlington, born in
Iowa, Sgt.
- Thornton, Onis O., age 22, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa,
- Wenicke, Louis H., age 21, res. Burlington, born in
Iowa, Cpl.
- Werner, Frank E., age 23, res. Burlington, born in Iowa,
- White, George Everett, age 33, res. Glenwood, born in
Iowa, Cpl
- Widows, Harry James, age 27, res. Glenwood, born in
Iowa, 1st Sgt.
- Winter, Snedden Edward, age 20, res. Ames, born in Iowa,
- Woodruff, Lloyd D., age 22, res. Burlington, born in
Iowa, Cpl.
- Cooks, Buglers,
- Bomar, Walter W., age 33, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa,
- Buchanan, Tracy J., age 32, res. Glenwood, born in
Illinois, Mechanic
- Giles, Oscar Mitchell, age 32, res. Glenwood, born in
Missouri, Cook
- Hosier, James C., age 35, res. Glenwood, born in
Illinois, Mechanic
- Matchett, James Dewey, age 19, res. Glenwood, born in
Missouri, Mechanic
- Martin, LeRue E., age 18, res. Malvern, born in Iowa,
- Minger, Arch C., age 26, res. Glenwood, born in Kansas,
- Nipper, W. Verne, age 23, res. Glenwood, born in
Illinois, Bugler
- Privates, First Class
- Allen, Ralph H., age 22, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa
- Baxter, Howard N., age 22, res. Hastings, born in Iowa
- Beatty, Charles E., age 24, res. Glenwood, born in
- Bo'Theras (sic), Amos E., age 22, res. Collins, born in
- Boyce, Elmer R., age 20, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa
- Boyce, Robert L., age 18, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa
- Breazeale, Ernest I., age 18, res. Hastings, born in
- Burk, Leslie C., age 22, res. Burlington, born in
- Coons, Alfred Augustus, age 27, res. Malvern, born in
- Craun Ray Reginald, age 22, res. Ames, born in Iowa
- Day, Clarence B., age 22, res. Glenwood, born in
- Day, Lawrence B., age 22, res. Glenwood, born in
- Endicott, James Nathan, age 27, res. Glenwood, born in
- Evans, Thomas R., age 25, res. Glenwood, born in Wyoming
- Finch, Harry Zellis, age 22, res. Ames, born in Iowa
- Foster, William H., age 19, res. Burlington, born in
- Hardy, Floyd W., age 21, res. Missouri Valley, born in
- Harker, Eugene L., age 22, res. Missouri Valley, born in
- Hauser, Ralph A., age 19, res. Burlington, born in
- Hayes, Edwin E., age 19, res. Council Bluffs, born in
- Hines, Guy E., age 23, res. Pacific Junction, born in
- Houghton, James T., age 21, res. Missouri Valley, born
in Iowa
- Hunt, Charles W., age 28, res. Glenwood, born in
- Hunt, John James, age 22, res. Ames, born in Illinois
- Ives, William Ellsworth, age 20, res. Ames, born in Iowa
- Johnson, Harry T., age 28, res. Burlington, born in Iowa
- Jorgenson, Dewey G., age 20, res. Harlan, born in Iowa
- Lowden, Alvin L., age 23, res. Harlan, born in Iowa
- May, Hallie R., age 26, res. Glenwood, born in Nebraska
- McCleary, Ralph J., age 22, res. Glenwood, born in
- Miller, William M., age 20, res. Malvern, born in Iowa
- Nelson, Frank D., age 22, res. Ames, born in Texas
- Prien, Ferdinand H.H., age 23, res. Mineola, born in
- Richards, Kenneth V., age 23, res. Hastings, born in
- Rimel, Harvey T., age 24, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa
- Roehr, Martin, age 21, res. Ames, born in Illinois
- Rush, Ed O.B., age 22, res. Silver City, born in Iowa
- Shockley, Fredrick Redmond, age 24, res. Ames, born in
- Specketer, Earl C., age 25, res. Burlington, born in
- Walsh, John J., age 24, res. Ames, born in New York
- Walsh, Patrick A., age 28, (no residence), born in New
- Walters, George T., age 22, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa
- Wiedemann, Claus, age 19, res. Burlington, born in Iowa
- Privates
- Armstrong, Albert C., age 20, res. Burlington, born in
- Arnold, Sherman B., age 19, res. Ames, born in Iowa
- Ashmore, Charles E., age 21, res. Glenwood, born in Iowa
- Atteberry, Tomas D., age 18, res. Silver City, born in
- Bachman, Aldo D., age 21, res. Eldora, born in Missouri
- Bacus, Lester L., age 20, res. Pacific Junction, born in
- Basey, Ralph W., age 23, res. Winamac, Indiana, born in
- Bates, Charles E., (record incomplete)
- Baxley, Clarence E., age 24, res. Waco, Nebraska; born
in Indiana
- Beeman, Elmer L., age 23, res. Council Bluffs; born in
- Bell, Robert C., age 23; res. Princeton, Indiana; born
in Indiana
- Benedict, Norman T., age 22; res. Pacific Junction; born
in Iowa
- Benscoter, Eilbur A., age 21; res. Glenwood; born in
- Binkley, David V., res. Ames; born in Pennsylvania
- Birck, Glen W., age 21; res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Blauser, Grover M., age 23; res. Glenwood; born in
- Blocklinger, Frank, age 21; res. Dubuque; born in Iowa
- Boschert, Daniel W., age 30; res. Hamburg; born in
- Boston, Harlan W., age 18; res. Ames; born in Iowa
- Bowman, Willard J., age 19; res. Burlington; born in
- Bradfield, John S., age 18; res. Burlington; born in
- Brown, Frank J., age 19; res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Bruns, Charlie W., age 23; res. Stewardson, Illinois;
born in Illinois
- Burks, Charles R., age 18; res. Malvern; born in Iowa
- Busick, Clarence J., age 23; res. Radcliffe; born in
- Caldwell, Earl C., age 22; res. Malvern; born in Iowa
- Calhoon, Harry L., age 21; res. Glenwood; born in
- Chapman, Charles Abram, age 24; res. Ames; born in
- Christopher, Alfred S., age 20; res. Tabor; born in Iowa
- Clark, Roy C., age 19; res. Hastings; born in Iowa
- Clarke, Harry J., age 20; res. Burlington; born in
- Clay, Ralph A., ge 19; res. Malvern; born in Iowa
- Corbin, Frank J., res. Ames; born in Iowa
- Cornett, iRay, age 21; res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Cox, Harry L., age 34; res. Ames; born in Illinois
- Crosley, Joseph E., age 29; res. Burlington; born in
- Cunningham, Charles C., age 30; res. Dyersville; born in
- Dailey, Henry, age 25; res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Davis, Ivan P., age 18; res. Malvern; born in Iowa
- Deal, Thurlow R., age 18; res. Ames; born in Iowa
- Dillworth, Clarence, age 18; res. Burlington; born in
- Dobney, Richard Everett, age 26; res. Glenwood; born in
- Dunn, Frank E., age 19; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Dyke, Morgan, age 18; res. Tabor; born in Iowa
- Ellis, Harold K., age 20; res. Tabor; born in Iowa
- Ewing, William H., age 24; res. Glenwood (no b.p. given)
- Farrington, Guy E., age 18; res. Nevada; born in Iowa
- Finch, Louis A., age 28; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Foote, Ernest, age 18; res. Burlington; born in Illinois
- Gallagher, Roy D., age 18; res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Goeman, Charles I., age 19; res. Ames; born in Texas
- Goodman, John H., age 31; res. Malvern; born in Kentucky
- Gunsolley, Bernard W., age 23; res. Glenwood; born in
- Gustafson, Gustaf H., age 24; res. Burlington; born in
- Hammond, Paul C., age 18; res. Ames; born in Colorado
- Hammons, Harry W., age 27; res. Malvern; born in Iowa
- Hand, Ralph L., age 18; res. Burlington; born in
- Hardman, Dave H., age 21; res. Hamburg; born in Iowa
- Hayes, Arlo F., age 18; res. Nevada; born in Indiana
- Hixson, Harry, age 19; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Hoffman, William H., age 24; res. Glenwood; born in
- Horton, Ernest R., age 18; res. Nevada; born in Iowa
- Houchin, Mitchel, age 18; res. Burlington; born in
- Hougland, Albert H., age 21; res. Oakland City; born in
- Howe, Ewart C., age 23; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Hudson, Delmar, age 21; res. Bartlett; born in Missouri
- Hulbert, Dorman I., age 18; res. Council Bluffs; born in
- Hunt, Ray E., age 25; res. Ames; born in Iowa
- Hunter, Jesse W., age 21;; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Jarvis, Carl H., age 20; res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Johnson, Vernon, age 19, res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Jones, Arno Elwin, age 21; res. Tabor; born in Iowa
- Judd, Louis H., age 27; res. New London; born in Iowa
- Kemble, Joe R., age 18; res. Sterrett, Texas; born in
- Kerns, George F., age 20; res. Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
born in Iowa
- Kerns, Hugh J., age 24; res. Plattsmouth, Nebraska; born
in Iowa
- Kidder, Charley M., age 21; res. Glenwood; born in
- Kier, Curtis D., age 19; res. Glenwood; born in Missouri
- Kingkade, Donald M., age 19; res. Ames; born in Iowa
- Kirkendall, Alfred E., age 19; res. Glenwood; born in
- Kranich, Roy, res. Dubuque; born in Wisconsin
- Krecklow, Robert, age 30; res. Glenwood; born in South
- Krecklow, Will L., age 25; res. Glenwood; born in South
- Lair, Ralph C., age 18; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Lindgren, Harry J., age 21; res. Burlington; born in
- Logan, Delbert H., age 18; res. Malvern; born in Iowa
- Loughran, Harold S., res. Ames; born in Iowa
- Luers, Otto R., age 21; res. West Burlington; born in
- McClure, Eddie, age 22; res. Sergeant Bluffs; born in
- McCord, Charles M., age 22; res. Burlington; born in
- McCoy, George W., age 18; res. Ames; born in Iowa
- McDole, Wayne, age 19; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- McKibbon, Loyd H., age 26; res. Des Moines; born in Iowa
- McKnight, Wilber R., age 29; res. Glenwood; born in
- McSorley, George D., age 21; res. Council Bluffs; born
in Illinois
- Mattingly, James L., age 18; res. Ames; born in Iowa
- Mayland, Lewis, age 23; res. Radcliffe; born in Iowa
- Meadows, William C., age 27; res. Malvern; born in Iowa
- Meck, William, age 20; res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Mendell, Sydney, age 18; res. Dubuque; born in Iowa
- Meyer, Walter F., age 19; res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Miller, Raleigh E., age 21; res. Council Bluffs; born in
- Moore, Robin, age 21; res. Hastings; born in Iowa
- Morris, Clyde, age 29; res. McClelland; born in Iowa
- Munsinger, Clyde W., age 18; res. Tabor; born in Iowa
- Murphy, John M., age 20; res. Malvern; born in Illinois
- Murray, Earl L., age 25; res. Glenwood; born in Colorado
- Myers, Willard O., age 20; res. Ames; born in Nebraska
- Nelson, Robert N., age 20; res. Burlington; born in
- Niswender, Donald J., res. Ames; born in Iowa
- Nunley, John B., age 31; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Parker, Eddie F., age 20; res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Pein, Edd., age 23; res. Pacific Junction; born in Iowa
- Peoples, Edward L., age 22; res. Fort Madison; born in
- Perdue, Lawrence R., age 18; res. Malvern; born in Iowa
- Perry, James L., age 19; res. Zearing; born in Tennessee
- Pershin, Warren S., age 21; res. Carman, Illinois; born
in Illinois
- Phillips, William O., age 22; res. Council Bluffs; born
in Iowa
- Picht, Jess C., age 19; res. Gernald; born in Iowa
- Pickrel, Arlo E., age 18; res. Glenwood; born in
- Plumb, Roy F., age 18; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Radford, George A., age 20; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Radford, Paul H., age 22; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Rice, Ben., age 27; res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Rinehart, Warren E., age 19; res. Ames; born in Iowa
- Ripple, Edward C., Jr., age 22; res. Glenwood; born in
- Rodin, Evald M., age 20; res. Burlington (no b.p. given)
- Ruby, Jacob W., age 22; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Russell, Martin, age 20; res. Tama; born in Iowa
- Sawyer, Warren D., age 18; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Schwartz, Carl P., age 18; res. Burlington; born in Iowa
- Shane, George H., age 27; res. Malvern; born in Iowa
- Shannon, Roy O., age 19; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Shea, John F., age 18; res. Council Bluffs; born in
- Shockley, Charles E., age 18; res. Ames; born in Iowa
- Sien, Mellville G., age 18; res. Emerson; born in
- Smith, June F., age 18; res. Hastings; born in Iowa
- Smith, William T., age 26; res. Pacific Junction; born
in Nebraska
- Stanley, Charles J., age 25; res. Canon City, Colorado;
born in Kansas
- Stark, Paul B., age 20; res. Tabor; born in Iowa
- Stevens, Loyd J., age 25; res. Malvern; born in Iowa
- Stivers, Carl F., age 21; res. Glenwood; born in
- Stogdill, Charles W., age 21; res. Silver City; born in
- Story, Ralph N., age 21; res. Tabor; born in Iowa
- Streeter, Floyd E., age 19; res. Sidney; born in Iowa
- Thompson, James M., age 33; res. Forrest City; born in
- Trubey, Alva Ray, age 21; res. Glenwood; born in Kansas
- Tyler, Orin N., age 23; res. Glenwood; born in Nebraska
- Tucker, Guy, age 19; res. Fairfield, Missouri; born in
- Upton, Theodore E., age 19; res. Burlington; born in
- Walker, William W., age 21; res. Glenwood; born in
- Walling, Willard L., age 19; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Ward, Cecil M., age 18; res. Glenwood; born in Missouri
- Weidner, Forrest, age 21; res. Malvern; born in Ohio
- Weidner, Ralph, age 23; res. Malvern; born in Iowa
- Wertz, Jay W., age 21; res. Maloy; born in Iowa
- Whiteaker, Edgar M., age 21; res. Clinton, Missouri;
born in Missouri
- Widows, Frank M., age 20; res. Glenwood; born in
- Wilson, Alfred, age 23; res. Plattsmouth, Nebraska; born
in Texas
- Winslow, Harrold, age 18; res. Glenwood; born in Iowa
- Men Who Refused to Take National
Defense Oath
- Boyce, Ernest, Glenwood
- Farlee, Arthur, Glenwood
- Hanks, Roscoe Haven, Glenwood
- Minner, Fred, Glenwood
- Stranathan, Carl J., Glenwood
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