Mills County, Iowa

 1935 - Notes from the Graves Registration Committee
Glenwood Opinion Tribune
February 11, 1935
Relatives of a deceased veteran of any war whose grave is not marked with a government head stone, are requested to
communicate with a member of Mills County Graves Registration committee which is composed of the following men:
Glenwood, Clarence B. Day; Malvern, Harold Slater; Emerson, Ted Birdsall; Silver City, Roy Flanagan.
This committee of veterans is making a survey of all the cemeteries in Mills County and hope to register the graves
of veterans of all wars. The government is furnishing head stones for these graves free of charge to the nearest
railroad station.
The purpose of the graves registration service is to compile a record of the burial place of all those who served
in the military or naval forces of the United States in time of war, or in a campaign under the direction of the
federal government, and whose bodies now rest in the state of Iowa.
Necessity for such a record has been realized for years, and is especially important now that records of former
war soldiers are quite likely to become lost as the veterans of the Civil war and Spanish-American war are growing
fewer each year.
Mills county's graves registration committee is a part of the American Legion program for 1935 to establish and mark
every veterans grave before Memorial Day.
This committee asks the cooperation of all citizens of Mills county and especially relatives of veterans in order to
secure data needed. Once this work is done it will be a permanent record, one copy will be left with the county
recorder, one with the attorney-generals office and one copy with the War Department at Washington, D.C.
February 21, 1935
Clarence B. Day of Glenwood met in Malvern, Tuesday night, with the Graves Registration committee from Mills County, who are making a survey of all the cemeteries in the county with the hope of locating
the resting place of every soldier buried within its borders.
W.F. Hathaway from the Attorney-General's office in Des Moines, who is directing this campaign, was present and outlined the course of action the state is taking in this work.
The men are enjoying splendid cooperation, from various patriotic organizations, and individuals who have a particular interest in our heroic dead.
Any citizen who was personally acquainted with any man, who served his country, in time of war; the War of 1812, Black Hawk, Mexican, Civil, Spanish-American, World War, or who may have served under the
federal government at any time is urged to communicate with these men at once in order to establish a permanent record.
This history will be published at a later date, and those from the Attorney-General's office and the local men are desirous that this record be as complete as possible.
This committee is composed of the following men: Clarence Day from Glenwood, Harold Slater of Malvern, Ted Birdsall of Emerson, and Roy Flanagan of Silver City.
Glenwood Opinion Tribune
May 13, 1935
The Mills County Graves Registration committee, headed by Clarence B. Day of Glenwood, have the following report to make. In their first survey over Mills county they found less than 500 veterans' graves.
To date they have a total of 571 graves as follows:
- Veterans of the following American wars:
1812 - 4
Black Hawk - 2
Mexican - 10
Civil - 478
Spanish-American 10
World War - 53
Army Nurses - 5
Confederates - 9
Glenwood Opinion Tribune
June 6, 1935
- Veterans of the following American wars:
Rufus T. Phillips, H, 17 Ohio 1
James Summit, C, 14, Mo. I
John H. Sheppard (Span.-Amer. war), H, 22 U.S. Inf.
Alexander Stroud, A, 40 Iowa I.
John H. Suits, B, 29 Iowa I.
Samuel Van Orsdel, F, 15 Iowa I.
*Five stones ordered.
William R. Barnes, B, 29 Iowa I.
Henry Baldozier, D, 13 Iowa I.
Daniel Coonts (Mexican war), Ohio Militia
Joseph H. Dolph, B, 5, Iowa C.
Marvin W. Martin, B, 5 Iowa C.
Moses Martin, B, 5 Iowa C.
Jacob Wortman (War 1812), under Gen. Jackson.
Joseph W. Wortman, B, 5 Iowa C.
*Asterisks indicate stones ordered.
George W. Black (Civil),
Henry Bearss (Civil) C, 28 Mich. Inf.
Lyman Bryant (Civil) E, 102 Ill. I.
Erastus Bannister (Civil), K, 25 Iowa I.
Seth E. Carlson (World), 339 F.A. 88 Div. A.E.F.
George A. Coiner (Civil), 1 Iowa Batt. F.A.
John S. Coburn (Civil), K, 13 Ky. I
James T. Finchem (Civil), C, 3 Ill. C.
Abraham Goodman (Civil), 113 Ind. I.
Israel Huffaker (Blackhawk), Ill. C. (militia).
James W. Hoover (Civil).
Lewis W. Huffaker (Civil), A, 148 Ill. I.
Jonathan Hopkinson (Civil), B, 44 Iowa I.
Allen P. Jones (Civil), F, 42 Ind. Inf.
Horace B. Kinne (Civil), B, 88 Ill. I.
Glen W. McNay (World), C, 303 Bri. Heavy Tanks
George C. McKeen (Civil), C, 7 Ill. C.
Marion J. Miller (Civil), G, 57 Ind. I.
David J. Spencer (Civil), I, 141 N.Y.I.
Sidney G. Sidener (Civil), B, 134 Ind. I.
Martin F. Sidenour (Civil), E, 37 Ind I.
Henry Suhr (Civil), K, 6 Wis. I.
Phillip M. Spencer (Civil), F, 121 N.Y.I.
James W. Taylor (Mexican) Prices Brigade.
Thomas K. Virtue (Civil), K, 7 Ill. C.
Willie Kuhl (World), 33 Camp Hosp.
Frederick Kruse (Civil), K, 8 Iowa I.
John F. Sturgeon, F, 98 Pa. I.
Harry S. Tubbs, Regimental band, 51 Iowa I., (Span-Amer. war).
George W. Vannausdle, F, 136 Ohio I.
Joseph J. Young, E, 4 ILL. C.
Peter J. Lynn (Span.-Amer. war)
Unknown Civil War Veteran
Daniel Echard, Confederate.
Harvey Edie, I, 11 ILL. C.
Isaac Edie, H, 83 ILL. I.
William Hunter, A, 29 Iowa I.
Samuel F. Moore, E, 10 ILL. I.
Timothy H. Morse
James W. Roath, C, 152 Ind. I.
Edward F. Scott, A, 184 Ohio I.
Charles H. Hunter, K, 29 Iowa I.
Jacob Caughell, D, 35 Ohio I.
William Coleman
Alexander Cunningham, A, 47 ILL. I.
William H. Darnell, D, 36 Iowa I.
William Fickel, K, 159 Ohio I.
Christopher Lookabill, B, 29 Iowa I.
Jesse A. Lumm, A, 31 Ohio I.
James Moore, B, 29 Iowa I.
Dexter Newton, E, 174 Ohio I.
George Parker, A, 144 Ohio I.
Robert H. Pierson, Ky. I.
- HENDERSON - Farm Creek Cemetery
Samuel Badham, Mormon Battalion (Mexican war).
Watson R. Cooper, F, 15 Iowa I.
Jacob Coppock, A, 8 Ohio C.
Harry W. Kindig, D, 351 I., 88 Div., A.E.F., (World war).
Richard Miller, , 9 Ill. C.
Addison S. Paul, D, 95 N.Y.I.
Augustus Richards (War 1812).
Louis A. Renstrom
Robert Robison, B, 126 ILL. I.
Floyd B. Shinn, D, 1 ILL. C.
Major Lemuel D. Shinn, 102 ILL. I.
Charles E. Slump, D, 7 Mo. C.
Homer R. Summers, G, 351 I, 88 Div., A.E.F. (World War).
Lloyd J. Titterington, Tank corps (World war).
Simeon Triplett, F, 66 ILL. I.
James Warren, I, 46 ILL I.
Joseph M. Williams, Battery D, 1 Wis. Heavy Artillery.
Robert J. Wilkinson, A, 137 I., A.E.F. (World war).
Hans F. Wilson, B, 98 Pa. I.
Joel Woods, I, 78 Pa. I.
John Dyke, (Mexican war, C.A. Mormon battalion).
Ferdinand H. Prien (World), I, 168 I., A.E.F.
Oscar Bickford, A, 173 Ohio I.
George W. Foster, K, 29 Iowa I.
Louis T. Genung, H, 51 ILL. I.
Samuel S. Hawker, D, 72 ILL. I.
James F. Martin, I, 157 N.Y.I.
Rufus G. Priest, G, 117 N.Y.I.
Samuel B. Purcell, B, 29 Iowa I.
Abraham Routson, C, 22 Iowa I.
Thomas Young, E, 3 Colo. C.
John Dunlap, A, 6th U.S.I.
*Joseph B. Earll, F, 107 Penn. I.
Richard L. Gidley, I, 2 Wis. I.
Richard D. Hammond, B, 53 Ohio I.