Mills County, Iowa

Historical Events and Stories

Mills County Underground Railroad
  • Abolitionists
    • Woodfork, Henry (Platteville)
  • Anti-Abolitionists
    • Nuckolls, Columbus (Glenwood Vicinity)
    • Nuckolls, Lafayette (Glenwood Vicinity)
  • Anti-Salvery
    • Briggs, Daniel C. (Silver Creek Township)
    • Hallam, Aurelia Stillman Woodruff (Tabor Vicinity)
    • Hallam, John (Tabor Vicinity)
    • Hoyt, Hiram (Indian Creek Township)
    • Hoyt, Sarah (Indian Creek Township)
    • Morse, Edwin A. (Indian Creek Township)
    • Tolles, Charles Wesley (Silver Creek Township)
    • Tolles, Sylvia Case (Silver Creek Township)
    • Wheeler, Daniel H. (Glenwood Vicinity)
  • Associated with John Brown
    • Hoyt, Hiram (Indian Creek Township)
    • Tolles, Charles Wesley (Silver Creek Township)
  • Conductors/Agents
    • Garner Family (Civil Bend)
    • Briggs, Daniel C. (Silver Creek Township)
    • Hallam, Aurelia Stillman Woodruff (Tabor Vicinity)
    • Hallam, John (Tabor Vicinity)
    • Hoyt, Hiram (Indian Creek Township, east of Hastings)
    • Hoyt, Sarah (Indian Creek Township)
    • Morse, Edwin A. (Indian Creek Township)
    • Nash, Anna Case (Silver Creek)
    • Nash, Z. B. (Silver Creek)
    • Sheldon, Hon. Edward T. (Lived in Tabor, Fremont County)
    • Tolles, Charles Wesley (Silver Creek Township)
    • Tolles, Sylvia Case (Silver Creek Township)
    • Wheeler, Daniel H. (Glenwood Vicinity)
    • Woodford, Isaac Newton (Vicinity unknown)
  • Slave Catchers/Bounty Hunters
    • Castle (Glenwood)
    • Follett, W. K.
    • Foster, Joe (Glenwood)
    • Gardner, Jim (Glenwood)
    • Linville, George
    • Wyatt
  • Unknown Status
    • Wing, Jesse F. (Platteville)
    • Wing, Mary H. (Platteville)
    • Woodford, Isaac Newton (Vicinity unknown)
    • Woodfork, Henry (Platteville Township)

Source: Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, State Historical Building
600 E. Loccust Street, Des Moines, IA 50319

For additional information see Iowa's Underground Railroad

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