Mills County, Iowa
1881 Mills County History
The natural history of this county is almost the exact counterpart of that of all prairie counties. While its forms of life present an infinite diversity, only a few of the many are found to be predominant.
With the single exception of the insects, the birds will be found most numerously represented.
The time was, however, when the larger forms of life abounded; when the deer, the elk, and the buffalo made these prairies their home. The coming of the white man, attended by all the circumstances
of progress, has driven these larger forms from the county, and now the smaller kind alone retain a footing.
There is no record of any attempt at any time made to determine the relation of the flora and fauna of this county to the rest of the state. Prof. J. E. Todd, of Tabor College, has, however,
done a large amount of local work, which as extended into the southern part of Mills county, and in his specialties, geology and botany, has published much valuable information. In no counties
but those in the eastern portion of the state has such a work been done, and there chiefly in the interests of science and by private individuals. It is to be hoped that the time is not far
distant when the state will order and sustain to completion an intelligent and exhaustive survey of her great domain, a survey, the value of which will become more and more apparent with the
growth of years. Twice has the state instituted a geological survey, and twice has it failed to support the same, and brought both to a close while yet their work was in its infancy.
All that is valuable, all that is best known of its natural resources has been contributed by the pens and at the expense of men in private life. The following resume of the natural
history of the county is my no means a complete representation of its forms, and is to be considered only as indicative of the nature of its resources, both animal and vegetable. In the lists
following, as much information has been incorporated as is consistent with a simple catalogue of forms. This is especially true of the trees and shrubs. It is manifestly impossible to give
either descriptions of life-histories of many species in a work of this nature. For the sake of insuring accuracy in the reader, both scientific and common names are given.
Turdus migratorius, Linn Robin. Common.
Turdus naevius, Gmelin Varied Thrush. Abundant.
Turdus mustellinus, Gmelin Wood thrush.
Turdus pallasii, Cab Hermit thrush, common.
Turdus Swainsomi, Cab Swainsons thrush
Mimus carolincnsis, Cab Cat bird, abundant.
(?) Mimus polyglottus, Boie Mocking bird, in Fremont and Decatur counties.
Harporhynchus rufus, Cab Brown thrush, rare.
Sialia sialis, Haldeman Blue bird, everywhere
(?) Sialia mexicana, Sw Western blue bird, beautiful.
Parus atricapillus, Linn Chickadee.
Parus atricapillus var. septentroinalis, Allen Long-tailed Chickadee.
Lophophanes bicolor, Bonap Crested titmouse.
Regulus satrapa, Licht. Golden- crested kinglet, common.
Regulus calendula, Licht. Ruby-crested kinglet.
Polioptila caerulea, Sclat Blue-gray gnat-catcher, rare.
17. Certhia familiaris, Linn Brown creeper.
Sitta carolinensis, Lath White-breasted nuthatch.
Sitta canadensis, Linn Red-breasted nuthatch; very rare.
Salpinctes obsoletus, Cab Rock wren.
Anorthura hyemalis, Coues Winter wren, pretty.
(?) Telmatodytes palustris, Bonap Long-billed marsh wren.
(*) Cistothorns stellaris, Cab Short-billed marsh wren.
(?) Thryothorus ludovicianus, Bonap Carolina wren; a rollicking singer.
Thryothorus bewickii, Bonap Bewicks wren; an odd bird.
Troglodytes acdon, Vieill House wren; pugnacious.
27. Anthus Indovicinanus, Licht Tit-lark.
28. Mniotilta varia, Vieill Black and white creeper. A screeping songster.
29 Parula americana, Bonap-- Blue-yellow-backed warbler.
30 Prothonotaria citraea, Baird--Prothonotary warbler.
31. *Helminthophaga ruficapilla, Baird--Nashville warbler.
32. Helminthophaga celata, Baird--Golden-crowned warbler.
33. (?) Helminthophaga pinus, Baird--Blue-winged yellow warbler.
34. *Dendroeca striata, Baird--Black-poll warbler.
35. Dendroeca palmarum, Baird--Merely a bird of passage.
36. Dendroeca pinus, Wilson--Pine-creeping warbler; a fall loiterer.
37. (?) Dendroeca virens, Baird--Black-throated green warbler.
38. Dendoreca caerulscens, Baird--Black-throated blue warbler.
39. Dendroeca coronata, Gray--Yellow-crowned warbler.
40. Dendroeca blackburniae, Baird--Blackburnian warbler.
41. Dendroeca castanea, Baird--Bay-breasted warbler; very rare.
42. (?) Dendroeca pennsylvania, Baird--Chestnut-sided warbler.
43. Dendroeca caerulea, Baird--Blue warbler.
44. Dendroeca aestiva, Baird--Yellow warbler; everywhere.
45. Dendroeca maculosa, Baird--Black and yellow warbler.
46. Dendroeca discolor, Baird--Prairie warbler.
47. Dendroeca dominica, Baird--Yellow-throated warbler.
48. Seiurus aurocapillus, Swain--Golden-crowned wagtail.
49. (*) Seiurus noveboracensis, Nutt--New York water wagtail.
50. Seiurus ludovicianus, Baird--Long-billed water thrush; rare.
51. (*) Geothlypis trichas, Cab--Maryland yellow-throat.
52. Geothlypis philadelphia, Baird--Mourning warbler.
53. Oporornis formosus, Baird--Kentucky warbler; common.
54. Myiodioctes pusillus, Bonap--Green black-capped warbler.
55. Myiodioctes canadensis, Cab--Canada warbler.
56. Setophaga ruticilla, Swain--Red start; abundant.
57. Icteria virens, Baird--Yellow-breasted chat.
58. (*) Pyranga rubra, Vielill--Scarlet tanager; a gaudy foreigner
59. Pyranga aestiva, Vielill--Summer red-bird.
60. Hirundo horreorum, Barton--Barn swallow.
61. Petrochelidon lunifrons, Sclater--Cliff swallow.
62. Tachycineta bicolor, Cab--White-bellied swallow; very rare.
63. Progue purpurea, Boie--Purple martin.
64. Cotyle riparia, Boie--Bank swallow, sand martin; abundant.
65. (?) Stilgidopteryx serripennis, Baird--Rough-winged sand martin
66. Ampelis cedrorum, Gray--Cedar bird wax-wing; common
67. Ampelus garrulus, Linn--Northern wax-wing.
68. Virco gilvus, Bonap--Warbling vireo; common.
69. Vireo solitarius, Baird--Solitary vireo.
70. Vireo noveborancensis, Bonap--White-eyed viroe.
71. Vireo bellii, Audubon--Bell's vireo.
72. Vireo olivaceus, Bonap--Red-eyed vireo.
73. (?) Vireo philadelphicus, Cass--Brotherly-love vireo; rareee very-where
74. (?) Vireo flavifrons, Baird--Yellow-throated vireo.
75. Collurio borealis, Baird--Northern shrike; butcher bird; abundant
76. Collurio excubitorides, Coues--White-rumped shrike.
77. Eromphila alpestris, Boie--Horned lark; very common
78. (?) Hesperiphona vespertina, Bonap--Evening grosbeak
79. Pinicola enuleator, Cab--Pine grosbeak; an occassional winter ---
80. Carpodacus purpureus, Gray--Purple finch.
81. Chrysomitris tristis, Cab--Yellow bird gold finch; a delicate bird.
82. Chrysomitris pinus, Bonap--Pink finch.
83. Curvirostra americana, Wilson--Red crossbill.
84. Curvirostra leuoptera, Wilson--White-winged crossbill
85. Aegiothus linaria, Cab--Red poll linnet; common; winter.
86. Plectrophanes nivalis, Meyer--Snow bunting; common.
87. Plectrophanes lapponicus, Kaup--Lapland bunting; in winter only.
88. Plectrophanes pictus, Cab--Painted bunting; in winter only.
89. Plectrophanes ornatus, Temm--Black-bellied long spur; common.
90. Centronyx bairdii, Baird--Baird's sparrow.
91. Passerculus savanna, Bonap--Savanna sparrow.
92. Poectes gramiueus, Baird--Grass finch; abundant; shy.
93. Coturniculus passerinus, Bonap--Yellow-winged sparrow.
94. Coturniculus henslowii, Bonap--Henslow's sparrow
95. Melospiza melodia, Baird--Song sparrow.
96. Melospiza lincolnii, Baird--Lincoln's sparrow.
97. Melospiza palustris, Baird--Swamp sparrow.
98. Funco hyemalis, Sclat--Snow bird; very familiar and common.
99. Spizella monticola, Baird--Tree sparrow.
100. Spizella pussilla, Bonap--Field sparrow.
101. Spizella pallida, Bonap--Western field sparrow; abundant.
102. Spizella socialis, Bonap--Chipping sparrow.
103. Zonotrichia leuophys, Swain--White-crowned Sparrow.
104. Zonoctrichia albicollis, Bonap--White-throated sparrow.
105. Zouotrichia querula, Gamb--Harris' sparrow.
106. Zonotrichia intermedia, Ridgway--Ridgway's sparrow.
107. Chondestes grammaca, Bonap--Lake sparrrow; a wary bird.
108. Passerella iliaca, Swain--Fox-colored sparrow.
109. Euspiza americana, Bonap--Black-throated bunting.
110. Goniaphea ludoviciana, Cab--Rose-breasted grosbeak.
111. Goniaphea coerulea, Swain--Blue Grosbeak.
112. Cyanospiza cyanea, Baird--Indigo bird; a welcome visitant.
113. Cardinalis virginianus, Bonap--Cardinal bird.
114. Pipilo erythrophthalmus, Vieill--Chewink.
115. (?) Pipilo maculatus var arcticus, Coues-Arctic spotted towhee; rare.
116. Dolichonyx oryzirvourus, Swain-Bobolink; not rare.
117. Molothrus pecorus, Swain--Cow blackbird.
118. Agelaeus phoenicus, Vieill--Red-winged blackbird; a noisy fellow
119. Xanthocephalus icterocephalus, Baird-Yellow-headed blackbird.
120. Sturnella magna, Swain--Meadow lark; a cheerful songster.
120. Sturnella magna, Swain--Meadow lark; a cheerful songster.
121. Icterus spurius, Bonap--Orchard oriole; not common, very brilliant.
122. Icterus baltimore, Daud--Baltimore oriole; hand nest.
123. (?) Icterus bullockii, Bonap--Bullock's oriole.
124. Scoleophagus ferrugineus, Swain--Rusty grackle.
125. Scholeophagus cyanocephalus, Cab--Blue-headed grackle.
126. Quiscalus purpureus, Licht--Crow blackbird; everybody knows him!
127. Corvus corax, Linn--Raven; not common.
128. Corvus americanus, Aud--Crow; acts like some men
129. Pica hudsonica, Bonap--Magpie.
130. Cyanurus cristatus, Swain--Blue jay; brilliant and saucy.
131. Tyrannus carolinensis, Temm--King bird; abundant, saucy.
132. Tyrannus verticalis, Say--Arkansas flycatcher.
133. Myiarchus crinitus, Cab--Great-crested flycatcher.
134. Sayornis fuscus, Baird--Bridge pewee; rare.
135. Contopus borealis, Baird--Olive sided pewee; common.
136. (?) Contopus virens, Cab--Wood pewee
137. Empidonax flaviventris, Baird--Yellow-bellied flycatcher; common
138. Empidonax traillii, Baird--Traill's flycatcher.
139. Empidonax minimus, Baird--Least flycather.
140. (?) Empidonax acadicus, baird--Arcadian flycather.
141. Antrostomus vociferus, Bonap--Whipporwill; a night songster.
142. Antrostomus nuttallii, Cass--Nuttall's whipporwill; rare.
143. Chordeiles virginiannus, Bonap--Night-hawk, bull-bat, pisk; abundant.
144. Chortura pelagica, Baird Chimney swift; abundant.
145. Trochilus colubris, Linn--Humming-bird; the only species.
146. Ceryle alcyon, Boie--King fisher; an interesting bird.
147. Coccygus ergtharophthalmus, Bonap-Black-billed cuckoo
148. Coccygus americanus, Bonap--Yellow-billed cuckoos Hard to separate
149. Picus villosus, Linn--Hairy woodpecker.
150. Picus pudescens, Linn--Downy woodpecker.
151. Sphyrapicus varius, Baird--Yellow flicker; very common.
152. Hylotomus pileatus, Baird--Pileated woodpecker.
153. Centurus carolinus, Bonap--Red-bellied woodpecker; abundant winter.
154. Melanerpes erythrocephalus, Swain--Red-headed woodpecker; abundant.
155. Colaptes auratus, Swain--Golden-winged woodpecker; often confounded with 151
156. Conurus carolinensis, Kuhl--Carolina parroquet.
156. Strix flammea, Barn owl; common
157. Budo virginianus, Bonap--Great horned owl; common.
158. Scops asio, Bonap--Screech owl; noisy and familiar.
159. Otus vulgaris, Glem.--Long-eared owl; a visitor.
160. Brachyotus palustris, Bonap--Short-eared owl; rare.
To be continued