Mills County, Iowa

Early Church List
by Esther Hainsworth Hardy

Churches mentioned by Esther Hardy. The original copy can be found below.

  • Waubonsie M.E. Church, filed October 30, 1857
    • William and Mary Wolf
    • Nicholas Anthony
    • Robert Withrow
    • James Folden
    • Levi Anthon
    • William Kesterson
  • Body of Christ (Disciples of Christ), inc. February 20, 1875
    • G. C. Waggoner
  • Henton Band (Holiness Church)
    • S. W. Godsey and wife
  • First Methodist Church of Silver Creek (Mt. Olive Mission), filed Jan 23, 1869
    • William G. Wiatt
    • Jacob Burket
    • William Hoeb
    • A. I. Armstron
    • William Armstron
    • B. G. Reeder
    • George J. Davies
    • George Liston
    • B. Windham
  • M. E. Church of Glenwood, filed December 16, 1856
    • Azor Richardson
    • A. I. Armstron
    • William Armstrong
    • B. G. Reeder
    • George J. Davies
    • George Liston
    • B. Windham
  • Methodist Episcopal, October 12, 1881
    • S. E. Williams and wife
    • C. W. Chapman
    • H. H. Huffaker
    • A. M. Crosby
    • G. N. Mandigo
    • Robert Plumb
    • John Parker
  • Martin's Chapel (Methodist Episcopal), Platteville, filed July 24, 1889
    • John Barbour
    • M. J. Martin
    • John H. Downs
  • East Plattsmouth United Brethren Church, inc. December 22, 1894
    (East Plattsmouth later washed into the Missouri River)
    • William Fields
    • W. R. Eledge
    • B. A. McCord
  • Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Glenwood, inc. July 25, 1889
  • Asbury Methodist Episcopal, inc. September 2, 1882
    (Once located 1 1/2 miles southwest of Emerson.)
  • Methodist Protestant Religious Association, filed June 16, 1881
Copy of Original Document

Copy of Document, compliments of Harry Wilkins, Tabor Historical Society

These churches are not in existence now.

“Church Deed”, dated Aug. 24, 1885, filed for record Oct. 30, 1857. From Wm. Wolf and Mary, his wife, to Nicholas Anthony, Robert Withrow, James Foldeh , Levi Anthony and William Kesterson: Trustees. Consideration: $5.00 (Church known afterwards as Waubonsie M. E. Ch.) “Commencing 104 rods from northwest corner of NE ½ Sec. 24. Twp. 71, N Rge. 43 W. running 7 rods south, east 12 rods, north 7 rods to place of beginning”, containing about ½ acre, “for use of the Methodist Episcopal Church in U.S.A”. Acknowledgement is signed by William Kesterson. (This church still remains, used only for funerals.)

“Body of Christ” (Disciples of Christ) Pleasant Hill, Mills County, incorporated Feb. 20, 1875, G.C. Waggoner, evangelist, organizer and first preacher. Location not given.

“HENTON BAND”-(Independent Church of Christ—Holiness church)—warranty deed from S.W. Godsey and wife to trustees (Unnamed). “Part of SW ¼ Sec. 29, Twp. 73, Rge. 43, West of 5 th P.M—Commencing 20 ft. north of the South East corner of said SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 aforesaid, running thence North Sixty feet thence West Ninety feet, thence South sixty feet thence East ninety feet to the place of beginning.”

“FIRST METHODIST CHURCH OF SILVER CREEK”-Articles of incorporation dated and filed Jan. 23, 1869—Whether M. E. or Methodist Protestant is not known, as only the word Methodist is used. No minister’s name is given, only three trustees; Wm. G. Wyatt, Jacob Burket, William Hock. No location is mentioned. Also called “Mt. Olive Mission”. Building erected in 1873. J.M. Young, first pastor. Organized June, 1860.

“ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, M.E. CHURCH OF GLENWOOD, IOWA, dated Nov. 25, 1856. Filed Dec. 16, 1856. Trustees: Azor Richardson, A.I. Armstrong, William Armstrong, B. G. Reeder, George J. Davies, George Liston, B. Windham. (Original articles, left in Recorder’s files).

WARRANTY DEED, S.W. Williams and wife to the Methodist Episcopel church of Glenwood, Iowa, dated and filed July 8, 1873. Premises: Lot 4, Block 5, original plot of Glenwood. (This is the original deed, left in Recorder’s files, and not called for.)

ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, METHODIST PROTESTANT RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATION of Silver City, Iowa, not dated; filed June 16, 1881. No location mentioned in Silver City. Not acknowledged by a notary.

ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH in Silver City, Iowa, dated Oct. 12, 1881, filed Feb. 15, 1882. Signed by C.W. Chapman, H.H. Huffaker, A.W.,Crosby, G.N. Mandigo. Robert Plumb and John Parker.

MARTIN’S CHAPEL (Methodist Episcopal Church) at Platteville (now ----), map shows it to have been located in southeast corner of ---25, Twp72, Rge. 44. Articles of incorporation filed July 24, 18899, signed by John Barbour, M.J. Martin, John H. Downs, trustees.

EAST PLATTSMOUTH UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. Incorporated Dec. 22, 1894, Wm. Fields, W.R. Eledge, E.A. McCord. (This church gone, also the town of East Plattsmouth, washed into the Missouri River.)

GRACE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH of Glenwood, Iowa, incorporated under this name, July 25, 1889 (First articles of incorporation recorded in 1856)

ASBURY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, incorporated Sept. 2, 1882. Once located 1 ½ miles southwest of Emerson, Sec. 34, twp. 72, rge. 40.

A huge thank you to Lois Shaul for transcribing this Document

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