Mills County, Iowa
1880 Federal Census Records
Rawles Township House number and Head of Household Names
Note: In contrast to the census of prior years, the 1880 census also lists the birthplace of father and mother. Occupation of wife was usually listed as 'keeping house' and children were listed as 'at school'.
These are not included in this transcription. In checking for errors I find my own grandparents at #49 had 3 errors in the listed birthplaces so I assume many others might have had errors also. Use with caution. Cay
- A
001 Aistrope, Walter
061 Allchen, John
065 Alley, Henry
075 Alley, Delia
070 Alley, Ulyses
067 Allison, Mary
001 Andrew, George
028 Angell, Nellie
028 Angell, Retta
125 Anthony, Emily
057 Ashley, Edwin R.
- B
021 Baker, John
031 Baker, Lydia
031 Baker, Minerva
070 Baker, William
145 Bales, Waldo
032 Bankston, William
068 Barnard, Daniel
019 Bass, Zeno
093 Bicknell, John H.
079 Blair, John
077 Blair, Nancy
078 Blair, Sarah C.
093 Blair, Thompson
107 Blakely, Lou
091 Boyd, James
147 Boyd, John S.
065 Boyd, Joshua
049 Brading, Thomas
040 Bricknell, William
010 Brittle, John
084 Brown, Calvin
126 Brown, Sherman
002 Brown, William
096 Burger, Albert
112 Burnham, Mary
099 Burns, Diantha
- C
163 Carter, Ernest
163 Carter, Maynard
069 Chance, (male)
024 Chaney, William
005 Christy, Ada
058 Clark, Nancy
078 Corman, Homer
157 Coy, Lou
096 Craig, Maggie
034 Cramer, C.
037 Crane, Henry
092 Creech, Samuel
038 Cullen, John
048 Cullum, Frank
052 Cummings, Burton
032 Cunningham, Belle
028 Cunningham, Michael
036 Cunningham, Peter
027 Cunningham, ____
- D
037 Darling, George
075 Davis, Elizabeth
167 Davis, John A.
096 Davis, Lee
054 Dean, Sarah
014 Delavan, Alford
166 Delavan, Alfred
121 Delavan, Hiram H.
173 Delavan, Horatio
149 Dobney, Richard
018 Dolbow(n), John
006 Doyle, Michael
- E
036 Eacrett, Eva
058 Edgar, Edward
015 Ellwood, Samuel
160 Elson, C. Grant
161 Elwell, Rebecca
172 Estes, Richard
162 Estes, Samuel
- F
158 (Feese?), Jacob
060 Fields, Anson
064 Flowers, Thomas
111 Folden, Joshua E.
138b Forbes, Henry
- G
028 Gabriel, Curtis
161 Gardner, Benjamin
131 Garrett, Emanuel
151 Gartside, Hannah
054 Gaston, James K.
043 Glynn, Archibald
048 Glynn, John
029 Goode, Ivison
112 Goode, John
164 Goodfellow, James
120 Graves, Eliott
011 Gray, William
105 Gregory, Gilbert
104 Gross(e), Thomas
- H
098 Haines, Jonathan
153 Haines, Joseph
171 Haiss, Hiram
017 Haiss, Thomas
097 Hale, Peter
080 Hall, Hannah
100 Hall, Joshua
048 Hall, Thomas
035 Hammond, Loren
020 Hardin, Richard
067 Harmon, Fielding
088 Harris, John D.
051 Harrison, Christopher
140 Hartman, James
140 Hartman, William
003 Hays, Warren
148 Helton, William
076 Herold, Samuel
154 Hesson, John F.
081 Hicks, Erastus
082 Hicks, Robert
138 Highland, Henry
139 Hinton, Jacob
075 Hobson, Lincoln
009 Hodges, Jay
031 Hodgin, Benjamin
067 Hodgin, Clara
030 Hodgin, Edward
030 Hodgin, Thomas
163 Hodgins, Maud
109 Howard, Joel
162 Hubbard, Albert
104 Huff, James
032 Hurlbutt, (Malber?)
151 Hurlbutt, Robert
121 Hylar, Charles
- I
135 Ingram, Frank
156 Irwin, Caroline
- J
163 Jackson, Laura
108 Jacobs, Thomas
150 Jones, Jedidah
160 Jones, Freeman
159 Jones, Solomon
094 Johnson, John R.
059 Johnson, Richard
- K
124 Kemp, George
114 Kesterson, Barton W.
110 Kesterson, David
038 Kesterson, James
129 Kesterson, John
128 Kesterson, Robert
113 Kesterson, William
060 Kevin, May
026 Kilmartin, Patrick
108 King, Lavina
048 King, Mary
080 Kline, George
002 Kline, John
- L
047 Latham, William
034 Leslie, George
149 Lewis, Thomas
071 Lincoln, Earl
168 Linville, Samantha
- M
030 Madden, Isaac
020 Madden, John
106 Madison, William
163 Madison, William W.
058 Matthews, L. A.
166 Maxon, John A.
048 McCarty, Charles
137 McPherron, Alford
132 McPherron, William
068 McPherson, Ralph
144 McWilliams, W.
135 Miller, Isaac
075 Miller, John
142 Millington, John
044 Moon, Charles
045 Moon, Thomas
122 Morris, William
016 Morse, Chancy
079 Mullen, Allen
165 Munsinger, Charles
152 Munsinger, Joseph
118 Myres, Waite
- N
144 Nance, John W.
004 Newman, Abner
- P
071 Paddock, Claudius
029 Parkins, Charles
074 Patterson, Maggie A.
108 Pearse, Marcus C.
109 Pearse, Sherman
073 Pershall, Isaac N.
021 Peterson, Paul
022 Petty, Albert
138 Pierson, Aaron
047 Pool, Nathan
074 Pritchard, Benjamin
086 Pritchard, Imlah
047 Purdy, Ross
- R
069 Rains, Jasper
089 Rains, Jesse
084 Rains, Lawrence
008 Reasoner, James
148 Rist, Henry
087 Rist, Jacob S.
083 Rodman, Elijah
042 Rodman, Henry
062 Rodman, Leroy
007 Rodman, Solomon
085 Roland, Thomas
093 Rollins, Lydia
033 Russell, Hiram
039 Russell, Orlanzo
- S
013 (Sarits?) John
138b Secor, Fannie
006 Seery, Thomas
157 Shapp, George
071 Shauler, Delia
039 Sheirban, Mary
063 Shelby, James
050 Shellington, John
050 Simmons, Calvin
157 Simons, Laura
072 Skaggs, Russell M.
056 Skaith, George
046 Skaith, John
109 Sparks, Charles
046 Spees, Fredrick
141 Staggs, Robert J.
063 Stout, James
011 Stout, John
061 Stout, Joshua
007 Stout, Mathias
127 Stubbart, James
126 Stubbart, Mathew
116 Swatman, Lydia
- T
008 Talbot, Columbus
008 Talbot, Mary
008 Talbot, Milton
165 Teele, Fredrick
068 Terryberry, Daniel
066 Terryberry, Fredrick
138a Tooth, Alice
138a Tooth, Lotin
107 Townsend, Isaac
145 Trisler, Emanuel
- U
015 Utterback, John
095 Utterback, John W.
067 Utterback, Oscar T.
137 Utterback, Perry
134 Utterback, William
- V
146 Vanderpool, A___
130 Ventis, Isaac
156 Vincent, James
- W
035 Ward, Alexander
103 Way, John
117 Weatherhead, John
033 Weaver, Benjamin
033 Weaver, Daniel
033 Weaver, Emma
053 Wells, Charles
170 Wells, Henry
155 West, Carlos
055 West, Cassius
041 West, John
076 White, William
113 Wickersham, Elmer
113 Wickersham, Levi
113 Wickersham, Maggie
113 Wickersham, Martha
012 Wilcut, Corbin
140 Wiles, Luke
143 Wiles, William R.
131 Wilkinson, William
123 Williams, Absolom
106 Williams, Jane
133 Williams, John
108 Williams, Julia E.
115 Williams, Thomas B.
119 Williams, Urban
090 Wilson, Benjamin
005 Winters, John
136 Wolf, John W.
169 Wolf, Joseph
017 Wolf, Lucian
023 Wolf, William
025 Wolf, William S.
036b Wolfe, Alfred
102 Wrightman, George
Transcribed by Cay Merryman