Census records are held at the Iowa Department of History and Archives, Census Division. For Mills County, surrounding
counties and other scattered areas of the state, most records are available at the Glenwood Public Library.
Federal - The Census has been recorded every ten years, since 1850.
The records for 1890 were destroyed in a fire. The latest census released to the public in 1940.
State - Special census records, for Iowa are available for 1852, 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915 and 1925. Census records for Mills County 1856, 1885, 1895 and 1925, are available at the Glenwood Public Library.
The following lists a description of the information included in these special censuses.
Iowa Special State Census:
Name of head of household, number of males and females in household, number of voters, if subject to militia, if alien-presumably born in foreign country.
Name of each household member, age, sex, marital status, birthplace, occupation, if native voter, if subject to militia, whether owner of land and number of years residing in the state of Iowa
Name of each household member, age, color, marital status, occupation, address if in town or rural township (range & section), if born in Iowa (incl. county), whether parents were native or foreign born
Name of each household member, age, sex, birthplace, occupation, religious denomination, if served in military (incl. company & regiment), if subject to military service, whether or not entitled to vote
Name of each household member, age, sex, marital status, relationship of all persons in household to head of household, ownership of home or farm, foreign born or naturalized, number of years in Iowa and U.S., highest grade
completed in school, birthplace, name of father, his age and birthplace, name of mother, her age and birthplace, where parents were married, if served in military (incl. unit), occupation, and religious affiliation.