Help with new structure

Things change. So has this web site. Hopefully, these changes will make it easier to find information that you want. Instead of trying to cram everything onto the front page, the site has been changed into a number of major categories with corresponding subcategories. These can always be found in the menu at the top of each page. Here is what the menu looks like if "unfolded":

Hopefully this gives you a good overview and you already know where you want to go. The names are hopefully self-evident for the content within; if you have better names or structure, please pass on your suggestions. Likewise, if you see a missing category, let's work together and improve this site.

Some common themes for this site. It is hierarchical, similar to how (hopefully) you keep your hard drive on your computer organized: major categories with subcategories and then content within these. Sometimes there are even sub-subcategories. This structure is always captured within the menu that sits at the top of every page. Also, at the top of every page above the menu is the banner with the IAGenWeb logo, which is also a link to this state site. Note also as you navigate the site, you can always know which main category you are in by the slightly adjusted menu name. Additionally, there is a breadcrumb beneath the menu that shows the path that has been taken. Each of the pieces of the breadcrumb list is a link to that portion, so it is easy to move up the structure. Note also that at the bottom of ever page is a footer that gives a link to the top of the page (useful if a long page) as well as a link to the county coordinator. The banner at the top, the menu, and the footer are all stored once and read in to each page. This should ensure consistency for the future.

"Where's my stuff?" you may say. Well, it is all there. Mostly, I used the old headlines and found a similar name so I hope the transition should be easier. If you can't find what you want, you can use the search tool or email the county coordinator (which, if you read the last paragraph, should be easy to find the email for this person).