The Ohio Baptist Church was east of the Worthing  Cemetery in Ohio Township and was built in 1884. Rev. W. K. Lane was the preacher in 1884 and Rev. J. Wakley in 1892.

From The Winterset Madisonian of August 14, 1912: " The Ohio Baptist Church was struck by lightning about 2:30 Monday morning and burned to the ground. It has been standing on trucks to be moved since last December, storms setting in the morning before it was to have been started. It was built some thirty years ago by R. D. Minard and Benton Jones and had become a familiar landmark, and all regret its removal in so disastrous a manner". A later article mentioned that the church had been prepped to move about a mile and a half east of it's original location.

Apparently, a new church was built within a year but over the county line. From The Winterset Madisonian of July 30, 1913: "The Ohio Baptist Church at Broadhorn will be dedicated Sunday, August 17. Rev. Wilcox of Des Moines. state secretary of the Baptist denomination will deliver the dedicatory sermon".

There are 93 articles in the Winterset newspapers about the Ohio Baptist Church as found in a digital search, many mentioning specific members. The last one appeared in November, 1928.


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This page was last updated Wednesday, 17-Jul-2024 16:14:15 CDT .