Before 1900 church services were held in the local schoolhouse in Barney, but in 1901 two men from Drake University were sent to hold evangelical meetings. A large tent was set up in the Barney park and evangelist Orville Hamilton and Mr. Garmoug, a singer, began holding services there. It is not known whether Drake University sent them because of the need, they came as young dedicated Christian students wanting to witness to unsaved people, or that someone at Barney had asked for help starting a church.

Nevertheless, an organ was put in the tent and evangelistic meetings began. Soon large crowds were coming as Evangelist Hamilton put forth the way of salvation, and Mr. Garmoug sang the songs of invitation. People began to respond and as Billy Sunday would put it “hit the Sawdust Trail” (gave their life to Jesus Christ).

It would be futile to try to name all who served and all who responded, but when the series of meetings were over people began talking of building a permanent church building, so Amy Ferguson furnished a tract of land, plans were made, and the church was built in 1902. The carpenters were local men, William Denny and Mr. Doebert. The church was dedicated in 1903, with a dedication speech by Dean Haggard of Drake University. The first minister was Frederick Schwab from Drake University in Des Moines.

On September 1, 1973, Barney Christian Church decided to terminate its life with dignity and  united with the Lorimor Christian Church. Following 

Barney Christian Church



Pastor Schwab - Barney Christian Church

worship services on October 14, 1973 a basket dinner was held with members attending from both churches.

The bell that was rung every Sunday morning summoning people to come to worship, was removed from the bell tower when the church was razed and taken to Lorimor Christian Church, where it sits in the church yard as a memorial. The date of moving it was 1976.

Dedicating Barney Church

The dedication of the new Barney church will occur Sunday, June 6th. The work completing the church has been slow but the Barney people are to be congratulated however on securing as beautiful a building as this will be. People have written us from Indianola stating that they are coming. Crowds are expected from Winterset, Lorimor, Kasson, Peru, Creston and Murray. A basket dinner will be held in the grove. The dedication service will be at 8 p.m.



Source:  Lorimor, the First Hundred Years : Lorimor Centennial, 1887-1987,

              Centennial Book Committee (Lorimor, Iowa)

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