recording of cemeteries began in 1970s with a concerted effort to
record what was known about Madison County cemeteries. The
project originated with the Iowa Genealogical Society in the
1970s, prior to the 1976 Bicentennial celebration, and was led
locally by Lewis E. Morris. The following is what was gathered at
that time. We have this group of determined researchers to
thank for the cemetery work that is still continues through the
Madison County Genealogical Society.
to 1850 there was small cemetery north of town, north and east of
the Philip Boyles farm. George Guye, pioneer settler, says this
was the first cemetery. The first death in the County was a baby
of the Phillip M. Boyles family. This would be Union Township. (Contributed
by JoAnne Walker)
—Wilbur Riser, spoke of a burial plot in Madison Township,
section 29 with four or five graves with the name Clampitt.
Fran Clampitt's dad also said they were there. An old road
went on the east side of the buildings. This burial site is
said to have been in the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 or SW 1/4 of the SE
1/4 part of the section. No stones have been uncovered or
found. It was then at the edge of timber due north from
Worthington Church and cemetery across Tom Creek, then west up
hill about 80 rods.1
- An aged sexton of the Peru Cemetery, in Walnut Township, spoke
of two transients and a black man who came off the railroad during
the 1930s economic depression and were buried in the Peru
Cemetery. They were buried in pauper graves and their names
are unknown.1
—John Alles, of Douglas Township, found in Cedar Creek running
through his farm in Sec. 23 S 1/2 SE 1/4, a stone inscribed “Mary Eddy, wife of
Irwin b. November 2, 1865 d. August 24, 1920". It
was later determined that a former owner of the property had
worked at the Winterset Monument Company and had on occasion
hauled refuse stone to his home. This stone is believed to
be a reject. There is nothing further known about the person
in the inscription.1
—A stone found in a draw SW of buildings on ridge in a fence
line being bulldozed on the Dean Mapes farm, S 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 13 and
N 1/2 of NE ¼ of Section 24 of Douglas Township.. The stone was approximately 24x18x4” with the
inscription “Baby Boy, b.1867 Henry, son of D and A Hal (Hallings?)".1
Johnson, a former resident of Jefferson Township, grew up there
and now living in Madison Township, Madison County, remembers an 8
to 10 inch square stone carrying a description of the death of an
older woman. He describes the stone as being in
Section 12, Jefferson Township. This stone was in a
draw below a pond. The stone was said to be 20 to 30
feet to the west of the section line in the South ½ of the NE ½.
This stone was not found due to the area being a wildlife
Morris reports that he has a photocopy of a stone for John Cram
encased in a tree. The Cram property was located in the NW
1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 27 in Union Township. Midwest Rock
Products Inc. owns 472 acres of this section which includes the
Cram farm.1
Some of these cemeteries have no "official" names. They have been given names herein by
the editor to distinguish amongst them.
Township - County
Poor Farm Cemetery - In
February of 1975, Leonard Abrahams, a lifelong resident of Douglas
Township, living in Section 23, spoke of people who were residents
of the County Poor Farm, located in Section 24, being buried on
the County Farm property, west line, adjacent of the draw that
goes through the property. No records of who may be
buried in these potter's graves are available. (Lewis
Morris, MCGS newsletter, 2014) Online
newspaper research shows payments for various poor farm burials,
but no location is given. An archeological study was done by
the State of Iowa in 2000 and their results reported no
graves. Local genealogists have a different opinion.
Douglas Township - Eyerly Cemetery -
Land for a cemetery in Section 29 of Douglas township was given by George and Martha Eyerly on September 8, 1875.
Whether anyone is buried there or not is unknown.2
Township - Kirvin
Cemetery - Tradition
says that there is a burial site located in Douglas Township on or
very near the Section line running east and west between Sections
14 & 23 on the approximate north-south centerline of these
sections on what was (in 1976) the Thomas Kirvin farm and believed
to be relatives of the Kirvins. The gravesites are at the point
where the North-South road turns west and goes down the hill
toward the river bottom. It is also said that the stones were laid
down and covered over by the road grading crew.
Township - Monaghan
Cemetery - Douglas Township, Section 11 also has a
reported abandoned cemetery. The name is not remembered and this
abandoned cemetery is located in the SW half of this section, on
the bluff overlooking North River valley to the west, south and
east, with a country road at the foot of the bluff on the west
side. The exact spot has not been found as a search was made for
markers and foot stones and none were found. This area is partly
timbered over.1
(Coordinator note: Starting in 1896,
this cemetery's location is shown on plat maps, as described
Township Cemetery - The 1875
township map shows an unnamed cemetery in the southwest corner of
Section 8 of Jackson Township. Subsequent plat maps do not show
the cemetery and no other written record of its existence has been
Township Cemetery - WPA cemetery records state that there was an abandoned
cemetery in Section 18, Lee Township, - but apparently no stones were found or
read. This cemetery was very close to the road and tradition says
that when the road was widened (year not known) the existing
stones were thrown upon the bank and left lay. There were said to
be 18 or 20 gravestones. In March 1976, Walter Eichner, on whose
farm the cemetery was located, pointed out the site.
It is on the south side of the road, on a knoll, near his east
property. It is described as on the north section line of Section
18, and in the very northeast corner of NE ½ of the section.
Inspection of the site produced a foot marker type stone and a
gravestone bearing the inscription: George W. s/o L. &
S. Knight D. with the rest of the stone broken off.
(This may be from the Feb 1880 death of George W. Knight, s/o Lester
Philatus and Sarah (Woolhiser) Knight, which was reported in the 1880 Mortality Schedule).
is also a claim that people by the name of Burgett were also
buried there. Leo Jungman, a nearby neighbor, reported that a
burial stone had been found in the ditch south of his buildings.
It bore the inscription: Reuben Hale d. 1-23-1883
age 57. (Lewis
Morris, MCGS newsletter, 2014; Coordinator
note: This cemetery
appears on the 1875 county map as well as most of the early plat
maps and on a county map published in 1976.)
Township Cemetery - There is an isolated grave site on the
Lester Rhodes farm, Lincoln Township, Section 14, near the
approximate east – west center line of the section,
approximately 20 rods west from the north–south road and 125
feet west from said road on a knob running north toward Middle
River. This is presently north of a set of farm
buildings. Grave site measures 10 feet by 10 feet,
surrounded by a woven wire fence with creosote posts and 2 inch by
6 inch rails nailed top and bottom. A small elm tree
is in the lot. Two graves that were found by witching
appear to be facing southwest. The found
headstones read: Theo Ansley d. May 19, 1865 age 71y
1m 12d and Esther, w/o Theo Ansley d. Sept. 25, 1862,
age 69y 14d. Tradition says two other people are
buried here, but that may be in error. Also, in the Madison County
two-volume history published by Mueller in 1915, on page 441,
under Nobel Loehr, makes reference to E. L. Richmond being buried
in an isolated grave in a field in Lincoln Township.1
Township Cemetery - The location of
an abandoned cemetery in Monroe Township is said to be in Section
22, where the Bullock Cemetery is located, and it is suspected
that the true location was Section 26, S 1/ of SW 1/4.
Tradition says that there was a cemetery located in what is knows
as Book Jack Corner where a NW-SE road intersected then Highway
169 around the 1920s. The location of the cemetery is now located
under the road. Tradition also says a farmer owning the land took
the stones and dumped them in the creek. Other folks say the
stones were laid down and buried. A stone with the
Boling name was later found west of Highway 169; no more is known.1
Penn Township - Francis Cemetery -
Emily and Daniel Francis gave land for a cemetery in Section 15 of Penn township, May 8, 1875.
Whether anyone is buried there or not is unknown.
Township - Clough
Farm Cemetery - Herman Mueller wrote in the Winterset
News, February 25, 1937, page 10:
One family burial plot is in the field of Raymond Johnson, about a
quarter of a mile from the highway. A family by the name of
Clough lived where Harry Scott now lives and owned the SW 1/4 of
Section 25 in South township. Two of their children were
buried on the southeast part of the land, at that time, possibly
out on the prairie. When they sold the land, they reserved
the burial lot, and every owner did so until it came into the
ownership of Andrew Proctor. The plat had been fenced until
that time, when he cut down the trees, tore away the fences and
plowed over the graves. Since Raymond Johnston has become
the owner, he has now plowed over the graves and keep the markers
in place.
1935, Mueller wrote (unsourced),
This afternoon, I went to the field of
Raymond Johnston to see where the graves of the Clough
children are located. The Cloughs lived where Sam Johnston
lived and owned that 80 and the Raymond 80. They were
related to Morgans who owned the land just east of them
where Truman Johnston now lives. Raymond says that there
were six of the children buried. It is on the third ridge
from the road and not quite half way down the hill from
the north fence, and in the east forty. It was originally
fenced and locust trees around it. but Proctor cut them
down and the stock tramped over the graves and broke down
the stones. We found three markers which had been
carefully piled up in a pile by Raymond - but the fence is
gone - also the trees - and it has been plowed all around.
The stones found are:
1. My Babe
2. Wallace B. son of H & A Clough, b. Apr 1, 1851 and
died Oct 1, 1852
3. Sarah E. daughter of H & A Clough b. July 22, 1846
and died Sept 4, 1852 |
other names were found and if there are there more children buried
there as claimed, they would have been infants born and died
between censuses.
Township Cemetery - Could this be the same location of the
Cloughs? Located in SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of a section (but
section not provided), a small abandoned cemetery has been
lost. Some folks now living have described it as a knoll or
fringe growing down toward a creek and a short way off from the
north-south section line. It has been described as having
about 5 or 7 stones which seemed to be one family - a husband and
wife in their 30s and a number of children with death dates
fairly close together. No record of the names is
known. The land was developed for limestone quarry purposed
in the late 1940s and eventually the stones were bulldozed out and
covered up with refuse.1