
March 31, 1893

Married in Centennial, Saturday, March 25, 1893, Rev. O.A. Berge officiating, Miss Rachel Abrahamson and O. N. Egge.

May prosperity and happiness brighten the pathways of each and all of the contracting parties in their new state.  The HERALD extends congratulations to each



January 13, 1893

It is with much pleasure that the HERALD records the marriage of Mr. John Albertson and Miss Kate Drake, both of Dickens, Iowa.  The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents, at Dickens, Jan 12, 1893, at 12 M. The bride and groom are both well known in Inwood and have a large circle of friends here.  The HERALD extends congratulations, with the wish to them that, a happy and prosperous journey may reach far into the future.




At the residence of J.P. Negus, Inwood, Iowa, by Rev. Green, Thursday, Dec. 18, 1890, Axtel Brandt and Miss Sylora Hoag.

The Herald embraces the first opportunity of extending congratulations to this happy pair.  After the ceremonies, the newly made bride and groom, accompanied by many friends, wended their way to the depot, where a large concourse of people had gathered to witness their departure for Ft. Atkinson , Wisconsin .



December 31,  1891

Burg-Johnson—At the residence of M.A. Johnson, near Beloit, Iowa, on Wednesday, Dec. 30, 1891, Lewis Burg and Miss Emma Johnson.

Mr. Burg is a young man of good business qualities, moral, industrious, energetic.  He was formerly a resident of Beloit , but now lives at Madison , S.D. , where he is engaged in mercantile pursuits.  The bride has grown to womanhood here in our midst and her friends are legion.  May no cloud ever rise to darken the pathway of the deserving pair.  Their future home will be at Madison .



March 19, 1891

At the residence of the bride's parents, Inwood, Iowa, by Rev. Fracker, Sunday, March 15, 1891, T. I. Close and Miss Eugenie Garver.

The balmy air of our pleasant March, was made to vibrate by the chiming notes of "wedding bells," when Rev. Fracker stepped into the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Garver, last Sunday morning, about half past eight o'clock.  None but the members of the family knew that the ceremony was to take place so soon, but when the reverend gentleman stepped upon the threshold, vague suspicious flew to our minds eye, and we guessed the sequel.

Tom and Eugenie were among the first of our young people and have been active members in society circles here, and though the knot has been tied, we are happy to state what they will remain with us.  As they now, full of hope and promise, "launch out together in life, we would wish them nothing but a calm and silvery sea, wafted by balmy zephers into paths of prosperity and peace.  But, sometimes adverse winds will blow, and there are rocks and reefs to shun, as well as paths where profit is shorn of all but promise.  However this may be with them, they have the heartfelt wish, of the HERALD, for long lives with much happiness.


December 4, 1890

Married at Canton, on November 27, 1890, Mr. John T. Coats, of Storm Lake, and Miss Lizzie C. Beck, Lyon county, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. Rev. Soule tied the knot.  May prosperity and happiness attend them through life.



November 12, 1891

Wedding Bells

Wedding bells again rang out their cheerful tones last Tuesday, when Mr. Frank Donnelley and Miss Alvine Spethmann, were united as one.  The deserving couple were married in Canton , then returned to the home of the bride’s brother, Peter Spethmann.  The shades of began to fall and many friends gathered to offer congratulations and present the happy couple with numerous presents, as tokens of their friendship and esteem.  The Germania band discoursed music during the evening, and a very pleasant reception it was.  The HERALD joins with the rest, its congratulations, and wishes them much joy and many happy anniversaries of the day.


March 31, 1893

Married at the residence of B. Bahnson, in Centennial, Thursday, March 23, 1893, Rev Wolthauson officiating, Miss Tomene Erickson and Monroe Bahnson.



September 9, 1892

At the residence of the brides parents, at Doon , Ia. , Sunday, Sept. 4, 1892 , Miss Florence Fairbands to John Umstattd, Rev. J.M. Woelery officiating.

The great social event of the season was the marriage on Wednesday last of Miss Thilda R. Fladager to Rev. Olaf A. Berge, of Inwood

The morning was cloudy and somewhat gloomy, but by nine o’clock the sun came out, bright and all things seemed cheerful, a good omen the wise ones say.

The ceremony took place in the church near the residence of the bride’s parents, six miles northwest of Inwood, and was conducted by Rev. J.O. Hangen, of Canton, Dak., in the presence of Six Hundred invited guests, all friends and acquaintances of the bride and groom.

To a recess, beautifully decorated with flowers, the bride and groom were conducted by five bridesmaids and a like number of groomsmen.  The bride was lovely in brown Faille Froncaise silk with veil and wreaths of white roses.

After the ceremony, which was solemn and impressive, the wedding party assembled on the grounds by the church, where a photograph of the entire party was taken; after which they repaired to the residence of the bride’s parents, where the newly wedding pair received the hearty congratulations of the guests.  Soon after, an elegant, wedding dinner was served to nearly Four Hundred, on tables erected for the occasion, in the beautiful grove, adjoining the residence.  The bridal gifts were numerous and exceptionally tasteful and elegant; a sum of money amounting to $124 also was given them by their many friends.

The bride is the eldest daughter of Server O. and Eline Fladager, and has resided in Lyon Co. from infancy.  She has taught several successful terms of school here and has a host of admiring friends.

The groom has resided in this locality four or more years and is the honored pastor of five charges, viz., Inwood, Larchwood, Rock Valley , one in the Rock Co., Minn.   He is loved by all.

The guests from abroad were Rev. Lund, Mr. Engleson and Mrs. Arneson, of Sioux Falls; Rev. and Mrs. L. Haugen, of Moe, Dak.; and Mr. and Mrs. Leikvolk of Lodi, Dak.; and Prof. Tuve, of Canton.

The groom and bride wish to express their most hearty thanks to all who were present and for the presents presented them.


July 9, 1891

On Monday morning at the Larchwood Catholic church, Mathew Fahey and Miss Dora Grady were united by marriage, Rev. Father Dullard officiating.  Their many friends wish them a pleasant journey through life.


September 9, 1892

The great social event of the season was the marriage on Wednesday last of Miss Thilda R. Fladager to Rev. Olaf A. Berge, of Inwood

The morning was cloudy and somewhat gloomy, but by nine o’clock the sun came out, bright and all things seemed cheerful, a good omen the wise ones say.

The ceremony took place in the church near the residence of the bride’s parents, six miles northwest of Inwood, and was conducted by Rev. J.O. Hangen, of Canton, Dak., in the presence of Six Hundred invited guests, all friends and acquaintances of the bride and groom.

To a recess, beautifully decorated with flowers, the bride and groom were conducted by five bridesmaids and a like number of groomsmen.  The bride was lovely in brown Faille Froncaise silk with veil and wreaths of white roses.

After the ceremony, which was solemn and impressive, the wedding party assembled on the grounds by the church, where a photograph of the entire party was taken; after which they repaired to the residence of the bride’s parents, where the newly wedding pair received the hearty congratulations of the guests.  Soon after, an elegant, wedding dinner was served to nearly Four Hundred, on tables erected for the occasion, in the beautiful grove, adjoining the residence.  The bridal gifts were numerous and exceptionally tasteful and elegant; a sum of money amounting to $124 also was given them by their many friends.

The bride is the eldest daughter of Server O. and Eline Fladager, and has resided in Lyon Co. from infancy.  She has taught several successful terms of school here and has a host of admiring friends.

The groom has resided in this locality four or more years and is the honored pastor of five charges, viz., Inwood, Larchwood, Rock Valley , one in the Rock Co., Minn.   He is loved by all.

The guests from abroad were Rev. Lund, Mr. Engleson and Mrs. Arneson, of Sioux Falls; Rev. and Mrs. L. Haugen, of Moe, Dak.; and Mr. and Mrs. Leikvolk of Lodi, Dak.; and Prof. Tuve, of Canton.

The groom and bride wish to express their most hearty thanks to all who were present and for the presents presented them.



At the residence of the bride’s parents, Inwood, Ia., by Rev. Jarvis, Thursday, p.m. June 25, 1891, Leslie M. Foote and Miss Mae Skewis.

Mr. Foote is a young man of business qualities, industrious and energetic.  He was formerly a resident of Inwood, but now of Canton , S.D.   The bride is one of Eve’s fairest daughters, a young lady of refinement, culture and beauty, whose friends and admirers are legion.  She is a rich prize to the young man who has won her, and has ever been a bright star in Inwood’s galaxy of young ladies.

The above event called together as bright and joyous a company as ever graced a wedding banquet.  Rev. Jarvis officiated in such a solomn, impressive, knotting, binding, tying manner, as might ever prevent any difference of opinion, to say nothing of discord between the parties.  The company partook of a rich repeat at 2:00 o’clock , immediately after which Mr. and Mrs. Foote departed for Spirit Lake and other points.  They will reside in Canton after the wedding tour is finished.  They bear with them down the sunny stream of life, the best wishes of all our people for a long life of prosperity and happiness while the HERALD extends heartfelt congratulations. 


January 7, 1892

Johnson-Johnson at Inwood, Iowa, Rev. O.A. Prge officiating, Monday, January 4, 1892, Mr. Martin Johnson and Miss Martha Johnson. 

The couple arrived here Monday on the 4 p. m .train accompanied by several friends and proceeded to the home of Rev. Berge, where the knot was tied.  They left Tuesday morning for Madison , S.D. where they will be at home to their friends.  A long life of happiness to them.



March 31, 1893

Married at the Lutheran Church in Inwood, Wednesday, March 29, 1893, Rev. O. A. Berge officiating, Miss Eliza Jacobson and O. Davidson, both of Inwood.



January 13, 1893

Married at the residence of Rev. Lee Canton, S.D. Jan. 5, 1893, Miss Anna Johnson to Ole Fosaan.

The contracting parties to this happy event are well known to the citizens of Inwood and vicinity.  The bride is a charming lady and a sister to J.B. Johnson with whom she has lived for the past three years.  The groom is a young man of integrity and will doubtless make a good husband.  We wish them a long and prosperous voyage over life's sea.


Knutson-- Strand

August 18, 1893

Married at the residence of Ole H. Knutson, August 12, 1893 , Mr. Knutson and Miss Isabelle Strand.  Rev. Olaf A. Berge officiating.  The ceremonies took place at 4 p.m. in presence of about sixty invited guests.  The groom is a successful farmer.  The bride is popular with a large circle of friends and on this occasion, she looked very charming in a dove colored gown.  The HERALD joins the large circle of friends, of the happy pair in wishing a long, prosperous and happy carried life.



July 28, 1893

Married at the residence of O.H. Knutson, Saturday, Suly 23, 1893, Thor Thorson and Miss Ingebor Nelson, Rev. O. A. Berge officiating.  The wedding was attended by a number of invited friends and relatives who presented the happy couple with many beautiful and costly presents, as tokens of their regard.  Mr. Thorson owns a farm northeast of Inwood and is an energetic and successful farmer.  The bride is comparatively a stranger among us, but undoubtedly worthy of the man of her choice.  May they have a long and prosperous journey through life.


December 3, 1891

Married at the residence of David Brenner, in Settlers township, Sioux Co., Iowa, November 26, at 7 o’clock p.m., Mr. Henry C. Kornder and Miss Carrie Erickson, Rev. Levi Jarvis officiating.

The groom is well known to a host of friends as an enterprising farmer and an esteemable and worthy young man.  The bride is one of our finest young ladies and has been a successful teacher in our schools for two years or more.  Mr. Kornder is to be congratulated in securing such a beautiful and charming bride.  May success and happiness be theirs through life.

A number of select friends and the relatives of the two families witnessed the marriage, and enjoyed the pleasant time, and it was in many things the most enjoyable of weddings.  An excellent supper was served and a number of valuable presents were given by friends on the occasion.


December 3, 1891

At the M.E. parsonage at Canton, Jan. 31, 1893, Cassie Landon, of Lancaster, Wis., to Alfred Payne.

Mr. Payne is another of Beloit’s respected young men.  He is an old chum of the writer and, to tell the truth of the matter, we had concluded long since that he would remain an old bachelor.

We are sorry to see our conclusion “busted,” but glad at the same time that he has taken unto himself a helper and companion.  It is not good to be alone, and here is the point of fellowship with the warmest congratulations.


 December 3, 1891

At the residence of the bride, in Beloit, Iowa, Nov. 26, 1891, Mr. Chas. Lingo and Miss Carrie Maynard, Rev. J.M. Woolery officiating.

After the ceremony a bounteous repast was served to the large company, each of whom showed their appreciation of the bride and groom by valuable and timely gifts.  Mr. Lingo is Professor of the high school in Essex, where he and his estimable bride will make their future home.  May joy, peace and prosperity, attend them through life.


August 6, 1891

At the residence of the bride’s mother, Inwood, Iowa, by Rev. Jarvis, Thursday p.m., July 30, 1891, Mr. Wallace Reynolds to Miss Katie Perrigo.

The event noted above commanded a wide interest.  Only relatives were present, yet, the warm and hearty congratulations of a large circle of friends was not limited.  The bride has lived in Lyon county for a number of years and has been a resident of Inwood, almost from its start.  She has done good work in the schools of the county, being among the best of its teachers.  The groom is a young man of good moral character, honest and industrious.  The wedding tour was omitted as a thing unnecessary, and the couple so happily united have settled down very comfortably and are preparing to enjoy life.  It is a little late, but the HERALD begs that they will except its congratulation for many days of sunshine through life’s voyage.  


February 11, 1892

At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bohnson, Centennial twp., by Rev. Smith, Sunday, Feb. 7, 1892, Oscar Rockhill and Miss Hulda Bohnson.

Mr. Rockhill has been teaching school in Centennial for two years past and we learn that he is an excellent young man.  Miss Bohnson is a charming young lady and will make the happy groom a model wife.  Mr. Rockhill and wife will go to Marshall county to engage in farming.  The HERALD extends its best with congratulations.

Schimmel— Peterson

June 24, 1892

Wedding bells sent forth their merry notes last Saturday, when Henry Schimmel and Miss Maggie Peterson were united in the Holy bonds of Matrimony.  The couple were married in Canton in the afternoon.  The reception at the home in the evening was enjoyed by a large circle of friends and relatives, each of whom presented the newly married pair with some token of esteem.  The aggregate value of the presents was about $250.  The HERALD extends congratulations.



March 3, 1893

Married at Canton , Tuesday, February 28, 1893 , Rev. Wilson officiating, Miss Lizzie Siek and Henry Serk.

The couple so happily united are both residents of Settlers township, Sioux county, and their many friends are evidence of the high esteem in which they are held.  A reception was given them at the home, of Mrs. Serk’s sister, Mrs. Kreber, Tuesday evening.  The HERALD wishes to extend its congratulations.



February 3, 1893

Married at the residence of the bride's parents, at Vinton, Iowa, January 12, 1893, Lula M. Strong to Owen H. Seiple.

Mr. Seiple is one of Beloit's highly respected citizens and is highly complemented on the choice of his bride.  Success and happiness.



December 4, 1890

Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Dubuque, Ia., Thursday, Nov. 27, 1890, Wm. Thompson and Miss Jennie Richardson.

Mr. Thompson is a resident of Tacoma, Washington, and, we are informed is a man of excellent qualities.  Miss Richardson is a niece of W.B. Liddell, and will, perhaps, be remembered by Inwood people, as being a guest at the Liddell house last summer.  To this happy young couple the HERALD extends heartfelt wishes for happiness.



March 10, 1893

Married at the home of Andrew Albertson, Wednesday, March 8, 1893 , Rev. H.R. Green officiating, Miss Eva Tourgee to Henry Albertson. 

The above event was witnessed by about forty invited guests, relatives, and friends of the participating parties.  The bride is a sister to Mrs. Andrew Albertson and is recently from Fayette , Wis.   The groom is the son of Eliza Albertson, is a young man of ability, with a bright future before him.  He entered the ministry some over a year ago and has met with much success in his ministerial duties.  The HERALD congratulates them with the wish that their bowl of happiness may always be full to overflowing; that the wave of adversity may sweep clear of their walk in life’s pathway.

Many handsome presents were presented them as a mark of the esteem in which they were held by the guests.  Among the presents were a handsome silver set, presented by the bride’s brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, of Wisconsin, who were present, and an elegant set of china dishes which were presented by Mrs. Andrew Albertson.  The editor is the recipient of some of the wedding cake which is very nice, and for which Mr. and Mrs. Albertson have our thanks.



As the organ peeled forth the wedding march on Wednesday morning, the destines of Mr. Henry Venner and Miss Katie Hoppenjanst were united by the holy bond of matrimony, at the Larchwood Catholic church, Father Dollard officiating.  The bride was attended to the alter by her friend Miss Anna McMullen, and the groom by, Mr. P. Reiley.  After the ceremony the happy couple attended by a few relatives repaired to the residence of the groom’s brother where a sumptuous repast was partaken of.  The happy couple took the afternoon train for Sioux City, where they will make their future home.  The best wishes of their many friends, with those of the HERALD go with them.


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