O. NELSON and wife of Eden , were in town Sunday.

Funder EVERSON is suffering from an attack of rheumatism.

Mrs. James SLERGEN, of York, Neb., is visiting her sister, Mrs. HICKS.

Mrs. L. WASHBURN is able to be out again.  We hope she will continue to improve.

D.E. MCMULLEN and family, of George are visiting at M.E. MCMULLEN's east of town.

H.E. BAKER Sr. is having very ill health at present.  We would wish him well and hearty.

Miss Emma ANDERSON came up from Rock Valley Friday and returned Sunday evening.

E.J. SKEWIS took a run down to Canton last week.  Better not make any more bluffs Ed.

Miss Mary MAK, of Orange city, came up Tuesday to spend Thansgiving with her brother Sam.

Miss Stella BRANDT, of Spencer, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. G.J. ANDERSON, and a host of friends.

Roy GREELY came up from Rock Valley Saturday morning to visit with his many friends here.

Miss Myrtle LYON returned from her visiting exhibition in Hull and Rock Valley, Saturday morning.

Wm. OATES occupied the pulpit in the M.E. church last Sunday morning.  Rev. JARVIS fulfilling an appointment at Beloit .

We are told, that Geo. OLSON, of Canton , thinks himself the greatest man on earth. Very well Geo., we are glad of it.

In Darkest Africa is a book relating the thrilling adventures and explorations of Stanly on the dark continent, published by SCRIBNERS Sons, New York .  Mrs. S.J. MAK, agent, Inwood, Iowa .

WENIG & BARTHELL have a large gang at work on their new building, which is going up very rapidly.  This will be the largest store building in town.

Chas. CREGLOW was transacting business in town last week and made the HERALD a pleasant call.  Mr. CREGLOW is cashier of the Doon Savings bank.

L.E. LAKE is an experienced hand at dehorning cattle, and is prepared to do you good work on short notice and at reasonable prices.  Call on, or address, L.E. LAKE , Inwood, Ia.

Mr. Gilbert MADELEN, of Centennial, made a pleasant call Tuesday.  Mr. MADELEN is an intelligent young man, and will be added to the HERALD’s list of correspondents.

Wm. PEDALTY was doing the town, and vicinity last week.  Mr. P is an ex merchant of Beloit, and is now selling dry goods through the country to pay the expenses of a sick child in the hospital at Indianapolis .

Some 200 people gathered at the depot Sunday to witness the departure of Simon SEVERSON, Simon OLESON, Lars TOBIASON, Louis WARNE, Mandius HEMMES, Ole BRUNDLAND, Gunder DUNDERSON, Sever OLEOSON and Peter STOHL, for the “Fadreland.” The boys go from here to St. Paul where they take the Soo Line for Stavanger , Norway .  This will be a big trip, as some of them have never crossed the ocean, being born and raised in America .  We wish them a safe and pleasant voyage.

December 1, 1890


A.B. HEFTE will take the train Friday evening for Christina, Norway.

Banker PRITECHARD was doing business at the county seat the first of the week.

School No. 3 in Lyon twp. opened last Mon. with Miss Phene OATS as instructor.

J.P. NEGUS started for Chicago Monday afternoon with two carloads of sheep.

John HENDRICKSON went over to Canton Tuesday and purchased a kit of blacksmith's tools.

Leslie FOOT was in town Saturday and made his genial presence felt among his many friends.

D.J. HARRIS now owns a half interest in the blacksmith and wagon shop, having purchased J. HENRICKSON'S interest.

A dance is announced for Christmas Eve, Dec. 24th, in the new hall.  This is the largest hall in Lyon county, being 24X 100 feet.

Tom CLOSE made a trip to Canton last Friday.  Tom says there was a great deal of sport on the streets at that place, but we failed to learn of what nature.

I wish to say to customers that I will be ready to do blacksmithing at my new shop, Saturday, Dec. 6. Come and see me. John ERICKSON

Last week we forgot to note the fact, that Geo. NELSON began his winter tern of school, two miles south of town.

Mens all wool knit jackets of all sizes and prices, will be sold at cost for the next two weeks.  Only a few are left at WENIG & BARTHELL'S

John BARTHELL loaded a car of hogs at Alvord, Monday night.  John did the whole business alone in three fourths of an hour.  He is a rustler and don't you forget it.

Miss Maggie GLASON took the Tuesday morning's train for Mason City, where she will visit for a time, with her niece, and then return to her home at Galena.

It is reported that Wm. PILLEP will to Eden next spring to enter into partnership with F.W. LUCKENS.  Call at the Inwood furniture store and see if the report be correct.

Last week, B.B. ANDERSON paid to Chas SHERMAN, for several hogs, which averaged 29 1/2 pounds each, $681.05.  Who says Lyon county is not a good hog growing country?

That terrible disease, diptheria, has again fastened its deadly gangs within the home of John Lyons, north of town.  People should take the utmost precaution to keep this disease from spreading.

About 200 people took supper at the tables of the Ladies' Aid, Thanksgiving evening.  The program was an interesting feature of the evening--Miss MALLORY, of Canton, delivered a good recitation.  Receipts of the evening were about $40.

We are in receipt of a copy of the Sioux Centre Times.  This is a neat seven column folio, published by Leon CARR.  The HERALD bespeakes for the Times a pleasant and prosperous journey through life.

Someone took the burr off of Herb RENSHAW'S buggy wheel Thanksgiving night and, if he had not seen it in time would, probably, have had a serious accident.  A joke is all right, in its place, but we consider this a dastardly piece of work, which should be punished by law.

August STRUCKMAN boarded the east bound train Monday afternoon for his old home at Strawberry Point, Iowa, where he will remain during the winter.  Gus. poined over a half dollar with this injunction. "Send me the HERALD for three months."

The ANDERSON Bros., with the Mrs. W. MCLEAN, of Rock Valley, S. BRANDE, of Spencer and Chas. LAMBKIN, went down to Canton Friday to get their likenesses impressed upon a piece of pasteboard.  Bert informs us that the glass was cracked before they presented themselves, hence, their reputation remains unimpeachable.

On Friday, December 12th, and on Friday of each week thereafter, Dr. LEWIS, of Canton, will have his office at the LIDDELL house in Inwood, and would be pleased to see all his friends in Inwood, and vicinity, who may need his professional services.  He will also answer calls from the country, from his office in Inwood on those days.

Will PRICHARD, of the Inwood Farmers Bank, spent Tuesday evening in the valley.  THE REGISTER is indebted to him for a right pleasant and interesting visit.  Mr. PRICHARD has all faith in Inwood, and having been almost the first business man on the ground, his opinions must carry much weight with them.  He also dwells with much apparent satisfaction on the substantial growth the town has made during the year past.--Rock Valley Register.

December 4, 1890


Mrs. A.J. STEINHILBER is reported dangerously ill

Miss Mary MAK returned to Orange City, yesterday.

Mrs. BRAITHWALTE returned from her eastern visit, Tuesday.

A.N. HELDER and wife are happy in their possession of a baby.

J.W. HAYES has erected an addition to his butcher shop, and will handle poultry.

Miss Rilla LIDDELL, from Galema, Ill., is visiting here with relatives and friends.

Another boarder arrived at the home of L. BRANDSTROM, Saturday night--a girl baby.

Jake LOFFSWALD, of Mitchel, S.D., who has been visiting with his brother the past two weeks, returned home.

J.P. NEGUS returned from Chicago Saturday night.  Mr. NEGUS says his sheep sold to good advantage.

Pete KLOFSTED, of Doon, has been visiting with Mr. HANSON'S people west of town, the past week.

 J.R. ELLIOT, the Sheldon tombstone man, was doing business in town the first of the week.  Mr. ELLIOT is a jolly good fellow and sells a fine grade of stone.

Mrs. Geo. WARFIELD started Tuesday morning for Mt. Morris, New York, where she will visit with friends and relatives.  Mr. WARFIELD is now running a bachelor's hall.

Mrs. G.J. ANDERSON took the east bound train, for Planewelle, Michigan, Monday evening, where she will spend the winter.  We regret to lose such a pleasant and energetic woman even for the winter.  It is needless to say that she will be missed.  The HERALD, with its best wishes, goes with her. 

December 11, 1890


Wm. PEDALTY was in town Monday and Tuesday.

J.W. WEBB'S little girl is quite low with the lung fever.

Geo. PERRIGO is going to Egan tomorrow

Wallace REYNOLDS will spend the Holidays at Lenox.

Joe WEBERG started yesterday for Beloit, Wisconsin.

F.H. SKEWIS was doing business in Canton Tuesday.

Oscar EASTMAM and ladies were in town Sunday.

Miss May SKEWIS visited in Canton Saturday.

John ERICKSON went over to Hull last Thursday.

John KROWLEY is superintendent on things on I.J. HARRES farm.

Molt BECK is confined to his bed with the inflammatory rheumatism.

Wm. PILLEP will spend Christmas at his old home in Sauk City, Wis.

Misses Helen, and Hattie GREENE went over to Canton Saturday.

Supt. MCQUEEN was visiting the schools in this part of the county the past week.

G.G. MEDALEN drove over to the county seat the first of the week.

S.O. GROTH from near Fairview, made this office a pleasant call Monday.

Mr. AMESBURY, of Dubuque, the esteemed parent of Frank, is visiting here this week.

EVERSON and ERICKSON have erected a building south of town for their feed mill.

We are informed that, editor Clark has severed his connection with the Canton Advocate.

C. HAYNES purchased a carload of corn at this place last week, and shipped it to his farm near Sheldon.

M.E. DEWOLFE and D.M. HOFFMAN, both of the Valley, made some pleasant calls here Sunday.

WENIG & BARTHELL are moving their creamery building out next the road.  John CLOSE is doing the job.

Mr. ROSENBERG and wife are visiting with their brother, Alex COUTTS.

Editor JONOS recently of the Sheldon Eagle will start a newspaper at Seward, Neb., shortly.

Mort ANDERSON is erecting one of those Aermoter wind mills on Mr. PORTER'S farm.

Leslie FOOT drove over from Canton Saturday evening. Come again Leslie, you are always welcome.

I.J. HARRIS and wife took the train, at Lester, Monday morning for Harlem, Ia., where they will spend the Holidays with friends and relatives.

Will HAKINS installed himself on the Porter stock farm Monday, and will take charge of the farm in the absence of the present overseer, Frank DONNELLEY.

 Miss Mattie HANNUM, who has been visiting with her brother the past few months, returned to Stillman Valley, Ills., last Thursday.

A. KLEIN has purchased the hardware stock of MAGUIRE & REYER.  The HERALD wishes Mr. KLEIN all manner of success in his new venture.

Ed CARPENTER has secured the contract for furnishing supplies from the Crow Creek Agency.  He has, also, purchased the Calliope News outfit, and will establish a paper at the agency, which will be the official organ of the Sioux council, also, the agency.

Mrs. FOSTER arrived here, from Jewel Junction last week.  Mr. FOSTER is driving through and is expected to be here tonight.  He will take charge of the business of WHEAT Bros. & FOSTER, while the Bros. are in school obtaining knowledge.

The Sioux Valley News says "Last Wednesday J.C. WILLIAMS bought the prize hog of the season of W.J. WIMER.  The porker topped the scales at 780 pounds and at the present price of pork was worth. $24.40.

Mr. TOWNSEND, of Syracuse, N.Y., is visiting at the home of Alton RODGERS.  Mr. TOWNSEND says there is good sleighing back there.  While people in the east enjoy themselves gliding over the snow, we of Lyon county, might have a social game of lawn tennis.  Just think of it!  The weather is so warm here that the buds are starting on the trees.

On Friday, December 12th, and on Friday of each week thereafter, Dr. LEWIS, of Canton, will have his office at the LIDDELL house in Inwood, and would be pleased to see all his friends in Inwood and vicinity, who may need his professional services.  He will also answer calls from the country, from his office in Inwood on those days.

December 25, 1890

Wm. PILLEP returned from his visit in Wisconsin Tuesday.

John HAYES is erecting an ice house back of his meat market.

Mort ANDERSON and wife made Rock Valley a visit last Friday.

E.J. SKEWIS and C.E. LYON journeyed to Sioux City last week.

C. HAYNES, of Sheldon, was in town Monday, looking for more corn.

Miss May COUTTS came up from Elden last Thursday, for a holiday visit.

Miss Emma ANDERSON is visiting with her many friends here, this week.

James CAVANOUGH and lady came over from Doon, to attend the dance last week.

Fred OVRE and wife, visited in Canton a few days during the past week.

C.B. LAMBKIN and wife spent Christmas with their many friends at Rock Valley.

It is reported that Albert ALBERTSON will build in town.  Inwood is bound to move on.

L. DECELLE started for Madison, S.D., Tuesday, where he will spend his vacation of two weeks.

W.B. WAITE stopped off the train long enough to shake the hands of a few Inwoodites, Friday.

F.W. PICKARD and wife, J. JARVIS and lady, of Lester, were guests of D.J. HARRIS and family Christmas.

Mrs. JARVIS and Wm. OATES, Jr. attended the Epworth League convention, at Sheldon, Tuesday.

Doc. WHEAT is putting a pump, that will throw water 50 feet into the air without a hose, in his new well.

The Mesdames STILES and LEDBROOK, of Rock Valley, were guests of Mrs. C.B. LAMBKIN, last week.

Ole RENUM, WENIG & BARTHELL'S efficient clerk, is spending the holidays with relatives, in Rock county, Minn.

Gib. EVERSON drove to Rock Rapids Monday.  Gib reports every thing in that city is in a flourishing condition. 

Harry OATES, of the Tribune, came up from Sioux City, Wednesday of last week, and was a pleasant caller at this office.

We gladly receive the news that Milt BECK, who has been suffering from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism, is slowly recovering.

Geo. SKINNER, of Rock Rapids, was in town yesterday.  He will be here again Monday, for the purpose of organizing a building association.

Tom CLOSE accompanied by Miss Eugenie GARVER took the evening passenger yesterday for the Primgar.  They will, visit with friends and relatives there.

Geo and Charley SKEWIS, Miss Minnie MITCHEL and Myrtle LYON, attended the "Poor in New York," drama, at Rock Valley, Monday night.

N. C. SHORE of Canton was looking over some Lyon county land, Tuesday.  Lyon county's land is mighty hard to beat, both in beauty and as a producer.

Mr. and Mrs. E. LAKE, from Emmetsburg, Iowa, came up Christmas, to spend a few days in a pleasant visit with the esteemable family of C.B. LAMBKIN.

Geo. CLOSE and wife, of Primgar, spent a few days in a pleasant visit here last week.  Geo says the crops were very poor in that region last year.

Rev. LAYTON is again able to expound the gospel truths to the people.  Although, unable to walk, he wheels himself around very gracefully in his wheel chair.

Henry M. STANLEY narrates his adventures and explorations, on the dark continent, in the ordinary conversational style.  Though he is the honored guest of the world, he is only an ordinary looking man.

John HENRICKSON informs us that he has, in his shop, a complete set of tools, also, a superior stock of material used in blacksmithing, and invites all his customers to call and see him.

A horrible accident happened at Hawarden, last Saturday.  It seems that the 2 year old son of Ed LENNETT, car repairer at that place, while playing in the tool house where there was oil stored, set fire to it.  The house was burned at once and the boy perished in the flames.  The body was taken out lifeless and the flesh fell off as it was carried to the house.

There was a very pleasant gathering at the home of Jacob WENIG, Monday afternoon, it being the thirty-ninth birthday of that worthy gentleman.  Those in attendance were: B.B. ANDERSON and wife, F.H. SKEWIS and wife, John CLOSE and wife, G.W. DICKINSON and wife, Wm. CLOSE and wife, Rev. Levi JARVIS and wife, Rev. LAYTON, J.G. WHEAT and wife.  An elegant supper was served and a good time is reported.  We wish Mr. WENIG all success as he launches out upon his fortieth year. 

Bartley FOSTER leaves today with his family for Inwood, Lyon county, Iowa, where they go to make their future home.  "Bart" will drive through and Mrs. FOSTER and the baby will go on the train.  He will, in company with the WHEAT boys engage in the coal and agricultural implement business.  "Bart" is well known in this section of Hamilton county having spent the greater portion of his life here, and is known as an honorable upright man, well qualified to handle the business in which he proposes to engage.  The people of Inwood may feel thankful for securing so good a citizen, and we heartily recommend him to them, and are satisfied that they will always find him a square and honorable gentleman.  The Record joins their numerous friends in wishing these good people prosperity and happiness in their new home and occupation.--Jewel Record

We welcome Mr. Foster to our ranks, and trust that he will find his new home and business, among us, both pleasant and profitable.

January 1, 1891


Carl ARNESON went to Sheldon yesterday.

Robt. HENRY drove to Rock Rapids, Monday.

Andrew EVERSON returned from his eastern tour, Tuesday.

Bart FOSTER was doing business in Sheldon, Tuesday.

Miss Emma ANDERSON returned to Rock Valley Sunday.

Miss Abbie DINSDALE came down from Larchwood Friday evening.

Miss Terza DINSDALE visited in Larchwood the first of the week.

G.G. MEDALEN, of Centennial, made us a pleasant call Monday.

Chas. WEBBER, of Canton, was doing business in town last Friday.

Tom CLOSE and Miss Eugenie GARVER returned from Primgar, last Friday.

Mr. TOWNSEND terminated his visit here, and returned home Sunday.

John SOGN and W. JOHNSON were in town a short time last Saturday.

Henry MILLARD and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. BRAITHWAITE last week.

Rev. Gabrid MYDLAND spoke to the people last Sunday, at the Lutheran church.

Robt. ROANTREE, of Rock Valley, was interviewing our merchants Monday.

Mrs. BARHELL stopped off here Saturday night, while on her way home from Dakota.

J. ANDERSON, Canton's furniture man was doing business in town, early yesterday morning.

E.W. LEWIS drew the silver set at ALBERTSON & BAKER'S The drawing came off last Saturday.

Elder CARR, pastor of the M.E. church at Sheldon, preached here Friday and Sunday evenings.

Howard DORWARD started for Des Moines, Monday.  Howard will attend the Baptist College at that place.

Rev. SHOEMAKER was transacting business in town this week.  Mr. SHOEMAKER occupied the M.E. pulpit Tuesday night.

Wm. TILLOTSON and Wm. OATES board the east bound passenger, Tuesday morning, for Mt. Vernon, where they will attend school during the winter.

W. PRICHARD, D.J. HARRIS and A.B. COUTTS went over to Doon yesterday to help in the organization of an Odd Fellows Lodge.

John ERICKSON started for Postville, Iowa, Monday evening.  John will visit at Postville a few days, then go to Wisconsin, where he will spend a few weeks.

Reports say, that the social hop last Wednesday evening, at the residence of John KORNDER'S was a success.  Quite a number participated in the light fantastic.

Mr. WENIG had a serious accident, last Saturday.  While assisting in the lifting of a barrel kerosine, his feet slipped, causing a spasmodic jerk of the muscles, resulting in a sprained back.

Reports say that Geo. SKINNER did not organize a building association here, Monday.  If the business men here want such an organization, why not an organize on their own responsibility?

Ole GUNDERSON, Ole RANUM, T.E. and Henry MOEN, returned from their visit in Rock County, Minn., last week.  The boys drove over and report a pleasant journey.

Mr. DONOHO, one of the proprietors of the Beloit Roller Mills, was in town yesterday.  Mr. DONOHO did not forget to call at the HERALD office.

Samuel JOHNSON says that interest is the mother of attention.  But attention is  the mother of memory.  To secure memory, therefore, secure its mother and grandmother. --- Joseph COOK

Chas. WEBBER, of Canton, kindly informs us, that he will call on all parties desiring their sewing machines cleaned, or repaired in any way, Monday, of next week.  Those desiring machine fixtures, needles, or oils, may leave orders at the hotel.

Saturday p.m.! All the farmers, of Lyon township, are requested to meet at the school house in Beloit, Iowa, for the purpose of organizing a Farmers Alliance, Saturday, January 10, 1891.

January 8, 1891


E. LAKE has commenced packing ice.

J. WENIG was doing business in Canton Monday.

Landlord LIDELL made a trip to Larchwood yesterday.

Mr. AMSBURY took his departure for home Tuesday.

Will RUMOHR visited his brother at Rock Rapids last week.

Miss Lottie KLEIN is in attendance at the University at Des Moines.

D.S DOFY and Frank CABLE of Elden were buying cattle here this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Herb RENSHAW returned from their eastern visit Tuesday.

Leslie FOOTE was in town combining business with pleasure this week.

Rev. WHEAT is visiting with his brother J. G. Mr. WHEAT drove through from Kansas.

D. BRENNER and Mrs. G.W. LYON made an overland trip to Beresford last week.

John MEYERS has sold his barber shop in Larchwood and moved into the country.

Chas WEBBER did a good business here Monday and Tuesday in the sewing machine line.

C. LARSON is quite ill with neuraigia of the stomach.  Dr. LEWIS was in attendance yesterday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Nels EVERSON rejoice in the arrival of a little girl to their home last Tuesday night.

Miss Abbie DINSDALE terminated her engagement as teacher last week.  Miss May will finish the term.

Mrs. C.B. LAMBKIN took the east bound train yesterday for Emitsburg, where she will visit with her parents.

Misses May SKEWIS and Terza DINSDALE accompanied by Leslie FOOTE, visited at Hull last Friday evening.

Frank T. SHEPPARD, of Akron, has purchased the Canton Advocate and presents his introductory in last week's issue.

An exchange tells us that Bro. TIRRELL has sold the Bridgewater Times to Geo E. LANCE of Aberdoon, and has gone to Colorado.

The dance at Bob BULLY'S last Friday night was a decided success--sixty tickets being out.  Music was furnished by the HAZLETT string band.

Parties who are contemplating to have a public sale, would remember that Chas. SHIEBEY is always ready to cry sales at reasonable rates.

For the next 30 days, WENIG & BARTHELL will sell their entire stock of fur coats, of all sizes and variety at cost for cash only.

D.J. HARRIS received a telegram Tuesday morning, stating the dangerous illness of his father.  Dave took the first train to Harlem, where his parents reside.

HELMEY & KELMAN and H.C. HICHBORN last week appeared before the court and surrendered their liquor permits before the cases were called for trial--S.V. News.

Tom CLOSE informs us that he will soon bring suit against B.B. ANDERSON, for $85,000 damages, and take his horse and cow for part pay, if he don't keep them away from his hay stack.

Editor HARRINGTON, of the Rock Valley Register, was renewing old, and making new acquaintances here the first of the week.  Mr. HARRINGTON, accompanied by L.F. CHAPIN, of the Rock Rapids Review, will commence their tour through the south today.

The ladies of the "Home and Foreign Missionary Society" will meet Saturday afternoon, Jan. 17, at 2:30 o'clock, with Mrs. D.C. GARVER.  We invite all who are interested in the mission work to join hands with us in that field of labor.

Curtis MAYNARD is another victim of the poisonous and deadly gas called choke-damp.  The deceased descended into a well, and before he could be drawn up, the gas had extinguished life.  Curtis is the son of Rev. E. MAYNARD and has been, for the past year working with the COFFIELD & SHERMAN well auger.  The remains will be interred this afternoon in the cemetery at Beloit.

Rev. Frank EVANS, the noted lecturer, will speak in Rock Valley Friday evening, Jan. 19th.  Mr. EVANS comes under the auspices of the I.O.O.F. society, and all who appreciate such an entertainment have a rare treat in store.  His subject is entitled, "The Symbolic Teachings of Oddfellowship," and is said, to be the finest in his repertorium.

E.E. CARPENTER, of Canton, Lincoln Co., S. Dakota, passed eastward on Monday morning's train.  Mr. CARPENTER is one of South Dakota's earliest settlers and he shows his faith in our future by purchasing several sections of land in Hughes and Sally counties. 

January 15, 1891


Charley BARTHELL is visiting here with his brother Johny.

Miss Abbie DINSDALE is installed as clerk in BAKER & Co's store.

John OVRE, of Canton, visited here with his son Fred, Sunday.

Al. REYNOLDS of Sioux Falls visited with his brother over Sunday.

Dr. WHEAT has decorated his counters with two large showcases.

H.E. BAKER is at Rock Rapids being examined for an increase of pension.

Joe ELBERTS, one of Sioux's solid farmers, was looking over this office Monday.

Rev. G. L. WHEAT preoccupied the M.E. pulpit, Sunday morning and evening.

Banker PRICHARD was doing business in Canton on Friday of last week.

E.C. ERICKSON is enrolled as a student in Agustaha college at Canton.

The carpenters have again commenced work on WENIG & HARTHELL'S giant store building.

Geo. PERRIGO went to Storm Lake, Tuesday evening, for some fixtures for his well auger.

D.J. HARRIS, ye business man of Inwood, was doing business in Larchwood, Monday.

James PATTEE, of Canton, and Miss Helen GREEN, took supper at the LIDDELL house, Sunday evening.

N.C. WAITE and wife took the train yesterday evening for their old home, where they  will visit a few days.

The party at the residence of Geo. LADD'S last Friday night was well attended, and a pleasant time is reported.

D.J. HARRIS reached Harlem last week, just in time to witness the death of his father.  Dave returned home yesterday.

Ed and Geo. SKEWIS made a business trip to Rock Rapids last week.  They done the thing up quick.

Hon. Andy EVERSON was deputized constable last week, and it is rumored that he beats some at the veteran officers.

Mr. Andrew EVERSON, one of Inwood's hottest farmers, was in the city Saturday and did not fail to pay respects to this office.

Bart FOSTER is building an impliment warehouse and intends to supply the wants of the people.  In the line of agricultural machinery this coming summer.

Last Saturday night a week ago, Wellington BLUE'S house in Larchwood burned to the ground.  The contents of the house were saved.  The origin of the fire is unknown.

E.J. SKEWIS is at county seat, preparing a tax book for the Farmers Bank at this place.  All taxes can be paid at the bank here, and thus, save the time and money expended in making the trip to the Rapids.

January 22, 1891


Miss Bertha LINCOLN spent Sunday in the country.

Hon. Any EVERSON went over to Canton Tuesday.

B.H. GOSS, of Beresford is visiting with the HERALD folks.

W. MCLEAN of Roelf Valley was shaking hands with Inwoodites Tuesday.

Leslie FOOTE, of the Harlen, is spending a week's vacation here in the city.

Mrs. DILLON, of Wisconsin visited with Miss Terza DINSDALE the first of the week.

Rob. HENRY left us Tuesday, and will take a month's sojourn in warmer climes.

Rev. O. BERGE is in attendance at the Lutheran conference in Luverne.

W.D. FLEMING went to Sheldon Monday evening, to meet his brother.

John CROWLEY has changed his base of operations, and is now rustler for D.J. HARRIS.

Mort ANDERSON, Jacob WENIG and John RUDDY did business in Canton Friday of last week.

MAKERIS Bros. have nearly completed the chimneys in WENIG & BARTHELL'S new store.

Ole H. KNUTSON drove to Luverne Tuesday morning to attend the Lutheran conference at that place.

Fred HERMAN transacted business in the city Tuesday in the interest of the First National of Canton.

Mr. and Mrs. I.J. HARRIS terminated their visit in Harlem last week, and are managing things at home again.

Messrs. Geo. PERRIGO, J.L. WASHBURN and W.W. CROWLEY represented Inwood at Larchwood Monday.

The many friends of Mrs. T. STUTTING will be sorry to hear, that she is very ill with lung fever at the home of Steve WHITEHEAD.

John BARTHELL, accompanied by his brother Charley, took the train Sunday for their home, in Waukon, Ia.  John will visit their a few days.

The married folks social at the residence of A.L. BUCKMAN last Thursday evening was well attended and a very enjoyable time is reported.

Patents granted to inventors in the State of Iowa during the past week:  C.H. MOHLAND, Sigourney, Grubbing machine; W.O. WORTH, Cedar Rapids; Bicycle.

Chas SKEWIS and Jno. ALBERTSON departed on the early morning train, Monday morning for Spencer.  They returned yesterday.

Andrew HARSTED had a serious accident one day last week.  While driving cattle, his horse slipped and fell, precipitating him in such a manner as to break his leg in two places.

Messers Jno. CLOSE and wife and Joe WAITE and wife went over to Doon Sunday evening to attend the revival services in session there, under the management of Rev. H.B. GREEN.

Jacob TOBIASON started for Washington (State) last Monday.  Mr. TOBIASON will spend the summer in Washington and return here in the fall to manage his threshing outfit.

S.E. BAKER of this State, was in the city last Friday and appointed B.B. ANDERSON agent for a new kind of oats, called the Early White Swedish.  The oats sell for $2.00 per bushel.

Prof. BUNTLEY of Sheldon was in town Tuesday for the purpose of organizing a social class in music, but as our halls are not in readiness and he could not obtain use of the church, the hope of organizing a class was abandoned for a time at least.

The Ladies Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church will meet Saturday afternoon, Jan 31st, at the residence of Mrs. Geo. LADD.  We invite all who can to meet with us by 2 1/2 o'clock sharp.

Mrs. H.W. HOLLAR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred BRECKENMAKER, Sr. of this place, died on Thursday, Jan. 15, 1891, at her home in Fairfield, Iowa.  The remains were brought to Emerson Friday, and the funeral occurred the following day from the Presbyterian Church, Rev. J.W. CATHCART preaching the funeral discourse.

At the last annual meeting for the election of officers of the Farmers Alliance in Richland Twp. held on the first Tuesday of each year, the following officers were elected:  Knut JACOBSON, President; Gilbert EVERSON, Vice President; Peter CLAUSSEN, Secretary; A. THOMPSON, Treasurer; A. ROGERS, Speaker.  The question which is the more profitable, the raising of horses or cattle, at the present prices, will be discussed at the next meeting to be held next Tuesday night, Feb. 3, 1891.

A telegram, stating the dangerous illness of their mother, was received by the DINSDALE sisters last Friday morning.  A team was sent for Miss May who was teaching school near Larchwood, and she, with Miss Abbie for a companion took the east bound train for Wisconsin.  We learn that the girls did not reach the parental roof until a few hours after the mother's death.  These ladies have entwined themselves in the hearts of their many friends here and have the heartfelt sympathy of all, in this their sad bereavement.  Miss May will return to her charge here this week.

January 29, 1891


L. BOGGUS was up from Rock Valley Tuesday.

F.H. SKEWIS is doing business in Wisconsin.

Rev. W.H. DORWARD came up from Carrol Monday.

Mrs. J.G. WHEAT was a Canton visitor Saturday of last week.

M.C. WAITE returned from his visit in Kossuth county Monday.

Wm. JOHNSON of Beloit was a pleasant caller at this office yesterday.

Joseph HANDON is very sick with the lung fever.  Dr. MCBRIDE is in attendance.

B.B. ANDERSON shipped two carloads of hogs to Milwaukee last Saturday with F.H. SKEWIS in charge.

A little girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry BAKER'S Tuesday morning to cheer their pathway through life.

A general good time is reported by those who attended the married folks social at W.P. BENEDICT'S last Friday night.

The young folks social at the residence of Wm. Oates last Friday evening was well attended and a pleasant time is reported.

Mrs. Fulerod started for Peoria, Kansas last Friday, where she will meet her husband.  Mrs. J.P. Negus accompanied her to Sheldon.

E.G. Perry, of Aberdeen, S.D. was in town Tuesday trying to buy corn from our grain buyers, but concluded the corn here too high priced.

Mr. Sammuels, the expert blacksmith in the Harris & Beltimore establishment is doing business in Mitchel and other points in S. Dak. this week.

The Crokinole party at the Liddell House last Thursday evening was a grand success.  A goodly number were present and all enjoyed themselves immensely.

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