News In Brief

January 13, 1893

James Skewis was sick last week.

F.H. Skewis went to Milford Tuesday.

John Erickson was in Dakota last week.

Rev. H.L. Shoemaker was in town last week.

Robt. Henry came down from Sioux Falls yesterday.

Mrs. and Mrs. John Albertson, of Dickens are in town.

Neven McLean, of Rock Valley was in town yesterday.

J.W. Hays, Henry Hanson and John Erickson were Canton visitors Wednesday.

G.R. and Mrs. Watson returned to their home at Sanborn Tuesday evening.

Sam Dyvig returned from Sioux Falls Saturday, a graduate from the Keeley institute.

Rev. Shoemaker conducted the services at the funeral of Mr. W.D. Flemming's child last Friday.

Frank Arnold, of Canton, was in town last Saturday shaking hands with the boys and talking book.

Rev. Henry Albertson, of Esterville attended the Quarterly Conference here Saturday and Sunday.

C.N. Hatch, of Alvord, shipped his household goods from this station to Mt. Vernon, S.D. this week.

Carl Baske took his departure yesterday for Brownsville, Minn., where he will remain until about March 1st.

Rev. Berge officiated at the wedding of G. Krogness, who lives about fifteen miles north of Inwood, last Sunday.

Geo Perrigo, John Carlon and Geo. Cummins were indicted into the mysteries of Good Templary Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Albertson and Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Skewis were present at the Drake Albertson wedding at Dickens yesterday.

Elder Cole preached to a crowded house Sunday morning and evening and both sermons were listened to with the closest attention.

Geo. Cummins and Will Hankins were in Canton last Friday.  Hankins found "Billy" Phillips there and accompanied him to Sioux Falls and to the Keeley Institute.

Col. Darnell, late of the Sheldon Eagle, has taken charge of the Rock Valley Register.  Mr. Darnell is a fluent writer and an fluent writer and an eloquent disseminator of Democratic principles.

J. Wenig and Miss Baske were in Canton yesterday.


January 20, 1893

Mrs. A. Linn is sick

F.H. Skewis went to Milford Tuesday.

Mrs. L.E. Lake has been quite sick, but is better now.

Albert Sherman, son of Charley Sherman is sick with scarletina.

A.W. Lewis and wife spent part of Saturday and  Sunday in Carton.

Miss Emma Roberts is home from Burlington, Kansas.  She is now sick.

Will Prichard was registered at the Boege hotel in Sioux City Wednesday.

Mrs. Carrie Anderson and Miss Emma Anderson and S.W. Town were Canton visitors Wednesday.

Messrs. Cassan and Bushenfelt, of Doon, attended the Odd Fellows installation here Saturday night.

John Albertson is engaged in the lumber yeard here at present and has not yet decided where he will locate.

Henrickson & Davidson have the old blacksmith shops moved onto its location.  Washburn and Hankins did the work.

G.H. Dussel will hold a public sale at his place two miles south of town, Saturday, January 28, at 1 o'clock p.m.

The revival meetings are still in session every evening.  Rev. Ginn is a splendid revivalist and we believe she is doing a good work here.

A.G. Thompson will not locate in Inwood as was stated in these columns some weeks ago, but will move to Dawson, Minnesota instead.

A.C. Abell returned from his visit in Knox county, Ill., last Saturday his nephew Mr. Fritz, accompanying him.  He reports plenty snow in Illinois.

Will Hankins is now the possession of another horse, a handsome grey animal, which he got from John Meyers this week; and is having some fun training it to drive alright.

A letter received by his brothers says that Herman Schroeder, is enjoying the climate in Colorado wonderfully.  He is well pleased with the country and thinks of sending his fur coat home as he has no use for it and people there regard it as a curiosity.

Messrs. John Rohver, John Haman, Marcus and Henry Shimmel and Jacob Reimers attended the annual meeting of the German Insurance Co., at Ireton, Jan. 6.  The company is composed entirely of farmers and their business is strictly limited to farm property.  $100,000 worth of insurance was written last year and the company purpose extending its beneficial work considerably this year.  In accordance with this view a local board was organized for Lyon County, composed of the following named officers; John Rohwer, Vice President; John Haman, Trustee, Henry Shimmel, Asst. Trustee; Marcus Schimmel, Adjuster.  The next annual meeting will be held at Rock Valley next January.

Dr. Lewis was in town Tuesday.

Mrs. Wm. Hanrahan was in Sioux Falls this week.

Tom Collins and Ole Erickson were in Canton Tuesday.

G.W. Lyon went to Hull Tuesday evening, returning Wednesday.

B.F. Whitmore, of Lyon, was in town Tuesday and made this office a pleasant call.

E.A.B. Colvin has rented the back room of Anderson Bros. store for a paint shop.

Mrs. Halvor Helgerson has been very sick, but is reported better at this writing.

John Close is erecting a dwelling on his lots on Oak street 14 x 24 with an L 14 x 14 on the south.

Rasmus Hanson's family have been somewhat under the weather lately, but Mr. Hanson informs us that they are getting along nicely now.

E.A.B. Colvin requests the public to know that he is prepared to paint buggies, wagons, etc., and solicits patronage in the vacated harness shop.

S.E. Roberts reopened his school in the Sherman district Monday, and informs us that his family is improving in health.

A.E. Elder, agent for the Sioux City Nursery & Seed Co., will be in town and vicinity for a few day's looking after the interests of above firm.  All persons interested in fruit culture will find it to their advantage to talk with him on that subject.

Charley Alexander, son of Orlando Alexander, came very near meeting with instant death at Inwood, Iowa last Saturday night.  He was breaking on the mixed train coming west and while coupling cars in the Inwood yard, he was caught and severely squeezed through the chest besides receiving several flesh wounds.  He was brought to this city, and lodged at the Harlan where Dr. Smith, the railroad's physician and surgeons soon brought him around all right..


January 27, 1893

John Skewis did business in Canton Tuesday.

M.A. Armesbee is at work on W.P. Benedicts's house.

G.H. Dussel's sake takes place tomorrow at one p.m.

G.H. Dussel did business in Rock Valley and Sheldon Tuesday.

Myrtle Lyon and Florence Winegar were Hull visitors last Saturday.

G.M. Anderson went to Sioux City Monday night with a carload of porkers.

Will Prichard is sojourning in Minneapolis, Dubuque and Chicago this week.

J.W. Jones and wife are the proud parents of a boy baby.  It was born on the 21st.

B.H. Foster has accepted a position with G.H. Dussel and will sell machinery this season.

D.O. Watson has sold his farm for a consideration of $10,000.  Mr. Ellis of Sioux county is the purchaser.

Frank Arnold and Wm. Anderson of the Canton I. O. O. F. lodge attended lodge here Saturday evening.

The young folks gathered at the home of A. Finkleson last Friday evening and enjoyed a few hours socially.

Geo. Nelson has taken the general agency for a mathematical chart and will work positions of Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota.

E.J. Skewis and C.E. Lyon were in Hull Tuesday evening looking up the workings of the Mutual Building and Loan Association.

Will Bollock is home, having returned last week, and reports sixty five days sleighing in portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.

A.B. Curtis has purchased a half block on the north side and will erect a handsome residence thereon in the near future.  The building will be 14 x 24 with an annex 14 x 14.

A.G. Thompson will hold an auction sale at his farm --of town February 1, at 10 o'clock a.m.  A large amount of property will be offered to the highest bidder.

 B. Dyvig informs us that his scale weights have not yet been returned.  He is now in need of them and requests that they be brought home.  If they are not returned by next week he will be forced to send for new ones.

Tom Collins will move to South Dakota about March 1st.  He has purchased a farm 12 miles southwest of Canton and has also rented one adjoining it.  We regret very much to chronicle, his departure.  A Mr. Clark will move onto the farm he vacates.

The Register describes the saloon excitement at Rock Valley last week as only a trifling incident and says that he was some rollicksome boys that took possession of the liquor.  However the case may be we learn that Will Mullhall and Joe Kreber were indicted for resisting the officers.

Wm. Hanrahan came home from Sioux Falls yesterday.

S.W. Town marketed two hogs Wednesday for which he received $225.88.

John Rudy and wife will visit their old home in Sac county next week.

Arthur Lewis and wife visited in Canton last week, returning home Sunday.

Rev. Green came up from Rock Valley Tuesday to assist with the revival meetings.

Misses Della Pingree and --- Washburn attended the teachers meeting at Doon last Saturday.

We learn that Melt Beck, and Halvor Helgerson have gone to Sioux Falls to take the Keeley cure.

W.P. Benedict is marketing 4,000 bushels of wheat this week.  B.H. Foster is the purchaser.

February 3, 1898

John Close has his house nearly enclosed.

Death has claimed E.B.A. Colvin's horse.

Eugene Fulcrod is sick with rheumatic fever.

Rev. Green is assisting with the meetings this week.

E.P. Phillips returned from Sioux Falls last Friday.

Grant Lyon was home from Hull Saturday and Sunday.

D.J. Harris went to Rock Rapids Monday returning Tuesday.

C.B. Lamkin and B.H. Foster did business in Canton yesterday.

Tom Close has been having a more serious time than was expected.

Fred Over contemplates putting up a new building for his barber shop in the spring.

John Henrickson's little girl has been very sick with lung fever, but is now convalescing.

Miss Townsend has accepted a situation as stenographer and type writer for the Farmers Bank.

An enjoyable evening was reported from the old folks social at the residence of G.W. Lyon last Saturday evening.

Our young operators will soon have a wire in time from Mr. Everson's residence to the main office, to practice upon.

Harry Baker and wife, and Miss Alice Barber were in Canton last Friday.  Mrs. Baker had some dental work done.

Wm. Pillep has bought the half interest in the well auger owned by Will Hankins and is now sole proprietor of the outfit.

J.J. Crowley, Geo. Perrigo, Tom Collins and D.J. Harris were present at the organization of the Odd Fellows lodge at Lester Monday night.

An I.O.O.F. lodge was instituted at Lester Monday evening with fourteen members: James Buchanan was elected Noble Grand and Clarance Johns, secretary.  There were over 140 visiting brothers present from neighboring lodges.

Mrs. Linn has not improved any in health.

E.J. Skewis has a new Remington type writer.

Will Prichard returned from Chicago Monday night.

F.E. DeCelle left for Minneapolis yesterday evening.

E. Simmons, of Brookings, S.D., arrived here Tuesday.

John Weberg is sojourning in eastern Iowa and Wisconsin.

Mr. Buel went east Tuesday evening in quest of a horse.

The property at G.H. Dussel's sale bid off at about its real value.

Inwood is in the midst of one of the greatest religious revivals it has ever seen.

The Odd Fellows are agitating the question of putting up a large building in the spring.

Miss Lou Washburn partially froze her face and nose while coming home from school Tuesday evening.

Although Wednesday was a bitter cold day, A.G. Thompson's sale drew a large crowd and about everything was sold.

Mrs. A.W. Lewis has been visiting in Emmettsburg and Sheldon during the past week.  Mr. Lewis will leave for Sheldon this afternoon.

Thomas Ryan and wife, of Whitewater, Wis., and parents of Mrs. Linn arrived here yesterday morning having been on the road since Tuesday, owing to the snow blockade.

W.B. Liddell has lost about thirteen chickens during the winter and he has strong suspicion that they have been stolen.  No less than three have disappeared this week.  We hear a number of complaints by different persons relating to the disappearance of other minor articles, and think it high time that measures were taken to stop this petty thievery.

February 10, 1893

Mrs. D.J. Harris no well.

Mr. and Mrs. Al Lewis returned home Tuesday.

One of O.L. Hopkins babies was sick this week.

Charley Garver has a new telegraph instrument.

S.E. Roberts is busy at work taking an inventory of the township.

Christ Erickson is taking subscriptions for the life of Blain already.

John Erickson visited in Hull this week, and returned home yesterday.

Mrs. Lewis, of Canton was the guest of Mrs. H. Renshaw a part of the week.

Tom Collins is at work moving his machinery and other articles to his farm in Dakota.

G.M. Anderson has the stone on the grounds for the foundation of his new residence.Henry Beck writes us to send his p

John Stomp's children are all sick with the measles.  Gay, the oldest boy, is convalescent.

Mrs. C.B. Lamkin went to Rock Valley Wednesday evening and will return home tomorrow.

Clarence Ladd went to Egan last Saturday for a visit with friends and returned home yesterday.

The Ladies Home and Foreign Missionary society will meet with Mrs. G.B. Lamkin Saturday, Feb 18.

Will Foster had to close school yesterday on account of the stove breaking.  It cracked off just above the fire bed and came nearly setting the school house on fire.

A.B. Coutts has his cellar dug and will commence work on the foundation and frame work of his new residence as soon as the weather will permit.

February 17, 1893

J.W. Tinsley, of Hull, was in town Monday.

B.B. Anderson was a Canton visitor Monday

W. Reynolds has been having a seige of la grippe.

A.B. Coutts has purchased another half acre of land.

Henry Beek writes us to send his paper to Ellsworth, Minn.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Linn Monday afternoon.

Geo Closer of Primghar was in town between trains Sunday.

Gidvert Holland returned from his visit in Benton County yesterday.

Lock Washburn has a brand new dray and has started a second dray line in town.

O. Davidson, Pete and Liza Jacobson attended a party in Dakota last Sunday evening.

Mrs. R. Hanson left for Johnson county Sunday, where she will visit friends and relatives.

At Linn, accompanied by Mrs. Ryan took his young son to Rock Valley Wednesday for baptism.

Grant Lyon and Emma Tillitson came from from Hull last Friday, and returned there Sunday.

John Bergstrom, now employed by Henrickson & Davidson, is expecting his best girl from Norway in the near future.

Rev. Green was in town last Friday and placed one of his combination reading stands and dictionary holders in the school house.

Halvor Helgerson is expected home from Sioux Falls today or tomorrow.  He has had to stay one week longer than it usually takes to effect a cure.

Albert Fikes will move on a Quinn farm about four miles west of Doon.  Thirty-two dollars an acre was recently refused for the farm he leaves.

J.D. McCullough has refused a cash offer of $10,000 for a half section of Richland township land.  Jacob Lottman was offered the same amount for his half section farm and refused it.

E. Maynard of Beloit was in town Monday and called at this office.

John Rudy and wife returned home Tuesday from their visit in Sac county.

B.F. Whitmore gave a supper to a number of friends last Friday evening.

Lee and Wm. Webber of Larchwood shipped a carload of horses from here to Woncocket, S.D. Wednesday.

Dr. Cram, of Sheldon, was over to see Peter Sherman Wednesday and concurred in the opinion of Dr. Fisher.

D.J. Harris did business in Rock Rapids Monday and Tuesday.  Mrs. Harris visited in the country during his absence.

Calliope requests that Hawarden spread its protecting wing over her by way of annexation and that the two towns be formed into one under the incorporation of Hawarden.  A vote will be taken to decide the question.

Hawarden had a $200 fire Sunday morning, and what is peculiar about the incident is that it was the water works tank that burned.  A fire also broke out in the foundry on Monday but was discovered and extinguished before serious damage was done.

Miss Lou Washburn met with a mishap last week, Wednesday, which has disabled her arm for a time.  While coming home from school the saddle turned throwing her from the pony to the frozen ground. E.B.A. Colvin has taken charge of the school for the present.

The question of incorporating Inwood is now occupying the attention of her citizens.  Progress is the word, and it is time we were beginning to work as a unit for the advancement of our town.  Inwood is a good town as a business point, as has been said time and again, but there are many things needed to make progress in growth that are impossible to get outside of a corporation.

The operation was performed on T.L. Close's leg last Monday and he is getting along nicely now.  The bones were rebroken and set and the leg stretched three inches.  D.C. Garver and G.E. Everson went over to Sheldon Monday morning and were present when the operation was performed.  S.W. Town went over Tuesday evening, E.J. Skewis Wednesday evening, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Close will be with the patient tonight.

Andrew Everson is expected home this week.

Geo. Dussel did business in Canton yesterday.

B.B. Anderson goes to Canton today to have his arm cased.

Dr. Wheat made two professional calls at Canton this week.

Syd Reynolds and Willard Colwell of Sioux Falls were in town a few days this week.

D.B. Reynolds, of Baraboo, Wis., was the guest of his nephews here the first of the week.

Mrs. D.L. Renshaw, of Rock Valley, was the guest of her son H. Renshaw, the fore part of the week.

Henry, John and Joe Hanson, Joe Albertson and Knut Knutson captured 54 cotton tails along the banks of the Sioux last Saturday.

Misses Emma Anderson and Louisa Albertson went to Rock Valley and Hull, respectively, on Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Prichard of Canova, S.D. are the guests of their son Will Prichard.  They arrived here yesterday.

John Bullock has purchased the s.w. qr. of sec 19 known better as the old Bully place for a consideration of   $ 4,100.  Mr. Bullock seems to be on the road to prosperity and has evidently made a good investment.

February 24, 1893

Charley Wentworth is now engaged in the sage business.

E.W. Hazard, of Hull, was doing business in town yesterday.

L.C. Meberg, of Sioux Falls, was in town the first of the week.

Aurel Abell, attending school at Hull, was at home over Sunday.

Gunder Everson Jr., is moving from Sanborn to his farm in Dakota.

Mrs. Rasmus Hanson returned from her visit in Johnson county Tuesday.

B.H. Foster was omitted from the list who visited T.I. Close last week.

Wm. Hanrahan has sold his farm and is now offering his stock for sale.

A.B. Coutis and D.J. Harris went to Rock Valley Tuesday evening to attend camp.

Halvor Helgerson came home from Sioux Falls last Friday, a graduate from the Keeley institute.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Waite, of Rock Rapids, were visiting friends here the fore part of the week.

B. Dyvig returned from his visit to Benton county Tuesday evening.  He purchased a blooded mare while away.

A.L. D. Orsity, of Sioux City, was in town last Friday working life insurance.  He represents the Washington of New York.

The Guild, the new church society recently organized by the Presbyterian ladies will meet with Mrs. Brande, March 4.  All are cordially invited to attend.  New members also invited to enlist.

Quite a number of men who wanted to buy and men who didn't want to buy, gathered at W.P. Benedict's farm residence on Tuesday, the day of the sale.  Nearly everything advertised was sold.  Horses and machinery went at a very low figure.

John Foster and wife and John Stewart and wife arrrived here last Friday night from Jewel, Iowa.  Mr. Foster will move onto Bart Foster's farm north of town.  Mr. Stewart is a carpenter and is here with the intention of making Inwood his home.

Andrew Everson is at home, having returned yesterday.

Mrs. H. Kornder went to Hull last Friday evening to visit relatives.

G.G. Medalen has been tasting the joys of country life the past week.

Dr. J.M. Lewis has invented a device for measuring wall paper in the roll.

Geo. Dussel and Lock Washburn did business in Sheldon last Saturday evening.

Mr. Gilbert, of Luverne, Minn., was in town this week looking after his property interests.

Ed. Lake is putting up ice.  He contemplates opening another butcher shop in the spring.

Ed Maynard and C.B. Lingo, of Beloit, were in town yesterday.  We acknowledge a pleasant call.

Charley Abell was at home over Sunday.  Charley is attending  school at Canton and is making rapid progress in his studies.

Geo. H. Steel, of Mand county, S.D., was the guest of A.C. Abell and family from Wednesday of last week to Wednesday of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Wightman have returned from their New York visit and were accompanied by Mrs. Wightman's brother and sister, Mr. and Miss Jones, who will remain with them through the summer.

A petition, praying for the incorporation of Inwood, was circulated by D..J. Harris last week, and was signed by forty boters.  The court only requires twenty-five signers.  Court convenes in March, and will then set the date for voting on the question.

Lawrence Murphy of Settlers township, has been spending a couple of months among the hills and dales where his boyish feet rambled in the gay and thoughtless days of childhood.  He returned to it filled with many and precious memories, and a feeling akin to those which linger around the halcyon days of childhood.  Instead of finding the lovely hues in which his imagination had pictured it, he found that it was a back number, especially when viewed in comparison with our beautiful northwestern Iowa.  Sioux county is now more than ever good enough for him.

A very favorable report comes from the Farmers' Institute which was held at Rock Rapids last week.  There was a good attendance and the discussion of the various subjects relating to the farm was both entertaining and instructive.  Plans for a Lyon county fair this year were discussed quite extensively and a committee appointed to see to arrangements.  This is one of the best steps that the farmers of Lyon county have taken.  A fair where the products of the farm can be exhibited is one of the surest incentive to competitive farming.  And where there is competition in raising farm products it is evident that the farms will be worked better to produce the desired effect.  We are heartily in favor of a fair for farm produce exhibits.  The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

Pres--J.H. Berry

Sec.--R.A. Jeffries

Treas.--J.C. Kempley

Executive Committee--J.P. Negus, J.A. McKinley, S. Reynolds, L.B. Berry, J.C. Sheneberger.

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