History of Inwood

The history of Inwood like many of the new towns of the northwest may be related in few words, and will be more completely told in that portion of this article relative to our business men, and the various enterprises which they represent.  About thirteen years ago the construction of the Iowa and Dakota division of the C.M. and St. P. rail road was completed through Northern Iowa, at about which time the company made provision here for a station by putting in a sidejug, and which was originally known as Warren.  About two years later or in 1882a post office was located here, with Will Prichard, our present townsman as post master.  The post office was then known as Pennington.  Soon after the post office was established, Mrs. W.B. Liddell, opened a small store, which was immediately followed by another of which, W.C. Ricker was the proprietor.  Owing to difficulties regarding the town site there was comparatively little progress made in the way of growth, but when this matter was finally settled, the railway company erected depot buildings, and owing to some dislike of Pennington for a post office, the names of both office and station were changed to Inwood. The location of a station originally, was more for the convenience of the railway company as a meeting point for their trains, than any expectations of a future town.  But the rapid development of the country that followed in the wake of the newly constructed railway rendered the presence of market facilities necessary, and thus it was, that the upbuilding of a town her commenced, and has gradually increased in size and importance ever since.  This is rude out line is the history of a place that occupies a position of recognized importance as a business point, and is TODAY an enterprising town of about 400 inhabitants, and containing representatives of nearly every branch of commercial enterprise.  The town is beautifully situated upon as elevated plateau, forming the divide between the Big Sioux and the Rock rivers, and surrounded by a landscape visible for miles, unsurpassed in beauty, and unexcelled in fertility.


The intellectual status of a community is largely indicated in the character of its schools and educational advantages.  Inwood estimated by such a standard will bear favorable comparison with many towns of much larger population.  The Inwood public schools, with a handsome and substantial building, provided with the most competent instructors, offers educational advantage second only to the graded institutions of the larger cities.


Inwood contains two handsome church edifies; Methodist, and Norwegion Lutheran.  The Presbyterians also have an organization here, holding services at present in the M.E. church edifice.

Civic Societies

Inwood is yet too young, and contains to small a population to make any considerable showing in civic or secret societies.  Nevertheless, the Odd Fellows, Good Templars and Daughters of Rebeka, all have prosperous lodges here, each with a fairly good membership.

Railway Facilities

As previous states, Inwood is a station upon one of the most important divisions of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway, which with its numerous connections places the town in direct communication with all the principle cities of the state as well as Milwaukee and Chicago.


The foregoing briefly outlines the principle features of the enterprising little town of Inwood as it appears to the passing traveler, but what is of greater importance when considering the future prospect of the place is its surroundings, and the superior character of the resources to which it looks for future advancement.  In writing of the grand country, known as Northwestern Iowa , and of which Lyon and Sioux counties form a conspicuous part, it is almost impossible to exaggerate.  It is a region of country unsurpassed in beauty, and the soil is as rich and fertile, as the landscape is beautiful and attractive.  The country presents a surface gently rolling in its character, with excellent natural drainage facilities, and with a soil unusually productive, a fact that has in a few brief years gained for this particular region the distinction of being known as the GARDEN SPOT of the grand old Hawkeye state.  Let us see what it means to be the “garden spot’ of a state like Iowa .  In the first place Iowa is the banner corn producing state of the union, the product of 1891, reaching according to the report of the department of agriculture, the enormous aggregate of three hundred and thirty millions of bushels, the largest crop of corn ever grown in any state in the history of this nation.  The census of 1890, also revealed the fact that Iowa contained a larger number of horses than any other state.  It is also first in the sisterhood of states in the matter of the intelligence of its people.  As regards its comparative standing in the numerous other products of an agricultural and manufactured character we have not the data to determine.  But it is one of the first as regards the product of cattle and hogs, and of the dairy.  It is one of the most beautiful states in the union.  The entire state is well watered by numerous never falling streams, and good well water is also readily obtainable.  That has been said in reference to the advantages and resources of Iowa as a whole, is exemplified in the superlative degree in the section that is tributary to the enterprising little city of Inwood .  The writer is acquainted with nearly all sections of the prairie States, and he unhesitantly pronounces that region comprised in Lyon and Sioux counties, Iowa, as the peer of any, and superior to most similar areas in the west or in the northwest.  While corn, cattle and hogs are the chief products, nearly all the cereal and root crops known to the temperate latitudes are grown here with almost absolute certainty of success.  This is a region of country where a failure of crops from climate causes is unknown.  It is in the midst of such surroundings that Inwood is situated.  Inwood is a growing town, the natural trade center, or market point for a large portion of both Lyon and Sioux counties.  Its advantages as a business point, its society, school, churches and, healthful climate, all commend it as a desirable place of residence, and most excellent place for the investment of capital.

Business Interests

The importance of Inwood as a business point or trade center is apparent at a glance, to those even who are utter strangers to the place.  The presence of four or five extensive grain, houses tells forcible the take of its importance as a grain market, and the shipment of grain and stock, which amount annually to several hundred car loads, are among the most important along this division of the railway.  The inauguration of commercial enterprises of nearly every character has already been accomplished, and a glance at the following review of the business interests of the place will fully substantiate what has been said regarding its opportunities and advantages.

Banking Facilities

There is perhaps no feature that more fully indicates the business and commercial importance of a town than its banking institution.  The bank to a certain extent is the great artery or channel that supplies the life current to all business, enterprises, and is as indispensable to business life and activity, as the blood channels are to animal vitality and existence.  Inwood, estimated by such a standard, makes an unusually solid and substantial showing, and its banking facilities are scarcely inferior to those of any locality in Northwestern Iowa , outside of Sioux City .  As an institution well known for its integrity and competency of management, we are pleased to refer to the FARMERS’BANK of Inwood.  This institution was originally established by Mulhall Bros. in the spring of 1888.  On Dec. 20th of the same year, the present owners became Mulhall’s successors.  The management at the present time is in the hands of Inwood men, and vested as follows:  President, James Skewis’ Vice President, F.H. Skewis; Cashier, Will Prichard; Asst. Cashier, E.J. Skewis.  Mr. Prichard and F.H. Skewis are also members of the lumber firm of Prichard, Skewis & Co., mentioned elsewhere in paper.  The institution not only transacts a general banking business, the same as incorporated concerns, including an exchange business with all the principle cities of this country and Europe, but also are quite extensively, engaged in real estate and loaning transactions, insurance, collections, etc.  They are the owners of considerable valuable real estate, both as individuals and as a company or firm, included in which is quite a large amount of Inwood town lots.  They are the owners and occupants of a substantial bank building provided with fire-proof vaults in which is a late improved burglar-proof safe containing steel chest, secured by a time lock, affording absolute protection from the encroachments of either fire or theft.  Briefly, the Farmers’ Bank of Inwood is considered as one of the staunch and reliable institutions of Lyon County .

The Teachers

Institute work began Monday morning with an enrollment of 114 teachers.  Inwood was represented by Misses Emma Anderson, Emma Tillitson, Emma Webb, Emma Roberts, Louisa Albertson, Nellie and Louella Washburn, Myrtle Lyon , Mrs. Brande and Ellis Lyon.

We have our same corps of instructors that we had last year, with the addition of Professors Brown and Mossman.

We have been royally entertained each day with free lectures by Messers., Perkins, Grout and Beach.  Prof. Shelton lectures in the opera house this, Thursday evening.


Dissolution Notice

Notice is hereby given that the firm of Henrickson & Bellmore, of Inwood, Iowa, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.

Said firm to continue by Bellmore & Harris, who will assume all liabilities and collect all outstanding accounts.

Dated Inwood, Iowa, December 1st, 1890

John Henrickson

Washington Bellmore

December 4, 1890


What they Say About Us

The first issue of the Inwood HERALD cam to our table this week.  It is a neat little sheet, and full of news.--Rock Rapids Reporter.

Inwood's new paper, the HERALD, has made its appearance.  It is a bright and neway little sheet.  May success attend the efforts of the proprietors.--Hull Index.

The Inwood HERALD, a spicy 5 column quarto made its bow to public last week.  May the fondest hopes of its publishers be realized is the wish of The Independent--Hawarden Independent.

The first number of Sam Mak's new paper, the Inwood HERALD, was issued last week.  It is well filled with comment, local news and advertising, and is deserving the support of the people of Inwood and vicinity--Orange City Herald.

Inwood people are happy in the possession of what they have long needed, a good paper, the Inwood HERALD; a five column quarto, neat and full of news, published every Thursday, by Lyon & Mak.  A town never gets ahead as fast as it should till it has a good paper.  We look for the enterprise to do much for Inwood and the surrounding country.--Lyon County Press

The Inwood HERALD, published by Lyon & Mak, reached our X table last week.  Mak is an experienced "typo," and from the appearance of initial number we should say that Sam has put his skill into practice.  The Leader extends the right of fraternity and wishes the HERALD all manner of good luck

December 11, 1890


Dissolution Notice

Notice is hereby given, that the firm of Albertson & Baker, of Inwood, Iowa is this day, dissolved by mutual consent.  Said firm to be continued by Anderson Bros. & Baker, under the firm name of Baker & Co.  All outstanding accounts, must be paid to Albertson & Baker at once.  Parties holding coupons, are requested to present them immediately.

Dated, Inwood, Iowa, January 1st, 1891

John Albertson

Harry E. Baker

January 8, 1891


The Dedications

The Norwegian Lutheran church was dedicated last Sunday.  The people began to assemble at about 9 o’clock , a.m., and the church was soon filed.  About 500 people listened to the sermons of the different ministers.  The afternoon service was rendered in the English language by Rev. S. Romsdahl.  His text was taken from 1 Timothy, 1-15; “A Savior for All.”  The sermon was an able one and was listened to very attentively.  The ministers from abroad were:  G. Hoyme, Chr. Jakobson, S.M. Krogness, N. Tosseland, T. Fossum, L.J. Hange, S.O. Rondestved, O. Nelson, S. Romsdahl and S. Albu.

June 4, 1891


Concerning County Uniformity

The Superintendent’s Circular to School Officers,

Rock Rapids, Iowa Feb. 27, “91


To boards of directions of Lyon County: 

the school days of the state were amended last year to provide a way by which county uniformity of school books could be established, and contracts made with publishers so as to greatly reduce cost, but as a majority of the sub-directors failed to sign the petition asking for such uniformity of text books in this county, the question of county uniformity cannot be submitted to the electors of the county as provided section 9 of the amendment to the school laws of last year. Nevertheless, at your regular meeting on the third Monday in March you can if you deem it expedient, take such action as will secure the benefits of this law.  Owing to the variety of text books used in our country schools, but little uniformity of classification can be had, and much valuable time of both teachers and pupils is wasted.  It is evident therefore, that if every school in the county were using the same books, great economy of both time and money would be secured.  In another way, also, would uniformity be desirable.  The publishers propose liberal terms.  They offer to make special contracts to supply books under the new law, a heavy discount from wholesale prices, and a great saving can be made in that respect.  No immediate or sweeping change of books would be necessary.  The following books having been most largely used in the past have been selected for use in the future: Swinton’s Geographics, Barne’s History; Smith’s and Steel’s Physiologies; Metcalf and Bright’s Language Lessons; Reed & Kellogg’s Grammar Swinton’s Speller; Swinton’s Readers, and Robinson’s Arithmetic.  This series has been selected because of the excellence of the books, and also for the reason that being already largely in use but few changes will be necessary.  The publishers have agreed to take old books in exchange for new ones, book for book, and allow half price, no matter what the condition of the old book may be.  Thus if the price of the new book be 50 cts., 25 cts., will be allowed for the old book in exchange. 

The publishers will enter into a contract under bond with each township or independent district that so desires, to never raise the prices, and that any further reduction that may be made anywhere in the U.S. shall at the same time be made here.  I will see that blank forms for contracts are placed before your Board for consideration at the regular March meeting, and if you decide to enter into a contract with the publishing house for supplying your books, you will sign and return one copy of the contract to this office, filing one in your records.  It will not be necessary that the board shall handle the books, as the publishers will supply them to such dealers as the Board may designate, the local dealers in turn to sell them to the pupils at a reasonable advance.  The Board to use as public funds, and be responsible for no bills.  There can be no doubt in my opinion that the carrying out of this plan would result in a great saving to the county, besides enabling teachers and pupils to accomplish better results in the school room.  Nearly every county in the state is taking steps toward securing uniformity and contract.  Your action in this matter is earnestly solicited.  The school officers of the county are the only persons through whom the question of the text books can be regulated.  If you desire cheaper books; If you believe we ought to have uniformity of books you can affect it by pursuing the course suggested, which is entirely within the law, and, will I think prove satisfactory to all concerned

Ivan McQueen

County Superintendent

March 12, 1891


A Glimpse of Alvord

Surrounded by an excellent farming country which is fast being settled by as thrifty a set of farmers as Lyon county can boast of, there is no earthly reason why Alvord should not take her place among the prosperous towns of the county.  Alvord is situated on the S.C. & N.R.R. about midway between Doon and Lester in the fertile valley of Mud Creek .  Her history dates back but a few months, and yet, she can boast of the following business places.  Two general stores which carry as complete a line of general merchandise as any in the county.  The Umhoefer Bros. on one side of the street and the McMullen Bros. on the other cater to the people’s wants in this line, and are fast winning a reputation for low prices, good goods and fair dealing.  One good hardware store, which is presided over by Am. Wilcox, a gentleman known the county over for his masterly workmanship and his kind words to everybody.  Mr. Wilcox is fast building up a trade that would make merchants of older towns stare with both eyes.  One coal and lumber yard, watched over by Habager & Holthaus. These gentlemen although perfect strangers, can boast of a splendid trade and are daily adding to their already large stock and new names to their list of customers.  A large and commodious furniture store, which is filled to overflowing with furniture of all kinds, from a baby chair to a fancy bed room set.  Here Wellendorf & Werthmann hold forth, and although but two months in business here, enjoy a good trade.  These gentlemen have in addition to their furniture store, a work shop, where they do all kinds of repairing and building.  Our agricultural implement store, conducted by P. Stein, is making more sales than any body.  A blacksmith shop is conducted by Leo. Kreber.  Le came here a perfect stranger, but the work he does is proving so satisfactory, that he comes here being obliged to work day and night to keep up with his calls.  The Alvord Bank, in charge of E.W. Ellis, formerly of Peterson, Iowa, is a building that would do credit to any town in the county; the inside of which is adorned by as fine and complete a set of bank fixtures as can be found in the northwest.  The post office is what Mrs. Hatch presides over.  This lady is the wife of C.N. Hatch, the accommodating agent of the S.C. & N.R.R., and like her husband can always be found at her post of duty.  Last, but by no means least, two good elevators and one flat house, in charge of the following whole souled gentlemen:  Kellihan, Barbour and Ames & Perry.  The last two gentlemen are men from the farm and will no doubt be well patronized this fall, not from the fact of their being farmers, but for the wide reputation they bear of being strictly honest, wide awake, energetic men. This is but a hasty description of this thriving little burg and will but poorly portray what it will be in a few more months, judging from the pluck and energy displayed by its present plucky citizens.

July 30, 1891

A Good Agricultural Area

 We have frequently overheard the remark that Inwood is as good a grain market as there is along the line, in this western country.  At any rate we venture the assertion that there is as much grain marketed here as in any town of its size.  This is so, not because of a better market than elsewhere, but because the grain is raised in this vicinity and, therefore, place upon the market here.  This is an agricultural district and a more fertile region is hard to find, go where you may.  Of course this is an exceptionally good year for productions of all kinds, but take one year with another and you find Northwestern Iowa is a flourishing condition.  To give the people some idea of the amount of grain raised in this vicinity this year we publish the number of bushels of each kind of grain placed upon the market up to Tuesday night.  Understand, this is by no means all the grain raised, for thousands of bushels have been bined, holding for higher prices, and farmers have shipped a good many cars of it on their own responsibility.  Here are the figures as taken from the books of the grain merchants.

Wheat 45,521 Bushels
Oats 34,170
Barley 78,450
Flax 11,500
Corn    1,843
Timothy       345
Rye       210
  Total 167,196   

November 12, 1891

Our Grain Merchants

 All our grain houses opened their doors Monday and are preparing for the heavy in-pour of grain which will soon be upon the market.  Inwood has always had a splendid grain market, having four houses, and sends out more grain than any other point along the line, taking the size of the place into consideration.  In order to understand this, one has only to take a drive through the surrounding country and look over the thrifty farms laden with the different cereals and they will readily see why so much grain is shipped from Inwood.  Following are the names of the buyers who will have charge of houses this season, all of whom are men well qualified for the positions and we trust that they will deal honorably with the people.  B.B. Anderson can be found at the old stand--W.B. Waite's, A.B. Coutts, for Bender Bros; Bart Foster, for the Hunting Elevator Co., while J.E. Carlon, of Lawler, Iowa takes the place of F.E. DeCelle for McMichael & Son.  As has been stated before Mr. DeCelle has been appointed to the charge of a number of McMicheal & Son's houses along the line, but intended, with the assistance of a second man, to buy on the market here.  More houses have recently been added to his list which now numbers twenty four, and the supertendency of these will keep him much of the time away from home.

August 20, 1891


 Our boys picked a nine last Saturday and went over to Alvord, in accordance with an invitation from the players there, for a game of baseball.  A good delegation accompanied the nine and really expected to see them beaten, but we are happy to say that we were disappointed in the result of the game.  Of course, Inwood has some good material to make a baseball nine, but the boys have not been playing any regular ball and, therefore, have not had the practice necessary to put up a good game.  Game was called at about 4 o'clock, with Clow, of Rock Valley, as umpire, and the home team chose their outs, giving our boys the first chance at the bat and they did some good work--running in four scores.  The home team was held down to six scores until the eighth inning when the Inwoodites did some wild playing and gave them six more runs.  Game ended with a score of 13 to 17 and the visitors were declared the victors and were given three hearty cheers.  Notwithstanding the high score, good playing was done on both sides and the game was an interesting one.  The Alvord boys know how to entertain their visitors and it is needless to say that our boys were treated with every courtesy.  There will be a return game played on the Inwood grounds next week Saturday.

August 20, 1891

County Convention

 The Republican county convention convened at Rock Rapids last Saturday at 2:30 p.m.  The convention was called to order by committeeman Stilwell.  On motion, Mr. Billsbury was elected chairman; C.T. Tupper, Sec'y; C.N. Sawyer, Asst. Sec'y.  The following committees were then appointed: On organization, L.J. Norton, E.J. Skewis and T. Martin; on credentials, J.K. P. Thompson, S. Reynolds, J.R. Lockwood, R.V. Woodburn and Geo. Van Eaton.  The report of the committee on organization was a recommended that the temporary organization be made permanent.  The report was accepted.

Committee on credentials found all the townships represented, excepting Dale, Logan, Centennial and Grant.

The delegates elected to attend the Senatorial convention at Sheldon are:  E.Y. Greenleaf, Geo. Van Easton, S. Reynolds, W.F. Stillwell and J.R. Lockwood.

Delegates to the Representative convention are L.J. Norton, E. Blanchard, E.J. Skewis, N. Hatch and W. Lockwood.

The name of C.D. Manning was placed before the convention as a candidate for County Treasurer and he received the nomination by a unanimous vote, which was given with much enthusiasm.

The names of T.M. Way and a Mr. Dailey were placed before the convention for its consideration for County Superintendent of schools.  Mr. Way had a complete walk away over Dailey as will be seen by the vote cast which was: Dailey 14; Way 85.

In a befitting speech the name of Geo. Shipman was presented for Sheriff, which was followed by another speech presenting the name of Mr. Kitterman.  The vote cast stood: Kitterman 32 1/2, Shipman 46 1/2.  On motion the nomination of Shipman was made unanimous.

On motion the present occupants of the offices of surveyor (Mr. Gillman) and coroner (C.T. Tupper) were placed in nomination for another term.  This concluded the business and the convention adjourned.

September 3, 1891


Ammunition all Gone

The Rock Rapids Review editor, after firing off a lot of blank cartridges at C.D. Manning, which had no effect except to fill his gun with the odor of burnt powder, last week tumbles down in an insult to the intelligence of our German citizens.  He says the Germans need an interpreter in the court house.  He institutes that they can't understand English.  Everybody but Lon knows that there are not a half dozen German voters in the county that can't speak English.  Everybody who has had any dealings with the Germans knows that they can make shrewd trades with the Yankees, make and receive payments, buy, sell and transact all other kinds of business.  They came from a country where education is to the front, and when they get here their national ambition and natural patriotism leads them to master our tongue at once.  Many have learned English before they came over the water.  How desperate your game, Lon, when you have to insult the Germans in the hope of presenting an argument against a tried and true officer whom the Germans, foreign born as well as native, like and respect.  A large number of Germans will vote for Manning's reelection.

October 22, 1891


Larchwood Institutes

Just eleven members of the I. O.O. F. went to Larchwood last Thursday evening to assist in the instituting of a lodge there.  The day was cold and blustery and, owing the uncertainty of the weather, a blizzard might have been expected at any hour, but the boys went just the same.  The last load, five in number hove into town about 7 o’clock and proceeded to the Larchwood House where, after basking in the rays of heat from a hard coal burner until they were thoroughly thawed, ate a hearty supper.  From the hotel they wended their way to the I. O.O. F. hall.  Upon arrival there the real work began and continued until about 4 o’clock a.m. the next day.  A sumptuous banquet was served at 12 o’clock by the ladies of the church societies, and the boys ate as though they expected that to be their last meal.  Sixteen stalwart gentlemen were instructed into the mysteries of the four degrees of the order, after which, the appointive officers were installed by Deputy Grissell, who then declared the lodge duly organized.  The lodge has for its chief members, J.S. Connel, N.G.; T. Klapphoiz, V.G.; C.D. Martin, Sec’y.

January 14, 1892


Alvord I.O.O.F.

An Oddfellows lodge was instituted at Alvord, Monday evening by D. D. G. M. Grissell.  About eighty Oddfellows were present from neighboring towns.  There were five charter members and sixteen new members were instructed in all the degrees of the order, making a lodge of twenty-one members to start with.  After the initiatory degree the lodge repaired to the Alvord House and partook of a sumptuous supper to which, it is needless to say, all did justice.  By the way, we would add right here that the Alvord House is fast gaining the good reputation it deserves and that landlord Schnee knows how to entertain his guests.  Oddfellowship is rapidly gaining ground in Iowa and new lodges are springing into existence everywhere.  It is a grand order and may its principles teach men to obey the dictates of his better conscious.
The elective officers of Alvord Lodge are: Aug. Berg, N.G.; Ben. Jackson, V.G.; Rufus Ames, R. Sec; H. Kainer, Per. Sec; H. Schmeede, Treas.

January 21, 1892


A Pleasant Event

The Oddfellows' wives, sisters and sweethearts combined in a most pleasant surprise on the lodge last Saturday night.  About nine o'clock there was an alarm at the door, and the guard notified the lodge that ladies were outside demanding admittance.  The lodge closed as quickly as possible and the doors opened when the ladies filed into the hall, each carrying a basket filled with delicious eatables.  The surprise was a complete one and proved to us that women can keep a secret if they make up their minds to it.  An hour and a half was spent delightfully, when the merry party dispersed.  The ladies have a hearty invitation to repeat the event when they choose.

February 4, 1892


The New Elevator

At the meeting last Saturday afternoon regarding the erection of a farmers' elevator in Inwood, the following named gentlemen were appointed to solicit shares; B. Bahnson, P. Bahnson, Henry Ahders, Wm. Stoefen, J.J. Hamann and J. Hanson.

The committee is composed of good responsible men and when they get to work, we believe they will make the project win.  An elevator here would make a great improvement in the grain market.  Of course we don't mean to say that an elevator would advance the price of grain, but it will save a great deal of time and labor that is necessary when marketing grain in the common flat house.  We are living in a progressive age.  The farmer of today, with his improved machinery, farms a large acreage of land with comparative ease.  He cuts his grain, teeming with the richness of the soil, and soon has it in readiness for the market.  But the question which bothers the farmer most seems to be just when to place his grain upon the market to receive the largest returns for it.  Man at the best is only an ordinary being, created without the power of looking into the future regarding such matters.  But by a close observance of the sales and receipts at the grain centers, and the supply and demand of and for agricultural products the farmer will generally sell to a good advantage.  A good home market is a blessing to any country, precinct or town.  Inwood has a fairly good market as far as prices are concerned, but perhaps it might be made better in that respect.  There is one thing certain however, the flat house is gradually going out of date.  It is way behind the times in this age of progress and must be replaced by something that will afford the farmer a quick and easy way to unload his grain; in the busy seasons, time is money to every farmer, so if you steal his time you are stealing his money.  The HERALD heartily endorses the action of the farmers in this matter and hopes the enterprise will meet with the success it deserves.  One word about shares.  Shares will be sold at $25 each, and the committee wish to raise $5.000.  The estimated cost of the elevator will be $3,000, which will leave $2,000 in the treasury to commence business with.  Five thousand dollars will set the wheel rolling nicely and every farmer interested in market reform ought to put his shoulder to the wheel and roll her along.  There will be another meeting held in the school house, in Inwood, on Monday, Feb. 29, 1892, at 1 o'clock p.m.

February 18, 1892


Patrons of Industry

The Lyon Co. Association of the Patrons of Industry was organized at the Miller school house in Logan township, on March 19, by State organizer S.W. Bently.  The following officers were elected.  Pres. John Quin, Alvord; V. Pres., Henry Lock, Rock Rapids; Sec. L.A. Dailey, Inwood; Tres. James Powell, Granite; Guide, F.M. Smith, Larchwood; Sen., F. McGarrey, Doon County , Com. F.M. Williams, Granite; Ole Davidson, Inwood; M. Keegan, Alvord.  Resolutions were adopted as follows.

Resolved, That we, the members of the Lyon Co. Association of the Patrons of Industry, use our best endeavors to promote the interests of the laboring classes on a strictly nonpartisan principle.

Resolved, That the basis of representation of the several subordinate associations be one delegate for every ten members or fraction thereof.

On motion of Ole Davidson the association adjourned to Saturday, April 30, at 2 p.m.

March 24, 1892


An Old Soldier Honored

 We are pleased to note the fact that our townsman and soldier citizen, D.C. Garver, has been chosen to take charge of the Department colors of the state of Iowa, at the National Encampment, which meets in Washington, September next.  There were many applications for the office, and we consider it a high honor conferred upon Capt. Garver, who was tendered the office without any effort on his part.  He met the Dept. commander and his Chief of Staff while at the Storm Lake reunion last month, and was then tendered the position.  He will select his color guard in the mean time and be in readiness as the colors will be sent to him at Inwood.

 July 15, 1892

Township Officers Nominated

 A goodly number of the voters of Richland met in caucus last Friday evening.  Wm. Oates was chosen chairman and C.E. Lyon sec’y of the meeting.  There was no fight made for any office and everything worked in harmony.  After numerous nominations and ballots the following named gentlemen were pronounced the nominees:

Trustee, Chas. Sherman

Clerk, S.J. Mak

Assessor, S.E. Roberts

Justices, D.C. Carver and A.P. Weberg

Constables, A.W. Lewis and John Weberg.

Road supervisors dist. No 1, Geo. Hemmes; dist No. 2, T.I. Close; dist. No 3, Claus Shroeder; dist No. 1, John H. Johnson.

The nominations for township officers were closed and the caucus preceeded to elect delegates to the Supervisor convention.  Following are the names of the delegates: G.M. Anderson, F.H. Skewis, D.C. Carver, Wm. Oates, J.R. Skewis, T.I. Close, B.B. Anderson, S.J. Mak, A.W. Lewis, S.E. Roberts, H.E. Baker Jr., C.E. Lyon.  

J.H. Skewis is the Nominee

The 4th district supervisor convention met Saturday evening in Inwood.  E.J. Skewis was called to the chair and G.M. Anderson chosen secretary.  Motion to vote by ballot carried.  Motion to make first ballot informal carried.  Ballot resulted:  F.H. Skewis, 12; J.J. Chraft, 8.Motion to make the informal ballot formal carried and the chairman declared F.H. Skewis the nominee for county supervisor, adjourned.

Mr. Skewis has lived in Richland township for a number of years, having been among the first settlers of Lyon county.  His honesty and integrity has never been questioned.  In ability he is well qualified to fill the office of county supervisor, and we believe he will make a good officer.

October 14, 1892

February 3, 1893

B.B. Anderson was another victim to a serious accident yesterday morning.  He was starting the engine in the elevator when his feet slipped on the smooth zinc floor and his arm was caught in the fly wheel and broken in two places.  The fractures are mid way between the wrist and elbow joints are are bad ones.  Dr. Fisher, of Canton, is in attendance.

Jurors Drawn

The following are the petit jurors for the March term of the district court, which convenes on the 13th prox: G. Sheneberger, J.F. Miller, Albert Albertson, Joseph Berry, John Shatswell, H.P. Moon, G.M. Henry, Fred Rumohr, Ed Allison, A.J. Holmes, C.D. Marsh, O.C. Jellum, D.O. Watson, Fred Thies, Christ Seefeldt, P. Pruitt, W.H. Green, J.H. Thompson, G. Hartenhoff, A.E. Fisher, F. Barber, Ora Desart, Ferd Plagman, J. Davison.

February 17, 1893


The Teachers’ Meeting a Success

The Inwood Teachers’ Meeting was called to order by Supt. McMullen at 3 p.m. , March 18, 1893 .

Motion carried that Laura Wheat act as secretary and send a report of the meeting to the HERALD for publication.

Discipline in our Schools, by Miss Della Pingry, was followed by a lengthy discussion by the Misses Winegar, Oates, Pingry, Wheat, and Messrs. Roberts and McMullen.  The general opinion seemed to be to govern by mild measurers, but be firm and require obedience.  Teachers and patrons should co-operate, and the school board uphold the teachers in all that is right.

Miss Lou Washburn’s Paper—“Should the Superintendent Renew Certificates?” was short but to the point.  A lively discussion followed, by the Misses Wheat, Pingry, Oates, Walrath, Washburn, Winegar, and Messrs, McMullen and Roberts.  Many different views of the subject were presented if some didn’t think we could have discussed it with more freedom had the superintendent not been present.  The discussion closed by the superintendent stating the law that was passed in 1892, that superintendents have no right to renew or endorse certificates, and if they do, the teachers have to take the risk of not being able to draw their salary.

The Superintendent ably presented the subject, “Fads in our Schools”. It was discussed by the Misses Pingry, Oates, Winegar, and Messrs., Roberts and McMullen.  All agreed that the common branches must not be neglected for music and Dehsart; and the teacher must not be expected to teach too many things in school and take the place of father and mother to the pupils.

The question “Shall we Omit the Metric System in Teaching Mathematics”, was discussed by the Misses Pingry, Winegar, and Supt.  It was deemed best to spend a very short time on the subject, perhaps one or two recitations.

Summary of meeting by S.E. Roberts was good.

It was decided to hold an examination at Inwood, April 8th, beginning at 9 a.m. All teachers in this part of the county who desire to take the examination this spring are requested to be present.

There were ten teachers, and eight visitors present.

The meeting was a decided success and we hope to have more like it.

Motion carried to adjourn.


March 24, 1893


Church Dedication

The First Presbyterian Church of Inwood was dedicated last Sabbath.  Rev. C.H. Purmort of Waterloo , Ia. , who served the church in its beginning, preaching in the schoolhouse south of town, was present and delivered a very able and effective discourse.

At the close of the discourse $500 was asked for in order that all indebtedness might be removed and the house property dedicated.  The response was prompt and cheerful, and in a few minutes $580 was subscribed.  After which all of the people united in the service of setting apart to the worship of the True God, the beautiful and modern house, that had, by the uniting efforts of the people been brought to completion.  Rev. H. Buchanan of Sioux Falls offered the prayer of dedication and thus the end toward which faithful Christian men and women had been looking was reached.  It was a blessed day to many hearts.  The other churches of the town were represented by both pastors and people.

Rev. F.W. Ginn of the Methodist church took part in all the services of the day.

At the evening service, the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered.  Five children and seven adults were baptized.  Fourteen were received on profession of faith in Christ, into full membership and two, by letter, from sister churches.

The service of song by the choir was excellent and helpful, and the ladies of the church deserve credit for the tastefulness of the decorations, that gave to the services added pleasure and cheer.  The spirit of harmony and good will that prevailed argues well for the usefulness of this new church.

June 23, 1893


Lightning Strikes

The Cooper Residence and Causes Terrible Havoc.

Last Monday night will be long remembered by the citizens of Inwood because of the terrible electrical storm which prevailed and the work done by a heavy bolt of lightning almost in our midst.  The residence on the Helgerson farm, adjoining town, and occupied by Andy Cooper, was struck by lightning about 12 o’clock in the night and badly demolished.  Half of the west end was completely torn out, and the remainder considerably shattered.  The current passed along the roof on the south side, tearing up shingles and sending the plastering through on the inside.  The marks of the destructive current were plainly visible on the bed in the room down stairs, which is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, when at home, and it is most fortunate that they were away on this night.  Broken boards and shingles were scattered over the yard.  The building was scorched in places but did not ignite.

Ed and Ole Sevland were sleeping upstairs and it seems miraculous that they were not hurt in the least.  The boys were awakened by the fall of plaster upon them and when the condition of the house was discovered left it.

July 7, 1893

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