Centennial Jottings  

December 4, 1890

FEAY'S school, taught by Miss GRADY, closed last Friday.

H.J. OLSON hauled coal for his school houses last week.

Wm FISHER is going to spend the winter with friends and relatives in Wisconsin .

Lewis school opened last Monday, with Miss RULLAND, of Larchwood, as teacher.

Thos. THORSON and the RINGHEIM boys celebrated at Larchwood last Thursday night.

S.O. SCHEIE and O. SORENSON had new wells dug last week.  Parties from Inwood did the work.

Schools Nos. 1 and 8, opened Nov. 24th, with Mr. MOEN and Miss GILBERTSON as teachers.  Mr. MOEN is a well known gentleman of Logan township, and Miss GILBERTSON is a S. Dakota lady.

Thos. THORSON, M. ESPELAND, and O. FERASSEN, are going to leave for northern Wisconsin in the near future.  They say they are going to try their strength on the stately pines so abundant in that part of the country.  They will probably bring some samples back with them.

The Centennial ladies are going to have a supper, and probably a sale connected with it at H.J. OLSON'S next Thursday night for the benefit of the church.  We hope the effort will be appreciated.

December 11, 1890

S. AMOSON has been digging a well.  It has been quite dry business so far we understand.

The services at SEVERSON'S school house last Friday night, was well attended.

Messrs. T. KLUNGLAND and O. AMESON, from Rock county, Minn., are visiting friends and relatives in Centennial.

A couple of Centennial gentlemen were catching some great, big, powerful chickens, about a week ago.  We wonder how much WENIG & BARTHELL would pay a pound for them.

The sale at OLSON'S Thursday was a success.  S.O. SCHEIE auctioned.  The boys bid high and the goods went as schaff before the wind.

T. NAGLESTAD'S team made quite a flying trip Thursday.  NAGLESTAD was on his way to Inwood and while closing a gate the team started on a run.  After making a circuit of a couple of miles they finally turned into H. OLSON'S place.  The wagon and team were unhurt.  Some butter and eggs in the box were not in as good condition for shipping as they could have been, but they could have been worse.  Be careful Tobian.

December 25, 1890  

1.     HOUGEN, of Winnesheik Co., stopped off a few days last week from his business trip to Wash. To attend to his business in the counties of Lyon and Rock.

E.W. LEWIS went to Texas a week ago Monday.  He expects to be gone about 2 or 3 months.

T.E. MOEN and S.O. SORENSON attended a Collegiate entertainment in Canton last Thursday evening.  They report a good time.

T. THORSON and M. ESPELAND started for Wisconsin last Friday, the third party backed out.

The dance at FISHER'S last Thursday evening was a success, the boys say—wonder what they mean by it.

School No. 1 of Logan township commenced Dec. 15th with Oscar RICKHIL, of Marshall Co., this state as teacher.

If you wish to have your picture taken call on G.G. MEDALEN, office at home, four miles north and three miles west of town.  Good work guaranteed. 

Report of school No. 1 in Centennial township for the month ending Dec. 19; number of days taught, 20, number of scholars entitled, 21, average daily attendance 17, 48-100. 

Pupils neither tardy nor absent:  Martin SORENSON, Ida SCHELE, Annie MILLS, Theodore and Edward EGGE.  Number of visitors, four, T.E. MOEN, teacher.

January 8, 1891

M. BOHSON has returned from his Minnesota visit.

School No. 4, opened last Monday, with Lena OLSON as teacher.

H. KNUDTSON drove over to the county seat last Monday morning.

T.E. MOEN, his cousin and O. DAVIDSON, were visiting in Rock county, during Christmas.

Mrs. ERICKSON, who has been sick for some time, died Christmas.  The funeral took place, the next Monday.

A surprise party was given to Miss Mary THOMPSON, last Saturday evening.  A number of couples made their appearance, and all seemed to have a good time.

The C.L. Society had their election last Friday evening.  Ole DAVIDSON was elected chairman and T.E. MOEN Sec'y for the next term.  Some ladies joined.

Mr. Joe DUFFY and Miss Mary MCMULLEN were married yesterday.  We will give an account of the wedding next week.


January 15, 1891

S.O. SORENSON of Centennial left for Canton, the first of the week, where he will attend school until spring.

The social hop at Severson's last week, Monday evening was well attended, and all enjoyed the event.

Mr. and Miss GARVIG left for Minneapolis last week, Wednesday, where they go to attend school.

The church meeting at school house No. 1, last Friday evening was well attended.

L. JOHNSON, who hurt his back quite severely, while unhitching a team some time ago, is able to be around again.

S.O. SCHEIE took Rev. MYDLAND to Eden, last Monday.  MYDLAND held a series of meetings throughout this part of the country last week.


January 22, 1891

E.W. LEWIS is back from Texas.

OLSON brothers and A. SUNTE, from Luverne, Minn., were visitors in Centennial last week.

Lars STENSLAND was doing business in Larchwood, last Wednesday.

H. MARTIN has been collecting grain among the farmers to be sent as a help to the people of Buffalo county, S.D., where last years crop was a failure.

Rev. O.A. BERGE preached in the Lutheran church last Sunday.


January 29, 1891

Lars STWNSLAND and G.G. MEDALEN drove over to the county seat, Monday, last week.

Relatives from Rock county, Minn., were visiting with the BOHNSONS, last week

The C.L. Society had quite a crowd last Friday evening, and had some powerful singing.  Subject for discussion next time, "Protective Tariff vs. Free Trade."  Don't tangle yourselves up too much in politics boys, it bad you know.

Social hop at P. BOHNSON'S last Saturday evening. A jolly time.

Messrs. HOLLAND and SVENEVIG, from Luverene, are visiting in Centennial at present.

Rev. E. OLBUE, from Emmet, S.D., preached in Severson's school house, last Monday evening.

S.O. FLADAGER shipped a carload of hogs to Sioux City yesterday.


February 5, 1891

Wm. FISHER has returned from his visit in Wisconsin, and reports a good time.

Rev. SMITH of Rock county, Minn., preached in school house No. 1 of Logan twp. Sunday evening, Jan. 25th.  He comes again Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m.

Joseph DUGGINS returned from the eastern part of the state, last week, where he spent January.  He says everything is quiet in that part of the country.

Halvor SEVERTSON is erecting a new residence on the north-east quarter of Section 1, in Lyon twp., where he is going to reside in the future.

H.E. SAFFORD, agent for Dr. S.F. BACKER & Co.'s.  Family Medicans was through here last week, but we are inclined to think his sales were rather slim.

Report of school No. 1, in Centennial township for the month ending Jan. 30, 1891:  Number of days taught, 20, Number of pupils enrolled, 25, Average daily attendance, 22, Number of visitors, 7.  Pupils not absent are:  Martin, TTENE and Thilda SORENSON, Otnill, Hannah, and Lena KNUTSEN, Annie, Theodore and Edward EGGE, Elie, John and Lena DAVIDSON, Sophy, Clara and Ida SCHEIE, and Sofrene OLSON. T.E. MOEN, Teacher. 


February 19, 1891 

Carl AMESON is attending school at No. 2.

Ole SORENSON was hauling his wheat to Inwood, last week.

Rev. BERGE preached at the L.E. church last Sunday forenoon.

Miss THOMPSON came back from her visit to Canton, last Wednesday.

Assessor, Lars STENSLAND, will soon be around with his big book.  Hide your dog!

The OLSONS came back from their Sioux Falls trip a week ago last Monday.

Simon SORENSON came home from Canton last Friday, and spent Sunday at home.

Snow shoe sliding was all the rage with some of our boys last week.  We think WENIG & BARTHELL will have a chance to sell them some overalls this week.

Rev. BERG and S.O. SCHEIE went to S. Dak., near Eden, to attend a church meeting, a week ago last Sunday.  Mr. TOBIASON went down Monday and Olson on Tuesday of the same week.  We think they came back last Friday.

The C.L. Society had a full house last Friday.  They are all anxious to hear the "Grumbler."  The subject for discussion was Resolved, "That Honesty and Education is of more importance than Wealth."  The affirmative beat of course. The subject next is: Resolved, "That Poverty does more to produce crime than Wealth." Speakers on the affirmative, F. SMITH, O. ROCKHILL and G.G. MEDALEN, and on the negative, O. Davidson, T.E. MOEN and N. BOHNSON.


February 26, 1891

Ole ELIASON of Rock Co., has been visiting in Centennial.

Mrs. STENSLAND Sr. was on the sick list Monday.

The Ladies' Missionary society met at S. TOBIASON'S yesterday.

Sam AMASON hauled three loads of hogs to Inwood Tuesday.

School No. 2, taught by Maggie RULLAND, closed last Saturday.

T.E. MOEN drove over to Rock county, Saturday returning Sunday.

A new girl arrived at T. NAGLESTAD'S place, a week ago last Tuesday.

O. SKATTELBOL and O. SEVATSON, returned from their visit to Luverne, last Wednesday.

The Literary society had their election last Friday.  O. ROCKHILL was elected chairman and N. BOHNSON secretary, for the coming term.

A spelling school was held in ROCKHILL'S school house in Logan township, last night.


March 5, 1891

Mrs. D.H. SHANNON and daughter Minnie, are both down with the measels.

Mrs. HALBERT and daughters left on the Central for Morris, Ills., last Thursday night.

L.P. KENYON and H.W. WYCHOFF have returned from their Texas trip and are much pleased with the country.

City election last Monday.  J.M. PARSON was elected mayor, V.G. COE and J.W. RAMSEY councilmen.

Mrs. F.E. BARBER entertained 35 of her lady friends at the Rock Rapids House, last Friday afternoon.  Refreshments were served, and all present can testify that the Rock Rapids House is the place to go to have a good time and get a square meal.

A missionary convention will be held in the M.E. church of this place, March 11th, speakers from Sibley, Sheldon and other places will be present.  The ladies of the two missionary societies of the church will serve a 5 o'clock tea in the church parlors.


March 12, 1891

School No. 3, taught by Miss GILBERTSON, closed last Thursday.

Norwegian school commenced at No. 1 last Monday, Mr. HOUGLAND teacher.

Louise SCHEIE, of Centennial, closed her term of school in Lyon township, last Friday.

Rev. SMITH of Rock county, Minn. preached in school house No. 2, Logan township last Sunday evening.

S.C. SORENSON and M. THOMPSON came home from Canton last Friday.  They returned the next day.

School election at school house No. 2 last Monday, the following were elected directors for this year; E.W. LEWIS, S.A. FEAY and O. EGGE.

School No. 1 closed last Friday.

No, months taught                 3
No.  days taught                   60
pupils enrolled                    27
days attendance               1,175 1/2
absent                                 444 1/2
Average daily attendance     19
T.E. MOEN, Teacher

Report of Miss RULLAND'S school No. 2, which closed a week ago last Saturday.

No. of months taught             3
No. of days taught                 58
enrolled                                19
days attendance                   834
absent                                  147
Average daily attendance, 14, 11-29
Average daily absent, 2-31-58
Maggie RULLAND, Teacher

Report of school No. 3

No. of months taught            3
No. of days taught                60
No. of scholars enrolled       11
Average daily attendance    77
Lizzie GILBERTSON, Teacher

Rev. BERGE preached in the church last Sunday.

O. ROCKHILL went on a short visit to Sanborn last Friday.

T.J.B. THOMPSON, of Lester, was visiting Centennial last week.

Sam AMASON took a lot of steers to Larchwood last Saturday.

One of O. EGGE'S colts got his foot badly cut in a wire fence a week ago Saturday.

H.J. OLSON, and E.W. LEWIS went to Rock Rapids to attend court a week ago Monday.

Ole GAWIG got quite a scratch sliding on snow shoes a week ago Sunday.  He is said to be improving.

O. DAVIDSON and H. and T.E. MOEN were doing business in Canton last Friday.  They stopped to take in the exercises of the Adelpic Literary Society at the Augustian college.  They report a good time.


March 19, 1891

E.W. LEWIS returned from Rock Rapids last week.

B. BOHNSON returned from Rock county last Friday.

The Ladies Missionary society met at Mrs. HANSON'S last Wednesday.

Simon SORENSON quit school at Augustana college, Canton, last Friday.

Ed SIMONS, of Brooking county, S.D. is visiting old neighbors and friends in Centennial.

A ladies surprise party at S.O. SCHELE'S last Wednesday evening.  A pleasant time is reported.

Rev. SMITH, of Rock county, Minn., commenced on a series of revival meetings in school house No. 2, Logan township, the first of last week.


March 26, 1891

O. SORENSON commenced seeding last Saturday.

H. MOEN spent last week with his brother-in-law in Rock Co., Minn.

Mrs. JACOBSON and Simon TOBIASON were on the sick list last week.

Township assessor STENSLAND is through with his work for this year.

T. THORSON made a trip to Sioux Falls a week ago last Monday.

Ole SORENSON'S youngest child who has been quite sick is about well again.

S.A. HELGERSON and H.M. HANSON made a trip to Rock Co. last Friday.

The revival meetings at school house No. 2 Logan twp. closed last Friday evening.

Ole SORENSON took a lot of cattle up to Larchwood a week ago Tuesday.  Having some business at the county seat, took the train from there.  He returned the next day.


April 2, 1891

Farmers busy with spring work.

Meeting in school house No. 1 forenoon Good Friday.

The Norwegian school at No. 1 closed last Thursday.

T. NAGLESTAD sold a lot of steers to J. SYVERUDE last Tuesday.

Ole and Simon SORENSON attended an auction sale south of Canton last Wednesday.

T.A. THORSON will run a creamery wagon for the Canton creamery this summer.

O. SMITH of Logan twp. was buying cattle over in this part of the country last week.

E. ERICSON and the SKATTLEBOL boys were attending a sale on DIXON'S place west of Canton last Thursday.

Messes Bena and Hannah OLSON came down from Sioux Falls, last week to spend Easter at home.


April 9, 1891

Report of school No. 4, taught by Lena OLSON:

Number of months taught


Number of days taught


Number of pupils enrolled


Total daily attendance

4980 1/4

S.A. HELGERSON, A. HAALAND and H.M. HANSON were doing business in Larchwood a week ago last Monday.

M. BAHSON and Ole DAVIDSON were sick last week, probably LaGrippe.

The Centennial Twp. schools open again last Monday.  Lena JACOBSON, teacher, No. 1: M.O. ROCKHILL, No. 2:  Luise GILBERTSON, No. 3.

H.M. HANSON started for Lake county, S.D. the first part of the week.

Mrs. JACOBSON and Mr. TOBIASON are well again.

G. GAWY who has been attending college at Northfield, Minn. is back again.


April 16, 1891

T. THORSON did business in Canton last Saturday.

O. BARSTAD of Lyon twp. has sold his land to S.O. FLADAGER.

School No. 5 is taught this spring by Miss M. MILLER of Larchwood.

The young people preparing for confirmation met with Rev. BERG in the church last Monday.

There has been sickness in the family of O. SKOTHEIEN lately.  When last heard from they were improving.

J. SEVATSON and O & T. SKATTEBOL started for Rock Co., Minn. last Thursday.  The boys are in the well business and they probably went on a business trip. 


January 20, 1893

T.H. ARVELLA and J. BROWN, from Wennesheik county, who have been visiting here returned home Monday.

A number of young people gathered at SORENSON'S last Friday evening in surprising fashion.

L.A. DAILY has his buggy repaired and is now able to get around as usual.

Amon HELLE has gone to Kimble county, N.D., with the intention of making that his future home.

Amos SORENSON is building a house and large barn on his old place.


January 27, 1893

A number of young folks joined with those from Richland and gave A. FOSS a surprise last Friday evening.

L.A. DAILY went to Cherokee last Friday to attend the wedding of his brother.  He returned Tuesday and reports that weddings are of frequent occurrence there.

The Young Folks Aid Society meets at H.J. OLSON'S Saturday.

H.G. MEDALEN'S valuable dog has been killed by someone unknown.

M. ESPELAND transacted business in Alvord this week.

Martha FARVICK is on the mend again.

T.A. THORSON is wintering in Wisconsin.

The JACOBSON girls are visiting near Hills, Minn.

Lars STENSLAND did business in Rock Rapids Monday, and we will soon see him around with a large book.


February 3, 1893

M. ESPELAND has gone to Alvord to work again.

H.O. KNUTSON sold a number of cattle to a party in Larchwood

Mrs. L. STENSLAND is sick with rheumatic fever.

F.M. SMITH is helping S.A. BENTLY to organize farmers associations.

Sug. KRUGER is putting new rollers into his mill.

G. GARVICK and A. NAGLESTAD went to Sioux Falls Monday.

The young folks gave O. EGGE a surprise party last Friday evening.


February 24, 1893

Quite a number from Centennial attended BENEDICT'S sale Tuesday.

Theodore SORONSON had his family of pups photographed Saturday.

John KNUTSON was seen on horse back in the western part of this state Sunday.  He said that he was going to see "pa", but we rather think he got the names mixed.

Albert SORENSON had a little bad luck with his bob-sleigh last Saturday.  It suddenly made itself into two sections and as he was standing on the hind bob he necessarily spoiled several rods of sleighing before the team could be stopped.

Mandius SORENSON is now working for Lars STANSLAND in the capacity of second cook.

S.O. SCHEIE returned home from Minneapolis last Saturday.  He went there some time ago to have a cancerous wound operated on, and we are glad to learn that he is among us again, cured.

"Our Jacob" was given a surprise party last Friday evening.  A good attendance, especially of boys, and an interesting time was reported.

Ole EGGE, S.O. SORENSON, the HANSONS and Louisa SCHEIE were Sioux Falls visitors last week.

It was told that M. BAHNSON bought a rake and bid some on a bedstead at BENEDICT'S sale Tuesday.  We wish him good luck.

Simon SORENSON and G.G. MEDALEN were doing business in Canton Wednesday.


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