Beloit Items


November 27, 1891

C. TONE Sundayed at home.

D.J. CARPENTER returned home Sunday.

John SCOTT made a flying trip to the Falls Monday.

Rev. JARVIS occupied the M.E. pulpit Sunday forenoon.

E.E. CARPENTER is doing business at Chamberlain this week.

N. ROSE is going to open up a hotel in the building recently vacated by F.A. KEEP.

D.S. GUINTER is going to preach in the church next Sunday in the forenoon and evening.

Our school is progressing finely as Mr. LINGO seems to take a deep interest in it.

There is to be a hop at J. HARRIS'S on the evening of the 26th. We are anticipating a good time.

Ewing DONOHO tried to slide down the mill stairs head first.  He says he will not try it again.

F.A. KEEP and family departed for Huron last Tuesday, where they intend to make their future home.

D.J. CARPENTER left for Chicago the first of last week to meet his wife and children which have been visiting friends in Birmingham, Alabama .


December 4, 1890  

Social hop at Mr. SHEIN'S Friday evening.

D.J. CARPENTER shipped a carload of hogs Wednesday.

Mrs. MONROE has been on the sick list of late.

E.E. CARPENTER returned from the Indian agency last Friday.

D.S. GUINTER occupied the pulpit in the M.E. church Sunday.

D.J. CARPENTER shipped 15,000 bushels of grain from Beloit last week.

M.A. JOHNSON and wife departed for Madison, S.D. to visit with relatives.

John A. COATE and Lizzie BECK were married at Canton, Nov. 27th.

Miss Stella CLAPP went to Inwood Sunday to visit with her sister Mrs. EVERSON.

D.J. CARPENTER received a stock of new goods last week.  Mrs. D.J. has charge of the Christmas goods.

Enoch LYSNESS was down visiting the boys.  Although he has moved to the large city of Canton , he does not forget old acquaintances.

Author VAUGN of this place and Miss Ella HARRIS, of Fairview , S.D. , were married at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James HARRIS.

G.B. SHERMAN and C. MAYNARD, were boring a well for P.A. HAND, and got down 54 feet, when with a tremendous noise, water and sand shot out 15 or 20 feet.  In twelve hours time there were more than 50 persons on the ground to see the well.

Wm. PHILLIPS, while strolling through his grove espled a bee tree, and as the day was warn, he thought it would be better to wait until the cool of the day, but, on his return, found that someone had tried to smoke the bees out.  They had killed them and spoiled the tree and honey.


December 11, 1890  

Holiver NELSON, of Calmer, Ia., one of the early settlers of this county, and the one that located the mill site here, was in town last week.

D.J. CARPENTER made a business trip to Rock Rapids last week.

Victor GARDNER left for Elk Point Thursday, to visit his brother.

A.J. RAYMONDAY was in town one day last week on business.

Stella CHAPP after spending her vacation, returned home Saturday to attend school again.

V.P. LOWEL has been tearing down the old hotel barn and removing it to F.A. KEEP'S farm.

COFFIELD'S have been building an addition to their house.

Mrs. TODE left for Egan Wednesday.

Albert PAYNE, while lifting a hay rack on his wagon, sprained his back, and has been kept in doors for a few days.

We see that Frank STARR has been dealing in thoroughbred cattle.

If you want to see something pretty, just go to Mrs. Bell CARPENTER'S store, and see her Xmas goods

E.E. CARPENTER went to Calliope on business last week.

The Orphaus Asylum at Beloit received an orphan from western Dakota.

There will be a social dance at E. FROST'S place next Tuesday evening, Dec. 16.  A cordial invitation is extended to all the ladies, and to all gentlemen who bring ladies.


December 18, 1890

Auther VAUGN and wife left for Racine, Wis., the 16th.

J. SEDGWICK is buying chickens.

T.P. DEAN was up from Sioux City , Tuesday.

Mr. ELLIOT, proprietor of the Sheldon Marble Works was in town last week.

Frank STAR Jr., has been on the sick list of late.

Mr. SPENCER who has been railroading in South Dak., the past summer, returned home Tuesday.

T. RUDE is building a new barn.

Miss E. TILLOTSEN who has been visiting friends in Beloit, Wis., and Earlville, Iowa, returned home the 11th.

M.A. JOHNSON returned from Widison, Dak., last week.

Mrs. Annie LYSNES was renewing old acquaintances in Beloit the first of the week.

Henry BABCOCK left for Sioux City last Friday.

Mr. COATS has moved in Mrs. MONROE'S house.

D.J. CARPENTER will buy, sell or trade anything and everything.


December 25, 1890

John ANDERSON left a fine organ at Mr. HENDERSON'S home the first of the week.

Mr. D. SULLIVAN returned home the 16th from Larchwood where he has been visiting relatives.

Mrs. E. CARPENTER went to Elden the 16th, returning the 19th.

Miss Nellie KEEP was here from Huron renewing old acquaintances.

Rev. FIELD stopped off here while on his way to Wonsocket.

Mr. and Mrs. HEWIT left for Walton, Canada, the 18th.

Alfred PAYNE returned home from Hull Sunday.

Frank HERMAN, who left here last March, returned home Sunday.

D.J. CARPENTER has handled over $103,000 worth of grain since the 12th of July, $21,000 for flax alone.

There was a singing party at E. MAYNARD'S Friday evening.

Mr. MONTGOMERY made a flying trip with the mail bag, starting from the depot when the train whistled and returning in time to get the mail on the train.

Mrs. COATS has been quite sick of late.

J.M. MONTGOMERY and J. SEDGWICK are still buying poultry.

Mrs. PEDELTY while selling goods at Canton, left her horse standing untied.  The horse started for home but Dr. SMITH happened to meet the it and hitched to a post in front of Mr. SHORE'S house.  Some devilish boys coming along took the goods out and hid them in a corn field.  They were found two days later.

Wm. PHILLIPS received a telegram from Portland , Oregon last week, Wednesday, stating the death of his brother.  He started the following day for that place.

D.J. CARPENTER made a business trip to the county capitol the first of the week.


January 1, 1891

Mr. E. COFFIELD has been visiting his brother Thomas.

Mrs. Nels EVERSON, of Inwood, has been visiting with her parents the past week.

One of the company of HEALY & CHASE, was doing business in town the first of the week.

Will STARR, the engineer of the Jefferson Roller Mills, spent Christmas with his parents and his h---.

Mrs. WHEELER left for Sioux City, Christmas

Dave BRENNER and wife left for Council Bluffs, last week.

A.P. DIXSON, an Indian agent of the Crow Creek reservation, was on our streets one day last week.  He reports everything quiet.

Joe SEDGWICK spent Christmas with his parents at Hawarden.

Mr. E. FROST'S cousin, from Akron, has been visiting here the past week.

Wm. CASPER was in town the first of the week, visiting his best girl, they both spent the evening in Canton .

The Christmas Ladder proved a grand success.  The programe of the evening was as follows:  First was the wonderous story, a very nice rhyme, and the father MAYNARD asked forgiveness for our sins.  Next was an anthem in quite a few lines, and then Miss EDWARDS spoke about nice Christmas times.  Hurrah! For Christmas, was next on the way, and it was spoken by Carpenter JAY, and then, there was Christmas Eve, spoken by Benson’s CLOE.  Next was Hilda ENGELBERTSON, praying for shoes.  He gave His life was spoken by Carpenter ROME , and the little Christmas address by Ralph HENDERSON.  Tell the story of Jesus was the next song that was sung, and Stella TENNANT spoke about the baby in church, which didn’t last long.  Next was Henry MINER, he spoke about pride, and then George MONROE spoke a piece, and we laughed until we cried. “Peace on Earth” by Clapp’s Miss Stella, and then a recitation by three nice little fellows.  Ollie CARPENTER'S, “Sample Room” is the next that we pass, and then the legend of Mrs. MAYNARD'S class. Christmas thoughts by Miss Clara INGHAM.  Jesus is risen, the next started, singing.  Rev. GUINTER delivered a nice long address and the distribution of presents next which we all found best.  Then they sung the song “God be with You.” With this very fine programe we bid you adieu.


January 8, 1891

J.M. MONTGOMERY left for Sioux City , last Friday.

Will HERMAN went to Sioux City the last day of the old year.

Bad as ever—D.J. CARPENTER shipped five car loads of hogs and grain last Friday.

Mrs. RUDE and daughter Jessie went to Calliope last Friday, where Jessie will attend school.

Tollie HELGERSON has been at Larchwood the past week visiting relatives.

Clara INGHAM left for Yankton Monday, and will take a course of type writing.

Dave BRENNER returned from Council Bluffs, last week.

E.E. CARPENTER returned from the Indian agency the 31st of Dec.

Jasper CALHOUN and Miss E.T. TILOTSON were married at Sioux Falls, S.D., the 31st of Dec., Elder HANSCOM officiating.

A very pleasant hop at John KORNDER'S New Year’s Eve.

Mr. LINGO has been visiting friends in Council Bluffs, Shenandoah, and Norwich, the past week

January 15, 1891  

James JONES did business in Sioux City Tuesday.

D. J. CARPENTER shipped five car loads of hogs to Sioux City last week.

James CARPENTER spent Sunday at Hull, visiting his fiancé.

Mat. MONTGOMERY returned from Sioux City , Saturday.

D. J. CARPENTER did business in the city Friday.

Mrs. WHEELER is visiting friends at Sibley for a few days.

Ron. GREEN has departed with his magic lantern and is going to give exhibitions in the surrounding towns.

The singing last Friday night was held at Ely FROST'S.  Next Friday evening at D.J. CARPENTER'S.

David ROGERS left on last Monday’s train for his home in Fairmont , W. Va.

Wm. PEDELTY'S little girl has been very sick the past week, but is improving now.

K. PETERSON is laid up with a lame leg.

Aug. and Lucy COFFIELD, of Centerville, is visiting at the residence of Thos. COFFIELD for a few days.

A.   ENGERBRETSON is visiting his parents for a few days.

The M.E. Sunday School held election of officers last Sunday.  The following were elected:  Superintendent, Chas. LINGO; Ass’t. E. MAYNARD; Secretary, Willie CARPENTER; Ass’t. Eddie CARPENTER; Treasurer, Mrs. V.P. LOWELL; Organist, Joe. SEDGWICK..

The farmers held a meeting in the school house last Saturday afternoon, for the purpose of organizing a Farmer’s Alliance .  There were twenty farmers who became members and the following officers were elected.  President, John BRENNER; Vice President, John WEBB; Sec’y, D.J. CARPENTER; Treas. Geo TILTONSON.

January 22, 1891

Ella CARPENTER is on the sick list

Paul FETTY visited friends last Monday.

J. BORNED did business here Tuesday.

C. CLAPPE took in Inwood, Sunday.

J.F. COOLEY, of the Farmer’s Leader, was in town, Saturday.

B. JONES, of Peoria, Ills., was doing business here last week.

Come to the singing at Albert PAYNE'S next Friday evening.

J.A. CARPENTER is doing the sights of Sioux City, this week.

N.O. FIELD returned from his Wonsocket trip, last Saturday.

Dell SWEELY, of Calliope, is visiting friends here for a few days.

F.P. DEAN, of Sioux City , was up looking after his farming interests, Thursday.

Augustus COFFIELD returned home last Sunday, after a week’s visit with relatives.

W.H. PHILLEPS and wife returned from their western trip through California and Oregon , Saturday.


January 29, 1891

Rev. NELSON visited friends Monday.

D. HARRIS, of Fairview, did business here, Saturday.

J.O. SHELDON did business in Sioux City , Friday.

Annie MIKELSON took a trip to Sioux Falls, Saturday.

Will STARA, of Sioux City spent Sunday with his parents.

Miss Annie LEYSNESS was renewing old acquaintances here last week.

DONOHO & HENDERSON shipped a car of flour to Spencer, last Saturday.

Mrs. M. ADEE visited friends at the county seat a few days last week.

Mrs. V.P. LOWELL gave a very pleasant party to a few friends, Friday last.

Wm. DONOHO did business at Emmetsburg and Ruthven, last week.

D.S. GUINTER preached two very able sermons in the M.E. church, Sunday.

D.L. HERMAN while on his way back to Rapid City , having arrived that far, was called back to Racine owing to the serious illness of his wife.

There is lots of sickness around here at present.  The following are on the sick list: Axie MINER, Georgie ADEE, Willie FROST, Geo. HENDERSON and Mrs. SORENSON.


January 13, 1893

Chas. B. Lingo stepped abroad Tuesday's south bound train for Essex, Iowa and will be absent about three weeks.

W.H. Pedelty has rented a boarding house at Sioux Falls and will move there next week.  Louis Anderson goes with him as clerk.

Mrs. E. Sullivan went to Hudson last Friday for a short visit with her daughter Mrs. Alexander.

Mrs. Ester Bury, of Canton, who has been in Hudson for some weeks, arrived on Saturday's noon train and stopped over Sunday with Mrs. J. Calhoun.

Ed Carpenter went to Rock Rapids on business Monday.

Albert Engebretson, of Calliope arrived here Tuesday for a short visit with his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Brenner did business at Sioux Falls one day last week.

T. Rood and D. Sullivan drove to Sioux Falls last Wednesday on business.

S.J. Mak, of Inwood did business in town Saturday.

Mesdames Anderson and Rood and Miron Rood went to Calliope last Saturday to visit friends.

E. Frost and wife and L. Chown and wife went to Akron last Saturday to visit relatives.

O.H. Seiple will leave next Monday for Vinton, Iowa.  Princeton and Chicago, Ill., and will be absent an indefinite time.


January 20, 1893

S.N. Sorenson and wife of Worthing did business in town Saturday.

V. Rowbinck did business in Sioux City Wednesday.

John Payne was kicked by a horse recently and is very lame.

Dr. Smith and Dentist O'Neil, of Canton, did business in town Sunday.

Ed. Carpenter did business in Parker, Monday.

Wm. Pedelty and Louis Anderson boarded Monday's morning train for Sioux Falls.

Mrs. A. Engelbretson went to Spring Valley, Minn., last Thursday for a few weeks visit with relatives.


February 3, 1893

Ed Carpenter went to Beloit, Wis., Friday on business

Sister Jenseen Erickson of the Orphan's Home went to Minneapolis on Tuesday's morning train.

W.E. McKirsch, of Sioux Falls, did business in town Monday.

C.B. Lingo returned from his visit at Essex, IA., last Wednesday

The net proceeds of the basket social were $26,19.  Mrs. L.E. Tillitson had the prize basket and it sold for $3.10.

W.H. Pedelty returned from Sioux Falls Monday.

The township trustees have called a special meeting to be held in the school house on Saturday, Feb. 11 at 1 p.m. sharp, for the purpose of making arrangements for the improvement of our cemetery.  All who have an interest in this work, are invited to attend this meeting and have a voice in the proceedings. Special invitation is extended to the ladies.

Wm. Phillips stepped aboard Monday's south bound train for Santa Anna, Cal.


February 10, 1893

H. Johnson of Dawson, Minn., did business in town last Friday.

G.B. West, cashier of the Calliope bank, did business in town Monday.

Ed Canton, our lumberman sports a new top buggy these days.

Mrs. Wheeler went to Sioux Falls last Thursday returning

Mrs. Brown's children have been on the sick list the past week.


February 17, 1893

Misses Jennie Herman and Edna Mann stepped aboard Saturday's morning train for Worhing, S.D. for a short visit with Mrs. Sorenson.  They returned home Tuesday.

S.S. Morton informs us that he has received authority to sell Express Orders and has the necessary blanks for that purpose.

Alfred Payne did business in Sioux Falls last Friday.

F.P. Dean, of Sioux City, came up Monday to look after his farms in this vicinity.

Albert Berg, of Hudson, did business in town last Wednesday.

S.N. Sorenson of Worthing was in town one day last week on business.

F. Carpenter, of Gettsburg, S.D. spent a few days in town last week.  He returned to Gettsburg Monday.

C.M. Beck returned from Sioux Falls last Saturday.

Medames Anderson, Rood and Sullivan drove to Larchwood last Saturday for a short visit.


February 24, 1893

E.E. Carpenter returned from his eastern trip last Saturday, where he had been on business for three weeks.  He went to Calliope Monday and to Rock Rapids Tuesday.

Dr. Wheat of Inwood was in town one day last week.

J. Calhoun and wife did business in Inwood one day last week.

G.V. Tillitson did business in Sioux City last Friday, and returned home Saturday.

J.M. Carpenter went to Gettsburg Monday and expects to be gone a week or ten days.

F.A. Graves, of Chicago, Ill., was a guest at W. Coffield's one day last week.

O.H. Seiple and wife went to Sioux  City last week, Wednesday and returned home on Friday.  They expect to move there in the near future and we will be very sorry to lose them.

Mr. and Mrs. Lingo are the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy.  He was born February 14.

A. Vaughn and family arrived here from Spring Prairie last week.  Mrs. Vaughn is a daughter of James Harris.  They expect to make their future home in this vicinity.



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