Larchwood Public School, 1890



The Larchwood Public School grammer room in 1893. Among those in the picture above are Principal Mossman, Agnes Tracy, Edna Johnson, Ethel Johnson, Josie Webber, Max Sayre and Charles Martin.



Graduating class of 1894. Back Row: Charles Gliem, Edmo Johnson (Mrs. J.J. Pruitt), Harvey Parkinson, Ethel Johnson (Mrs. W.A. Blaine). Front Row: Mina McGilvra (Mrs. Harry Dodge), E.D. Mossman; Principal, Agnes Tracy (Mrs. Fred Lange).


Eighth grade 1905: Back row: John Lawler, Joe Lawler, Olive Burns Harvey, Miss Kettleson, teacher, Emma Klinkell, Anna Laura McKenna, Clara McKenna. Middle Row: Anna Groth Oehmke, Sylvester (Butch) Tracy, Louie Goldstein, Claude Martin, Wilbert Zangger, Beatrice Blood, Stella Thompson. Front Row: Alfred Tennyson, Francis Martin, John Groth, Art Reinke, Leslie Ashton, Irving Wightman, Charles Zangger, Fred Grotewold.



High School Room in Old Building. Spring of 1909.
Supterintendent: Harry Weech, Lina Zangger, Grammar Room. Row 1: Florence Miller, Joe Lawler, Ida Rudloff, Stella Thompson. Row 2: Lloyd McLimans, Christine Strand, Hetty Trowbridge, Clara McKenna, Marie McGilvera, Ollie Burns, Edith Tracy. Row 3: Vivian Quinn, Ellen Self, Carrie Bahr, Stella Rabey, Anna Laura McKenna, Esther McGuire. Row 4: Bess Shannon, Bernice Martin, Amelia Schumann, Lyda Rudloff, Roy Zangger.


Larchwood Public School, Back Row: Unknown, Frances Kuhl, Finch, Unknown, Mabel Rockhill, Vera Lawler, Avis Reigel, Madge Crelly, Agnes Kuhl, Marie Keisby, Unknown, Rozetta Rockhill, Unknown, Josie Ryan, Selma Schuman, Unknown. Front Row: Sam Grotewold, Unknown, John Martin, Unknown, Unknown, Willard Parkinson, Unknown, Tom McKenna, George Briney, John McKenna, Wayne Getman, Robert Grotewold, Leslie Ashton, Leslie Reinke, W.F. Ashton.


In the Science Room, 1912. Ruth Crelly, Earl Wisdon, Superintendent, Hettie Trowbridge, Anastatia Riley, Anna Hohman, Irene Crelly.



Larchwood Public School, 1912 Front Row: Anna Laura McKenna, Bernice Martin, Bessie Shannon, Esther McGuire, Lyda Rudloff, Amelia Schuman, Nellie Self. Second Row: Irene Crelly, Anna Hohman, Anastatia Riley, Ruth Crelly, Vera Lauler, Esther Zangger, Mabel Rockhill. Back Row: Ruth Freeman, Robert Trowbridge, Miss Goodall, Margaret Moreland, Roy Burns, Selma Schuman, Tom McKenna, Arno Hoeck, Elmer Baughman.


Kindergarten Class 1913. Back Row: Phillis Lundquist, Henry Gottlob, John Ryan. Front Row: John Lyden Cauby, Loretta Schettler, Clayton Pruitt, Lyla Rogers, Irving Landmark.



Grade 3 & 4: Vera Cady, Teacher, John Schoenfelder, Clarence Schumann, Robert Lien, Willie Thompson. Row 2: Colette Powers, Adeling Castle, Lucille Crelly, Frances McGuire, Lulu Glenn. Row 3: Floyd Hohman, Wilbur Sweeney, Fritz Oehmke, Kenneth Druet, Kelsey, Lucille Cauley. Row 4: Pauline Peacock, Dallas Feay, Madelon Pruitt, George Powers, Laura Blaine, Leona McGuire, Eddie McEnaney. Row 5: Claudia Wright, Bill Oehmke, Catherine Snyder, Tom Knipe.


Eighth grade class, 1918 Left to right, Kenneth Druit, Dallas Feay, Laura Blaine, Pauline Peacock, Madellen Pruitt, William Oehmke, Thomas Knipe, Fred Oehmke and Floyd Hohman


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