Larch Lodge No. 552 A.F. & A.M.

Larch Lodge No. 552 was organized January 4, 1897 and existed from then until April 14, 1947 at which time it consolidated with Border Lodge No. 406 at Rock Rapids, Iowa.

The Lodge held 864 regular and special meetings during this time.

It accepted 185 applicants into the order and 51 sets of officers were elected.

The first meetings were held in Schoenfelder hall over the harness shop. In 1898, they moved to Lodge rooms over the Savings Bank and used these quarters until the consolidation.

J.H. Walters was the first worshipful Master and J.R. Williams was the first Senior Warden. C.P. Soper was the first Junior Warden.

J.H. Peacock was the first candidate to receive the degrees in Larch Lodge.

Brother William Pruitt (a Civil War Veteran) served as Tyler continuously from 1901 until 1922.

One item of special interest was a third degree conferred by the Rock Rapids Lodge on the night of March 19, 1915, when the members of Larch Lodge traveled to Rock Rapids by the evening passenger train and through the cooperation of the Rock Island Railroad, the Brethren were returned home that evening by special train.

The last officers of Larch Lodge No. 552 in 1947 were: Willard Parkinson, Worshipful Master; Arthur E. Anderson, Senior Warden; J.D. Chamberlain, Junior Warden; R.W. Wyant, Treasurer; J.J. Pruitt, Secretary.


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