Without going into further detail, suffice to say that Lyon County has always been strongly Republican.  The official vote for 1903 stood:  Republican, 1,330; Democratic 772; Prohibition, 44; Socialist, 91.  Republican majority, 558.

At a special election held June 27, 1882, the counties throughout the entire state voted on the question as to whether the state constitution should contain the following amendment:

"No person shall manufacture for sale, or keep for sale, as a beverage, any intoxication liquors whatsoever, including ale, wine and beer."

The vote in Lyon County stood for the amendment 259, and against it 101.

Over the Democratic victory--the year 1891--when Governor Horace Boies was chosen Governor of Iowa, party spirit ran high and the Rock Rapids Review printed an immense red, white and blue sheet of many pages and used roosters, printed in blood red, fully a foot high and beneath the crowing birds were set in gothic type these words:

"We meandered in the wilderness

For nearly forty years,

But Jordan's safely crossed at last--

The promised land appears!"

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