I herewith enclose some of the data from which I hope you will be able to make a fairly good report of the banking business of Lyon County, Iowa.  I have been unable to get the necessary information from three or four of the bankers, so have been able to get only such information as I find in the bank directory.

I am of the opinion that the banks of the county are in good condition.  There never has been but one bad failure in the county, and that was the German Savings Bank of Doon, which failed several years ago.  I do not remember what they paid, but I do not think they paid more than 25 or 30 cents on the dollar.

I do not expect you to consider the report sent you as a finished product but only such information as will enable you to give us a readable history of the banks.  I am sorry that the matter has been delayed, but for six weeks this spring I was on the Pacific coast and after taking the matter up I find that I have been delayed for several weeks on account of not being able to get reports from the bankers.

Trusting that this report will reach you without delay, I remain,

Very truly yours,

O.P. Miller

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