Doon was Site of First County Fair
in 1872!Remember the fair---The first fair ever held in Lyon County, Iowa, will be held at Doon, commencing October 8th-9th, and holding three days, namely: 9th, 10th, and 11th. A cordial invitation is extended to all. It is open to the world. We hope to have a general turnout, and a good time is expected. We are making ample preparations to accommodate a large gathering. Come, and bring your samples of wheat, corn, oats, barley, tables, and stock. Don't think that someone has it all, bring it out. Bring your horses, mules, jacks, trotters and runners. We will accommodate you with as fine a track as there is in the northwest.
A word to the ladies-The success of the fair depends much upon you, without your aid, the Floral Hall will look meager and scanty; therefore we say to you, a come to the fair! Bring your butter, cheese, bread, cakes, pickles, preserves, jellies and canned fruit; neat and fancy work of every description. We have buildings on the grounds, to protect all fancy articles exhibited. We have a fine building in process; erection 22x34 that will be completed in time for the Fair. A part of the lumber for pens and fencing has been purchased and will soon be on the ground.
Hay will be furnished to all exhibitors free. H. Rice will furnish oats, and other feed at reasonable rates.
Mr. M.W. Jeffries has a store in full blast adjoining the grounds, he has everything to sell usually found at a first class country store, including a soda fountain.
Editors Note: The site of the first fair was in the extreme southwest corner of Doon where the town--- is now located. It was here that M.W. Jeffries had a country store and above it was the Press office complete with printing press. Later the business district moved some five blocks north of this location.