Lucas County, Iowa

Registration 1950

Mr & Mrs Elba J Moore & sons, Attica, Ia Mrs Eli Moon, Bussey, Ia Mr & Mrs Clark King, Halene & Harold, Hamilton, Ia
Mr & Mrs Floyd Jones & Duane, Columbia, Ia Mr & Mrs Arthur Jones, Columbia, Ia Mr & Mrs Lee Agan
Mr & Mrs Raymond Agan & Geraldine, Columbia Mr & Mrs Fred Clark, 1274 E 34th St, Des Moines Mr & Mrs Roy Agan & Lavata, Chariton, Ia R#4
Mr & Mrs Otis Agan, Russell, Iowas RR#2 Mr & Mrs J L Agan, Chariton, Ia Mr & Mrs Chas Hancock, Dallas, Iowa
Mr & Mrs E R Busick, Radcliffe, Ia Mr & Mrs Robert Agan, Radcliffe, Ia Charlotte Bussick, 2 So. 3rd Ave, Marshalltown, Iowa
Mr and Mrs Chas R Agan, Peru, Iowa Mr & Mrs J S Moon, Knoxville, Iowa Miss Louis Agan, Knoxville, Iowa
Miss Freda Whitlatch, Chariton, Ia Mr & Mrs James W Agan, Knoxville, Ia R#2 Mr & Mrs Manford Moore, Rose Hill, Iowa
Mr & Mrs Everett McDonald, Chariton, Iowa Mrs Walter R Whitlatch, Columbia, Ia Mr & Mrs. Walker Morehead, Columbia, Ia
Mr & Mrs Rex Agan Mr & Mrs Kelly Lee Agan, Knoxville, Io R#2 Mr & Mrs Leroy Moore, Compton, Illinois
Mr & Mrs Wes Agan, Winterset, Ia Mr & Mrs Everett Agan and Family, Peru, Ia M. John M. Agan, Columbia, Ia
Mr & Mrs Leazure Frye, Bussey, Ia Mr & Mrs Harley Shore & Elaine, Chariton, Ia Mr & Mrs C W Sage, Columbia, Ia
Mr & Mrs Maurice Agan, James, Mary, Billie Zephyrine Brown, Chicago, Illinois Wilma Sage, Columbia, Iowa
Mr & Mrs Corwin Sage & family, Agency, Iowa W B Agan, 1218 Blumount Ave, Manhattan, Kansas Mr & Mrs Austin Buercley, Cleo Charles & Howard Raymond, Radcliffe, Iowa
Mr & Mrs Lloyd Gillespie, & Son Lawrence, Chariton, Iowa Mrs. Alda King Ella J Agan, Columbia
James Lemuel Agan, Chariton Mr & Mrs Cornwell, Lovilia Iowa O W Agan, Columbia, Iowa
Mr & Mrs Leland Gookin & Denise, Indiana, Iowa Miss Gay Moore, Rose Hill, Iowa

Treasurer's Report

Balance on Hand			$15.98
Chairs & Groceries		  4.64
Church				  3.00
Park				  3.00
Balance on Hand			  5.34

	Cards			$10.05
	Groceries		  4.12
	Collection		$23.51
Balance on Hand			 14.68
	Church			  3.00
Balance on hand			$11.68

			Wilma Storm

Agan Family Reunion 12th

The annual Agan Reunion was held Sunday August 6, 1950 in Columbia, Iowa with an afternoon registraton of more than one-hundred names.
Following an enjoyable dinner, all assembled in the Methodist Church where a short program was given under the direction of Arthur Jones.
Those presiding were: Mrs. Manfrord Moore, The Shore Girls, James Agan, Bill Agan, Mr and Mrs Walker Moorehead, Lemuel Agan, and Jimmie Agan.
The business meeting followed, at which the following officers were elected:
President-James Agan
Vice-President-Walker Morrehead
Sec. Treasurer-Louise Agan
An offering totaling $12.11 was taken to cover expenses. The meeting was adjourned with the decision to have the 1951 reunion in Columbia on the first Sunday in August as the preceding year.

Louis Agan-Secretary
Lucas County Home

Agan Family Reunions