Lucas County, Iowa


Grace Agan Bauhof, La Canada, California Harold James Bauhof, La Canada, California Anna Marie Agan, Los Angeles, California
John Newton Agan, Los Angeles, California Margaret Jeanne Agan, Montrose, California Ward Donald Agan, Montrose, California
Mr & Mrs Arthur Jones, Columbia, Ia Mary Bea Kendrick, Knoxville, Iowa Howard King, Attica, Ia
Joy Agan, Clinton, Okla. Bessie King, Attica, Ia Clark King, Attica, Ia
Mr & Mrs Manford Moore, Dallas, Ia Tessie Agan 1218 Bluemount, Manhattan, Ks. Mr & Mrs Floyd Jones, Knoxville, Ia RR 5
Duane Jones, Knoxville, Ia RR 5 Mr & Mrs Eli Moon, Bussey Iowa Mr & Mrs Wes Austin L. Buerckley & 3 boys, Radcliffe Iowa
Mr & Mrs Lem Agan, Chariton 157 North 16 E A Moon, Bussey Ia Mr & Mrs Cleo Ross, Centerville Ia
L C Agan, Chariton, Ia #3 Mrs Edna Smith, Numa, Ia #1 Mrs Fred Pennick, Bussey Ia
Mrs. A B Alepaugh, Co. Bluffs, Ia Mr & Mrs Lee Agan, Columbia, Ia Mrs. Stella A Pierce, 215 E Luray Ave, Alexandria, Va
Wm B Agan 121 E, Manhattan, Kans. Harley Shore & wife Golda, Chariton Mr & Mrs George Stephens, Knoxville
Betty Stephens, Joan Jones, Bussey, Iowa Mr & Mrs Leland Gookin, Indianola, Ia Miss Elaine Shore-Chariton, Iowa
Mr & Mrs Rex Agan, Columbia, Iowa Velta Kincaid-Knoxville, Ia Mrs Orrie Noah, John, Louise & Linda, Knoxville, Iowa
Mr & Mrs Everett McDonald, Chariton,Ia Charlotte Busick, Marshalltown, Ia Mr & Mrs Robert Agan, Radcliffe, Ia
Mr & Mrs Saut Moon, Knoxville Mr & Mrs E R Busick, Radcliffe, Ia Mr & Mrs L E Frye, Bussey, Iowa
Mrs. J > Agan Mr & Mrs Maurice Agan & James, Mary, Billie Mr & Mrs Otis Agan, Russell, Iowa
W E Agan, Glenwood, Ia. J. S Moon, Knoxville, Iowa Austin Buerckley, Radcliffe, Iowa
Wm B Agan, 1218 Blumont, Manhattan, Kans Mrs. Walter Whitlatch & Freda Mr & Mrs Kenneth Whitlatch & Family, Attica, Iowa
Miss Louise Agan, Knoxville, Iowa Miss Wilma Sage, Columbia, Iowa Miss Mary Agan, Knoxville, Iowa
Miss Lavata Agan, Russell, Iowa Miss Gay Moore, Dallas, Iowa Mr U Mrs Roy M Agan & Lavata, Russell, Iowa
Mr & Mrs Tom H Rankin & Family, Knoxville, Ia Mr & Mrs Lon Jones Mr & Mrs Clark King, Howard, Halene, & Harold
Miss Mary Kendrick, Knoxville, Ia

Agan Reunion 1949 11th

The annual Agan reunion was held Sunday, August 7, 1949 in Columbia, iowa with more than 70 names recorded during the afternoon registration.
Following an enjoyable basket dinner, all assembled in the Methodist church where a short program was fiven under the direction of Mes. manford Moore. It was carried out in the following manner:

Congregational Song-Sweet Bye & Bye
Son-Charlotte Busick
Duet-Betty and Virginia Agan
Recitation-Billy Agan
Recitation-James Agan
Son-Kenneth Whitlatch's children
Song-Shore Girls
Song-Harold Bauhoff, LaCanada, Calf.
Folk-Tessie Agan, Manhattan, Kansas
Folk-Joy Agan, Clinton, Okla.
Folk-Dorothy Burgtof, Custer City, Okla.
Folk-Newt Agan, Los Angeles, Calif.

The business meeting, at which the following officers were elected, was presided over by Otis Agan.

President-Arthur Jones
Vice President-Joy Agan
Sec. Treasurer-Halene King

An offering totaling 16.21 was taken to cover expenses. The meeting was adjourned after deciding to have the 1950 reunion in Columbia on the first Sunday in August.
Halene King-Sec.
Treasurer's Report

Balance Carried Forward		$ 5.30
Collection Taken August 7-49	 16.21

Total - Minus Expenses		$21.51
	Rex Agan		  5.46

Balance on hand - 		$16.05
		Halene King

Lucas County Home

Agan Family Reunions