Lucas County, Iowa


Emma and Freda Whitlatch, Columbia Mr & Mrs George Stephens & Betty Bussey Gay Moore
Mr & Mrs Rex Agan, Freddy and Floyd Mr & Mrs Raymond Agan, Leta, Marjorie & Geraldine Mr & Mrs Roy M. Agan and Lavata, Chariton Ia
Mr & Mrs Everett McDonald and 4 children, Chariton, Ia Mr & Mrs Lester La Favre, Des Moins, Ia. Mr & Mrs Worth Bebout
Elaine Shore, 1227 W. Braden, Chariton, Ia Mr & Mrs James Agan, Des Moines, Ia Eithel Shore 1227 W Braden, Chariton, Iowa
Otis Agan, Russell, Iolwa R 2 James L Agan, Chariton, Ia North 16th Earl Lockhart, Reinbeck, Iowa
Mr and Mrs Harley Shore, Chariton, Ia Olive M. Agan, Columbia, Ia Mr & Mrs Wes Agan, Winterset, Ia 222 S 7th Ave.
Mrs T. V. Beebout, Columbia, Ia Mr & Mrs Stanley Gullion & Jo Mr & Mrs Laurel Agan & susan
Louise Agan, Knoxville, Iowa Wilma Sage Columbia, Iowa W C Morehead, Columbia, Ia
Eva Morehead, Columbia Ia O W Agan, Columbia, IA Mr & Mrs Manford Moore, Dallas, Ia

There were no minutes for the 1947 Agan Family Reunion.

Lucas County Home

Agan Family Reunions