Page 189A
State: Iowa


Supervisor's District No. 8 Sheet No.
County: Lucas Enumeration District No. 70 16
Township or other Division of County Name of Institution
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the above named division: Chariton City Ward of city, 1
Enumerated by me on the12th day of June 1900, Frank E Manning, Enumerator
Location Name Relationship
Personal Information
Nativity Citizenship Occupation of each person over 10 years of age Education Ownership of Home
In Cities Dwelling Family
Street House Number of each occupant on 1 June 1900 Relationship to head of household Color or Race Sex Date of Birth Age at last Birthday

Single, Married, Divorced or Widowed

Number of years married Mother of how many children number of children living
Month Year Place of birth this person Place of birth of Father of this person Place of birth of Mother of this person Year of Immigration Number of years in the United States Naturalization Occupation Months not employed Attended School (in months) Can Read Can Write Can speak English Owned or rented Owned Free or Mortgaged Farm or House Number of Farm Schedule
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
        Brown, Anna Wife W F Aug 1870 29 M 7 1 1 Iowa Virginia Virginia             yes yes yes        
        _____,Claud Son W M Aug 1898 1 S       Iowa Illinois Iowa             no yes yes        
    341 349 Davidson, Mary Head W F Nov 1849 50 Wd   1 1 Iowa Indiana Indiana             yes yes yes     H  
        _____,Annie Daughter W F April 1886 14 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       at School   9 yes yes yes        
    342 350 Bowen, J. A. Head W M May 1865 35 M 7     England England England 1867 33 Na Vetenary Sergant 0   yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,Katie Wife W F July 1872 27 M 7 2 2 Iowa Iowa Illinois             yes yes yes        
        _____,Donald Son W M July 1894 5 S       Iowa England Iowa                          
        _____,Kenneth Son W M Dec 1896 3 S       Iowa England Iowa                          
    343 351 Blake, G.W. Head W M July 1851 48 M 12     Maine Massachusetts Massachusetts       Hardware Merchant 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Bell Wife W F Mar 1852 48 M 12 0 0 Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts             yes yes yes        
        _____,Harriett Daughter W F Nov 1870 29 S       Iowa Maine England             yes yes yes        
        _____,Clarance Son W M Sept 1879 20 S       Iowa Maine England       Collections Clerk Bank 0   yes yes yes        
        _____,Aurthur Son W M Aug 1868 31 S       Iowa Maine England       Civil Engineer 0   yes yes yes        
    344 352 Drummond, Charlott Head W F May 1845 55 Wd   1 1 illegible illegible illegible                       H  
        _____,T.R. Son W M Aug 1871 28 S       illegible illegible illegible       Assayer Gold 0   yes yes yes        
    345 353 Temple, Edward Head W M May 1865 35 M 0     Iowa Indiana Indiana       Tipe Setter 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Lydia Wife W F Nov 1867 32 M 0 0 0 Iowa Ohio Indiana                          
    346 354 Hosie Head W F Nov 1845 54 M 34 6 5 Illinois Virginia Ohio             yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,Daisy Daughter W F Dec 1876 23 S       Iowa Illinois Illinois       Saleslady (Dry Goods) 0   yes yes yes        
        _____,Ida Daughter W F May 1879 21 S       Iowa Illinois Illinois       Telephone Opperator 0   yes yes yes        

Contributed by Kathleen Gregory March 2012
