Page 187B
State: Iowa


Supervisor's District No. 8 Sheet No.
County: Lucas Enumeration District No. 70 14
Township or other Division of County Name of Institution
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the above named division: Chariton City Ward of city, 1
Enumerated by me on the 9th day of June 1900, Frank E Manning, Enumerator
Location Name Relationship
Personal Information
Nativity Citizenship Occupation of each person over 10 years of age Education Ownership of Home
In Cities Dwelling Family
Street House Number of each occupant on 1 June 1900 Relationship to head of household Color or Race Sex Date of Birth Age at last Birthday

Single, Married, Divorced or Widowed

Number of years married Mother of how many children number of children living
Month Year Place of birth this person Place of birth of Father of this person Place of birth of Mother of this person Year of Immigration Number of years in the United States Naturalization Occupation Months not employed Attended School (in months) Can Read Can Write Can speak English Owned or rented Owned Free or Mortgaged Farm or House Number of Farm Schedule
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
        Walter, William Step Son W M July 1881 18 S       Iowa Germany West Virginia       Bridge Carpenter 3   yes yes yes        
        Barker, Joseph Step Son W M Feb 1887 13 S       Iowa Iowa West Virginia       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Lula Step Daughter W F Oct 1888 11 S       Iowa Iowa West Virginia       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Edna Step Daughter W F May 1892 8 S       Iowa Iowa West Virginia                          
        West, Isaac Boarder W M June 1866 33 D       Iowa Illinois Ohio       Laborer RR     yes yes yes        
    305 313 Duds, L.L. Head W M May 1869 31 M 10     Iowa Germany Iowa       Opperator Telegraph 0   yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,L. B. Wife W F July 1871 28 M 10 3 3 Iowa Indiana Indiana             yes yes yes        
        _____,Milo Son W M Aug 1890 9 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       at School     yes yes yes        
        _____,Valura Daughter W F Sept 1893 6 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
        _____,Charley Son W M Nov 1894 5 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
    306 314 Squrres, A. E. Head W M Feb 1846 54 M 28     Ohio England England             yes yes yes O M H  
        _____,Rebbeca Wife W F Feb 1853 47 M 28 3 3 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania             yes yes yes        
        _____,Stella Daughter W F April 1880 20 S       Iowa Ohio Pennsylvania       Saleslady (Notions) 0   yes yes yes        
    307 315 Fern, Francine? Head W F Nov 1822 77 M 1 3 3 Sweden Sweden Sweden 1852 47   Carpet Weaver 7   yes yes yes O F H  
        Jern, Matilda Boarder W F Feb 1829 71 Wd   2 2 Sweden Sweden Sweden 1885 15   Seamstress 8   yes yes yes        
    308 316 Castell, Edward Head W M July 1854 45 S       Illinois Ohio Ohio       Day Laborer 4   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Minerva Mother W F Jan 1822 77 Wd   6 6 Ohio France France             yes yes yes        
    309 317 Larson, Christina Head W F Nov 1842 57 Wd   3 3 Sweden Sweden Sweden 1872 27         yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,John Son W M Sept 1874 25 S       Iowa Sweden Sweden       Tipe Setter 0   yes yes yes        
        _____,Robert Son W M Nov 1876 23 S       Iowa Sweden Sweden       Tipe Setter 0   yes yes yes        
        _____,Frieda Daughter W F April 1882 18 S       Iowa Sweden Sweden             yes yes yes        
    310 318 Ketselman, Frank Head W M April 1871 29 M 10     Indiana Indiana Indiana       Brakeman RR 0   yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,Amanda Wife W F Jan 1871 29 M 10 5 5 Indiana Tennessee Indiana             yes yes yes        
        _____,George Son W M July 1890 9 S       Iowa Indiana Indiana       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Ruth Daughter W F Oct 1891 8 S       Iowa Indiana Indiana                          
        _____,Naomi Daughter W F Jan 1893 7 S       Iowa Indiana Indiana                          
        _____,Margaret Daughter W F Mar 1894 6 S       Iowa Indiana Indiana                          
        _____,Fred Son W M April 1896 4 S       Iowa Indiana Indiana                          
    311 319 Thompson, David Head W M Oct 1855 44 M 21     Ohio Ohio Ohio       R. R. Yard Master 0   yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,Rachel Wife W F Oct 1862 37 M 21 7 7 Iowa Ohio Ohio             yes yes yes        
        _____,Willard Son W M Jan 1885 15 S       Iowa Ohio Iowa       at School     yes yes yes        
        _____,Nora Daughter W F May 1887 13 S       Iowa Ohio Iowa       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Clarance Son W M Mar 1890 10 S       Iowa Ohio Iowa       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Cora Daughter W F Nov 1892 7 S       Iowa Ohio Iowa                          
        _____,Robert Son W M June 1895 4 S       Iowa Ohio Iowa                          
        _____,Alpha Son W M June 1898 2 S       Iowa Ohio Iowa                          
    312 320 Best, Joseph Head W M Dec 1826 73 M 46     Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Ohio             yes yes yes O M H  
        _____,Elizabeth Wife W F Jan 1837 62 M 46 10 8 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania             yes yes yes        
        _____,James Son W M Nov 1868 31 S       Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania       Painter 2   yes yes yes        
        _____,Mamie E Daughter W F April 1879 21 S       Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania       School Teacher 9   yes yes yes        
        _____,Joseph Son W M Aug 1881 18 S       Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania       Day Laborer 0   yes yes yes        
    313 321 Newell, W. Head W M Mar 1868 32 S       Iowa Ireland Michigan       Salesman (Resturant) 0   yes yes yes     H  
    314 322 Berry, Joseph Head W M Nov 1871 28 M 0     Iowa Indiana Ohio             yes yes yes R   H  
        _____,Ella Wife W F July 1861 38 M 0 3 3 Illinois Vermont New York             yes yes yes        
        _____,Frank Son W M April 1878 22 S       Iowa Indiana Illinois       Cook 0   yes yes yes        
        _____,Fred Son W M Mar 1882 18 S       Iowa Indiana Illinois       Waiter Resturant 0   yes yes yes        
    315 323 Barker, Georg Head W M Jan 1849 51 D       Iowa Maryland Ohio       Farm Laborer 3   yes yes yes R   H  
    316 324 Batey, John N. Head W M Feb 1844 54 M 4     Indiana Indiana Indiana             yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Maggie Wife W F May 1850 50 M 4 0 0 Missouri Scotland Scotland             yes yes yes        
    317 325 Anderson, Gust Head W M Aug 1842 57 Wd       Sweden Sweden Sweden       Section Hand RR 0   yes yes yes O F H  

Contributed by Kathleen Gregory March 2012

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