Page 180 B
State: Iowa


Supervisor's District No. 8 Sheet No.
County: Lucas Enumeration District No. 70 7
Township or other Division of County Name of Institution
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the above named division: Chariton City Ward of city, 1
Enumerated by me on the 5th day of June 1900, Frank E Manning, Enumerator
Location Name Relationship
Personal Information
Nativity Citizenship Occupation of each person over 10 years of age Education Ownership of Home
In Cities Dwelling Family
Street House Number of each occupant on 1 June 1900 Relationship to head of household Color or Race Sex Date of Birth Age at last Birthday

Single, Married, Divorced or Widowed

Number of years married Mother of how many children number of children living
Month Year Place of birth this person Place of birth of Father of this person Place of birth of Mother of this person Year of Immigration Number of years in the United States Naturalization Occupation Months not employed Attended School (in months) Can Read Can Write Can speak English Owned or rented Owned Free or Mortgaged Farm or House Number of Farm Schedule
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    150 154 Day, H. H. Head W M Feb 1824 76 M 48     Ohio Virginia Connecticut       Wagon Carpenter 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,R. A. Wife W F Nov 1828 71 M 48 4 3 Ohio Virginia Ohio             yes yes yes        
    151 155 Peak, L. C. Head W M Oct 1860 39 M 9     Ohio District of Columbia Maryland       Watch Maker 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Jessie Wife W F May 1856 44 M 9 0 0 Ohio Ohio Ohio             yes yes yes        
        Smith, Nellie Daughter W F Nov 1875 24 S       Iowa Indiana Ohio       Sales Lady (Julery)     yes yes yes        
        _____,Charley Son W M May 1885 15 S       Iowa Indiana Ohio       at School   9 yes yes yes        
    152 156 Hawkinson, Annie Head W F Nov 1846 53 Wd   2 2 Sweden Sweden Sweden       House Keeper 0   yes yes yes O F H  
    153 157 Hatcher, M. M. Head W F Dec 1836 63 Wd   1 1 Ohio Maryland Kentucky             yes yes yes O F H  
        _____, Roy Son W M May 1874 26 S       Iowa Ohio Ohio             yes yes yes        
    154 158 Daugherty, B. F. Head W M April 1861 39 M 12     Ireland Ireland Ireland 1880 20 Na. Physician 0   yes yes yes R   H  
        _____, B. E. Wife W F Mar 1868 32 M 12 0 0 Illinois Germany Germany       Physician 0   yes yes yes        
    155 159 Bentley, J. A. Head W M Feb 1829 71 M 43     Kentucky Kentucky Pennsylvania       Blacksmith 12   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____, A. M. Wife W F Dec 1828 71 M 43 5 2 Indiana New York Pennsylvania             yes yes yes        
        _____, Carrie M Daughter W F July 1867 32 S       Iowa Kentucky Indiana             yes yes yes        
    156 160 Mc Collough, Minnie Head W F Nov 1866 33 D   3 3 Iowa Ohio Ohio             yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Clare Daughter W F Mar 1885 15 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Marie Daughter W F Aug 1887 12 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Gladys Daughter W F April 1891 9 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        Lodge, Ada Servant W F Oct 1876 23 S       Iowa Ohio Indiana       House Keeper     yes yes yes        
    157 161 Gasser, Gorginia Head W F May   52 Wd   7 7 Germany Germany Germany       Boarding House 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Earnest Son W M Nov   26 S       Iowa Germany Germany       Salesaman (Groceries) 0   yes yes yes        
        _____,Nellie Daughter W F June 1879 20 S       Iowa Germany Germany             yes yes yes        
        _____,Emmet Son W M June 1885 15 S       Iowa Germany Germany       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Rolland Son W M Oct 1890 9 S       Iowa Germany Germany       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        Isreal, Geo Boarder W M Dec 1876 23 S       Iowa Ohio Ohio       Salesman (Dry Goods) 0   yes yes yes        
        Beamer, Clay Boarder W M Feb 1872 28 S       Iowa Ohio Iowa       Salesman (Hardware) 0   yes yes yes        
        Solivon, James Boarder W M July 1876 23 S       Pennsylvania Ireland Ireland       Barber 0   yes yes yes        
        Barnes, OV Boarder W M Aug 1856 43 S       Indiana Virginia Kentucky       Physician 0   yes yes yes        
        Colburn, Frank Boarder W M May 1875 25 D       Iowa Illinois Ohio       Express Messenger RR 0   yes yes yes        
    158 162 Millthorpe, Clint Head W M May   35 S       Illinois England England       Marshall     yes yes yes R   H  
        Clark, John H G. Son W M Jan 1900 4/12 S       Iowa Ohio Iowa                          
    159 163 Pinnick, Edward Head W M May 1866 34 M 6     Iowa           Cashier (Bank) 0   yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Lizzie Wife W F July 1869 30 M 6 2 2 Iowa Germany Iowa             yes yes yes        
        _____,Dorothy Daughter W F Oct 1895 4 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
        _____,W. C. Son W M July 1898 1 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
        Martin, Leota Servant W F Feb 1882 18 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       House Keeper 0   yes yes yes        
    160 164 Adams, R. A. Head W F Dec 1833 66 Wd   4 3 Ohio Ohio Ohio             yes yes yes O F H  
        _____,Robert Son W M Jan 1860 40 M 11     Iowa Scotland Ohio       Painter 3   yes yes yes        
        _____,Dora D-in-Law W F Oct 1869 30 M 11 0 0 Iowa Ohio Maryland             yes yes yes        
        _____,Peter Son W M June 1857 42 S       Iowa Scotland Ohio       Painter 3   yes yes yes        
        Wood, Cora Grand Daughter W F May 1897 3 or 7 S       California Missouri Missouri       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        _____,Ethel Grand Daughter W F Mar 1895 5 S       California Missouri Missouri                          
    161 165 Adams, D. W. Head W M April 1838 62 M 14     Main Scotland Scotland       Book Keeper 0   yes yes yes R   H  
        _____, Emma B Wife W F Jan 1845 55 M 14 1 1 Vermont Vermont Vermont             yes yes yes        
    162 166 Gartin, Charles Head W M Oct 1847 52 M 19     Indiana Indiana Indiana       Farmer 0   yes yes yes O F F 7
        _____,Lillie Wife W F Sept 1839 40 M 19 2 1 Ohio Ohio Ohio                          
        _____,Fern Daughter W F Sept 1883 16 S       Kansas Indiana Ohio       at School   9 yes yes yes        
        Robbins, George Boarder W M April 1874 36 S       Indiana Indiana Indiana       Electrician 0   yes yes yes        
    163 167 Stuart, C. E. Head W M Mar 1860 40 M 8     Illinois Indiana Indiana       Vetinary Sargent 0   yes yes yes        
        _____,Ida Wife W F Feb 1872 28 M 8 1 1 Iowa Iowa Iowa             yes yes yes        

Contributed by Kathleen Gregory March 2012

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