State: Iowa


Supervisor's District No. 8 Sheet No.
County: Lucas Enumeration District No. 70 6
Township or other Division of County Name of Institution
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the above named division: Chariton City Ward of city, 1
Enumerated by me on the 4th day of June 1900, Frank E Manning, Enumerator
Location Name Relationship
Personal Information
Nativity Citizenship Occupation of each person over 10 years of age Education Ownership of Home
In Cities Dwelling Family
Street House Number of each occupant on 1 June 1900 Relationship to head of household Color or Race Sex Date of Birth Age at last Birthday

Single, Married, Divorced or Widowed

Number of years married Mother of how many children number of children living
Month Year Place of birth this person Place of birth of Father of this person Place of birth of Mother of this person Year of Immigration Number of years in the United States Naturalization Occupation Months not employed Attended School (in months) Can Read Can Write Can speak English Owned or rented Owned Free or Mortgaged Farm or House Number of Farm Schedule
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
  132 136 Anderson, Thomas Head W M Nov 1848 51 M 2 Ohio Virginia Germany Farm Laborer 0   yes yes yes O M H
_____,Addie Wife W F April 1875 25 M 2 1 1 Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania   yes yes yes  
_____,Joseph Son W M July 1885 14 S Iowa Ohio Ohio At School 3 yes yes yes  
133 137 Twinman, James Head W M Feb 1841 59 M 37 West Virginia West Virginia West Virginia Day Laborer 0 yes yes yes O M H
_____,E. W. Wife W F Sept 1847 52 M 37 4 3 Ohio Ohio Kentucky yes yes yes  
Spencer, Nettie Grand Daughter W F Nov 1882 17 S Iowa Vermont Illinois At School 9 yes yes yes  
134 138 King, Susanna Head W F Jan 1833 67 D 10 4 Ohio Pennsylvania Pennsylvania yes yes yes O F H
135 139 Lorrey, Abagall Head W M Oct 1836 63 M 39 Indiana Kentucky Ohio yes yes yes O F H
Reed, Ann Daughter W F June 1862 37 Wd 4 4 Iowa Indiana Indiana yes yes yes  
_____,Belle G-Daughter W F Sept 1883 16 S Iowa Iowa Iowa At School 9 yes yes yes  
_____,Clarance G-Son W M Jan 1890 10 S Missouri Iowa Iowa At School 9 yes yes yes  
_____,Pearl G-Son W M Oct 1895 4 S Missouri Iowa Iowa  
_____,Jessie Daughter W F July 1897 2 S Iowa Iowa Iowa  
136 140 Henshaw, Harry Head B M Aug 1860 39 M 22 Missouri Missouri Missouri Day Laborer 0 yes yes yes O M H
_____,Annie Wife B F Feb 1839 41 M 22 1 1 Missouri Missouri Missouri yes yes yes  
_____,Emma Daughter B F Oct 1880 19 S Nebraska Missouri Missouri At School yes yes yes  
137 141 Jackson, Lewis Head B M Aug 1873 26 M 1 Virginia Virginia Virginia Cook 0 yes yes yes   H
_____,Stella Wife B F Aug 1871 28 M 1 0 0 Missouri Missouri Missouri Cook yes yes yes  
Branch, Allen Brother B M July 1876 23 S Virginia Virginia Virginia Cook 0 yes yes yes  
138 142 Schotte, Chas Head W M Aug 1841 58 M 29 Germany Germany Germany 1854 46 Na. Lather (carpenter) 0 yes yes yes R


_____,Mary Wife W F Oct 1851 48 M 29 7 4 Illinois Ohio Pennsylvania yes yes yes  
_____,Henry Son W M Aug 1875 24 S Iowa Germany Illinois Corfurtig 0 yes yes yes  
_____,Earnes Son W M April 1882 18 S Iowa Germany Illinois   Morter Mixer 0 yes yes yes  
139 143 Carter, Charles Head B M May 1863 37 M 14 Virginia Virginia Virginia Carpet Cleaner 4 yes yes yes R H
_____,Anna C Wife B F Aug 1864 35 M 14 6 4 Missouri Missouri Missouri no no yes  
_____,Wilson Son B M Feb 1888 12 S Iowa Virginia Missouri At School 9 yes yes yes  
_____,Daisy Daughter B F April 1893 7 S Iowa Virginia Missouri At School 9 no no yes  
_____,Harlin Son B M June 1895 4 S Iowa Virginia Missouri  
_____,Edith Daughter B F May 1897 2 S Iowa Virginia Missouri  
140 144 Yengle, Jac Head W M May 1840 60 M 38 Germany Germany Germany 1851 49 Na. Butcher 0 yes yes yes O F H
_____,Reider Wife W F April 1848 52 M 38 5 5 Iowa Germany Germany yes yes yes  
_____,Bert Don W M Dec 1874 25 S Iowa Germany Iowa  
_____,Gracie Daughter W F Sept 1881 18 S Iowa Germany Iowa  
_____,Ruth Daughter W F Mar 1892 8 S Iowa Germany Iowa At School 0 yes yes yes  
141 145 Russell, A. E. Head W M Aug 1866 33 M 12 Iowa Ohio Ohio   Hostler 0 yes yes yes R H
_____,Etta Wife W F Sept 1869 30 M 12 3 3 Iowa Pennsylvania Illinois yes yes yes  
_____,Hazel Daughter W F Nov 1889 10 S Iowa Iowa Iowa At School 9 yes yes yes  
_____,Charles Son W M Aug 1892 7 S Iowa Iowa Iowa At School 9 yes yes yes  
_____,Meral Daughter W F Jan 1895 5 S Iowa Iowa Iowa  
142 146 Shimp, William Head W M July 1857 42 M 13 Virginia Virginia Ohio Day Laborer 1 yes yes yes R H
_____,Sadie Wife W F Feb 1865 35 M 13 0 0 Indiana Virginia Virginia Dress Maker 2 yes yes yes  
143 147 Kull, Jacob Head W M Mar 1835 65 M 35 Germany Germany Germany Farmer 0 yes yes yes O F F 5
_____,Mary Wife W F Feb 1840 60 M 35 3 3 Ohio Germany Germany yes yes yes  
_____,Carrie Daughter W F Nov 1867 32 S Iowa Germany Ohio School Teacher 9 yes yes yes  
_____,William Don W M Dec 1869 30 S Iowa Germany Ohio Farmer Laborer 0 yes yes yes  
_____,Charley Son W M Nov 1874 25 S Iowa Germany Ohio Farmer Laborer 0 yes yes yes  
_____,Laura Daughter W F Dec 1876 23 S Iowa Germany Ohio yes yes yes  
144 148 White, Paris Head W M Nov 1844 55 M 36 Indiana North Carolina Kentucky Farmer 0 yes yes yes O F F 6
_____,Mary E. Wife W F Oct 1847 52 M 36 14 6 Missouri Kentucky Kentucky yes yes yes  
_____,Tobias E. Son W M Nov 1878 21 S Iowa Indiana Missouri Farm Laborer 0 yes yes yes  

Contributed by Kathleen Gregory March 2012

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